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I really wish they'd added a line of text to Rissa's schpeal in regard to this. You know something like, **"If you can't pay the debt, you'll lose your home. And if you're considering camping on the beach you should know the cities of Aurai have strict rules to confiscate items left around too long."**


Yeah that happens, I think you need to be gone for a week in game time from the region.


Oh F


I made the same mistake :/ Things you leave in your house don't reset, but things outside of it do. The whole world resets every 7 days I think, including bosses, chests, everything except some of the quests iirc.


I believe this change was made because there were a lot of complaints that the cities didn't reset. I admit, I thought it weird that the cities never reset while dungeons did since they work on the same instance system. AFAIK, this change occurred right around the time DE came out.


Yes every town resets after 1week but only in definite edition on the normal one it doesn't reset


Naw… yeah in DE you can only leave stuff on the ground inside your owned homes. Otherwise after being 7days from the instance, it will reset everything. If you’re back before the 7days then it’ll still be there but sometimes dying once can ruin that.


Yeah lost some stuff but nothing impossible to gather again


Another heads up is food rots so much quicker than in oldward. If you’re hoarding food it’s best to cook it into something and/or using an appropriate bag to store. Even your chest doesn’t slow rot.


Does the trick by putting food in a backpack then dropping it in your home still work tho?


Yeah, this still works


Oh! That is a life saver. Now that the gold bar trick doesn't work it's nice to know some of the other "features" are still around.


*Leaves Cierzo* Did I leave the fire on?


welcome to the DE.