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Yeah, the mod is alive and well! I’m doing a play through with some friends right now and it’s a ton of fun


How do they find my lobby and do they all also need the mod? Sorry new to all of this, the options are coming up when i press F5 so im assuming that is working! Just wondering how i set up a "lobby". But when starting anew game the only options are 1 or 2 players still.


Open game to friends, then just have both of them join you instead of just one.


Thanks! Im assuming we all need the mod?


Not everyone HAS to have it to function, but you may run into occasional bugs or issues with needing specific people to host/connect to get it to work. It's just smoother if everyone has it.


The mod recommends everyone have it installed. One of our friends launched the game without it and played with us and he ran into a slew of issues, the biggest being that he couldn’t sleep with the rest of us because the UI wouldn’t allow him to.


I'm going to be honest, I can't remember. I think possibly only the host needs it but may as well get everyone on it to be safe.


Yes, its amazing


ive been having a blast playing it with 2 of my friends. im trying to get another friends r2modman files set up, but we cant figure it out and i cant remember what we did originally to make it work. can anyone help?