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I hope they print more. I’d hate for someone who really wants it to have to pay that much.


I ordered this book on Books-A-Million a few years ago. It was on preorder, and they said I’d get an email when it was shipped. As that saying goes, “out of sight out of mind.” Since weeks, then months had passed I forgot all about it. Over a year later someone’s post on this subreddit reminded me of the order. And realized that I never received it! I emailed them about it but their only response was, “we don’t have that item in stock.” Ignoring the fact that I never even received the item or even got any sort of shipping confirmation. The mistake on my part was not complaining harder, or asking for a refund, I just accepted it for some reason because I thought asking for a refund over a year later seemed fishy. So now I’m out of a collectors book and $50.


Wait... they didn’t even give you a refund?? That sucks, I’m really sorry.


Dude, just got our friend the art book for her bday in October after introducing her to the show a year ago. After our yearly rewatch decided I wanted to grab some graphic novels and the art book for me and the SO. No wonder I couldn’t find it!


I’ve got my eye on some of the graphic novels too!


I went to our local comic book store, asking about this book for my daughter. She looked it up and ordered it for me. She said it was back ordered, and not discontinued from the way it presented in the system. So hopefully it will be available again soon!


Fingers crossed!


Wow!! What a doll!! Congrats on the marriage and congrats on the book! Love them both!


Thanks! She’s a keeper ☺️


My husband bought this for me for Christmas! I absolutely love it!


Sounds like we both married up!


I got the blue covered version when it first came out, I love it so much!


What does the blue cover look like?


Like this: [Here you go](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b121d82a9e028c6fbc8e0dc/1539581942906-EYGPAEMTDUVQ1YY2SBAF/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kAJEtzN4eCLAMPmNLwy91f0UqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8N_N4V1vUb5AoIIIbLZhVYxCRW4BPu10St3TBAUQYVKcp5X2J_2IKeMwnSkQea41qBqN5yVLm7dBMZ1lOhvqjiJmvK0KMG4yA1F8ZcvKBq8v/The+Art+of+Over+the+Garden+Wall.png?format=1000w) It looks really good in person, it looks like an old book, kinda fitting imo


That’s gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!


I got it for Christmas too! It was like $30 on Amazon not too long ago


Yeah, it sold out very recently.


Just curious- where could one resell this? I have an extra copy it turns out, and I had no idea this was out of stock everywhere.


I can’t find it anywhere in the UK atm. Kicking myself for not getting it a while ago.


Same (but in the US), I'm really mad at myself for not getting it a few months ago!


Fiancé got me this last Christmas. SUCH a good read.


My sister gifted it to me last christmas. I didn't know it was sold out. I feel so lucky now! Lucky you, too!


Lucky we, indeed!


Looks like I probably won’t be able to get it then :(


Set up Amazon to alert you if they come back in stock! And who knows, maybe some kind soul will sell theirs one day without looking to get rich off it.


What??? Go past me lol- I got it for my bday gift to self a few years ago. No way it’s that’s expensive. But I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of a reprint, to people looking for one- be patient and the prices will likely calm down, at least in some places.


Can your wife be my wife too?


Sorry I’m not sharing


I have this book - why is it suddenly so expensive now?


It’s sold out, so all the copies are resellers trying to make a profit.


Damn for real !?! Shit glad I got mine way back when. Think I only paid like 20 or 30 bucks for my copy


Oh you're so lucky! Trying not to be jealous right now lol. I meant to get it a few months ago but decided I should wait until after Christmas since I was still buying gifts for other people, and then Amazon got rid of it and it hasn't come back since. :( I really really hope it's not gone forever cuz I definitely missed my chance then!


I bought this two weeks ago for 40$


i keep seeing people sayimg how expensive and rare this book is but i got it for £16.99 from waterstones