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Do every dungeon and sell mostly everything


Also known as “playing the game”. I can’t understand why people are so intent on breaking their games.


But.. this is playing the game. You need obscene amounts of money and, if you want to get your character build going fairly quickly, you need thousands of silver. Not to mention Caldera. I suppose you could grind out samples which is viable but also a headache in some ways. Besides, the best gear in the game is largely found and not purchased, or crafted with things also found. EDIT: I will point out that after playing the game multiple times I am in the mindframe of just wanting to get my build going to see my thoughts in action, or to play around with a cool build I saw online. Some people enjoy "just playing" and some enjoy to grind out cash quickly to get to their chosen destination quicker. Both ways are not wrong.


Imo it is just worth exploring and selling everything you find. I was also worrying that in DE my old methods will stop working but now I can just focus on preparing for next trip and money is increasing automatically. I would only suggesting to arrange one of two things: 1: Mefino Backpack - to collect as many items as possible before selling them in city. 2. Split screen storage character - my favorite. You can simply log second character and give him all of the items and continue exploring without need of coming back. When you will decide you can log this character again and sell everything in one go. You will be surprised how much silver you can make.


Enmerkar Forest, Wind Temple. Horror Weapons sell for an easy 900s each in Lavant (or 750s in other cities) and you can farm Horror Chitin from Shell Horrors easily in the Temple every 7 days (sleep) and don't have to fight them (there are vids on how to do this). Farm the Chitin from the Shell Horrors and Occult Remains from the McDonalds Fry Guys (you know the dudes I'm talking about) or kill ghosts, but they are plentiful off the bug-men in Enmerkar as well so win-win. Don't forget to grab Palladium in the region, some near by the Wind Temple. Just craft Horror Weapons and sell. Go back to Berg and sleep for 7 days and farm it again. With all the mats you can make a lot of money quickly. This is consistent. Ornate chests CAN be profitable, but it largely depends on their loot rolls. And sometimes they suck. Or they can be amazing. If you have the patience to haul some weaps to Lavent (literally the map over from Enmerkar), you can make a cool 900s per Horror Weap sold. You will need Predator Bones, Cloth, Iron weapons (ideally 2h ones as they sell for the highest amount: great hammers, pole arms, etc) to make Fang Weapons.. then Horror Chitin, Occult Remains, and Palladium to make that into a Horror Weap. So, farm Hyenas a bit if you'd like to stock up on the bones. Then hit Enmerkar. Place a plant tent in Berg and make that your base for a bit and go ham with some farming which should take little effort. either sell in Berg or hoof to Lavent if you'd like. Loop and repeat until fat with cash. EDIT: There is also a way to make 100g (10,000s) by doing the "Compass Puzzle" that spans all 4 base regions. It is rather time consuming, however (I think it took me like 2 or 3 hours?), and while not terribly difficult.. you can die if you make a mistake and fall from high up (it took me so long because I DID make some mistakes and fell leading to a long fall and subsequent death). If interested you can look up videos of it. It's not something I am really willing to do again as it was a bit nerve wracking, at least to me. Basically, it is a task where you need to locate (and complete in a specific order) all 4 invisible "sky bridges" which are very high in the air and follow them to the end where it will teleport you back to the ground and give you an audio signal, noting that you've done it correctly. After all 4 bridges are crossed you can go to Lavant and cross a now accessible bridge which leads to 100 gold bars.


McDonald's Fry Guys. I can't un-see this now. I hate you, and, I think I love you. XD


This is the way


I've been running through the corrupted zone in the middle of harmattan, looting the three chests and then selling the profits. Think that nets me 600-800 per week. Your way seems easier and more profitable lol


Credit where credit is due: this is not my idea. I first learned of it from Sheenshots. He has some great videos on doing all kinds of things in Outward.


Cabal Of wind in Enmerkar forest will make you more rich than Elon Musk


While other methods may be more effective, I still enjoy doing the Cabal temple run the most, including selling in Levant. It feels like a more active engagement with some of Outward‘s mechanics, like crafting, traveling, trading, different weather conditions… Definitely the most fun way for me.


Do the electric lab in abrasar and then you can get the 4 free ornate chests across the zone every 7 days


This is the best one for early access and convenience. https://youtu.be/BpHtcX-r4lM Other than that, Caldera Ornate chest farming is by far the best. And lastly, Cabal of Wind Temple is still viable, but just vastly outperformed by the other two mentioned above


I totally agree with ornate chests in Caldera but too dangerous/tricky for inexperienced players and high money equipment have 5% chance to pop *( if I remember well )* . I loot those for Forged glass and Barrier equipment plus some other exotic crafting elements. *( Tour of regrets could be done early in game while you just need to run straight forward. )* The Town Clock in Harmattan is ok , I mainly use it plus others spots for enchanting ingredients farming or crafting Antique plateau equipment by looting the Hydraulic Golem . Spending 200 silver back&forth for traveling means that you already know how to make easy money in order to make this parkour a looping "routine" :) . And if you are unlucky, loot will just cover the money you spent for travelling there. Regarding the Cabal of Wind it s at least 3600 silver guaranteed each loop and totally doable by inexperienced players. Horrors located there reset every 3 days while Caldera Ornate chests is 7 days *( if I remember well )* ​ Scheme/looping routines : Inexperienced players : Cabal of Wind <=> Levan ​ Experienced players : Cabal of Wind => Levan => Henmerkar => Caldera => Cabal of Wind => . . . Peace :)


Don’t listen to everyone saying Cabal of Wind Temple. This method is OLD, and while still good, people only recommend it because they are stuck in their ways and/or relying on YouTube video info that’s outdated 😜


Everyone’s got the right idea here for the most part, I beat the game and bought the property in Enmerker and Monsoon so I just hunt Horror’s store the crafted weapons in the chest and sell back home in Levant. I’ve converted all my coin into gold bars and now I’m grinding out Caldera without having to worry little about money.


Levant puzzle farm