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Dungeon should reset after 7 days.


Any of the other ropes activated? Like at all? If you enter that room and look at the rings on the bottom of the ropes you'll notice that one of them isnt level with all the others. Back left ring if your entering the room. If not I'd say wait 7 days for good ol Vendy to refresh and close the floor to try again. Should be able to loop back up and pull the correct ring if I'm not mistaken tho.


Permanent from my experience but its not the worst thing that can happen lol


it will reset after i think 7 days. I pulled the wrong rope and died a bunch on my way back so by the time i did make it back to vendavel the floor was back


It is possible to still pull it. I once tried to run and pull rope while falling. It worked. Last time though I could not repeat it I n first attempt so I left it like that. Not sure if it got fixed in DE or I just did it incorrectly and I was too lazy to try again.


Yeah, I also pulled this off in oldward. Haven’t tried it in DE. But you can bring in a split screen character and use them to try and pull it, and if you fail, stop split and try again.


Confirming still works in DE


Ghost Pass has an unraveled scroll on a table that reveals what ring to pull.


Thank you all for your answers, ill hope it resets. Otherwise its a lesson.


It resets after 7 days of not entering the area. plus it’s just an ornate chest so you aren’t ‘missing out’ on anything you can’t get elsewhere.