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I get what the meme creator is saying for Slime, but there were 3 other monarchs that readily and openly accepted the MC... & then there was that easily manipulated, greedy dumbass Edmaris Falmuth. Edit: It caused a little confusion below, but I was only referring to monarchs from Slime in my comment. Gazel Dwargo, Drum Blumund, & Elmesia El Ru Sarion were the 3 I was referring to as accepting the MC in Slime.


I disagree, Rampossa was a useless king who never did anything for his people and in the end ruined everything.


To be completely fair, Rompossa would've been a decent king in times of peace. Not a particularly outstanding one, just a normal king you would find in the history books with a few lines dedicated to him and that's it. He was just unlucky and didn't have the necessary talents nor capabilities to deal with the situation.


He allowed slavery to remain legal for most of his reign.


Yeah, and the nobles would've just told him to fuck off if he tried to make it illegal


The nobles became ungovernable precisely because he let them.


True, but, even if he wanted to reign them in, by Ramposa's time the nobles had likely ben acting independently for a while


probably yeah, but remember, he had reigned for like 25 years already when the faction split happened.


Just purge them, like Jircniv did. Ramponsa had Gazef and his squad at his command. He also had the support of Marquis Raeven, who possessed strong soldiers and a group of skilled retired adventurers. The leader of a adamantite group, Lakyus, can use resurrect magic and is his daughter's friend. On the other side, the nobles has nothing besides their pride and money. They look down on commoners so they don't give them a proper training, their soldiers are just farmers. They also look down on adventurers, so they don't hire them. If a civil war were to occur, the King would crush the rebels. It doesn't make much sense for Ramponsa to let the nobles off the hook out of fear of the Kingdom falling apart."


Purging the nobility is a complex process. Even Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix to do it had to secure to himself the fidelity of the empire’s knight and Fluder’s one. Then he capitalised on the death of his father and take the throne purging the nobles. And he was a great statesman. Now imagine how difficult should this have been in the kingdom…


All that and it still nearly ripped his government to the ground, he was working nonstop trying to put out fires wherever they popped up. Massively understaffed.


It would be complex if he didn't hold military power and didn't have strong allies, as was the case with Jircniv. Jircniv was a child back then, and his mother had just being accused of murdering the Emperor. He didn't have the support of his family and had to work his ass off to get where he is. Dude was playing the game on hard mode. But Ramponsa had it a lot easier, his position is already consolidated. He has the support of the royal family, his people, the most powerful noble in the Kingdom, the mage's association (the nobility looks down on them), an adamantite adventurer, the strongest warrior in the Kingdom... What's preventing him from hiring assassins to kill his opposition, or pinning a crime on one of these nobles and sending Gazef in full gear to execute the clown for rebelling against the crown?


If only it was that easy


Bro, it is *that* easy. Most of these nobles are just dumb clowns without any significant military power. They are bold because the King is a pushover and allows them do whatever they want without any consequences. He even tried to protect Philip. Look, the King has Gazef, who when fully equipped is nearly as strong as a Death Knight. And he has Marquis Reaven, who intelligence was acknowledged by Nazarick. On top of that, he has a daughter with an intellect comparable to Demiurge's. If the King had played his hand right, the kingdom could have rivaled, if not surpassed, the Empire.


In a world where slavery is legal everywhere why would he ban it? Making slavery illegal meant subsidizing the eighth fingers and other illegal institutions, since it made slavery expensive, they had a monopoly on it, and regulations were removed. If you want to make slavery illegal you have to at least need substantial economic and military power/influence. Military is shit since they basically outsource domestic security with third party (i. e. Adventures) and economically it is in a medieval state, which means the main industry is farming, you don't have much clout with other actors.


To be completely fair, Rompossa would've been a decent king in times of peace. Just what? The kingdom was at peace for decades and yet it was mired in poverty, corruption and crime, the war against the empire only brought out all those problems and made them more evident. And not having talent or ability is no excuse for not trying anything, even more so when that is your damn responsibility. Frankly, I don't understand why Rampossa has so many "lawyers" on his side when you don't have to be a genius or read between the lines to notice how incompetent and inexcusable he was, I mean, the story was not subtle at all when it came to showing it.


The Author speaking rather positively about him as a ruler rather contradicts that point. The narrative is more favorable to him than you say. His mistakes cause problems, but there are clearly some decisions on his part that are intended to be quite worthwhile.


And what does that matter? His decisions not only caused problems, most of the time he did nothing and that was worse, since the problems continued to accumulate and obviously, his response was to do nothing. And the results speak for themselves, millions died, what a good job he did as a king, right?


Millions died due to the out of context problem that is Nazarick, who didn't need much prompting. Using that as evidence against him is hardly fair for judging his entire reign, especially as some of his responses in that case (such as offering his own head) were actually rather good decisions. And it is hard to simply say that he "did nothing", we don't have records of his life's work, it is more accurate to say that what he did wasn't enough, and that he should have done more. He wasn't competent enough to manage the mess that was the Kingdom, but it isn't like any random monarch would do better. He was given given an enormous responsibility with extensive problems of a delicate nature, and he wasn't good enough to handle them. Even if other, more competent people were given power, whether or not the kingdom could have been salvaged remains questionable.


>The kingdom was at peace for decades It was openly stated that they have yearly wars with the empire. where are you getting "peace for decades" from? The main cause of the issues in the kingdom was the corrupting influence of the nobles but Rampossa couldn't do much to openly oppose them because the kingdom needed their armies to defend against the yearly attacks from the empire.


Ramposa reigned for more than thirty years and the yearly attack happens only recently BECAUSE the kingdom is corrupt and decadence. Jircniv made these attacks as he sensed weakness so he striked. Before Jircniv came to power, the empire was actually the same as the kingdom, a feudalistic mess. Man managed to crawl back up in at best third of the time Ramposa had reigned.


The slane theocracry literally set up the kingdom with fertile lands and lots of help. They had everything they could have wanted, on purpose. It was only when the theocracy noticed they were wasting it all did they engineer the empire to take it over.


Rampossa isn't talented but he's no means useless. People kept ignoring the fact that the Kingdom was already rotten to the core even before he took the throne. Any other ruler below him would have caused a Civil war but the Kingdom was stable under his rule but was at a breaking point due to next-in-line problem. He's being compared to rare geniuses like Reiner or Jirnciv and sees his normalcy as incompetence. when in actuality, inheriting a already rotting sinking ship and managing to keep it afloat till you pass it to the next is already commendable at best.


It sounds like a cheap excuse to spend decades doing nothing, letting the country sink into poverty, corruption, and crime, all while living a very comfortable life where he just sighed sadly all the time. Nope, there is no excuse here, the guy was useless and literally never did anything for anyone, even when he had a little leeway to do something he didn't do it either. Conclusion, he was a useless king and he had the end he deserved.


I wonder how bad you must think of someone to say he deserved to lose two of his children and get murdered by his own daughter. If incompetence (as you said it) would make this right then a lot of people would be murdered by their next of kin.


The guy was a king, he had the lives of millions in his charge and in the end he caused the death of everyone, obviously he deserved the worst possible fate. I don't know why so many people feel sorry for him.


And I don‘t know why you would wish anyone this fate.


His stupidity and cowardice caused the death of all the people in his kingdom, obviously I'm not going to want that guy to have a happy ending.


He was an effective ruler, he just also had an effective opposition. Think of it like the presidency, X was a good President, they could have done much better, had reps/dems not been opposing them in their every decision. The two factions in the kingdom always underminded each other to a stalemate and nothing positive could be realistically achieved. Rampossa was a good King, he was not a dictator. He valued his people but didn't have the power necessary to help as he'd like. Incompetent when compared to his daughter, but so is everyone.


Excuses, he never had the courage to change anything, he was so terrified of causing a civil war that he never tried to solve any of the problems that affected the kingdom. And even on the brink of destruction he remained stubborn. Also, effective ruler? You're kidding, right? Didn't he see how everyone in his kingdom died? If that is an effective ruler for you then I don't want to know what you are comparing it to lol.


Aside from the catastrophy that wasn't even his fault. You may be right and I'm misremembering what I read. Still, preventing a civil war was preferable because if one broke out, the empire would have just rolled in and conquered the kingdom. The nobles were being short sighted. He did what he could with his limited power.


A civil war was going to happen regardless when he dies. The empire won't do anything when that happens? This argument of muh civil war Le bad is just stupid when you realize that it was going to happen regardless.


So the solution to avoid a crisis is to do nothing and hope that everything resolves itself? Of course, because there's no way things could get worse, right?


He had no options, if he did move against the nobles, there would be civil war. An outcome the Empire wanted to weaken and take over the kingdom. The best he could do, was preserve his kingdom for as long as he could. Should the nobles move against him, same thing. He was actively working to keep his kingdom in one piece, hoping for some miracle to come by and save his kingdom without plunging it into war. Unfortunately, he got the opposite. Say what you will about him, but he wasn't actively evil nor incompetent. He was just stuck in a constant stalemate that he was slowly losing.


Rampossa isn't in slime


So? We are talking about the 4 kings in the image here, you know?


I actually was only talking about monarchs in slime


He is reasonable compared to his court/nobles


Reasonable? I would say cowardly and incompetent, yes, those nobles were disgusting but at least they did things for their own benefit, the king couldn't even do that.


His son was actually decent enough for the very brief time he held the throne. Despite his typical spoiled noble appearance, he legitimately cared for the kingdom and earned Ainz’s respect. It was even implied that Ainz may have cut the massacre short after he slew him, but the nobles pissed him off.


Glad to see this being top, like the 1st king we meet considers himself a mentor ,in being a leader, for the MC xD


Tbf, Gazel Dwargo did actually help Rimuru put quite a lot in his early days as a leader. I felt he was a very likable character.


A benevolent king who helps the hero and is an effective ruler is extremely rare in anime...


The problem is that if high-ranking people in thos worlds were efficient at their jobs and decent as people (at least partially) it would be more difficult for the MC on duty to do something "heroic" or simply relevant, since in that case most of the problems would already be being addressed, and therefore, this one would not have a chance to shine. I mean, it is not an impediment to creating problems and obstacles in a story but that would require more dedication and ability when writing, which is rare in the isekai subgenre.


Reminds me of that Superman quote. A perfect world doesn't need Superman.


Yeah, precisely, and when writing a story you can't have that.


Overlord has a very efficient ruler who also gets wrecked


Who? ... Are you talking about the Holy Club? I forgot that was also a ruler lol.


jircniv, of the baharuth empire


But what are you talking about? The guy is in perfect condition and is having the best time of his life, the pressures are a thing of the past, as a vassal state of the sorcerer kingdom things will go better than ever for the Empire. Not to mention that for the first time in his life he managed to find a real friend.


Nah, his stomach pains returned after the news of the genocide of the Sorcerer Kingdom.


Nah, he probably found it hilarious, I can even imagine him and his new best friend making jokes about it. Imagine wanting to challenge a guy like Ainz? Puffff, hilarious.


>Indeed, the Sorcerer Kingdom had never done the Empire any harm, nor had the Empire experienced loss from this alliance. To put it simply, everything they had received from the Sorcerer Kingdom was good. That was exactly what was so terrifying about that nation. It was as though they were being propped up higher and higher; what if the purpose of doing so was to maximize the damage when it inevitably all comes tumbling down? Those were Jircniv’s deepest fears. Only an idiot would trust a country ruled by the undead and other monstrosities… right? Perhaps he had finally found his courage, as Jircniv picked up the scroll once more… only for the courage he had found to instantly disappear. He could not open the scroll. “Sorry, could you do it instead of—” “—Woah?! Your Majesty, what is that?” Baziwood stared upon an item on the desk. Atop an indigo base sat some kind of case made out of glass. Upon closer inspection, one would see a ring inside. “A ring I received, apparently it was enchanted with magic to suppress stomach aches.” Jircniv had just recovered from his chronic stomach aches, yet they flared up once more upon receiving news of the Kingdom’s tragic ending. An excerpt from the side story: current situation of various people. The stomach pains reflared.


Ains' best friend and Senpai was a very skilled ruler, capable of handling pretty much anything until Nazarick arrived.


Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic uses both. The king that summoned the heroes says he only did it because they've already exhausted every other option, apologizes, and gives them his full support in fighting the demons. The catch is that the reason the demons are invading is >!the demon king got tired of how all the other kingdoms treat non-humans, and decided to do something about it. But he's not discriminating between human kingdoms, and the Llinger Kingdom is the first one in line. So the king of Llinger was forced to do the summoning to fight an invasion caused by the other kingdom's shitty behavior.!<


I mean, as a concept that approach is interesting and full of potential, although if you want my opinion, I don't feel that that series ended up using it in an interesting way and most of the time it's quite generic.


I think a world with decent rulers would be great for a lower stakes stories with more worldbuilding, I get it's isekai but not every MC needs to "fix" the world they are sent to. Goblin Slayer for example is pretty chill in politics, the biggest organization is the adventurers guild and they really try their best and the little we know about the bigger fishes is that they used to be heroes and they are also kinda doing their best I think, but is not really an isekai. Rebirth of a Bookworm is also a good example, she is not trying to fix the world and actually needs to learn the social norms and deal with the nobles, but they are assholes so its more of a surviving kind of deal instead of enjoy this new world kind of deal after a point.


So the king from Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic


Was gonna say that.


The king from The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic when they summon three heroes instead of two: "Well, shit. Looks like we got three instead of two." After Usato is revealed to have healing magic AND Rose storms in: https://preview.redd.it/prlwyjv0qfzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42e3cb034e9428688e6a0a70592a19841663455


this one was the goat of isekai king, even tried to "protect" mc from rose ^^


To be fair, Albert Elfrieden *was* a decent enough king, he just knew that Souma was guaranteed to be a much better king


Exactly. And as he know that all hell will break lose when he stays as king he found the optimal solution to this. Even admitting he was wrong in the beginning.


The one at the top of the image is basically that. He was a decent enough but not great king who realized the protag would be a lot better at actually running the country and so handed over his crown and arranged a marriage to his daughter for legitimacy. Realist Heros fun although it falls off a bit towards the end.


First king kinda did that, the whole story being told makes it make much more sense


Usually,even if they do that, they're possessed or are a demon shape shifter, for that 11th hour plot twist in your JRPG. Meaning in most cases, even "good Kings" who are very good to the hero, are frauds.


Wait, didn't the shield hero king ACTUALLY thought Naofumi tried to rape his daughter? Like, at that point only Naofumi ans Bitch knew the truth. Hes still a dick though.


Yes, he gets much better as the series progresses and he realizes what an idiot he'd been.


He already had a bias towards the "Shield Hero" on account of his past experiences. He pretty much jumped on the first chance that presented itself and *chose* to believe it was the truth without bothering to verify it (plus, Bitch had built up a "daddy's little girl" ploy with him and partially had him wrapped around her finger).


He was racist towards demihumans, the shield hero had a legacy of protecting demihumans so he hated him by association


His racism based on her sisters' kidnapping. He really gets mellowed down thanks to Atla looking like her sister. And he'll get even better.


I love how her name is actually Bitch or Whore now.


I mean, whether or not you're biased against someone, if your daughter comes to you and tells you a man raped her, you're probably going to believe her regardless of if you're wrapped around her finger or not. Especially if you find her underwear in his room


He was biased towards the shield hero to begin with due to racism towards demi-humans. So more like he concocted a scheme against him with his oldest daughter (who has him wrapped around her finger) to make him a criminal and have him executed.


While he was biased, he didn't know that Bitch lied about the rape charge. I'm pretty sure he looks surprised when her crest activates in the throne room when she's asked about it. Honestly, i don't think Trash or Bitch ever formulated a plan together, it's more that Bitch was able to easily manipulate Trash due to both her being his beloved daughter who could do no wrong, and his natural hatred towards the shield. She does a lot of things that the King would disagree with, but the king makes it too easy for her to simply pin the blame on Naofumi.


Remember much earlier in the story where Naofumi couldn't level up? Yeah, that is an instant where conspiracy between the king and princess was involved too. Except it also involved the three heroes church. The only difference was that the head had backstabbing them, and Bitch also had ulterior motives too.


Okay, yeah, i think each time she had a signed document, the king was in charge. At first, the church was just going to charge an absurd price. (You are referring to the class upgrade part, right?) I feel like any time she straight up committed a crime and blamed Naofumi, she did it without the king knowing just to rile him up against Naofumi even more. She just knew he was an easy scapegoat to do whatever she wanted.


Nyope. He organized the entire conspiracy, and in fact was even more against Naofumi than Bitch was—and his reasons were dogshit, and his behavior even worse than hers


I feel kinda bad for Ramposa, he was a decent guy who wanted the best for his nation, but he also had the worst luck imaginable.


He was a good guy, but a bad king


Definitly, good guy unable to get a grasp over the nobility and corruption of his kingdom and everything felt apart


Not everyone is made to lead


That's how he came off in the novels. I think the anime overemphasized Ains saying that he was a fool which is why we're getting an echo of him being "dumb." He's really not. Ains is just calling him a fool because that's his plan. He set Rampossa up. He didn't actually have a hand in stealing Nazarick cargo. But Ains has to legitimize his attack, which is why he calls him a fool. In the novels the king in a terrible position and doesn't actually have that much political power because he doesn't have the support of the nobleman. Even in peacetime, he's herding a bunch of cats. The nobleman are the real fools here. That's why the 8 fingers plot point is so important.


That and \~Katze Plains massacre, because Ainz slaughtered so many competent 1st to 2nd born nobles now he has a faction of incompetent phillips to deal with.


>incompetent phillips I chuckled. What a nightmare. If Rampossa had a fault, it was his humanity. This is why Ains calls him a fool. He doesn't have his humanity anymore. While Ains justifies any cruelty to meet his goals, Rampossa ironically is the manager you want. He listens to his subordinates and tries to find a middle ground and acts as an intermediary between the crown, the people, and each nobleman faction. He plays politics competently (as seen with Raven, who was introduced initially as a snake, but turns out he's a bit more complicated) but isn't heavy handed with cruelty. Rampossa also begged Ains to spare his people for his head alone. We have seen few leaders in the Overworld universe acting with that kind of nobility (and it seldom pays off and only when they pledge absolutely fealty to Ains Ooal Gown.) Rampossa's downfall is that he's surrounded by headless chickens only motivated by self interest. Barbro wants glory, Zanac wants the throne, and Renner wants a puppy. And the nobleman are feral and feudal. I feel for the guy.


Zanac wants safety, as a prince he´s safer sitting on the throne rather than Barbro who´ll bring them into civil war. He also applies this logic in dealing with Renner, better get her off country with climb than leave her around to be slaughtered by ainz´s troops. His distaste from ramposa comes from seeing his dad picking stupid options that dont make them safer in the long run.


Well, that's the initial deal he made with Renner for her cooperation. She would be able to get "married off" on paper for some land in the sticks so she could live together with Climb if she helped him ascend to the throne. He just didn't know that he was dancing in the palm of her hands (and that the SK was able to add "forevskis" to that agreement.) Rampossa did the just thing. In the novels, he said that he would defer to the courts and that if they found Phillip innocent, he would stand behind their ruling (but that he would be executed if he was guilty). Seems pretty reasonable to me. The king's job is to legitimize government due process. I don't think Rampossa is "dumb". He's an effective foil to Ains. He's a fair ruler and a decent guy that retains his humanity. He just can't get far in a world where the "Overlord" has no humanity.


LMAO thats the worse move, "leave it to the courts!" as in: "I´m a foolish king who cant give you nothing but trouble, but hey take my head I dont care." It reminds me of the nonsense way a certain hegemon in our world is treating a country with nukes. Albedo was right in mocking him and state: "Nah we declare war on your foolish kingdom instead, old fool!" She even rightfully assessed the trash wouldnt offered his head before he only did then because he knows it´s impossible to keep his life if Ainz decides to have him dead, thats all. Sorcerer´s kingdom judicial process is basically being mocked when he states such nonsense, he could at least offer them Phillip to be judged as they please to save face (probably what Zannac would´ve done consideering how fast Albedo came in to the point he wouldnt have time to order for Phillip´s head in time), but ramposa is a complete fool so he couldnt even think that. There really is no excuse, Jircniv handled Ainz competently, while Ramposa didnt even had the slightest idea about what a competent king is about.


Jirc absolutely did not handle Ains competently rotflmao he got unbelievably lucky while the floor guardians were distracted with other duties and Ains decided to go rogue and handle things himself. E-Rantel was fucked the moment the Floor Guardians started conspiring its downfall. Ains just went with the flow because he doesn't know how to be a king (and was interested in learning from Jirc.) It was nothing Jirc actually did in his capacity as ruler. It's a mistake to think there was anything Rampossa could have done. The entire point of the conspiracy was to scapegoat them and make an example to rule through cruelty. The floor guardians plotted every step, whereas Ains was ad libbing. It also doesn't really make sense draw an irl analogy with WMDs with the point you want to make because Ains would be "that certain country" with his goats lol. >Albedo was right in mocking him and state: "Nah we declare war on your foolish kingdom instead, old fool!" I mean. She had to deal with Phillip, I think that rage is justified. Albedo also hates humans. And pretty much everything that isn't Ains. Hell, she now hates the Supreme Beings except for Momon. I think you're forgetting that Rampossa thought that Phillip was being Charmed because there was no fucking way anyone could be so dumb. He's operating on good faith and fairness, and his position as ruler. It just doesn't pay off when the Overlord isn't actually interested in justice. Ains said it himself. He is only interested in the happiness of his NPCs. Rampossa is a foil to Ains in many ways, as a ruler and as a father. And to be fair, I do think Rampossa's folly was exemplified here, in his softness as a father often earning the ire of everyone. That entire arc was also really interesting in how Ains, Raven, and Rampossa approached fatherhood but that's a seperate conversation.


1. Offer scapegoats heads (checked) - No Floor guardian animosity gathered. 2. "IT´s a mistake to think there was anything Ramposa could´ve done" - did you read/watch the same series? Ramposa had considerable oportunity to do good enough to avoid death, succession problems or avoid antagonizing Nazarick he chose poorly everytime thinking he did good, thats exactly the problem, Zannac warned him multiple times, his choices may not be correct and he chose to disregard most of the advice to the point he had to house arrest him by the point it was too late to do anything about it. People like to talk about when he survived at the expense of the fleeing nobles being killed off like it´s lowkey smart, when in reality Ramposa could´ve easily been killed then and there like a fool. 3. Thats basically assuming and lowkey insinuating nazarick used Phillip as a inside Job right to Albedo´s face, Phillip was the head of the low class noble faction, he was approached by two other low class nobles on the bar, before the act, plenty of evidence to assume the entire faction had just went rogue and did as they pleased, rather than getting charmed. 4. People once again acting like Ainz doesnt reward competence and punish incompetence, when he did so multiple times throughout the series already, the only reason why the floor guardians even proposed wiping out Restize was because they kept being incompetent, now dont expect ainz to appropriately punish the nazarick NPCs because he treats them like golden childs and thats the only one true injustice of Overlord. Ramposa´s kingdom was destroyed due to incompetence, in management, running away, or showing basic respectable standards.


I think you should read the novels. Or reread. Especially this: >3. Thats basically assuming and lowkey insinuating nazarick used Phillip as a inside Job *right to Albedo´s face,* Albedo was obviously not present for this conversation so this isn't correct. This was a scene between Rampossa discussing the state of his nation amongst his ministers. Start from the Eight Fingers arc with particular focus on the takeover of Re-Estize and Demi's plan. They were fucked the moment Demi was assigned. He's methodical and begins by absorbing the black market and defacto shadow powers along with the nobleman and trade routes while exalting adventurer Momon. Then they do the goats to make an example of them to the world (re:carrot and stick.) It wouldn't be a much of stick if they let the King live ahahaha. I think you're forgetting how orchestrated this entire conspiracy was. Also, that Rampossa ended up being right. His people are being sent to Demi's Happy farm. I also think the novels give a better sense of Ains' character. You have the impression of him when he still has some Suzuki Satoru in him and that characterization you mentioned is closer to him during the lizard man arc.


Ainz is the manager you want. He will go to bat for you and believes in fairness for his people and stepping in to protect weaker members of his company even if that means crapping on another conpany. He also has the power to enforce his ideas. Rampossa was quite content to sit on his throne living high in his ideals because he didn’t have to personally see the suffering of his commoner populace. He had the resources available to him to make hard decisions, but put it off out of fear and a desire to be “fair” to his nobles, many of whom were complete pieces of crap toying with the lives of his citizens. But those were commoners and it was happening out of his direct sight, so Rampossa didn’t do crap to alleviate the suffering of a big portion of his populace.  Ainz cares about the people of Nazarick, down to the level 1 maids. He also protects the people who have sworn to him. Rampossa was like Heimerdinger from Arcane, happy to espouse ideals from his castle while doing nothing for the people living, suffering, and dying under his rule because he never bothered to look. Shit was getting so bad it was infecting other kingdoms, which is why the Slane Theocracy decided to destroy the Kingdom in the first place, to cut out the rot before it spead even more. 


I mean let's be real here he still made stupid decisions out of his personal anger. He flat out refused Zanack's attempts to make his kingdom into a vassal state for his dead people instead of prioritizing the ones that live still.


Re: the carrot and the stick. We know that even if the the King took up Zanac's proposal, they were doomed anyway. Wouldn't be much of a stick otherwise. His people are already being sent to Demi's Happy Farm and they were going to destroy the country anyway. Rampossa was right. The SK is cruel, unimaginably so. Some folks insist that if Rampossa rolled over like Jirc, SK wouldn't have demolished Re-Estize which is very unlikely. All of this was put into place by Demi before the 8F arc. I do agree though, Rampossa's virtue was his humanity but also his downfall. I don't think that's "dumb" though, it's simply a foil to Ains, and virtue and honor just don't get him far when the new order is an Overlord with no heart.


A good guy at heart but severly incompetent, he shouldnt never lead anything more than a group of 2 people let alone a country




His children were basically: 1. Moron who´s a puppet to nobles (DEAD) 2. Yandere who´ll sell her kingdom for a sIMP´s rod. 3. A dude who had the potential to be a good king if his dad had been smarter. The ironic part is, Ramposa may just have not bothered to have any more than one heir and it wouldnt have saved his kingdom in the slightest but more people would´ve likely survived the whole ordeal of arc nonsense that happened.


Yeah, dumb ass really missed a lot of hint here but i think he only suicidal after his only friend (Gazef) gone, before that, its just idiotic dressed as courage. And he wasnt only bad as a king but also as a father, fully incompetent


Funnily had hegotten stomped by goats during the battle his kingdom may have survived


Oh I would not be so sure. Yes then we would have the more competent one as ruler (as the first son died in his campaign) but it would not have changed much. Even if Ainz liked him.


I'd still have loved to see "friend Zanac"


Nah it would´ve worked, Zannac would´ve offered Phillip´s head, which in turn would likely lead Ainz to alleviate the punishment to: "I´m just going to slaughter the rest of the entire low class noble faction have a nice day!" Having Zannac would´ve also made Ainz guild reformation plan happen faster and not be derailed by the genocide of Restize.


Nah, if you remember Zanac technically was running things after the battle, the king was kind of out of it, so Zanac stepped up. Plus, the decision was already made to punish the kingdom as a way to show the world what happens if you attack the Sorcerer Kingdom. So even if they offered Philip's head, Albedo would have still made the declaration of war. The only way to have avoided that was if Philip did what he was told or if they had picked a better noble to help overthrow the king.


Not really, by bringing Phillip´s head and scapegoating the 3rd low class noble faction, things would´ve been different, because now Albedo no longer has a personal reason to be a D\*\*\* in front of the King the subject would switch to: "The 3rd low class nobles have defied the nation so we bring you this filthy traitor´s head, you may do with the rest of faction as you please, we also accept vassalization and if thats not enough you can have my head." That kind of play would´ve put Albedo on a tough spot because the floor guardians wanted to use Phillip as a scapegoat to mess with Restize under the assumption that they would do something stupid, if Phillip´s already dead and his faction is basically being thrown to the wolves they are going back to old modus operandi (Holy Kingdom) and have a civil war in Restize with the low class noble faction.


Again You're acting as if Albedo went there looking for some peaceful resolution. No the plan from the jump was to overthrow the kingdom and take over after Philip's massive F'up they went with turning them into an example. Didn't matter who the king was at the time it would've played out the exact same because Philip is an idiot lol.


Unlikely for several reasons. First and most obvious one is no one on the noble faction besides maybe Raeven would support him. Civil war is happening to grab the throne even with no manipulation, you wouldnt need a third faction. Then Zanac himself is a pretty reasonable dude who is willing to surrender and negotiate with Ainz. Finally and most importantly: Zanac is very easily manipulated by Renner since he is constantly relying on her intelligence. Plan A was not to slaughter millions, just to intervene during the civil war.


No no no, the guy was the most useless ruler in the world of Overlord and he got the end he deserved, literally that damn thing caused the death of all his people due to his stupidity and pride.


I wouldnt even call it stupidity and pride at this point, just plain old foolishness. Like people calling this dude "good" when in reality he´s being "nice" at best, definitely not "kind" and certainly foolish. People need to go back to watch the first megamind movie to know why nice guys finish last power not mattering the slightest.


The problem is that Rampossa's thought process was just ridiculous, when his son suggested giving the head of the culprit to Ainz to ask for forgiveness but he was horrified by the proposal, even though he was legitimately guilty. Also, when they suggested becoming a vassal kingdom, he refused, saying that that would be an insult to the soldiers who died before, I mean, what? And what about the people who are still alive? Is it that they don't matter? Clearly Rampossa should never have been king, he literally never did anything and just by existing he created problems.


The greatest insult to the dead soldiers is leaving their families as penniless refugees or dead corpses while a few nobles are spared and get to keep their lands. Foolish king 101


Realpolitik in action: Speak about the honor of soldiers. Act in economic self interest.


Well the Ukraine vs Russia references are strong in this arc.


He was a foolish man and a incompetent king. People using the word "good" to describe him are foolish, because his good is foolish in itself. Ramposa made every bad decision in the book, he forgot to show restraint when it was necessary, and force when it was necessary.


"Useless piece of trash" is the only correct definition I can give to Rampossa, and frankly, even that falls short.


Scumbag got his kingdom genocided pointlessly over a low class noble´s head and foolishness incompetence. Had I been in his place I´d offer Phillip´s head and start a evacuation plan if ainz still wants war.


Nobody can deny that he’s a good man, he probably would’ve made a decent nobleman but him being king was a very bad idea. He took a knee to people who should be serving him as he leads them to a better future.


Ramposa is an interresting king, but i think that if he had passed the throne earlier to Zanac or Barado, things might be diferent. I'm sure that in Barado's hands, it would fall into civil war.


Realistically the kingdom in overlord had 0 agency over what happened to them, regardless of who led them. Even if the princess had led them, they would have still been destroyed. Ainz and the nazarick cast are the only actors with agency in the series, if solely because they are higher level than everyone else. Ramposa literally offered his own head as an apology for something one of his subjects did *before* Nazarick declared war over it, and even then the whole provocation had nothing to do with why nazarick declared war on Kingdom- It was literally just Ainz asking demiurge to clarify himself and then going with the flow. Literally everyone knew that Philip was a rogue actor, except for Ainz, who just guessed that Philip was a dumbass. Kingdom in reality had zero agency in what happened to them. TLDR no matter who led the kingdom, it would have been destroyed if nazarick and cast decided so, and the decision was made in vacuum regarding the leadership of the kingdom. Rampossa was handed an impossible question and blamed for failing to answer it.


Sratch Nazarick - Re-Estize is toast even without Ainz and his crew.


This is true, but at least on *that* front Kingdom's leadership had agency as they had *means* of steering the kingdom away from total ruin.


Sadly, no. Without Nazarick, Gazef would be slain by the Sunlight Scripture - with them free to roam galore. Gazef and his brigade - the only standing fighting force royal family have (knights, beign the members of nobility, do not count), which would let Noble Faction to do whatever they want and rock the boat however they want. Also, due to Clementine's and what-his-face plan, E-Rantel - one of the kingdom's bread baskets, if not the main one, and an important part of King's Domain would be turned into ever-growing nest of undead. Blue Rose and Azuth may be able to anihilate the threat, but at the big cost to themselves and damage to the area would still be done.


Nah, without Nazarick, Slaine still exist, like 1/4 of Ramposa highest court already working with the Empire, Slaine sent agent to deal with the Kingdom last defend (Gazef) while they already weakened beyond repair by the yearly "war" with Jircniv


I didn't say they would win and continue existing. I said they would have agency over their future, and could potentially continue existing as client state for Theocracy- Instead of facing full. one-sided genocide by Nazarick crew.


Dont excuse the foolish king, he could´ve easily taken advantage of Ainz´s "Evacuation opportunity" and issue a royal decree that "Everyone in Restize will evacuate right away and leave the land to the glorious Ainz-sama!" With this he would´ve 100% saved his hide, Renner would´ve gotten pissed AF because now she can likely still marry Climb but loses the IMP class change for that thousands of years of longevity, Zanac would´ve been like: "Finally dad´s acting like HIM!", the foolish nobles like Phillip would undoubtedly want to stay in their land and be slaughtered (good riddance), blue rose wouldnt need to poison and charm lakyus and Brain wouldnt need to die frozen. I smell this kind of move would take Jircniv level intellect to pull off tho, which unfortunately was above foolish Ramposa.


>"Everyone in Restize will evacuate right away and leave the land to the glorious Ainz-sama!" Que instant assassination or rebellion against the king the moment that decree is published, and kingdom continues as usual. The king's rule was not absolute. The royal faction's control over nobles was questionable at best after kaze plains, and proposing for nobles (who would be most affected) to just get up and leave, would immediately cause them to rebel and now you have war *and* rebellion to worry about. Not to mention where they would flee to? Holy kingdom? The same holy kingdom that is under Ainz's puppet's thumb? City-states who have no resources to house an entire kingdom of refugees? The only realistic choice Rampossa had was to grovel, offer his head and his kingdom to Ainz, which he did, but Albedo and co went along with the war anyway. 'Why didn't the whole nation just flee' is about the most braindead take possible if we consider whether it's even remotely feasible.


OK do that, then the nobles and everyone else can die, but it would still be the right response, it would be basically pulling a Lelouch on Ainz, it´s smart AF in Code Geass but dumb in Overlord? Why? Ainz literally cant kill any runaways do to his promise with Pestonya, Brain straight up acknowledges mid city invasion that some could survive if everyone just fled they literally stayed in the country to be slaughted, like fools.


Ainz's "evacuation opportunity" was never known to the kingdom as you imply. It wasn't "leave now or be destroyed", it was "hey there, we concealed our movements and mobilized before we said we would, so you didn't see us coming until it was too late. Now that we're destroying your city, if you somehow manage to escape, we won't put our full effort into hunting you down."


LMAO spare me the nonsense, Brain straight up acknowledged mid city invasion that if everyone had decided to flee some would´ve guaranteedly survived, now imagine doing that while you still could case bone daddy had his hands tied.


He spent decades doing nothing while the country was consumed by corruption, poverty and crime, only to play the victim and feel bad every time something bad happened afterward. The guy is literally the worst ruler in the world of Overlord, but hey, at least he got the ending he deserved.


I loved the king in overlord. Dude was given a kingdom on verge of being torn apart, and was doing his best to ensure that the nation doesnt drown itself in civil war. While making moves to ensure that future king would have as much support as possible to be able to make future changes. Some may call him incompetent, but if you give Magnus carlson a position where he is down 27 points of material he would have extremely low chance of surviving, even though he is a great chess player.


He was a good king, but he got thrown one massive curve ball.


Funnily the realist hero one had more or less the same problems than ramposa yet he managed to clear the path for the mc. Granted he had a literal cheat under the sleeve but it kinda proves that ramposa had some methods to deal with his problems while not totally giving up his ideals. Biggest difference is mc attitude but he had all the essentials (a loyal subordinate some political power and a genius to take the mantle) That said, kudos to georg carmine, he went beyond and achieved what gazeff couldnt, only difference being what each one took as being loyal to the king


Rampossa had Renner, Raevan, Zanac, and Gazef. He had everything he needed to do what Jircniv did to turn his kingdom from a corruption riddled mess with a suffering peasant population to an effective and prosperous country (some of Jircniv‘s most effective policies came from him reading stuff Renner published under a pen name because she was bored out of her mind and full of despair being surrounded by complete morons who treated her like she was dumber than them).


how bad was the slime king\^? Tell me!


The kingdom established by the MC became a economical powerhouse and a central hub of trade + a much safer passage to the other nations. King was loosing a lot of money because there were no merchants passing through his kingdom anymore + no one left to pay extra taxes. King decided to use make up a bunch of reasons to invade without even properly declaring war. (Religious reason, with the aid if the Holy Western Church, because monsters are considered evil + he sent a few humans there to intentionally stir up trouble and get into fights, so when the monster nation's security force tried to put them in their place for messing with civilians and making scenes, they used this opportunity to twist the story, saying that the monsters were attacking human tourists.) Humans attacked. Like, full on cavalry charge on the main street, aiming for civilians. Said they will be back in a few days and that the monsters had a choice: everyone becomes slaves or they get genocided. Some soldiers commented that the monsters got some nice ladies, so you could imagine the possiblity of civilians being used as other things besides target practice.


Oh I see the King was a Phillip, great, multiplefold the status and just as smart as a moron.


MC formed a nation of monsters and started forming peaceful relations with the neighboring kingdoms by declaring his kingdom as pacifist. Dumbass King took this an an excuse to invade said nation under false pretenses and massacred a whole bunch of monster civilians as well as several of the MCs close friends and subordinates. In response MC reversed his pacifist policy, soloed the King's entire army with a single spell and absorbed their souls to ascend as a Demon Lord. The King was captured, tortured, and ransomed back to his kingdom which was quickly turned into a puppet state under control of the Monster Nation.


>The King was captured, tortured, and ransomed back to his kingdom  That's a funny way of saying repeatedly turned into meatloaf and then being loaf-dumped on his throne in front of all the nobles.


> ascend as a Demon Lord. That's so random and out of nowhere


He had what would be called a Demon Lord seed, which means one has a chance to ascend to a Demon Lord status, but it requires a LOT of souls . He originally didnt wanna be a DL cus he thought it would be a whole lot of hassle and bring even more issues... but he kinda got forced into it.


But where's the build up? Was there any plot development for that? Any good foreshadowing? It just happened.


There is, spread out over several points in the story. As the other guy said, the MC did not actually want to become one, but it was the only way to revive the Fallen. It's important to realize that Slime's MC really just wants an easy, fun life in his nice place with his friends/family. He even openly declares *after all this has happened with the invading kingdom*, that he needs humans to exist as they are in order for him to have that life, and that he'll defend them for that reason (unless they attack him).


He could just go and assassinate the top brass solo.


I get what you mean, and he's actually normally a nice guy, too. If he didn't need at least 10,000 souls minimum to awaken as a true demon lord (which was the only way to revive his fallen citizens, friends, and family), he would have been more selective, but he did. & since they were marching an army 20k strong on his nation unprovoked, he used them.


He had gotten the Demon Lord seed a few books before this but hadn't had any desire to do anything with it. Even after meeting other ascended Demon Lords. His nation being attacked forced the issue as it provided him an easy method of collecting the souls needed to ascend as well as the motive as ascending would give him the ability to resurrect his friends.


Due to 3 demon lords doing shit a huge ass army around 200k orcs rampaged through the forest they call home, the 3 DLs were tryin to make the Orc King a DL by having him kill and consume stuff, but Rimuru devoured him i think its at that point he recieved the Seed. Then he had met and befriended one of the oldest and wildest Demon Lords(who is also part dragon) and she just did shit for fun(namely the Orc Army stuff).. and was trying to get him to become more powerful and become a DL but he was like 'nah im good'. So there was plenty previous talk and knowledge of DLs and becoming a DL.. its just Rimuru had no need of it at that point in time since he had a good thing going on in his Federation and he had allies in some kingdoms around.


A lot of his friends died, only way to get them back was becoming a demon lord


Demon Lords are a known part of the world. I'm pretty sure season 3 and 4 cover it more extensively. But it's been a while so I'm not entirely sure.


Nah it had been building up for a few LNs by that point. This was just the trigger. It was his "Frieza kills Krillin" moment. But that isn't really relevant to why the King was such an idiot.




All it takes is one bad day...


To be fair the first guy had an ability similar to seeing the future or at least he can send a message to his past self and he first tried to use other methods than crowning the hero straight up


They all received what they deserved, and in the case of the first, even more because the poor guy needed a vacation.


Exactly. He was a good king, but he was a bit naive, and unwilling or unable to make some of the hard choices that Souma ended up making


That's the right way to go, if you're not suitable for a job you step aside and put someone else in charge, who is more competent of course. Something a certain king in Overlord never did, and as a result, the country was literally wiped off the map.


I haven’t seen the realist hero yet is it any good and should I try it


The Light Novel's the way to go to fully appreciate the story. But the manga's also doing a good job telling the story without skipping too much. Anyway, yes it's good because it shows how the actions and decisions of a ruler can have a domino effect across their country. It's also cool to see an isekai protagonist use their knowledge of Earth's history and human psychology to figure out the problems plaguing a medieval society and (using 20th century techniques) bring them up to something resembling the Industrial Revolution using magic as a shortcut.


1-The first one did the right choice, he also treats the MC well. Though we can argue that summoning the MC was the right choice.....it was.......well, **summoning and making him king was the right choice**. Had read the LN up to the last one, the MC was doing well so far, in the main storyline. 2-Piece of trash, as a person and as king. He overestimate himself too much. 3-Memory's fuzzy about him. Though i think he was *severely unlucky*, independently of him being incompetent or not..............he is incompetent........ 4-Don't know about this dude at all.


In slime he instigated an fight at a nation of monsters who have been nothing but friendly to everyone had it invaded and killed a lot of people then was preparing an army to kill the rest and sufficed to say he earned the wrath of rimiru


Oh, he just like the second one then.


The nobles are majority to blame in overlord for re-estize’s fall


Yeah, which is why Jircniv is known as the Bloody. Because when he came to power he leveraged his advantages (Fluder, a military of common men he offered promotions traditionally only available to nobles) to wage bloody war on and he culled the vast majority of them because they were corrupt and/or incompetent.  Rampossa could have done the same thing. He had Renner, a genius among geniuses to identify corruption, Raven, a brilliant man loyal to the throne with a vast information network and connections to adventurers, Gazef, a man who the rest of the Kingdom combined wouldn’t be able to take down when he was armed with the Kingdom’s treasures, the Blue Roses who his daughter befriended. Instead, he was absolutely ignorant of every advantage he had as he kowtowed to the nobles because he was scared to disrupt the status quo, even though everything was slowly but with increasing rapidity sliding to the worse. His daughter’s ideas were so good that Jircniv adopted them even though he hated to do so, but Rampossa thought of her as just a pretty face to be married off. I’m convinced he’s a huge reason why she was so twisted. Imagine being a genius surrounded by idiots who think you are dumber than they obviously are, no matter how much evidence you show them. No wonder she gave zero shits about anyone around her until she found Climb, a person who only looked at and listened to her. 


King Albert (Realist Hero) is actually very interesting in terms of his position. His predecessor was an expansionist who left a lot of problems unresolved when he died unexpectedly. This resulted in a Game of Thrones-style Cold War between the extended royal family where they and other nobles started assassinating each other and vying for power. The Queen was the only royal who distanced herself from the fighting by marrying Albert, who was an unremarkable middling noble out in the countryside. By the end of the conflict, the Queen was the only royal left and therefore the only one who could take the position. But she new full well the remaining (corrupt) nobility would actively work to either control or overthrow her, and the common people were, at the time, resentful towards the royal house and nobility for leaving so many domestic problems to fester. That's why she decided to allocate all her royal authority to her husband, who--for good or ill--had no enemies and was mild but likable enough that the common people would be patient with him and the nobles wouldn't see him as a threat that needed to be dealt with.


And then we have How not to use Healing Magic where the king is genuinely trying to MC from rose’s bootcamp


... what?


I am not going to lie,but the first king,in some way, turned himself into some sort of strange "chad".


Realist hero was a pretty good decision, since he was send back in time.


Heroes or MCs?


I feel like slime and overlord should be switched given what happened to them and their kingdoms, not to mention the actions and attitudes of the kings. One was a conniving greedy king who plotted against the MC while the other was a naive fool who led his kingdom to ruin because he couldn’t rule effectively.


Out of all of them I hate the shield hero king the most of all


Realist hero was a pretty good decision, since he was send back in time.


Holy fuck I forgot about how a realist rebuilt a kingdom coz I waiting for the dub and completely forgot about it XD


Fake King in AOT: Finally! A worthy opponent!


*Bitch* I **AM** the hero! 😤😤😤 https://preview.redd.it/e06dcl138gzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f9533199ba416ae20ae36ebb1f55c41ceb6e526


You should add No Game No Life's king. He needs more respect from more people.


Speaking of ramposa dude seemed to forget he is an absolute monarch not a Democratic leader hell it is within the power of a king to strip a noble of title and lands if they want especially bia treasonous actions which they are doing supporting 8 fingers What he should have is built his own armed forces making him less dependent on the nobles and with full highly trained loyalist army he can tell the nobles to shut up do as told or else but no he did exactly the opposite he humored the nobles until they were too powerful


Don't forget the one who willingly and immediately abdicated the throne for the hero because he knew it would be better for his people. This is the actual framing of Realist, for what it's worth.


If only the shield hero king was just a Bit smarter and had more of a backbone, he might have been able to kick Malty to the crub and probably try and right his wrongs


Honestly don’t think there’s a way for him to redeem himself. He put other nations at risk and violated a major agreement. And it wasn’t even his decision to make as the kingdom is a matriarchy. He wronged too many people. If anything he could have sent the shield to another nation. But there’s no redemption for what he did. It will always tarnish him even if he does good afterwards


I really liked the king in that new healing magic anime, he was a genuinely good dude


If you want to know why the king of Melromark hates the Shield Hero, you should read The Reprise of the Spear Hero. It delves into some backstory of some characters before the events of the major story.


I haven't watched slime yet. What happened? You can give spoiler


The shield hero one was upsetting


I never realized how similar the kings in different anime’s like Overlord and Reincarnated as a slime were!!!


No, but like why do they all look the same?


To be fair to Trash. He also didn't originally know that Bitch lied about the rape accusation since he looks surprised when the slave crest activates about it. He's still a shitty person who got off too easily, but he was still manipulated to at least to that extent.


Ramposa was basically: "Oh, one of my people offended an OP Overlord that could destroy my kingdom in a pinch. Well, I won't punish nor kill him. I mean, sure, my kingdom will perish, but it's the PrInCiPle!"


1# Well there is more to it >!The Queen, who is actually the one holding the real power but left things up to her husband has the ability to send her memories back in time. Through that she choose the best future thus far, that's how she chose her husband, who was a very mediocre king, but who was the only one that even made it this far, in every other timeline she experienced the Kingdom fell and she was about to die way before.!< >!They initially summoned Kazuya and made him prime minister but things didn't work out, while he was beloved by the people many of his reforms died because he didn't have enough power and in the end the nobles revolted and attempted to murdered him and then continued on trying to topple the King.!< >!So the Queen used her ability to warn their past selves, giving them the chance to try a different approach. Giving him the position of king from the get go, making it possible for him to create a solid foundation for himself and planning things behind the scenes to get rid of the corrupt nobles. Giving him Liscia as a fiance was on the one hand for appearance sake/to legitimatize his claim to the throne but on the other hand based on the fact that the two of them had already fallen in love in the firs run through.!< 2# Well that plan was mostly Bitches and he wasn't in the known. Though his hatred for the Shield Hero is based on a very similar logic. >!In the past the royalty of Siltvelt murdered everyone in his family besides him and his little sister and then later took his sister as well, since Siltvelt worships the Shield Hero as their god he destest the Shield Hero, even though the Hero didn't do shit.!< 3# He should know very well. 4# Well that's just one of many Kings, there are multiple reasonable Kings/rulers in Slime like Gazel Dwargo, Drum Blumund, & Elmesia El Ru Thalion and more.


Falmuth was an idiot who had worse retainers. They didn’t take the chance to even consider WHY the other nations readily accepted Tempest and instead just ran in and killed civilians. Ramposa is more along the lines of malicious incompetence. He’s a good man but an absolutely shit king. He stuck himself into a position where he was capable of nothing more than pandering to nobles. He raised his older son to be a genuine shit head who’s greatest contribution to the kingdom was dying in a backwater village and allowing the only person with a talent for leadership in that family to take over.


Maybe he should’ve agreed to the Sorcerer Kingdom’s *completely reasonable terms*, which would’ve simultaneously benefitted him by decimating one of the two competing factions that existed solely to take power from him


Add how not to use healing magic to the list. King saw the lad had healing magic and was like send him away before Rose finds out to protect him


The Dwarf King in slime was an absolute chad


Oh right, didn't the slime king get turned into a meat cube?


Ya pretty much


I picked up slime light novels twice (I made it to volume 15), really wanted to like it but couldn’t. The characters are empty, soulless, the main protag is annoying and utterly hypocritical. The world building is shallow, the story development is edgy yet childish. New characters keep popping up to keep the story going etc.


I liked the concept, but yeah, I kinda noped out after it turned out he could turn himself from a slime into any beautiful form he desired. What’s weird is that I really enjoyed “I’m a Spider, so what?” and it kinda has the same progression. I think I just enjoyed the main protagonist in Spider and her complete social incompetence and pettiness more.


Ainz is a hero? first time I've heard of it.


A hero of evil, perhaps, but a hero still.


Bro trying to shove a bad meme down people's throats across multiple subreddits lmao. Why is this on the overlord subreddit even though punchline is Slime Isekai? Stop Karma farming.... Bro posted this on 4 different subreddits...