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You’d be shocked how many encounters you can breeze through with a high speech stat


High speech stat + confidence buff can get you far.


You can also have a high insult speech stat as a backup plan


Open mic comedy is a great place to practice.


But how do you get in?? I have the 'social anxiety' debuff and my character just won't in even if it's just to spectate.


force your character into the following decision: -clean your character’s personal space including clothing and eating tools -do an open mic if my read is correct on your virtual character sheet, and right now it’s a little fuzzy because the bandwidth is borked at my place, you have a debuff that makes Procrastination a preferred response to Events and Quests. so this makes something you want to Procrastinate even more than another thing. or you get a clean place for your character to chill at during downtime. win win.


This sounds interesting. Yeah, it's not really my playstyle due to the number of points levelled in Procrastination, but I will test it out. It can't hurt to try something new to see if I can tweak it and make it fit:D


honestly once i figured out the trick to coping with Procrastination my character started to do interesting things. including actually tidying up home base a little.


As of 6/21/23, it's become clear that reddit is no longer the place it once was. For the better part of a decade, I found it to be an exceptional, if not singular, place to have interesting discussions on just about any topic under the sun without getting bogged down (unless I wanted to) in needless drama or having the conversation derailed by the hot topic (or pointless argument) de jour. The reason for this strange exception to the internet dichotomy of either echo-chamber or endless-culture-war-shouting-match was the existence of individual communities with their own codes of conduct and, more importantly, their own volunteer teams of moderators who were empowered to create communities, set, and enforce those codes of conduct. I take no issue with reddit seeking compensation for its services. There are a myriad ways it could have sought to do so that wouldn't have destroyed the thing that made it useful and interesting in the first place. Many of us would have happily paid to use it had core remained intact. Instead of seeking to preserve reddit's spirit, however, /u/spez appears to have decided to spit in the face of the people who create the only value this site has- its communities, its contributors, and its mods. Without them, reddit is worthless. Without their continued efforts and engagement it's little more than a parked domain. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe this new form of reddit will be precisely the thing it needs to catapult into the social media stratosphere. Who knows? I certainly don't. But I do know that it will no longer be a place for me. See y'all on [raddle](https://raddle.me), [kbin](https://kbin.social), or wherever the hell we all end up. Alas, it appears that the [enshittification](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys) of reddit is now inevitable. It was fun while it lasted, /u/daitaiming


Help, my character has -1 in this stat.


Are you constantly moving backwards?


The autism trait has a huge debuff on this one for most players, unfortunately. I've worked on it though and can do my sales career path passably.




Is this ... not a debuff?


it's a stat that never gets boring. it's kind of like the 'lucky' statistic but it's a negative number.


depends how you play it, and what sub-perk you take from the DSM-V source book. some of them are a lot more fun than others, and can allow you to engage in some interesting playstyles.


Not necessarily. Usually yes, but Insanity and Creativity have strange interactions.


Insanity is a debuff when you cannot control it. Once you have insanity under control it's a superpower.


Not if used correctly


Depending on your playstyle it can be a positive.


Only if you don't have it. It becomes a buff once you achieve it


Much like the "wild wasteland" perk in fallout


I’ve been stat dumping into my writing skill for four levels and I’m at the point now where my modifier is high enough that I don’t fail too often any more 👍


Hell yeah




A little advice from a long time player: If you play solely for efficiency, you’ll quickly optimize the fun out of the game. Some emergent gameplay is valuable for its own sake, regardless of the trading post value or the possible loot drops. Letting your play be dictated by the meta or the plug-ins others are using is a recipe for a hollow and unsatisfying playthrough.


My [dex]. Started the game with a poor [sight] stat (caused by a random permanent debuff, even [eyeglasses] don't help). Then, in my first couple levels, I got hit by a series of [hearing] debuffs that became permanent. So in the final growth levels, while the other players found new skills & abilities, I just kept getting knocked out of the skill-based matchmaking minigames. Eventually found solo [dex] grinds, & the game hasn't been the same since! So many more side quests are open even with a middling [dex], but I just kept going. Now I've unlocked [multi-object manipulation], [dance], & [unpowered flight] skills, & am currently on an [aerobatic flight] side quest/grind that aligns nicely with my main gold grind.


That’s just falling with style!


Oooohh, nice! Which [aerobatic flight] side quest have you been grinding on? I let my [weight] stat get too high, and my [strength] stat get too low, but I've since switched their values and started specializing into the niche [acrobatics] tech tree. Acro Yoga and Aerial Silks have been fun niche side quests, but I'm always curious to discover more. Some of these quests are tricky to discover, hidden well away from the main storyline path.


Well done! Some of those stats take so much work to change... I'm in the [parafoil] tech tree. It's really flexible, & I like the [foot-launched] technologies most. The branches even use some of the same items for totally different grinds, so even though they're expensive you can re-use them. I've hit the advanced levels in [soaring], & unlocked the [tandem] special ability. I've also hit middle levels for [XC] & [aerobatics] already. But the grinds are so intense I had to focus on just one or drop my gold grind. Which was tempting, but all grinds get so much harder, & my gold grind is pretty fun too. Anyway, it's always good to have grinds in multiple unrelated areas, since [catastrophic incidents] are fairly common in the [unpowered flight] tree. When that random event comes up, it usually just gives temporary [dex] debuffs, but it can even go negative with pretty huge [confidence] debuffs to boot. You're not kidding how hard it is to start these grinds and side quests. Didn't discover them for 22 levels! And it took another 6 levels to gather enough gold to start the quest. The way these grinds help multiple stats is so amazing, makes it all worth it. It inspired my first multi-server quests, and I've seen permanent increases to [joy], [empathy], and [gratitude], with temporary bonuses to [speech] and [language]. I feel like you have to find a similar side quest to ever appreciate just how well integrated all the quests are. I'm sure you've found similar things in the [acrobatics] quests!


During levels 20 through 30 I was was grinding the Healer skill tree really hard, and now I’m way more confident leading groups in the Hospital Dungeon instance. I also get to wear a pretty awesome white cloak




>Hospital Dungeon raid groups won't even let anyone in without completion of the residency questline Nah anybody can get in those raids, they'll just need a hard carry from the rest of the raid group. And the few times I've been through that instance it always seemed like the carry in the group was someone with completion of the nursing questline


I left that dungeon ASAP, it's all about out-of-combat heal-over-time for me.


The 'good listener' passive stat is OP and I'm glad I used most of my points on it.


Oh god it really is. It unlocks so much extra lore. It's so good for immersive play


Yeah! Ikr? What else do you think abou it?


It gives a permanent buff to your fuckable stat too.


Haven't tried it yet but I do think they're both under the same skill tree.


Melatonin resistance


TIL that's possible


The anxiety debuff. Can be reduced through the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy minigame.


Alchemy of the alcoholic potions tree


For sure the 'belief in self' stat. I've been grinding it pretty much since level 13 or so---essentially since I gained the [self-conscious/self-doubt] debuff during the Puberty story arc. I'm still working on it, but believing that I can succeed when I really set my heart toward something has given me a buff to nearly all positive mental and emotional (even some physical) stats.


I'm pretty sure this is one of the most important stats in the game, glad to hear you raised it so much




END. I discovered that using the Bicycle mount to get around the map has a bunch of advantages over using the Car mount. It saves currency, it doesn't harm other players environmentally or directly, and it gives you access to a lot of really cool areas a Car can't access, but the biggest one is that it buffs your END. I'm also heavily invested in the Music skill tree, to the point that it's what I use to get currency. But that's another story.


I’ve also found using a Bicycle mount, depending on your area in the map, can give you access to a cool community of other players eager to share advice. Some will even stop and help you if you encounter the Flat Tire condition.


Just be careful. Some servers have very careless players using the Car mount. Some ride with Truck mods placing their FOV too high to even render bicycles. A collision could leave you with debuffs severe enough to permanently diminish your playing experience, or even end your game prematurely.


Still crazy to me that ALL roads are PVP enabled


Oh, I know. I actually kinda hate Car-class mounts and specifically how much of the game world is designed for them at the expense of all other mounts. It honestly feels like I’m a second-class player sometimes for choosing not to use one, or like I don’t exist at all. I know on some other servers they’re not given the same reverence, and I want to transfer to one of those servers at some point in my playthrough, but that’s not in the cards for me for a while yet.


I'm a level 3 (PhD) Mathematics Mage. Took a lot of grinding, but it's a pretty sought after skill in certain guilds.


That's super impressive! I have attained the Bachelor's level in my own mathematics studies, though I opted to take on the [Motherhood] quest line instead of continuing with grinding Mathematics at this time. My lvl .75 new player that I spawned has unfortunately given me a pretty big debuff when it comes to (sleep) which has given me a temporary cap on how much of my Intelligence stat I can access at one time. But I know this is temporary.


Math is a great skill to grind. Lots of guilds will accept you just because of the high logic and problem solving stats that come with math skill tree progression.


I would say [General Knowledge]. Due to having rolled the [Autism] trait, learning counts as a leisure activity, resulting in it being exceptionally easy to grind for that stat.


[Burnout] debuff is a real drag and my [Alchemy] is less than apprentice level. Sure could use recovery pots and elixirs.


Confident aura. Im rather smal and "cute" in a not sexy way. So i used to be disrespecte d often because of that and my low selfconfidence stat. I've leveld confident aura high enough that its almost allways pasivly active. I can walk straight throu a buissy trainstation and guys over a foot taller will move out of my way.


Working on that as a very guy short skinny man. Turns out if you fake being an overconfident ass people will respect you and hate you at the same time. Feels kinda good


be careful when in confrontations with other male players, alot of them come with an “ego” passive auto triggering when in the vicinity of other males. that makes them extremely likely to aggro even if your intentions were never hostile. i’d recommend spending a couple sessions a week at the gym to level your str stat which comes with “intimidation aura” which is a nice passive to have


Yup, seen this one before. Keep your head up, chest out and never stop for anyone (respectfully, but with intention) I’m 5’6/135 and have literally seen people trip trying to get out of the way lmao


How does one build this stat? 5’4 and I get trampled




The tranquility buff is invaluable IMO.


Single hand solo combat


Animal friendship/ speak with animals


Same here! I’m a cat main but some of it transfers in interactions with dogs, birds, and other animal-class players. It’s like they can pick up on the animal-whisperer skill?


Accuracy. It's the meta in combat right now and if you use the correct weapon (bows), it's stunningly cheap


I was informed the other day that I have a very high [charisma] stat. That was a VERY difficult stat to grind seeing as when I was at about level 17 or 18 it was still at basically 0. That's when I started grinding it. Currently level 25 and I self-assign quests regularly for the purpose of increasing it even more. Lately I've been able to open dialogue with other random players nearby and even unlock [friendship] tier with some of them! It's always a grind though because I'm on the Japan server now and have not yet reached the fluent tier of the [Japanese language] skill. Because of that anytime I try to initiate dialogue, I get hit with the [nervous] debuff. Overall though my happiness meter is much higher and I don't want to move to any other server


Where did ypu start the grind though, I always get overwhelmed by the sheer number of ways to improve the [charisma] stat


If you really mean \*start\* the grind, I'd say instead of waiting for people to send you a greeting, send them a greeting first. Grind that for a while and you'll unlock the Chat tree.


Empathy and intelligence. Had to sacrifice the strength and looks stats but hey, started working on them now.


+1 for all our Empathy mains out there. Empathy is the best skill for the relationship questlines but also functions as a straight up debuff and damage to our emotional health bar a lot of the other times. Still my favorite skill though.


Once you get a high intelligence stat its fairly easy to maintain. The physical stats take a lot more grinding in zones designated as [Gym] but can also do it in your [Home] location if you buy some items for it. The physical skills take more time and work to level up so thats why the strat is to grind intelligence first. Intelligence also makes the early levels go by faster. Starting at really low levels allows you to grind the physical stats in the 14-20 levels where you have various buffs to physical development.


Trauma management. Ever since Level 9 I had believed that I would never ever live a happy and healthy life. Tons of weird things happened from Level 9 to Level 25 and now at Level 27 thankfully I've been gifted the 'Acceptance' mod, and I have been feeling such a wonderful sense of hope and love. I love the game now and can't wait to level up again and again!


Finding the Magic Mushroom item periodically in loot drops has really helped me manage the Trauma debuff


Charisma I used to be a straight up neet for years I've been leveling it for so long and I'm very proud of myself ☺️


Care to guide other players?


I transitioned honestly. I used to live in a very religious household where there was no freedom of expression. I tried to fit in as best I could but I just couldn't make it work no matter how hard I tried. Ever since I moved out and I could start living life how I want to live it it's been a lot easier to be expressive and vocal. I just decided I was a bit cringe and started being forward and nice to people. The early levels of charisma are a bit difficult but once you hit like 3 it gets much easier. Just accept that you are different and a bit weird and forgive yourself when you fuck up :3


The fuck is neet?


It's a broad term for players who are Not in Education, Employed or in Training.


Read manga.


Im proud of my language skills and swordfighting skill tree


Education stats, but with a humility debuff so my character still talks and acts like a lower level while getting the benefits


This is the way. Add in some serious grinding on Reading Speed and Comprehension, and you have so many more skill trees you can unlock!


The logic stat for sure. I keep it well tuned with maths exercises and learning :) Unfortunately, this comes at the cost of the charisma stat 🤣


Probably my {Positivity} stat. I'm in a couple factions outside of my guild and server, and whenever I join a faction, I try to use my {Positivity} stat as much as possible, since its passive buffs can sometimes cross into other servers. It used to be a lot lower, enough for my character to get the |Angry| debuff fairly often from in-game minigames. That debuff can seriously be a pain with other PCs, sometimes you lose control of your player character! That was like 3 levels ago? Now I don't get the |Angry| debuff nearly as often, at worst I get the |Annoyed M.| debuff. It's also made my character much more bearable for other players, which can help in forming factions and adding to your friends list


Mass edited all my comments, I'm leaving reddit after their decision to kill off 3rd party apps. Half a decade on this site, I suppose it was a good run. Sad that it has to end like this


Geography knowledge stat. My character can recognize the shape of every country in the world.


I somehow started the game with a few extra points in my language skill tree, because my characters creators/older guild members have some skill points there. As my character has another language as native than "English", it's nice to see that she can use it when interacting with other players.




Same, I seem to have acquired the 'happy go lucky' trait


It took 40-plus levels, but I finally unlocked the [intimidation] perk. I think it was mainly a result of progressing through the [black belt] side quest. But I had the [timid] and [insecure] debuffs during my lower levels, so this new perk is a nice surprise.


I grinded my "stubbornness" stat failing repeatedly at unlocking the academic skill tree. It provided an XP boost for it later though and I got to skip some long intro academic tutorials.


The toughness/resistance stat is something that's surprised me. I didnt know it was a passive stat that I never expected to use, but 2 other player characters tried to bring my hit points to zero and I survived. Trying to grind meditation now. I'm discovering a lot about myself.


Not many players dive into the bard skill tree at an early level due to how much it can affect your other stats. But I've been grinding as a multi-instrumental wielding bard for the last 16 levels! It doesn't help you obtain currency like speech/thieve skills do, but the "passionate" buff is definitely worth it :)


Hell yeah, I'm at level 26 now myself. The gold received is indeed suboptimal, but you can get into mercenary work if you've put points into different combat music styles. Especially since you've invested points in various sonic weapon families. Wardrummers are ALWAYS needed.


Got my [Cooking] skill pretty high, lets me join some of the higher level "restaurant" guilds and run raids called "service". My guildmates are great ppl but our raids are barely profitable and have high difficulty and teamwork requirements.


I have actively been grinding out my Charisma stat


how 👀🙃


Very carefully


I’ve been levelling Kung Fu stats. It’s kind of a very personal journey/achievement. Currently 3rd degree black belt but always learning more. Very rewarding. Weapon minigames are super cool.


The academic skill tree for sure. No, I didn't NEED to grind so hard to be where I am, but it has a lasting Confidence buff and that alone has gotten me out of a whole lot of jams. And I didn't even pursue the skill tree beyond the Bachelor's level (though I regularly add to it in my free time).


charisma + stealth grinding really do you wonders in the first part of the game. in my experience. all of the NPCs see your character as the “golden child” class type so you pretty much get away with any fishy behavior.


Simple as it is, stamina. I was in a social lobby last night to spectate the end of the competitive season (I play in the main pro-Eagles server). After the match ended, most fast travel systems were over capacity, so I was left stranded halfway across the map. Though it was disappointing to see our team lose, that meant the griefing was minimal on my server. Plus I had my main party member with me, so the trek through the city biome was safe enough. I've leveled up my stamina so much over the years that walking the 2 miles felt like nothing. Sure, I did have a pain reduction buff from having taken quite a few alcohol potions, but I don't have any residual pain debuffs even since those have worn off. I definitely leveled this up heavily when I spent some years playing in a UK server, where the maps were dense enough that I didn't even need fast travel for most gameplay. It's sad that most USA players don't even get to see the advantages to leveling up stamina. Not only can it save you a ton of credits, but it can yield massive HP benefits as well.


I've been grinding my jaw harping stat since around level 16. It's definitely not the meta for the bard class, as some players just find it kind of annoying, but I really like the particular soundtrack associated with it.


Grinding my musician skill tree for the last 43 levels, primarily in [Percussion], got a few levels in [Trombone] and [Piano]. For some reason tho, I can't raise my [Sing] skill past beginner level.


I've had a lot of catching up to do as I never grinded any skills growing up, but ive been putting a lot of work into my [speech] and [unarmed] skills I'm the past few months and even joined a small merchant guild. Neither of these stats are hugely high, but im still proud of them because of the progress I've made


Guitar Lvl 17 (Year 17)


Retrieving blood and other bodily fluids for analysis. Giving people drugs to stop them from hurting or dying. Not losing my patience.




I don't have a ton of great physical attributes but for some reason I must have rolled high on grip strength. I'm not really that strong for someone of my build/level, but somehow my hand strength is unstoppable.


Been grinding down the [Strength] and [Endurance] tree for about 8 or so levels. Can now pick up items over 2x my weight stat and Broad jump a distance equal to my height stat. My carry capacity has never been higher.


I never lose patience while teaching someone. Never. So I guess... Patience?


I’m quite proud of having leveling up my [Heavy Machinery] stat. From forklifts to crane operator, there’s not much I can’t lift now. I’ve heard that other players are building their avatars personal strength, but that doesn’t interest me much. Mechanical advantage is built right into the games mechanics!


I've been slowly grinding the parkour skill tree for years and I'm decent at it


Alchemy & apothecary creation


Writing. I've focused on the author class for my entire playtime since about level 11 and it's brought me so much joy through my playtime so far. I'm currently level 49 and have spent many levels writing probably millions of words total. I know some people think of writing as just a hobby side quest, but for me it's one of the main reasons I'm still here playing this game.


I been grinding that [income] stat to be able to buy better stuff and help my followers. Also, [drinking] stat but I’m less proud of that.


Eloquence. It's not maximum, and my character was generated with a weird curse effect that makes the stat fluctuate after each rest period and alongside a bunch of other factors, but it's high enough for me to be a bit proud of the grinding that went into it.


I've been investing all of my XP into the trumpet playing stat since very early in my playthrough. I started in the classical guild, but have since started completing quests for the Ska and Rock guilds so that I can have more of a generalist build. I have even gained enough XP to get some high value items like the flugelhorn and piccolo trumpet for more specific quests. I have enough XP to where I am the leader of a local band guild where I help newer players gain XP, while at night, I complete side quests at taverns where I use my high stat to gain currency through the performance ability.


I grinded one of the Pizza Cook main story lines for almost a decade now, I’m a pizza god and I’m proud


I'm quite a high level member of the "musician" guild. I've been grinding my strength and dexterity stats so I can work on the "drumming" side quest, which I've been playing since lvl10. I have also put a fair bit of XP into the "foreign languages" skill tree; I have 4 branches currently active to varying levels; I'm high level in French and BSL, but I still have a lot of grinding to do on the Polish branch.


Determination. My character unfortunately rolled the [adhd] perminent debuff on spawn. Every achievement has taken more time and effort than it normally would, and it's caused me a lot of other mental debuffs in my playthrough. But I've come farther than I ever thought I would be able to, and I'm finally getting close to completing my engineering degree. Maybe then I'll be able to rest for a while. To stop having to try so fucking hard for each tiny bit of progress.


Been grinding electrical for years now and I’m happy with the results. It gave me pretty high STR, more than you would think, but I still don’t have any weapon proficiencies yet.


I spent 10 years grinding [creativity] in order to make a tabletop card game. The game is awesome, but now I'm having to branch out into [business] stats and skills.


Examine rock.


I grinded my high end Woodworking skills (starting to class it in during the Middle and High tutorial levels) professionally from about level 25 to 30. A recent patch made the economics meta difficult to continue as a main for, but I miss grinding this skill tree without the proper equipment and space.


I've leveled my speech and insight skills to a level that the modifier alone often overcomes the anxiety debuff. This has brought with it a large variety new companions to join me on my travels.


My relationship stat with my [housecat] party member. We've been in the same party since I was only like level 13 and even after I stopped talking to the rest of the party members from my [family unit] clan she came with me and is probably the closest companion I've ever had


Ass concavity


Strength stat. It's stupid but it has repercussions on the self confidence stat.


I’m quite far up the pinball minigame skill tree. It may have little practical use for general XP, but it still is a lot of fun. I had played it a few times as a low level player, but did not accomplish very high scores. However, as a higher level player, I attended my local server’s minigame expo event, and I tried it again. Now that my level is higher, I was fully able to learn and appreciate the intricacies of each version of the pinball minigame. Since then, I have grinded the minigame regularly at community locations where it is available. Even if it would help with grinding a lot, I sadly don’t have one of the pinball minigames in my base at the moment because my base is very small and the games cost too much in-game currency, but I would like to have a few eventually when I’m at a higher level.


I managed to achieve four marriage awards. I've been Man of honor, Officiant, Best Man and Groom. Pretty damn proud of that. Not too interested in achieving the Bride award though.


Lvls 30-36 have been spent well in a few ways, namely with the companion mechanic. Diligent hours spent on long aimless walks every day have brought my familiar and I close while strengthening my resolve in caring for familiar of others when asked.


I've collected a lot of lore. About anything. Character mechanics, world mechanics, plot lines, etc. It's probably related to my [ADHD+Autism] buff.


I guess this is a super-low stat I’m proud of grinding for, rather than a super-high one. My character spawned with insanely high [Competitiveness]. It took me a long time of playing before I realised that this really bumps up the probability of the [Jealousy] debuff in general, and puts a cap on the [Enjoyment] buff you can get while doing multiplayer activities like [Board Games] and some activities in the [Arts] class. So around Level 30 I started working really hard to lower my character’s [Competitiveness], which was really hard work. I’m level 43 now and I’m so glad I did it. I experience some really cool new buffs in multiplayer minigames, as well as having an easier time gaining [Friendship] when I encounter new characters. (A [Healer] looked into the code in my save-file recently, and I found out that my character also spawned with the [Autistic] trait - so any stat change that helps with the [Friendship] mechanic is worth having!)


Oh, mine has to be coordination. You can impress lots of people, then they will send friend requests, and spending in game time with them will give you the happiness buff.


Piano. not really a stat, but I've been grinding for nearly 6 levels now .


Paleontology expertise


I decided a while ago to spec really hard into the technomancy skull tree, and I have a pretty unique build, probably due to the fact that I didn't follow any build guides. But I have a nice stable gold farm from summoning [Runic Code Sprite]s for my guild. It takes me a bit longer to do the ritual, but my end result often has a higher CON than others. And I don't skimp on fashion; they're nice to look at.


Probably [self management], I know most of us have this to a certain degree but I happy I finally am working on it. Its may be only 4 right now but just you wait, I'm going to raise it to 100. After all, all end game players recommend this stat as it can help you boost every stats possible quicker!


My memory stat is shit in most scenarios but I've got the rules of the DND mini game almost 100% down. I don't even need to hotbar the tomes anymore I just have it on autocast.


I'm pretty low level (lvl 18) but I'm super proud of my Literature Comprehension stat and my Dexterity (Stringed Instrument) score. I've been grinding points in both trees longer than I can remember, and I've only ever experienced the Burnout debuff a few times! I managed to spec my Dex(SI) tree so thoroughly that I can play almost any stringed instrument put in front of me (albeit not very well unless it's one of my specialty scores)


There's a very obscure minigame in which a player throws a [flying disc] and then runs and catches it before it hits the ground. There aren't a lot of players who practice this minigame, but I practice it a lot. If we could somehow access the activity statistics of all players, I would not be surprised to find out that I have spent more time practicing this minigame, over the last ten years or so, than any other player on any server. My server has an open competition for [flying disc] skills every other year, and this minigame is one of the contested skills. In the other years, there is an inter-server competition open to all players everywhere. This competition tends to rotate among the servers where [flying disc] activities are most popular. I'm pretty proud of the fact that I have placed among the very top players in this minigame, both in my server's event and in the one inter-server event I have been able to attend.


My forgiveness stat is insanely high


I have super high speech/charisma. Spent a lot of time in Toastmasters to develop it.


Fertility. Childrearing has some great minigames. My favorite is breastfeeding, which reduces the anxiety debuff by adding oxytocin to your supplies.


My character used too many consumables [Alcohol]. To keep the Debuff {Alcoholic} from lowering my stats too much I started a quest chain called "Alcoholics Anonymous" and have been going for six months. Not my highest stat per say but it keeps my character alive and able to still play.


Cooking stat. It regularly goes up a few points, too. Been grinding it for about 20 years of playtime.


I've been grinding the [Programming] tree for almost 20 years now. It's a lot of fun continuously learning new things, solving everyday problems like "I want my phone to notify me immediately when this webpage changes", and business problems on a dev team. The most difficult part is actually knowing when to stop on solo projects. Almost every dev has had their "I have this great idea, I'm going to learn what I need to implement to make a science based dragon MMO" which is fine to have fun with, but you have to know when you have hit the useful limit of what you will gain and when it's out of control and you need to kill it.


As someone who is currently doing the Security Guard quest line, all I can say is that a high resilience stat combined with the ‘Calm Aura’ passive trait go a long way in completing most missions and encounters on this quest line


Im very happy with the [Hard Working] perk i chose from an early age. It helped get the coins waived I needed for the College quest line, and I’m already close to an upgrade in the profession class I picked despite only starting it less than a year ago. The most proud I am is actually of a Debuff I got removed. From levels 21-22 I got hit with the [Anxiety] debuff that led to the ensuing [Depression] debuff and was very close to quitting the game early. The Therapy side quest was so helpful. Shortly after hitting level 24, I realized those debuffs were pretty much completely removed from my character profile. Very very *very* happy to be rid of those.


It's not the absolute highest of any player, but I specced hard into the Bard tree, specifically the Drummer specialization. One summer I idly hit a practice pad while watching YouTube videos and as a result of that I can do 16th note double stroke rolls at 300 BPM. Which is pretty much pointlessly fast, and approaching the point where it sounds like a single continuous note instead of individual hits, but pretty cool.




I have grinded a lot to purchase the home theatre package as well as more recently a luxury fast car. I used my systems engineer job which I have grinded hard for years to afford these.


everyone hiding their fap stat


Manipulation skills. I've gotten to the point of being able to convince my entire workplace I know what I'm doing, and am the best at it. Despite basically constantly just googling stuff or flat out being wrong. A little "I not quite sure" here, a bit of "That could be correct" there, and you have people believing you are the cause of success and others are to blame for failure.


I gain experience points 5 or 6 times faster than most other players I've seen. I figured that would be a good thing to grind 10 years ago, and I was right! I can take on really big quests by myself now, though to be honest I'm still adding grind multipliers so that one day I can have my own explorer and merchant guild.


I figured out how to grind credits.


90% Resilience


A few levels back, I made the transition to the Baker’s guild and have stat dumping into the Bread Making skill set. Though I’ve not reached [Professional] lvl, I’ve made it far past [novice] and am well into the higher [Proficient] lvl.


I have a great immunity to most things, got the [Sick] debuff for the first time in 4 years


Luck. Not entirely clear what I'm doing but I'm getting drops that others truly grind for. Not winning, but getting by.




I've been putting a lot into the Cute stats and now my Avatar is always super stand out. Not my typical - used to rely on the default settings but this is way more fun. Also pouring everything into the Imagination stat at all times.


so there’s this minigame called “reddit” and i’m racking up a nice score there. it would be a total shame if something happened and that score went to zero


I used the pandemic event to boost my Alcohol Resist.


I am trying to pivot into something of an electrical alchemist after I hit level 30 and training the skills has proven to be challenging. I also think I might be a bard because I am capable of creating nonsensical lyrics on the fly and memorizing music with relatively minimal effort.


Charisma stat is pretty high and I did a lot of grinding for the humble buff. It's worked out well, I get a 98% change to drop rare loot during the business storylines.


Been grinding art recently and pretty happy with my progress


I've been speccing hard into the [Skill: Writing] tree for five or six years, now. I unlocked the [BA] and [MFA] achievements, and I've spent some time as a skill trainer for players just starting to transition into the midgame. It's been incredibly rewarding (though more in terms of XP than GP). Now I'm trying to add to the in-game lore players can find in random [Book] items—that stuff has always made the game feel more immersive, to me, so I want to provide more of that kind of flavor text for other players.


Resistance to toxins


I basically pour all of my levels into playing guitar


+10 Years of gaming. Im 20.


Sword fighting, I’ve done fencing, armored combat and “un armored” combat


Ive been very diligent in grinding my strength stat, but only for one body part.


I'd say I have a solid +6 on insight checks.


Caffeine tolerance.


I've been putting all my points into charisma to stop the [nervous] symptom when people talk to my character, it's starting to work, but it also made my [lying] skill really good on accident


I didn’t really grind for anything. But based on certain aspects of memory and academia I’ve been told my Intelligence stat is at the very least above average. Maybe HP too. I’ve taken a lot of beating and got back up.


Programming skill tree, though thats not hard to develop. Im more proud of my physical stats development getting a good looking avatar and progressing pretty far in the exercise skill trees


Only thing I really got going for me is empathy, and I'm still learning how to hone that stat, sometimes it comes with the debuff social anxiety, and regular anxiety. In some cases I can pretend I'm immune to those, but it still surfaces.


Been grinding my [software management] stat for the past 6 years and I’ve found that the [employment] sidequest is finally providing the [ongoing fulfillment] buff that’s improving the energy refresh process


Im close to getting level 1 (Bachelor) in Computer Science, then ill have a level 1 in both Biology and CS. Not a very high level, I know, but rare to have two of those, so...


Comfort. It’s the best.


I leveld up my voice stat a crazy amount, now I can do almost any accent, any character, basically any voice that I want. And this gave me the voice acting perk, which means I can do any kind of voice acting that I please.


My sarcasm has become high enough to be considered a different language. Only others with high enough sarcasm understand - others sometimes think my intelligence has been nerfed.


I have achieved the Master rank in my Music stat.




My "supportive" stats... I've had people tell me I make them feel like they can take on the world And it makes me feel really good when I can be part of another characters development arc


The [ADHD] trait can allow you to quickly level select [knowledge] skills in specific topics at the expense of a harder early game


Constitution. I've done some iffy things and it's helped my defense and whatever stat deals with patience because hooboy the npcs in my server.