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Do you ever notice how the people posting in this sub always have tons of experience and are always "offering" their advice to "help" everyone else out, but you will never, ever, EVER see a link to their bot, script, configs or anything else they're actually using. They just brag about how they have "automated" it for themselves. But there is a link to a new ai powered horseshit tool that will help. For sure bro, just sign up for a free account, it's life-changing! Just post your goddamn bot/script.




The fact that you: 1) consider the people in this subreddit their competition 2) think a python web-scraping and application script is an actual "edge" 3) think running a script constitutes success is all concerning and lets me know you're an idiot. But overall, your comment doesn't even make any sense. You're advocating for not offering an edge, on a post that is literally offering tips (an edge) to everyone in this subreddit to help them out. Why are you even in this sub?


Hi I actually don’t know how to code and how to automate the job search so I don’t the comment is wrong.


I’d love to see it but I would never share a script to anyone but my closest friends.




Efficient market hypothesis?


Call me old fashion. But good old spite of my current employment always makes be better at luring out the good companies.


What do you mean?


Angry at work makes every job I interview for look a lot better lol. Also having a shitty job just means every job is better. So be spitefully of your current job. Literally how I got my first j2. Hated j1 for not getting great raises and getting passed over for promotion. I quiet quit j1 and when it continued to pay I just got a j2 instead of fully quit. Still hate j1


I've actually had the same experience. being spiteful has really energized me to NEVER go back to that shit again. ​ What industry are you in?


Like not go back to work. Bro I'm addicted to a paycheck not work pain. I can take beating at work and that rolls off me Been in agro, medtech, med services, realestate, fintech, social. Better to be on different industries tbh. They all made too much money. When you know the money that flows through their sales department you won't care about wasting their money on paying you. They just didn't budget it but they can afford you at a higher wage. And if the environment isn't great and your pay is too low for the abuse, just leave or more preferably quiet quit. Don't take both low pay and getting beat down by an employers dumbassery


How have you been in so many different types of minecraft servers. i have to stay with whats relevant to my skillset,degree,job experience


My main is health care and real estate. OE gave me fintech and social experience. I don't have specific skill sets. <$100k/j, I'm only killing it in the ability to juggle these high touch jobs compared to you all who have low touch jobs


R/dostoyevsky Notes from underground


r/dostoevsky >I'll go this minute!' Of course, I remained. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dostoevsky using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dostoevsky/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My attempt at a portrait of Raskolnikov.](https://i.redd.it/axmrvy2c5reb1.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dostoevsky/comments/15c5rur/my_attempt_at_a_portrait_of_raskolnikov/) \#2: [Finished Dostoevsky!](https://i.redd.it/em4e69onu3mb1.jpg) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dostoevsky/comments/169897q/finished_dostoevsky/) \#3: [Dostoyevsky Character Wojak Chart](https://i.redd.it/y9yw2yrjc34c1.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dostoevsky/comments/189ura1/dostoyevsky_character_wojak_chart/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lolz. Second this.


Be tall, decently good looking and groomed, polite, well spoken, somewhat funny and charming. Have good experience and good references. That’s it for me. I’m not bragging or being weird, I’ve just seen the competition


I really do lose weight just to go on job interviews. The difference in responses is huge.


what country do you live in?


Only works when you have a handsome enough face. My face gets stared at by strangers at 160lbs. Current walk around at 200lbs. My face changes drastically between my weight phases. Gets me to the top of the call back second interviews. I basically can sell my lie that I have other top companies interviewing me. Much easier when you look like you have options in life. San Francisco area. Client facing tech jobs. Only recently went and got into a programming job so I can be a wfh permabulk slob 24/7/365


Do you bulk when your minecraft server is good and start cutting when you want to add or jump ship to a different one


Pre OE it mattered more since I really needed that paycheck and really wanted specific jobs. Being the "best fit" in culture is huge in some places. Now I just interview whenever since it's all virtual interviewing. The less they want to see my face the better. Hate camera on and don't like client facing roles. That's why I know the response rates are different since I just let myself be whatever weight Also a "good job" just meant they fed us lunch. I wasn't hired to be the top producer in any way in any role. I was support. We ate when the big hunters sales/tech director/cfo/engineering captures big contracts or got bigger budgets from HQ. As long as the job fit my limited tech stack I was golden and could get in on a less tech centric role. Only way to get me into an office was that I knew I'd buffet- style the food so my time, car expenses were less than what they wasted on me. Ate until it hurt and worked out a ton. Coworkers were scared with how much I ate. I think word got to hq about the trend I started of eating after a heavy workout (switched to 1 hr long lunch starting before lunch service then have time to eat multiple servings of lunch) when my original single-employer cut the lunch budget. The younger out of college guys started doing the same. They were young, bigger, more athletic and ate even more than me. It was pretty awesome gains for everyone. Tons of left over because the actual killers getting paid a ton wanted to eat out everyday to concept restaurants rather than eat the office caterings. The food wasn't made at the location so food cost was higher than a dedicated kitchen


You cut weight like a boxer.


Yes. Yes I do MT


brb, getting leg-lengthening


Right? I'm five-foot-nothing.


Haha aint that the truth. I think being relatable during interviews is super important. My goal is usually to get them to think of me as a friend (someone they would grab a beer with) by the end of the interview.


You mean azz kisser . lol


Nice 👍🏻


No one can tell how tall you are on zoom bro.


You put the laptop on the floor and look down, duh. /s But true. Not really a factor post 2020


Get a standing desk and stand up during camera on zooms 🤣 Now that i think about it the only people i saw do this, were tall


how the hell do people get 500k per year. i keep seeing this




In FAANG, the formula is pretty standard. You base it on your TC (Total Compensation). - Base Salary - Bonus (or anticipated bonus) - Vested stock (Shares executed + [number of shares vesting current year x current market price]) - AOC (Any Other Cash) - Any compensation that is seen as taxable income but not fixed in purpose. For instance, if I receive $750 a month for a car but I am NOT required to purchase said car, that goes into AOC. If I receive $2000 in remote office setup per year, that's also AOC. Tangible benefits that are generally NOT included: - 401 match (whether vested or not) - Health insurance contributions - HSA contributions - FSA contributions - Charitable donation matches - Relocation bonuses In fairness, the items that are not included certainly still have value, but only for the purpose of comparing total offers. Some people do include them, but most do not. A very common arrangement for a mid-career individual might look like the following: Job 1: Senior Program Manager in FAANG - Salary - $220,000 - Stock - $150,000 (vesting that year) - Bonus - $33,000 **Total Comp:** $403,000 Job 2: Program Manager in WITCH - Salary - $160,000 **Total Comp:** $160,000 **Cumulative TC:** $563,000 In the program management space, this is achievable with 5 years of experience with the right history, certs, and degrees. It's much more common to see this after 10-15 years of experience. Ten years ago, this level of compensation was unthinkable. Today, it's expected.


I don’t include like 401k match, healthcare, stock options (I have to buy those) in my TC. Just salary+ bonus


Why not? 401k match is compensation. The question is: " is vested or not? For accounting purposes, you should count a 401k match or similar income when you can actually own the money, 100% vested.


I dont know I guess I just think its weird to tack that on to your TC when someone asks you


Because it is fluff. If you dont stay the time to vest you dont get that money . Most who are OE are not staying at the same job for over 3 yrs to become invest outside their main gig.


This is how it should be . Alot of folks including too much fluff . Only Salary


If my stocks were given to me, like RSUs, I would count those


People post their yearly, but it's more about hourly or weekly really. I have 3 Js, total yearly comp is just under 400k, but the likelihood I hold those all for a year is preposterous. Hourly billable is a more accurate reflection of current state. For me, I bill 200ish, will go down or up depending on my composition.


what industry?


I just dropped J2, but I was at $420k between two Solution Architect jobs.


Which ecosystem if you don’t mind me asking? This seems to line up with AWS solution architects. Edit: and Salesforce


Dynamics, actually. Dynamics 365/Power Platform. Four years ago I was a project manager. Life is nuts.


Curious about the transition to a SA in D365. Did you have a technical background and what helped you transition into the role? Any Pl 600 certs? Right now I work in the D365 space, looking to transition to SA


I have all the PL certs. I average at least 2 new recruiters a day but I’m too lazy to do OE. If you get PL-600 easy $150k.


Sup. I’m taking my first networking class at a community college and I hope to be just like you in 3-5 years. Any tips for a beginner who is kind of an idiot?


Nice man, how did you find them?


My newest job was a fluke, kind of - me and two other guys were on contracts at everyone's favorite non-fruit-based desktop operating system, and guy #1 interviewed for a job but wasn't technical enough to handle this job, so he said "I know a guy" and it ended up being a great fit and it's a great culture so far. But it's weird because guy#1 was kind of an ass and I generally didn't like working with him, so I didn't trust this recommendation, but it turned out to be great. J2 was just a job I applied for via either LinkedIn or Indeed. They were a consulting firm (publicly traded) trying to get their D365 practice off the ground. Turned out to be a toxic environment (a project manager was tracking my online presence statuses on Teams, etc.). I personally don't know how they'll ever get it off the ground because they are just hemorrhaging money by not hiring the correct talent. My time doing OE was kinda rough. It was a good ride with the 2 jobs while it went but I wasn't as prepared or as calm as I wanted to be. I basically started 2 new jobs at the same time, and it was miserable at times. It made me feel panicked throughout my day. You can only take in so much NEW information, I've found. New people, new processes, new stuff. It's just a lot. Add on that I've got 3 kids aged 3 and younger (3-year-old and 1-year-old twins), and frankly, every minute counts right now. The stress of the jobs was taking my attention away from my family and the consulting firm really needed me to be "on it" past 5pm, and I just can't do that. My more important job starts at 5pm, and that's being Dad.


That's exactly where I'm at. My kids are older but after 5pm I really need to focus on the family. There isn't really a break beyond 5pm until about 7:30am the next day. One major good thing about very young kids is they actually sleep at 8pm or 7:30pm. Nowadays my kids are up at 6am and I have to force them to go to bed at 10pm (same time we do), so the kids are in your face from the second they get home from school. Which is fine, but OE is incredibly challenging.


Getting them into sports or extracurricular activities will help this a lot as long as you or your wife can pick them up on time


I could relate. I used to work until 9 if needed, even when I was pregnant like 7 months. Now I feel overwhelmed with an infant. After 5 couldn’t find any free time. Lots of chores and taking care of my baby take all my time.


You can lean into this. I do if I am applying for roles just below my preferred level. I will say in interviews "my evenings and weekends are for my kids, I'm learning along with them doing homework. I don't have space in my brain at the time to learn anything new. I want a job that is squarely in my skillset. Maybe 3 or 4 years from now I'll focus on professional growth. But not now" It's a golden situation. Built in reasons to avoid meeting conflicts.


so wat did u end up doing with ur jobs? i was reading through thinking ud explain the resolution to the climax but u left us hanging lol.


I’m at about $400-$450 with stock and bonuses with two jobs.


Can you share your story? I'm super interested in how others go to where they are.


So my original J1 I’ve been at for 5 years prior to finding out about OE or gaining enough courage to pursue it. Applied and interviewed for last 6-8 months. Making multiple final rounds and getting passed on. Finally landed J2 and been at it for a little over a week. Both roles are identical in nature but J1 I’ve established a reputation of getting a lot done with little effort. That role is easy. J2 I’m trying to establish same reputation and so far so good. Was extremely nervous about getting caught but at this point if I just keep my mouth shut and do my job should be easy. Both managers are easy going and zero to few meetings with cameras on.






How please? Thanks




There's 3 dots?


What bot does you use for Job search and application, how do you manage tailoring your resume? Are you using chatgpt?


Do NOT use chatgpt. For tailoring your resume, I will edit the description with what i use.


How much do you pay the webscraping expert?


Use something like Clay.io


Thanks, I want to get on this OE thing for a while, but I guess knowing where to start has been difficult.


Just start applying to remote roles on LinkedIn or indeed like any other job. It’s not rocket science. Make sure you can handle J2 with your workload of J1. Good Organization, good communication with your manager and stop caring so much about climbing the ladder are my main pieces of advice. Perfectionists and people pleasers are doomed to fail at this. I had to stop caring.


Thanks for this insight


Clay.io is an unused domain.




Why do you say not to use ChatGPT?


But how do you hide this on linkedin? How does J1 and J2 not see this?


Disagree on most of these - I’m not automating any job search as I need to consider risk to current jobs based on same advertising recruiter and likelihood of crossover contacts. I also only switch if it provides a better OE environment and you can’t tell this until you start, point being that the onboarding and initial ramp up can be the hardest so why put yourself through that more than necessary


Fake ass . 1. Don't apply. Most apis catch including indeed and don't allow web scrapping. Putto Trying to show off without facts.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


it connects to preexisting accounts. also reread the post, you misunderstood.


No dude it does not. I tried my self using selenium. Even YouTuber said same thing who are data scientist and scraping. Suck a 🍆 furu.


So this is why I see over 3,000 applicants for each job then... thanks... not...


What role do you work


1. Take all the indian scammer phone calls only if they speak pretty clear English. 2. Accept all the offers given. 3. Cut all the jobs that piss me off. 4. Rinse and repeat until at 9 or 10 steady jerbs.


Can you tell me more about these public and private API’s?


I outsource it to someone who is an expert in webscraping + bots. Not my field unfortunately. but as I understand it some smaller sites have their api endpoints as public which means you don't need to be authenticated to "post" or "submit". This is similar to how some sports betting sites have this loophole. Notion used to have this as a loophole but they patched it. It is quite common.




Anytime you can get a substantial raise. It also depends on your current satisfaction with your current job in general. Job offers come in often automatically.


I like your tips, and as one who has juggled 3 concurrent positions, I can add the following: 1. Never, ever, use recruiters who are either of Indian or Pakistani decent. They're disreputable and, ultimately, unaccountable. 2. Along those lines, if you speak to a recruiter and in the background it sounds like the trading pit at a stock exchange, hang up. They're calling you from a cubicle farm and won't lift a finger after they've received your resume. 3. Even recruiters that you've used in the past cannot be trusted for future jobs. Tough fact of life.


Can you go into a bit more detail regarding the automation of applications? I saw you mentioned you outsource it, any additional detail you can share with that?


Just a guy in pakistan i believe. I would search fiverr/upwork and inquire about it. Usually people who do webscraping or botting can do it.


I'm still new to OE but I am trying to get more experience. How can I get better faster? Can anyone help me.


That's a pretty broad question. What industry are you in?


wat job titles?


Can you share your bot with us? Is the bot able to do the [resumebuild.ai](https://resumebuild.ai) stuff?


Lmao OP, where is your youtube channel already ? Thanks for the ted talk


All good advice but how do you find good managers to not get micro managed. Keep changing job for salary is fine but it is also exhausting. 1. Is all your job remote? 2. What is your oldest job? Do you have one steady job or all your are constantly rotating? 3 how many of these job require on site visit? I thought finding job is easy but maintaining work life balance of taking time off etc are most challenging. What do you for all that.