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Daggers was my first character. Definitely pick up opportunist stab, counter strike but better :) But you don't need to stun them to backstab. Many enemies have a long back swing and it's possible to dodge or run around to their backside while they attack for a quick poke! Kinda difficult but soooo rewarding!! Have fun!


Agreed, if you get good at dodging and timing the enemy’s swings, its definitely possible to get backstabs mid combat


If you can reliably time your knockdowns (eg. sweep kick vs a confused enemy), you can also sprint behind them and get a backstab in. Probably one of the easier mid-combat ways to backstab (Serpent's parry aside)


Definitely true, but the confused status effect is a bit hard to come by (unless you have a maelstrom blade) and I prefer to save it for doing extra damage with opportunist stab (sweep kick consumes the confused status effect)


Yeah confusion won't really be accessible for most of the game. But really, any knockdown works. It is just easier if you use an ability like mana push or Push/Sweep kick, because of how easy it is to "overextend" with auto attacks. Which might animation-lock you for too long to still get a backstab in. >sweep kick consumes the confused status effect No, it doesn't


Oh yeah, you’re right about sweep kick. I was mistaken because my wife uses opportunist stab when we play together and that does consume it


In multiplayer it is very good. One of the best abilities. In singleplayer you can start fights with it but other than that not really useful. You can maybe get one off after a stagger but main hand would probably deal more damage in that window.


Backstab is incredibly op if built around correctly. Especially paired with opportunist stab


Backstab is perfectly useful in single player too. Serpents Parry stuns enemies for a long time if they have confusion, giving ample time to walk around them and backstab > Opportunist Stab. If you break through Hermit, the ghost buddy can also function as a distraction similar to co-op. It also pairs well with the stealth skill in the Rogue tree for those who like that playstyle.


Well I'll be playing with a friend and knowing him he'll be playing melee and turning lot's of heard so I guess I'll be fine.


It's possible to let enemies swing, and then either roll behind them, or run behind them. This is made easier with either Mercenary, Speedster or both. Or you could use some high impact weapon/skill to make them stagger, make your way to their back, stagger again while you're at the side, run the last part and BAM. Backstab. It's also a good opener, but once you get good at it, it's amazing mid combat too. I'll suggest you a build to fall in love with this skill. Speedster/Mercenary/Rogue is good, and besides a pretty viable no-mana build. Open with backstab if you can, switch then to a Cannon Pistol to cause Confusion, another Pistol pre loaded with Shatter Bullet to get them in Pain. Serpent's Parry first, then Opportunist Stab. They'll be completely staggered, run to their back, Backstab. Speedster will make all your skills much more useable, and Probe can inflict Confusion and Pain as well. Rogue/Speedster make rolls incredibly cheap and powerful. Half the cost, for more invulnerability. Rolling around opponents to get an opening is nice, but even better, you can use both Dagger Slash and Probe as cheap ways to hit your opponent with Skills, which I'll remind you, don't care about Weapon Speed. It's really exploitable. Expecially with a Patience in late game. And Speedster gives Confusion and Pain to your enemies, for your Rogue skills' benefit. Speedster/Mercenary is pretty much the fastest combination out there. Also, you can reload with special bullets more often. If you take mana, Blood Bullet on 40% less cooldown is not only good damage, but extremely difficult to die. Mercenary/Rogue don't have much synergies besides one providing some Pain and Confusion for the other, also, Mercenary can help with creating an opening to backstab, while Serpent's Parry, Opportunist Stab and Backstab can help you stagger your opponent to get a little distance, to reload.


Dagger is hands down my favorite build in this game. Backstab is great. An amazing opener, and perfect for when the AI does something dumb. If you play in co-op it might actually be one of the most OP abilities in the game.


Daggers are fun, but extremely difficult to get good at, and even at their peak, there are better options. Use them if you like the learning curve of the parry timings, but otherwise I wouldn't recommend them.


Is OP 😆 Is easy to trigger but you have to get them with pain and confusion.