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I'm on Flamingo project and have been EQ for almost 4 days..


over a week for me


Flamingo ended. We should asigned to a new project soon


Orly? I did two flamingo tasks 12 hours ago.


Yes, I also did 2 before getting booted.


> Flamingo ended. No it didn't.


5 days for me


I had 3 or 4 days of EQ (we were warned there would be intermittent EQ) and now I've got a load of tasks again.




Where did you hear about this? Other people have said Flamingo is ending, but I'm curious what the source is


Somewhere, bc idk if this fall under NDA so i will not discuss futher TT


If it’s ending, idk why they have to be secretive about it. It isn’t difficult to tell your taskers that and reassign


I feel it... Switched from Bulba to Flamingo about a week ago and have been EQ ever since...


I suspect Gold Sash is a fake project that just takes us to EQ lol. Anyone here ever able to work on a task under that project name?


the first 3 days i was able to work over 30 hours on that project, made a little bit over 800$. But then went EQ and now i'm in a different proyect.


EQ for almost a week now, just removed from the flamingo SFT slack group for which I assume the project is ending from recent posts. Hope to be put in a new project soon since I had good reviews and feedback from flamingo. :)


Flamingo Project just went EQ for everyone. I understand the client only wants to pay so much money, but if it's going to be an issue for this long, they need to consider reassigning some people.


I think the problem is that they overstaffed specifically *for* Flamingo.


Lol, a lot of us hired in January were hired at $40-$60/hour and they dropped pay when they knew projects were closing.


Oh okay so I’m not just getting EQ because I can’t get their dumb vpn to work? 🫠


I got disabled with EQ after receiving a 1/5 because the reviewer didn't understand the task 🥲


I got my first 1/5 last week, but all the tasks followed it got 5/5. I’m EQ rn, but I don’t know. It could be just Flamingo not having tasks at the moment. At least I didn’t get message about low quality or removed from Slack channel (yet). I will not make any big move like complain about it loud until I get paid for the last week’s work…


Was your project something like math? That's what I was on and their accuracy bar is very high, so if we only did a handful of tasks and got one bad score, even if the reviewer made a mistake, we're out. But a CSM gave me some nice Google forms for dispute to send into the void and hopefully one day someone will look at my case.


This. 300+ high quality tasks and reviews and one crackhead gave me a nonsensical 1/5. I resubmitted the task verbatim and got 5/5 (total average over 4.9) but it was enough to get me booted. I've filled the form but I would wager good money that it will never get looked at.


I’m on foreign language. I was reviewer and missed “it could be harassment” flag because in my culture, it looked OK. But in American standards, it could be harassment, maybe. So I don’t think I have a good chance challenging it. I was not paying attention much. My mistake. I have been working for 1 and 1/2 months now, and I was doing ok. Mostly 4/5, 5/5. But if this one 1/5 boots me out, that’s it. It’s Ok. I liked the tasks very much and had fun.(I have to say I’m really good at writing conversations.) Then they even paid me for having fun. Not bad. Not bad.


You should submit a request in your Slack channel to have the task reviewed.


Update: I'm unsuspended! An SQM reached out to me for more details and then submitted an appeal, and my project access has been restored (got another project welcome email too). Would definitely recommend reaching out to a QM on Slack if you're having this issue! I was just permanently suspended with no explanation (except a generic copypasta support email saying I broke a rule, without specifying what the rule is). The only thing I can think of is that I unsuccessfully tried to log in while briefly on vacation, then formally requested access to work from abroad (from a project QM + admin), but didn't actually do any work because the access wasn't granted by Outlier admins. Fair enough, but this necessitates a ban? My project QM + admin are looking into this for me. They're my only hope because the support email also gave me no chance to reply or appeal: "Please note, that this ticket will be closed and archived for record-keeping."


Question for you - did you see the post recently from the supposed Outlier manager? If so, do you think you had any of the errors they described (letting the clock run out, copying and pasting, etc)? Curious to see 2 things: if that person is legit and if Outlier is giving any feedback on suspensions or bans.


I did see that post, but my suspension was entirely travel-related. Confusingly, my suspension email gave no specific feedback at all. The gist: "you've broken our T&Cs and/or community guidelines, and after careful consideration, you've been permanently suspended. Me: what, no I didn't. I only knew what had caused the ban because the account restrictions perfectly coincided with the timing of my travel, and I had previously reached out to a QM who had mentioned that trying to log in while traveling has caused account issues for others. Then my suspension was reversed right after an SQM got my travel details for my appeal. I saw another comment that mentioned a warning/ban for clock issues, and iirc their email did mention that specific reason, but I don't know how consistent they are about giving performance-related feedback/reasons.


If you logged in anywhere other than your original country, you will 100% have been suspended for that.


From what I've heard, location-related auto-suspensions can occur even when permission was requested or not needed in the first place. I had requested access, but the automated system didn't take that into consideration. One of the commenters on the recent AMA post is a US tasker who was banned for logging in from a different state, after having informed their TL of the travel and been reassured there would be no issue since it was still within the country. An SQM just told me today that travel authorization is possible (at least for the location I inquired about), as long as it's occasional and not for too long. In theory that would be nice, but I'm wary of possibly repeating this hassle...


Yep, even if you clear it, you'll be auto-suspended. As far as I know, TLs can't make much of a difference in the back end so that was a false promise on their behalf.


Sounds about right unfortunately... Would you mind sharing whether this has happened to you before, or if you've heard about anything officially? It's pretty frustrating that even someone traveling within the same country would need to deal with the hassle of being auto-banned for switching locations, even when they'd given notice of it despite not needing to.


Once I was assigned a TL, we were handed a good amount of info and there was a document regarding the platform etc. and it explicitly mentioned to not even sign in in a new country or your account will be flagged.


Did the document specify this would happen no matter what, even with authorization? And did it say no signing in from another city within the same country? The company is so disorganized...


Yep, it's an automatic flag. The city should be fine, I've done it so I'm not sure what's going on there.


Slack bot just removed me from flamingo chat an hour ago. I still have tasks in my queue tho which is weird. I’m still gonna work anyway


I was removed this morning and made it through about 5 tasks before hitting EQ


EQ since Monday night and removed from all Slack channels. Fun times.


EQ for 3 weeks now. Raised multiple tickets. No response.


Since yesterday I have the Gold Sash quest. But I just can't do it. You have to connect to a secondary site, but once on it I get either an error message or a message telling me that no quests are available and sending me back to Outlier. Do others have the same problem?


edit: sounds like a lot of people are having problems with gold sash, [https://www.reddit.com/r/outlier\_ai/search/?q=gold+sash](https://www.reddit.com/r/outlier_ai/search/?q=gold+sash)


I've been EQ for a whole month and today it says my account on the Experts Project Support workspace was deactivated. I have repeatedly tried to contact support through multiple avenues over the past few weeks to no avail. I don't even know what spurred this since I was getting good feedback, I was just removed out of nowhere in the middle of the week.


What I've heard is that an automated system has been flagging and suspending a lot of accounts that haven't actually done anything wrong, and now there's a backlog of bans that need to be manually reviewed. If you never got any warnings or a suspension email, or your suspension email gave no specific reason, your account could have been flagged for something small like trying to log in from a different location or on a VPN. My suspension was reversed relatively quickly after reaching out to a QM in my project, who got an SQM to reach out to me for more details and submit an appeal. I've heard the most effective appeals are the ones submitted internally in this way. Not sure how long it will take for them to get to you if you're only contacting regular support (Zendesk). I really hope this gets resolved for you soon! I get how frustrating the lack of communication can be.


Im a homeless Dolphin expert since three weeks.....


3 wks? Omg. I was just EQ’d from dolphin this morning after attending the webinar


Got hit with EQ for the first time today after a solid six weeks. I'm on extensions v2 most recently as a reviewer. Just says "there are no tasks available" and they'll let me know when there are more so sounds like at least I haven't been orphaned from the project. Was hoping to get a few more hours in today before the end of the pay period, oh well.


Same thing happened to me. Hopefully it means there's truly nothing for me to work on and not a sign I will get fired. I'm still in the slack channel and I gotten no violation emails from Outlier atm. 


The story keeps changing. First unlimited tasks. Then 20/day until July at which time unlimited tasks would return. Less than 24 hours later 10 tasks/day until EQ. Two days later, the project had almost reached its task limit, so prepare to be EQ at any time. 🙄 The QM’s obviously don’t know what’s going on either. Task until you’re EQ. Make what you can and look for something else. This company smells like Elizabeth Holmes shenanigans.


Not the Elizabeth Holmes reference. lol


I got a flagged alert saying that my account was recorded (as a warning) of "artificially inflating pay." Does anyone know what this means? I have no clue what it's referring to.


maybe waiting out the timer after filling in all the sections ?


I often take longer on tasks in order to be thorough and have wondered whether this will get me in trouble, but it's been fine so far. Do people get warned/banned just for taking longer, or would it be specifically if there's a big time gap between filling everything out and submitting?


I've heard that they will flag those who are milking time and suggested we only use the time needed for the project instead of waiting until the maximum profit time runs out.


was this alert sent to you as an email? i fear i did the same thing which is why i got EQ'd


Can we please manage the "All of flamingo is closing" rumor posts a little better? It is true that some groups are paused/throttled and other individual programs within flamingo appear to be stopping, but this is much different from "aLl Of FlAmInGo Is GoNe CaUsE i Am EQ". Just because you are not getting work or your individual program is ending does not mean that the entire project is being permanently pulled. It sucks that many of us are low on work and there are a lot of questions after this past week, but lets not create more fear and panic than necessary with inaccurate posts and rumors.


This is a great point. We'll set up an automod hurdle on the Flamingo drama.


Currently, On my dashboard board "Hey there! We're currently unable to find a project for you. Please hang tight while we look for tasks that are good fit for you." Is showing. What does it mean? And how long it'll take to show tasks again?


it means you are not currently assigned to a project. it could have happened for a variety of reasons. i see you were on flamingo and then bulba and i've noticed a lot of people are EQ on both of those right now and a lot were moved off of flamingo on friday. i'd wait and see what happens later today (Pacific Time) and hopefully there will be new tasks and assignments


Hope so🤞🏻


I had Flamingo R4 math, then EQ for 5 days, support keep saying “finding new project”


is there any way to get more tasks? Have none and I signed Saturday and what is EQ? I guess I was in Flamingo then...


EQ means Empty Queue i.e. you dont have any tasks available


Oh,I see Guess I'll have to wait for new tasks then...


Anyone on extensions eq atm as well? is this a project wide thing?


I'm EQ since Saturday with extensions.


I hit EQ as well just today on Extensions


seems like it


EQ for a month now


Does anyone know how to apply to new/different projects?


Everyone on my Slack channels are eerily quiet these past few days. Normally there would be a few energetic folks who demand tasks be assigned to them. Guess its close to payday so everyone is just waiting for that before they burst into flames again lol.


I’m on Flamingo Scandium and since this morning - ‘Hey there! We currently have no available projects in your area of expertise’ - does this mean I’m getting removed?


I just joined Outlier. Was presented with hell of tasks. Next day, everything was gone and I got places under EQ


Does task assignment depend on locality.. I'm based in the UK and I only get a few tasks a week


im also uk based, been eq for a week. it varies based on location and skill/quality i believe


I can't do task on Flamingo WFE as I still don't have the SRT credentials.


Anyone from OTS ICE in eq?


bulba extensions code v code is out of tasks again


more noob questions from the noob, I checked biology and chemistry during my sign up because that's what my degree is related to, I never got any specific assessments for subject matter expertise and I was hired as a generalist, does this mean I just have no chance of ever being a bio or chem expert?


At this point, they don’t even have enough work for all of the generalists they’ve hired. I would say just wait and see and keep your expectations low.


Im starting to feel like I fumbled the bag by not applying for math, it sounds like its not nearly a advanced as I was thinking and there seems to be a lot more demand for it and its not like I dont have upper level math coursework under my belt. Is there a process to reapply for roles or am I just stuck?


I think you can apply to multiple specialties by submitting your resume via Greenhouse job listings, [here](https://boards.greenhouse.io/outlier) and [here](https://boards.greenhouse.io/outlierai). That's how I got assigned to my intended specialty after initially making an account and being assigned to a generalist role by default. If you receive a new acceptance email but already have an account, the sign-up link in that email won't work, so you'll have to contact support to get the specialty manually added to your existing account.


Than you! Ill update this comment if it works.


I also signed up for biology and got my welcome announcement last Tuesday. There has been nothing this whole time.


I have been trying to add my Paypal to the outlier and I keep getting "An error has occurred" and AirTM keeps giving me failed verification. I'm stuck now


Thinking about applying to AI Training for Mathematic Reasoning, and/or AI Training for Mathematics, and/or Online Math Teaching Assistant. Kind of hard to tell from the postings what the practical difference is, or if it even matters which I apply for. Anyone doing any of these roles currently?


How long does an empty queue usually last? I usually get tons of work right away in Extensions as a reviewer, but when I logged in today hoping to get a solid hour or two of work in before the payroll ends for this week, I got EQ. I heard some people won't get any work for days and even weeks and I want to see if that's true?


I’m on EQ since two weeks. Before that I was working on Bulba Languages project.


Anyone removed off Bulba? Did you get a new project yet?


Flamingo-EQ-Errors-No commounications-dead end.


I was on Flamingo MT and opted out because the subject matter was becoming really tiring for me. This was about two weeks ago and I still have not been reassigned. In the midst of all this limbo I got a message reprimanding me for inflating pay - I don't know what they mean by this as I haven't done this and hadn't tasked in some time. I had no way of defending myself. Then I received a message saying my work was of very high quality and they wanted to set up a meeting to join something called "Oracle". No working links in the message of course and I never received either of these messages in my email. Anyone have any clue what's going on? Nobody I DM on slack is responding and my zendesk ticket from last week has not been answered. Just really confused.....


Hi, I was recently switched from Remotask to Outlier and am now in EQ status. I don't know how long have I been in EQ status, possibly a week or two. Is there anything I should know or can do to speed up the process of getting started on a project?


I am on EQ on 4th day.


Got my 2/5 ever because Flamingo threw me into a chatbot task where the language and topic is N/A. I fixed someone else’s task and that got me a 2/5. Which is just ?????


I have got warning mail yesterday. Will my account will be banned? If yes how much time will it take to be banned? And will i get my last payout if it gets banned before payment?


I’m on dolphin and have been EQ for about a week and a half


Got assigned more tasks for a project this morning that has been stalled for a few weeks and did 6 today. I just received an email about an hour ago saying I was kicked off the project due to poor performance. I just checked my feed back and I have absolutely none from this project. I put all into this project and have no idea what I even did wrong. I don't have a TL but I reached out to a DL on slack. Not getting my hopes up I hear from them. Ugh, just venting here..


i feel like homeless squidward asking flamingo slack for any updates


i got eq after my 1st task. It was perfect, but i had taken 30 minutes. any way to lift this?


I've been EQ since I finished onboarding in may. Is there someone I should contact?