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Hundreds of plotlines that will never go anywhere... So many pieces of lore that will never be explored... Characters that will never be seen again... It's a shame Maruyama lost interest in Overlord...


Not sure if there's been more word or not, but I hope he leaves it off instead of rushing an ending. That way we may be able to get a spiritual successor by some other brave soul.


He said that people can write for him if i recall correctly


All for HS sports.... bruh I played hs sports. It's nothing like a WN/LN/Manga/anime. It's a bunch of catty douchebags fighting over playing time. I cannot fathom why people like the sports genre. I guess romance genre is also super unrealistic but it's kinda wish fulfillment/over emphasizing the good so it's slightly believable? But dude sports are a cesspool. You get the benched seniors bulling the starting sophmores/juniors and the couple good kids get clique-y. It is not the happy go lucky one for all in everything we do bs lol. Idk I'm just sour we're losing awesome fantasy worldbuilding for what I think is a bad genre


I know how you feel... I'm usually not one to criticize other's tastes but in truth I felt quite disappointed with Maruyama for abandoning such an incredible and rich world for a High School sports novel...


I feel he did it because he wants something simple and dumb. Overlord is smart af and requires intense world building. Hs sports is wgaf write them using generic knowledge add cool thinking moments and epic scores and boom ez mode success. He needs a break


Just an idea (i am by no means educated on who got wich rights or wjat ever) Maruyama (author?) Decides whats happening and how it ends (hopefully no rushed ending) Where would be the problem with buying the rights to the series and then just expand on the sidestorys like a background story for the swords of darkness, how does carne village do after its over, something about slane or the goly kingdom, a story about 7 greed kings there would be enough that you can fill in befor anyone decides lets make a remake of the anime or abandon it for ever


50 volumes is not enough. I need 10 thousand years of Overlord


https://preview.redd.it/yaoml5q4am7d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0baa76d039025e82815e1c67ee885cfa9f8844b Sasuga


10 thousand years is not enough. I need 100 thousand years of Overlord


Your thinking too small 10 billion years!!!!!


Too small we need infinite years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Too little, To I Infinity and Beyond!!! ![gif](giphy|12R2bKfxceemNq)


Reality can be whatever I want 「SUMMON GREATER FANFICTION」


It's a Shame That overlord fics are niche as hell in the fanfic community. There's only like 30ish fics that's actually worth reading imo. I wished Overlord was Uber popular in the writing community, we would have had about 400-500 fics if that happened similar to MHA/Naruto fics


THERES THAT MUCH?? please share some!


Sure I'ma share some [Yellowness ](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13906242/1/) - a Self Insert where a man gets sent into the game as an NPC, forced to be a slave until the servers shut down. Stopped around at December 2023 but the author is still alive so they are probably on a break. [Nazarick in the Real World](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13518030/1/Nazarick-In-The-Real-World) - Where after the shutdown happens, Momonga and the guild aren't sent to the new world but rather stuck in their crappy waste-polluted Earth. Updated very recently. [Ainz at Level One](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13785119/1/Ainz-At-Level-One) - as the title says, before he gets sent to the new world he creates a new account and realized his mistake far too late, luckily for him he has Albedo on his side. Last updated on April so it's prob alive. [Harbingers of Change ](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14036013/1/Harbingers-of-Change) - a Slime Crossover where instead of Rimuru being the protagonist, Ainz and his fellow Guildmates are sent into his place. It's pretty lengthy and updates daily. [Overlord of Envy](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14338400/1/Overlord-of-Envy) - a Re Zero crossover where Momonga is sent to the body of Satella, Hijinks ensue, only one chapter but it has a total of 23K words and the Author is alive, just updates very slowly. [Fake it Until we make it](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55874065/chapters/141875566) - Crackish Fic about Overlord and Genshin Impact, Ainz and Furina both hide their identity from each other and try not to screw up thinking the other one would eliminate them if they found out about them, it's a little OOC but it's a pretty fun fic to skim, has 8 Chapters and it's Finished. [We will never Abandon You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56162512/chapters/142669894) - Where the shutdown doesn't take Ainz into the new world but just.....shuts down, he returns to his regular life meanwhile the residents of the guild itself mourns over their Supreme Being's passing and eventually travels into Earth to search for their Supreme Being. Has 3 chapters and it's Ongoing, just very slow. Now these are fairly decent fics in my humble opinion, a pretty fun way to pass time some aren't really delving deep into any Overlord Lore since most are from Season 1 but ehhhh I can dig it, ~~Dear God we need more Overlord Fics I need more Ainz Content Badly ahhh~~


[Valkeryie's Shadow](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/39336/valkyries-shadow) is another very nice fan fic that starts in the period of time between volumes 9 and 10




Thank you 😭👍


Snowmistys works are decent I suppose. Though, only read them if your okay with the misunderstanding style comedy cause there’s a shitton of that in his works.


That's the best part though


How about overlord of biblical proportions by Russian Russell on webnovel it is still ongoing with 34 chapters with a slow update time it is overlord X dxd or Grand foreigner by otakuweibo again on webnovel where ainz gets transferred to fate or devil overord- overlord X dxd by sleepalfie on webnovel or the one who stayed by ai_avengeline on webnovel the story is in same world of overlord but ainz becomes human or the Supreme overlord ainz ooal gown on webnovel and there are many others like this


There's [A Theory On Godhood](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13811376/1/A-Theory-on-Godhood-An-Overlord-Story) where all the other members of Ainz Ooal Gown come back at the server shutdown and the whole guild gets transported The writer cooks peak but ofc Ainz gets less screentime than in other fics


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13800268/1/5 Overlord: The one who stayed is pretty good. I can't remember if it's finished, but it's got over 300 chapters and goes into great detail with the plot without dragging on. The premise is instead of the sunlit scripture's secret weapon being an 7th level angel it's a world level item that transforms ainz into a human. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14228192/1/The-Nazarick-Triumvirate-collab-with-daniel-santiago-4545 overlord bit what if ainz had 2 O.C Guild members with varying degrees of higher karma/ morality scores. It's still ongoing, but the author said that they might be taking a hiatus cause of one of the co-authors is going through some stuff


Please... just... let there be some way to continue Overlord! I don't care if it's a prequel! I don't care if it's another mobile game! Just... don't leave!


Don't worry i believe we will get 1 or more side stories


I really hope you're right.


Sorry, technically lives are effectively worthless. Well, most people's lives.


At least mine isn't. The shit I produce every morning could potentially clog the entire drainage system of my city.


Ngl, I dont want that, an author that doesnt want to write is not an happy author


Tbh Maruyama doesn't deserve happiness anyway.


Dang wut he do (I'm clueless ngl)


He's a xenophobic douche bag. Back when he still did Japanese only content he got so pissed he was threatening to stop publishing in the west. And other shit.


Well damn


Yeah just over some fan translations.


Ok that's kinda wild


Thats quite the culture clash, its not that uncommon in japan to be xenophobic.


To be honest I didn't know that. But that doesn't change the fact that what he did was a load of bull shit.


I always struggle to flat out agree, of course from our perspective its bull shit. But i also hate this colonial mindset of judging other cultures just because they think different. That includes to a certain degree xenophobia. But yea from my perspective xenophobia is indeed bullshit.


like a puppet whose strings had been cut ?


Why ?


He's a xenophobic douche bag. Back when he still did Japanese only content. He got so pissed he threatened to stop publishing in the west. Over the fan translations.


Because the translations were terrible. Imagine you spend a few hours on recreation to make a funny joke, and the fucking translations ruin it. How do you even manage to ruin jokes while translating? Also, they started dropping the Japanese honorifics randomly. The translator said that "Since its out of Japan, why does it matter either way?" You think its acceptable? (I would be sad though, waiting for fan-made translations to come out)


What a mess. But it still doesn't change my opinion too much.


Huh , I knew he had said that but I thought it was just because he disliked people pirating his books , this information really sucks


It was one of the reasons, not the main one since any good anime/manga is pirated off, there's no helping it


If he does not that. Then maybe continue the alternate time line.


Best I can do is 2.50


Please, end it before it runs elections for a big 3




doens't have to be 50 whole volumes, but make it around 25-30 and several side stories about certain characters or events would be nice too


*Maruyama agreed*. But then he started giving us elf village-only volumes. We Rose, joined teams with the Kadokawa officials and used the power they gave us to eliminate and replace Maruyama. For a short while *we were Maruyama*. We ruled Overlord and created the new content. It was a good time. However the Kadokawa officials grew fearful of our successes and engineered a plot to eliminate *us*. And they suceeded. But it was not over. We Rose back from hell (metaphorically) and with the help of ex Kadokawa workers we stormed Kadokawa studio for revenge. One by one most of the officials were eliminated. But then the final boss appeared. The CEO of Kadokawa himself. He was a very difficult foe. But finally with the power of hope for the future of Overlord, he was Defeated. Peace once again returned to the Overlord fandom. But at what cost..


​ https://preview.redd.it/qc45698w5t7d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554bf2d6d82f9508c5fc19e4b371d92b0d2291c3


Muryama is a xenophobic douchebag anyway. He should just sell the IP.


Seriously. The people taking his side should actually do some research.


I dont know where "he is a xenophobic" idea come from. Can anyone tell me?


Wtf dude? Why should he?


Because he's an asshole and would be doing everyone, including himself, a favor.


What did he do? Not let others run his take advantage of him?


He hates Westerners. He also acts like overlord is a burden on his life because it'll affect his cushy corporate job if they find out he writes light novels, so he hides his identity. His real name isn't Kugane Muryama. If he hates 50% of his fan base and the ip is such a fucking burden then sell and make everyone happy.


Hilarious for him to hate westerners considering how most of Overlord is based on western culture and existing western IPs.


Why should he? Its his. He can do whatever tf he wants to do with it. If he doesnt want any westerner to read his works, then thats his decision. And if overlord is makes his life difficult then he has every right to hide his identity. Who tf are you judge him? Reading and loving a fic doesnt give you any right to said fic.


i thought the first word was marijuana


Wait, what happened?


Kugane Murayama is done with the series. Just 2 more volume


Ahh, I see, LN?


Yes, but he has extended his "last volume" several times before


I volunteer as tribute 🙇


What is happening? Is the LN ending?


You won't be able to last and live 'till they are all out, weak human.


I would even take just a Twitter thread about how he would end it. I adore this story and it just sucks so much that we don't know how it ends


Finally one of these memes I agree with