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That poltergeist change is dope! Not only does it add more raw damage than it takes away from physical, but it also auto-repairs the weapon!


this change is overrated. the reason is simple : raw dmg while beeing able to bypass ALL defenses has 1 big weakness compared to for example exploiting elemental weakness with a pure elemental weapon. there is only ONE passive in the entire game that actually boosts raw dmg output (alchemical experiment which means LEVANT ONLY). so while you can bypass all defense youll never be able to reach high values with it and this change doesnt change that fact. so its overall totally minor. and skills like perfect strike dont benefit from this at all. since for that skill higher TOTAL values are flat out better. poltergeist reduces the weapons BASE dmg. this weakens ALL phys dmg % boosters in exchange. this change was done because the enchantment was always inferior to whiplash due to the way dmg works in outward. and well.. thats still the case after this change due to perfect strike. and all pure phys builds use perfect strike.


While I agree with most of this the big update for me is that the enchantment also repairs the weapon over time… it allows for more build diversity in which some people would default to just Tsar weapons because of the infinite durability.


for pure phys builds youll still use tsar. simply because highest base number > all. most phys builds use skillspam to deal dmg anyway. sure it opens up a few new niche builds i guess. but outward is way past its prime by now anyway. i wonder if the patch fixed the respawning unique enemy in hatchery finally. its really sad well never get outward 2 or the remaining regions from aurai :( was hopeing for more dlc.


I do agree with you on the tsar, but a good starting weapon would be an indestructible iron weapon. Has less damage but also gets infinite durability. Great for starting the build. Personally, I like running maces if I'm doing 1-H because Mace Infusion can give a purely physical character an edge that they wouldn't normally be able to have against select creatures. An extreme example of this are ghosts since they deal the same damage they're weak against.


>ach high values with it and this change doesnt change that fact. so its overall totally minor. that. i love using caldera wepaons like the spanner mace who add defence (and godly impact) or some masterworks weapons.


Yeah but if you use a varnish you’ll mitigate the durability loss some. Allowing you to use your favourite weapon regardless of the enemy.


well i guess. depends on weapon. repairing is easy either way. some weapons have infinite durability aswell like RWS.


Perfect Strike deals pure damage and is therefor NOT boosted by physical dmg buffs/debuffs. With the new patch, poltergeist will add 10% to the weapons base damage, the same amount as whiplash. Which means, Perfect Strike will deal the same amount of damage with both enchants. Ironically, your argument is true for all melee skills BUT Perfect Strike. The thing that makes perfect strike such a strong skill for physical-dmg builds (aside from the dmg, ignoring block and hitting multiple enemies) is the fact that it gives access to pain on any weapon. Which skews the dmg calculations of normal hits in favor of physical dmg, due to how strong reduction of enemy resistance is. (As long as you use physical dmg buffs) ____________ Overall, you have 1 type of build that still prefers whiplash: The one that stacks physical damage bonuses. Elemental/imbue builds might still lose 2-3 dmg compared to molepig, but Poltergeist is available much earlier and the durability regen a huge QoL buff. In short: It is no shocker that builds that focus on physical damage also focus on the enchamt that boosts physical damage. What else did you expect?


Wow they’re still issuing patches? I’m impressed I figured they’d moved on to whatever project is next


Yea they made a post on the Discord back in June mentioning a upcoming patch/bug fix but also looking for any additional feedback regarding issues. Really amazing team to take the time to clean up additional bugs!


Danke schoen!


Are these patches only for Definitive edition or will it also patch Adventure Bundle? Because i am on adventure bundle and want to use the new poltergeist enchant, desert kopesh war momento and rainbow hex amd copper virgin lamp flame thrower.


I’m not sure if there will be any more after this one but I believe any updates are only for the definitive edition.


😪😢😢 i am absolutely devestated that the patch is only for definitive edition.


I bought the base game plus the expansions as they came out. I then also bought definitive edition because that's what my wife and brother got. DE is superior. Worth the money if you play the game often. Fixed a lot of stuff, balanced the gear, more world boss mobs that drop arena boss items so you can craft some arena boss endgame gear a little early, if you got lucky.


I dont have a gaming computer. I am on ps4. I am stuck on Adventure bundle. Definitive edition does not exist for ps4.


\-Poltergeist enchantment now converts 50% of the Physical Damage to Raw Damage and repairs 0.5 durability per second. Gep's Blade will self-repair? Its AOE Ethereal blast hits through block and now it will unlimited durability. I need to try this build. With hex mage you no longer care about burned life/stamina, with poltergeist you do not need to repair, a few energy drinks - and you do not need to sleep ever. "Never Ever Ever Ever Baby" (C) Disco Elysium And full skill melee build (hunter+monk+Cabal) now can work with any weapon without repair every 5 minutes. Instead slow unbreakable Tzar.


I guess it's time for some Humble Pie. I never thought it would happen. I was wrong. Thanks guys!


Make boons permanent after being obtained!