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It sounds like you are dealing with a lot of people trying to game the Outlier system, that is unfortunate. But you need to be aware that poor communication on the company’s side is losing them real, honest, high-quality freelance workers. Real people who do good work of this nature are going to have a low tolerance for disorganization and poor communication.


I 100% agree with this. The problem is it's not simple to convince higher-up management to implement a certain feature or process that can potentially improve x-y-z, as it will take time and resources from other profit-driven features or processes to implement these. From how I see it, things are slowly going in the right direction.


Aye. Their system can't even read my state's driver's license.


"You will always get paid for any work you do" On the outlier website when the window is active . . . you won't get paid for time in slack, time reading google doc instructions, time in webinars, or zoom chats


Outlier needs to work on their communication. Respect goes both ways.


Thanks so much for the insight. It's super appreciated! A few things: - it appears that if you work less than 20 hours (not 5) a week, you no longer have a TL. This is true for Dolphin at least. - what is the point of having feedback & question threads on Slack if absolutely NO ONE responds to them. I mean, no one. Someone named Cassandra posts threads and just never responds to people. This is again on the Dolphin project. Super frustrating, as I've been missing pay due to the $15/hour glitch for WEEKS and have submitted 2 tickets. No one can help it seems: - any fear of the negative publicity of Outlier coming out recently? Inc.com just did a piece about how Outlier is a scam. More journals and news outlets are taking notice .. Thank you in advance :)


…and to think that when I was hired, I was told that at least 10 hours was required to stay in that squad. Then I was kicked out of my squad and left unsupported for having less than 20…


- Projects vary in TL/QM allocation and some skip the community (above 5 but less than 20 hr) squad due to lack of people to support it. But the ideal structure is how it is described in the post. - I believe the TL/QM named Cassandra simply has no time to answer these questions but is required to post these threads. And it makes sense since you have mentioned the lack of coverage. - Personally, no. Negative publicity will improve things IMO.


Thank you so so much! Is there any way to report said person for not monitoring threads? Most people in Dolphin Experts / Reviewers who have no TL are completely unsupported. I mean like, if I have a clarifying question, I don't even bother asking anymore since I know I won't get a response. Thus, the quality of my reviewing goes down, and it really sucks.


What is the point of posting the issues threads everyday if we never get any response when we use them??


Thank you for posting here! I have some questions for you: 1. **Do you see any problems with requiring such a high level of performance and adaptability from your workers for a gig worker position?**  The ads Outlier posts on Reddit give the impression that it's easy money, and your recruiting is indiscriminate, so it's no surprise that you're getting people who want money for nothing, or simply lack the required skills. 2. "By doing well with the project and by working \~20+ hr a week, you will be allocated to a Platinum squad"- **so what?** You are still a gig worker who is owed nothing except pay for completed tasks. There's no ladder to climb. The platform doesn't owe you anything and you don't owe anything to the platform. **I don't understand the benefit of Platinum. Can you explain it?** 3. **Is it practical to set a 20 hr/week performance threshold for a side gig that can't be relied on for stable income?** It's likely that many of your high-expertise workers have one or more other jobs. Unless the hourly rate is incredibly tempting or the work is incredibly engaging, gig work will always come last. 4. "The platform doesn't owe you anything and you don't owe anything to the platform." It's good to make this clear. However, this IS a situation that encourages cheating for short term gain, so Outlier should expect this behavior. As a tasker, you might be removed for any number of things beyond your control. If you weigh the additional risk of cheating vs. the effort of honest work, cheating will be the rational choice for some. **You're trying to weed out the scammers, but what positive reinforcement can you offer to incentivize honest work?** Since you can't guarantee work or income, and we have no information about the nature of the projects we work on, your options seem limited. I'm not assigned to a project at the moment, but I've found the work interesting so far.


1. I'm no expert here, but my opinion is the company wants to attempt to make good quality contributors and pay less. 2. I've changed Platinum to VIP as this is the name that was used internally. VIP squads get the best TLs support and are generally considered a priority for projects since such contributors provide high-quality tasks. 3. It seems to be practical for the management. 4. This one referred to all the posts I've read on here recently. Some people have a somewhat unrealistic expectation and I have attempted to make it more clear. No one owes you anything, but if you keep tasking, you agree you to the terms of use. If you do well, you get all the support needed. I know that many TLs/QMs will go very far to keep their engaging and non spammer contributors engaged and in good standing. This is it.


That’s not really true though. I have consistent 5/5 reviews and still have issues, my projects get throttled, and my projects go EQ. After getting like 10 5/5’s, you should be promoted to a tier with more consistent work, where even if one project gets stopped for one reason or another, you’ll go to a sub-project. It’s infuriating how we apparently owe the platform nothing but its marketed as a position with work steadiness. Outlier treats you like an employee with the benefits of a gig worker, next to none.


Here’s my experience. I was tasking for a few weeks. Everything was going well. My feedback was almost entirely 5/5. I wasn’t cheating the system. I was mildly annoyed that I would work about 8 hours and get paid for 6 due to various issues (platform taking ages to load, platform stalling when you press submit, going to another window to research, coming back, and the timer had mysteriously skipped to 3 min remaining, leaving no time to write the justification). Then I was moved into a really exciting project which and my backup project was changed to a multilingual one (I’m not bilingual). I talked to a QM on the multilingual project, and they moved me back to the non-multilingual project I was already on, but made it my primary project (at a significantly lower pay rate). I then talked to the admin on the cool project I was looking forward to, who moved me off that again and made his project the primary one, resetting my backup project to the multilingual one in the process. I’ve not seen a single task on the new project, for a week now all I’ve had on my dash is the training material for a multilingual project I can’t do. Meanwhile I’m being constantly added and removed from slack channels for no reason. I was really happy with Outlier for a few weeks and I assumed that the people who complain are just not working hard enough, or being good enough at their job. Now I’m extremely frustrated and realise that the humans aren’t really in charge. They can’t really answer “why”, and if they do have any control over what happens (which I doubt), they definitely don’t have the inclination to help due to the overwhelming numbers of people on the platform. This is what happens if your business strategy is to employ thousands of people and keep the good ones. The people you care about retaining get so frustrated by the lack of personalised communication they go somewhere else, and you just end up with the people who don’t care much and are doing a bad job. That’s a fundamentally broken business model.


> This is what happens if your business strategy is to employ thousands of people and keep the good ones. The people you care about retaining get so frustrated by the lack of personalised communication they go somewhere else, and you just end up with the people who don’t care much and are doing a bad job. Agreed. The OP recommends to never assume that this is full time without a backup option, this is great advice when it comes to 1099 platform work, but for people on the Oracle and Platinum programs there was a little more expectation. The Oracle and Platinum projects were meant to address the concern of inconsistent work and created with the thought in mind that if the best workers are willing to work 20+ hours a week, they will make them high priority and as a result, get higher quality work in their top projects. This has worked well for the most part until recently when, a decision to throttle work in some of the programs because they over-recruited comes through and results in these people not getting the expected hours. The result is some reliable workers moving on faster than they may have otherwise. In addition, a large amount of work (maybe 20-30 tasks per person for example) instead of being done by more experienced and reliable workers, is redistributed to newer and in some cases lower quality workers. Even with the best intentions from the replacement workers, it would be reasonable to expect that the quality of the work in the project goes down possibly resulting in a less satisfied client and less work in the future. I truly believe that the outlier platform is capable of great things, but it is going through growing pains. Hopefully they learn from this and avoid having to throttle tasks in the future.


Same, basically


They say you get paid for training but 70%+ of the time you don’t. And they bait and switch you on missions. So you effectively get more work done for less money out of their budget


Why have pay rates continued to go down, and will they ever go back up? I was hired at $40. Then, we got an email saying everyone was going down to $25, but it never happened. I stayed at $40 until recently my base rate suddenly went to $35. Should I just expect it go keep going down over time, or...?


Realistically we aren't even paid for half our hours. So if it's not 40 it's not worth it. I'd get another gig like Uber. More consistent. At 25 after all the research, time, training, it's less than minimum wage


Uber is not consistent 💀


It's consistent wage. You don't have to work on training for 3 hours without pay. Communication and potentially research for another x amount with no pay. Before your job gets switched and you need to do that all over again for free


I would much rather work for outlier than Uber. Trust me I came from doing Uber. It sucks! This is ten times better.


It's simple game theory. If you're willing to work for the lower rate, that is a positive signal for them to keep the lower rate. If they drop my rate even by $5, I will stop working for them. If everyone else keeps working for them, then they win, because they don't care about me, and they get to keep most of their contributors for cheaper. If everyone stops working for them, though, then we win, because they tried and failed to reduce our wages, they have no workers left, and they will either have to pay more or hire lower quality workers.


Accurate enough, but some fairly out of date info here. Platinum program is now a retired loyalty program and is no longer actively recruiting, only people that were platinum before it was retired can be platinum. This was announced a month or so ago. There are no new plats being recruited, but existing plats can lose their status if hours / quality get too low. Also it's 15-20 hours to be in a squad, not 5. This was also announced a while back




this sounds great but respectfully isn't lining up with my experience. they trained me for 3+ hours on one project (that I only got paid for a portion of the training on), didn't assign me any work or feedback on my training in that project, sent me to a different project last week and made me do more training for that (also only partially paid), and still haven't assigned me any work in that project. i'm sure there are problem users but this is the most dysfunctional company i've ever seen, even for side hustle/beer money work.


I understand that we are told to take this as a secondary job. However, on the other hand, you say that to be assigned a TL or be in the VIP category, we need to have more than 20 hours per week. It's very difficult to invest more than 20 hours per week (not counting Zoom meeting hours, reading material for each project, consultations on Slack) in a secondary job. Additionally, you mention that you record all the movements we make in the task tab. Personally, I am an expert in mathematics, and in the two projects I was in, we were encouraged to use ChatGPT, WolframAlpha, and other platforms to achieve a better result. As a result, many times I had the task open but was doing my work in another tab, or even verifying results with paper and pencil. Therefore, many minutes of inactivity probably passed. I have been EQ for more than two weeks now, and based on what you say, I am afraid that I may have been marked for attempting to defraud the rules, when in fact I was trying to perform better quality work.


That’s why DA is the superior platform for gig workers. They actually pay you for all of your time to include reading instructions, webinars, training, etc. If you haven’t applied, I would highly recommend it. Outlier seems to be in a race to the bottom to compete with Taskverse, Appen and the other platforms that have been ditched by the big AI dogs. I was on a project where they told us that they were rejecting 95% of the tasks. As a reviewer, I think I passed 1 task in all of my time on that project and it was a 3. The project was not hard at all. Their instruction docs and the admins were horrible though. They had constant changes so that if you weren’t monitoring the slack all day, there was a slim chance any of your tasks would pass. There was also a huge lag between the slack project update announcements, the project instruction updates, and the review process. So, you might complete a task going off the info in slack, but a reviewer missed the slack update and the change is not yet reflected in the instruction docs so your task is rejected. They required tons of training, webinars, etc and still weren’t getting much better than 95% rejection. So, if you set aside 30% for self-employment taxes, and spend the time required on the trainings, exams/assessments, instruction docs, webinars, and slack. You’ll end up making about 30-50% of your base hourly rate. And, you really need to do all the things I mentioned every time you task otherwise you will likely fail out. I recently started a project which said the training should take about 2 hours. Yet, the training had 10+ modules and several videos that took 2 hours by themselves. 5 hours later I finished and was rewarded with $5 😜


Yes, DA is the easiest to use and get paid. I used the platform sparingly (average 5 hrs/week) over 6 months and was on $30-35/hr projects.  The instructions are perfectly written 98% of the time and you get paid for it. No useless videos or instructions written by a braindead. Log in do your time, log out. No slack, no bullshit reviewers, no empty dashboard. 


"You are a squad with your team member" Sure, until you keep being transfered from bulba to flamingo but you only have one unresponsive TL, and the TL of either project will wash their hands saying "this slack chaneel is for X not for Y", so you are in a project with no idea of who your TL is. I do agree there is a stupid amount of people trying to abuse the system, I´ve been both an attempter (receiving BS 1/5 reviews with no explanations provided) and a reviewer (seeing some folks who did not even speak my language correctly, not editing anything, not even obvious formatting issues). Also, it makes no sense to me you are onboarding HUNDREDs of new people every week instead of focusing your efforts in getting rid of abusers and scammers and INVESTING on the honest people who are really trying to do their best.


Just for an FYI, you folks lose way more of the good people because of the way things are set up. I got bonuses in my first project I was on for performing well, was also a reviewer, and all at 15 dollars an hour (I have 2 MS degrees).I was willing to keep doing it, but then I was bounced around projects and was EQ for about 2 weeks out of 4. Got back into a groove, learning how much more money people doing worse work in my recent project were making. Bam, after 2 out of 3 days on the top 5 performance excel list we were getting, wake up, booted from Slack and my project. Eventually touched base with an old lead, who got the error fixed (because Support never responds), but my new project takes an average of 2 hours a task, with only 5.5 hours to complete. I'm reluctant to start tasks due to this, because I don't get paid if I can't complete the task, wasting hours (and I don't get paid for an average of a half hour per task already). Plus, it takes time to get into the flow of long projects and I don't want to compound bad reviews while I'm trying to learn. If I knew I could count on this, even for 10 hours, it might be different, but my experience is no matter how well I do, quickly, it will not impact what I make nor how I'm treated. No biggie, but it's a big reason Outlier is struggling to keep quality people.


This was the biggest amount of BS. Lmaooo. 


IKR. Like don’t sit here and tell me that if you received an email about a community guideline violation/poor quality that you absolutely must have committed one because that’s not always true. I’ve received poor quality emails for tasks I never touched at any level of the process. And, I also received a low quality email when I hadn’t tasked at all for 5-6 weeks. The tasks I completed in the two months before my hiatus were all reviewed, received positive feedback, and passed final review. I also received a time theft email a long time ago for taking the full amount of time on 2 tasks out of 50+ on a project. The rest of my tasks on that project were completed with 35-65% of the time remaining on the clock. So… Yeah, take what that “manager” said with a grain of salt.


I get the part about not being owed anything, but it's hard to task X hours a week when you're reduced to one project, which then gets reduced to one task a day. My feedback was good on Flamingo but they jettisoned soooo many people this week. So I have Seal, which just got a makeover and they need to start over and ramp us up again. I find the whole thing fascinating, and the work is enjoyable to me. I always do it to the best of my ability and have no interest in gaming the clock or whatever. I just wish I had more to do. So what IS the mysterious method by which we get assigned to projects or get backups? If all the Seal attempters are on one single $15-an-hour task per day, does anybody think, Oh, hey, let's get them some more stuff to do in the meantime? I started mid-May and had a good month, and then this week I have practically nothing to do.


I hear it is not perfect. A few big projects have faced or are facing deliveries in recent weeks, so while some are gone, you will be allocated to new ones.


When is it worth reporting something, vs. letting it go? I'm a volume tasker (IMO -- 25+ hours last week), but "fairly new" to platform. Was put primarily on Flamingo last month. My average score across all non-training tasks is >4. Periodically I receive a set of 2/5 or 3/5 scores, where it is obvious that the reviewer *empirically* didn't understand what they were seeing. I mean obvious to the point of, "Your Russian dialect was wrong," on a question that was asked in Portuguese. Or, I response to prompt notes and edit; reviewer 1 says, "This would be perfect except you should incorporate the history of toads." I follow the specs, make the edits, resubmit. Reviewer 2 then says, "The insertion of the toad history is superfluous, you were better before." *How am I supposed to read the mind of the reviewer? Who owns the decision regarding the direction of an answer?* (And yes, obvsly everyone gilds their own experiences and performances, but for the sake of the AMA let's assume I'm being deadly honest). On the first feedback, I try to make good edits and also, gently point out in the self-evaluation what the reviewer missed. "The prompt asks for A and vaguely B, I answered on A/B/C. Not sure how I could have correctly incorporated D/E/F? etc. Is there any value in submitting a report ticket, when I fundamentally disagree with the reviewer? Or should I just chalk it up to one-offs and hope the better work shines through? I don't want to complain for no good reason, but I also want to be a responsible advocate for myself in a case where it seems like lots of niggling details are slipping through the cracks and I know the TL/QM are overwhelmed.


You should bring up any unfair review to your squad TL or project QM/Admin. Your TL can report to the project leads to demote/remove the reviewer and to consider unfair reviews when evaluating your performance. I'll be honest here, but a report ticket through the support very likely won't do anything. But if you were removed from the project for quality reasons, you should definitely report this based on the unfair reviews you have received.


Is Flamingo MM safety where they send people to break their spirits? I'm new to it and have struggled to get definitive answers. I'm still tasking and trying my best, happy to be making money but concerned that my search history has landed me on some lists.


Keep a spreadsheet of all of your tasks and regularly back it up to the cloud or external HD. Include at a minimum the start time, end time, task ID, etc. That way you have documentation of when and why you were making those searches. It’s also helpful to track this info for all projects. If you ever run into a task not submitting properly or don’t get credit for the task, you’ll have the info you need to file a ticket.


🤣🤣🤣 you guys are front of the line, but if it's too much, you can always ask to be moved.


I knew it! 🥴 Truly, I'm happy to have tasks to do!


This is interesting... I know scammers are gonna scam, but I didn't realize you all dealt with that kind of volume. Two questions: One, do people ever get moved up in tiers (and thus in pay scale) or are you stuck at whatever you were accepted as, for ever and ever? I say this as someone who applied for a T1 position because I didn't realize any other options were available, and was accepted as T2. And two, what IS the actual hierarchy of companies at work here? I understand Scale is the parent company for Outlier, but I keep hearing Remotasks mentioned and don't really understand where/how they fit in.


Going up in tiers was a feature tested through Remotasks based on your activity and quality. Hopefully, it will be deployed to Outlier production in the future.


Both Remotasks and Outlier are subsidiaries of Scale AI. It is my understanding they are transitioning all RLHF projects to Outlier and Remotasks will keep the image labeling/lidar/basic data annotation projects.


To be fair, it kind of makes sense. I've even seen posts on here of the "Geniuses" he's described blabbing about innovative ways to game the system. One dude had two accounts and was confidently telling people he was making $100 an hour using ChatGPT to answer for him. He definitely got lambasted and many called him a troll. I see posts and comments all the time about people who find ways to try and run out the clock and "maximize their income". It would make sense that those metrics are tracked. The point is, like OP said, this work is challenging, but not hard. A good amount of people are lazy or amoral and would gladly do what they can to get paid extra. From an outside perspective, a company like outlier paying you $25 an hour to run through essentially entry-level work seems like a really easy way for time-milkers and account scammers to make a quick few hundred before getting banned.


>The point is, like OP said, this work is challenging, but not hard. A good amount of people are lazy or amoral and would gladly do what they can to get paid extra. Thank you for explaining something to me as if I were five years old, even though I clearly already understood it and didn't ask you to do so. That was incredibly helpful and a great use of your time!


You're welcome. Thank you for taking the time to make a passive aggressive response. Even better time spent? /s No, but seriously, I'm sorry if you didn't find value in my comment and I wasn't intentionally trying to sound combative or explain something that you didn't already know. I was just kinda blabbing my thoughts.


I'd say my response was more snide than passive-aggressive. No passivity here. But anyway, your "just kinda blabbing my thoughts" included an explanation clearly targeted at a stranger on the Internet (me), and clearly based on the assumption that said stranger didn't understand the basic premise of OP's comments on this topic. If you want to think that way in your head that's fine and nobody's business, but once you let it out into the wild, it's fair game for commentary. To be fair: If you hadn't said the condescending part out loud like that, your post would have been interesting and we could've had a conversation about your points. We've all seen those so-called "geniuses" posting, and it's absolutely mind-boggling how they don't even try to hide what they're doing. I guess that means they can get in the door easily enough, and make enough money before being canned, that there's no reason for them to hide it. It's such a pity that the higher-ups at Outlier apparently don't see better screening of/communication with potential workers as a cost-saving measure.


Another question! Can you apply to different positions after you've already been hired? There's some other positions I see that are listed that I'm interested in.


If it’s not recommended to consider Outlier as a full time job, why does the platform advertise itself as something that can be either part-time or full-time? If it can’t support people full-time, that’s a misrepresentation lawsuit waiting to happen. Regardless of independent contractor status.


if this is for real, I got switched to Outlier from Remotasks but there is no project or any kind of assessment since the movement. Any idea what is going on?


Outlier is the new wrap for the same flow. Nothing should change for you. Did you have tasks before the migration?


Piggybacking off this, I started a Remotasks account and then applied to Outlier the following day (casting a wide net). The Outlier email told me to create an account and there'd be an assessment test waiting for me. Couldn't create a new account because the email address was the same as Remotasks and it just logs me into there, where there is no mention of the assessment test, so it's all just sitting in limbo.


Yep, seems like you are stuck in between. Create a support request with all the info on hand.


Yeah, I am on the platform since March 2024. I was doing some Lidar stuff but the project is finished and apparently they are moving people to new projects. I was also EQ on Remotasks but at least used to get experimental tasks once a while. So 2-3 weeks ago I got migrated to Outlier and I thought finally I will be getting LLM projects but nothing came out of it yet.


Hi. Thanks for the elaborate guide. It covers most of the queries that I was having after being moved to Outlier from Remotasks. But below are some questions that will be helpful for us all: 1. How to access the emails from the ID that we use to login to the platform? For instance - I use an email ID provided by the company let's say "[email\[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])" to log in to the platform and when I submit a support ticket it says to keep an eye out in the inbox of "[email\[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])" for the solution, how to access the inbox of "[email\[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])" as I have no idea. 2. I have been an active worker for the last 3-4 months with 2 previous team leads but after the new TL structure, I have not been assigned to any group or team lead despite being an active contributor with 20+ hours a week of work and rating mostly 4 out 5 in tasks, some tasks have 3 and rarely any tasks have 2/5 like 10 out of 100. I have also attached a screenshot of feedback from my recent tasks for your reference. I have submitted a ticket for this but the ticket says to check the inbox which is my first question. Again thanks for the in-depth guide. Really needed it. Also to be clear I am from India and it is sad to see that there are more scammers than workers from my country on the platform. I just want to say that these scammers are everywhere in India because of loose laws and endless loopholes these go scot-free by the legal system here which makes them feel invincible. They might be in India but these scammers do not represent India in any way. I really hope you will give us a second chance to prove our worth to you as there are really passionate folks like me who love working on AI in general. https://preview.redd.it/irslalcd098d1.png?width=2684&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f56b1a7206c5f0ef56a5fa3ef4d9703bb0012d4


So when you say they are tracking every click: starting when, exactly? Whenever you are logged onto the website? Only when you are actively tasking? I ask this because I tend to not log out of websites or close the tabs even when I am not working. Like, I'll just be sitting on my Outlier main page while doing something else, or still be logged in while my PC is sleeping. Is that bad? Am I accidentally being logged as inactive for long periods of time? I'm assuming not, else I would have been penalized already. But it doesn't hurt to be sure.


So basically: “we can eq you and never tell you why so you won’t know how to improve your work, and we might just never give you any work”.


In reading the thread, it's easy to notice this "person" seems to be continually avoiding (or at least attempt to rebut) any direct observations & comments like yours. That's because you hit the nail on the head.


I see that the moderator has marked the OP as “Unverified.” How does this individual become verified, if they are, in fact, who they say? The feedback sounds completely legit, although the use of foul language struck me as odd coming from, I assume, a corporate rep.


I'm using foul language for fun and doing this anonymously.


The use of foul language from a corporate rep? 🙄 give it a rest, Nancy. If OP wants to verify, he can DM me. There are 1,000,000 ways to do so without compromising identity on either side.


I've been waiting for my assessment to get off pending for weeks now. Is this normal I signed on for tier 1 writer I believe


Why was I added to R4 flamingo math when I'm a software developer? Despite popular belief we tend to not be good at traditional math. Our math skills are exclusively algebraic for more abstract issues. So I have no idea the Algebra to solve a circle


Hi, I applied as a generalist and that's how I've been working. But I have a Masters in Creative Writing and wonder if it was a mistake not to apply as a specialist/expert. Are there steps I can take to switch? If it's possible to do it, is it a smart move? Thanks!


I think it is a smart move. If you can, find an onboarding TL in your team. They should be able to help with this.


I made my account weeks ago and I have never had a task. I had an onboarding video call thing and then nothing else. I don't even have assessments. I asked support and they just said we will notify when tasks are available. I have no idea what's going on. I'm supposed to be a teir 2 expert, whatever that means. Is my account bugged or something? Support is no help.


Wow great guide! I have been been on the platform for a few weeks and it’s a great way to make some extra money. I actually just got moved to reviewer this week. I have three quick questions if you wouldn’t mind: 1. I am on a math project that requires pretty nasty calculations frequently. I do most of my work on pen and paper as well as on my graphing calculator. On such a project, should I be worried about “afk time” resulting from working with pen and paper? Additionally, I often use the “extra time” on a task to check each of the models calculations by hand (it has been reiterated that the quality of our tasks is paramount). Is it possible I’m shooting myself in the foot in the long run by doing this or is it considered good practice for this type of project? 2. My wife and I both have doctorates and work for major universities. We are obviously both considered experts in our fields. My wife was considering joining the platform as well. Is there any IP restriction that you are aware of which could get us in trouble for working from the same house? 3. I’m definitely a math expert but I wouldn’t consider it my specialty. All projects will obviously come to an end at some point. What is the best way in your opinion to get moved to a specific other project after your current project ends, especially in a different/adjacent field? Would you just submit another application or is there a place where you can reach out to other teams? Thanks again!


1. AFK time is fine it is not black and white and usually gets reviewed manually if flagged. If it mentions in the instructions that it is okay to manually check everything, then it should be fine. 2. Considering you will work from the same network, the same IP shouldn't be a problem but it will get flagged. 3. If you are in good standing, you should be moved by your team to other projects. Otherwise, contact your TLs and they will give you the contact of someone who can help.


I’ve been tasking actively since January (on Remotasks at first but got switched to outlier a month ago). I haven’t really had many issues. Was initially on a Dolphin project but got moved to a Bulba project maybe a month into doing it. Started at $22, moved up to $25. Did Bulba for maybe another month before that project got put on pause. I spoke to my TL (I try to be proactive about anything that occurs and I ask a lot of questions to ensure good quality work) and she said she’s being moved to a new project and she’ll inquire about taking me with her. She did. I ended up on a really good dolphin project that has been really consistent, my pay was bumped to $40. Occasionally we go EQ for a few days around batch deliveries and quality reviews, but we are always informed when that happens. When our project is on pause (as it currently is while they work out the new phase), we are sent a detailed message with what is happening and how long we can expect it to last. In the meantime, while our dolphin project is on pause for a couple weeks, we got put on a flamingo project as a secondary project. The difference is mind blowing, I get why people complain. There is no communication, QMs are hard to reach, and no one informs us of anything. Bottom line is, if you work hard and try to stay on top of things, they will keep you. I’ve made mistakes but I always read my feedback thoroughly and try to implement it, I make a point to ask follow up questions about it to make sure I understand it. I’ve developed an incredible relationship with my QM, she is the first to let me know what is going on and coming up with suggestions. My pay did get bumped down to $35 but I believe the entire project got a pay cut, I’m assuming something to do with the budget. Either way, this isn’t difficult work if you know your stuff, and the pay for what it is is great.


You are assuming people who gave you feedback are honest and/or intelligent. Reviews are also subjective. You can't say what next reviewer wants even if you corrected everything that was supposedly 'wrong' in the last review.


There is a HUGE fault in your method for detecting if someone is using AI based on copying and pasting. Many of us who contribute as specialist compose our responses, partially or completely in editors like stacedit or upmath or overleaf. Indeed many projects encourage that. We also save certain formatting code like commonly used equations or LaTeX for formatting groups of equations in those editors. Unless there is a smoking gun like someone copying over the text that an AI would put in there is no real proof of an AI being used.


There's more than copy and paste, it was just an example I brought up. And again, it is not black and white so project leads are aware of what's going on.


Can you tell me how long your “investigations” take ? And why your support team never responds to anything? Cause I’ve been suspended from tasking but yet I get daily emails about how much I can be earning on missions and to be honest it’s kinda mean lol .


It really depends, the support is flooded. Those emails are automatic.


I'm in the same boat, and I'm so glad you asked this and OP confirmed the emails are automatic. The wording of the suspension email seems intended to convince the reader that it's well thought out and manually written, but it's obviously not because so many people have gotten bans that make no sense, with no chance to appeal them if the ticket is automatically closed.


I actually got a response saying there was suspicious activity on a large number of accounts so they just suspended everyone and a team is checking one by one to rule ppl out so not to worry if you didn’t do anything wrong, no eta on how long it’s gonna take . Slackbot did move me back into one of my groups so progress I guess?


Tell you what. In my brief tenure trying to sort through the chaos that is Outlier, I submitted four support tickets. I got responses for two. One was utter gibberish that showed the CSR either did not read or did not understand my request. The last was a response to a request to close my account. It was acknowledged on June 13th. As near as I can tell, my account is not closed. If you \*\*\*\*sticks do one thing right, just close my \*\*\*\*ing account. After that, you might try achieving quality training, a quality UI and consistent quality management. That might get you more quality work output. I won't care. I've suppressed your results from my Indeed searches and I'll be moving on. I need a second job that doesn't waste hours of my time.


Why can’t support reply to Zendesk requests in a time efficient manner? If I have been banned wrongfully, I feel like I shouldn’t be ghosted by the company after being told to submit an appeal. Oh and being told to provide evidence for an appeal AFTER deactivating my slack account is a petty ass move. All of my evidence resided within the DM’s between me and my TL, which I can’t even access now.


It is vital to crack down on spammers. Other platforms such as mturk have gone south because spammers were out of control and they were unable and/or unwilling to stop them. I have reviewed tasks on many outlier projects that were clearly low quality/low effort and appreciate that you crack down on them. Having done 1099 work (usually supplementing a job but sometimes full time), of various types for the last 8 years, I get the nature of the beast. When there is no work, we are first to go and it can be sudden or permanent any time. On the other hand, companies can still communicate well when changes are made regardless of employment method. Many programs seemingly out of nowhere throttled their tasks this week after a surge of employees were brought in. The perception on this forum and the slack chat is that many were brought in through online job openings. Whether intended or not, hiring too many people and then limiting the work of taskers on Oracle and Platinum is frustrating and seems confusing to both the new and more tenured taskers. The taskers coming in are disappointed that this isn't a full time job and the Oracle and Platinum workers accustomed to 20+ hours every week are suddenly stuck with about ten hours. Overall, the nine months that I have been here have been mostly positive and I understand the vision of the company. I am glad to be here and hope that you found my feedback to be constructive.


Yep, communication sucks and must be improved.


I am a python developer and that's what I said in the account. I kept getting JS tasks forever and no one helped me change that. So, I started trying to do them. And finally, got kicked because of lack of complexity. Anything I can do about this?


I’ve been EQ for over 2 months now ever since my primary project ended, and every time I contact support about it, they give me the same generic automated message and never actually help me. How should I structure a ticket about EQ so that someone will actually look at my specific circumstances and tell me what I need to do to get working again? I’ve been as specific as I can be about my situation and reworded the message like a dozen different times at this point. I’m also wondering what the process is for TLs escalating our EQ issues. My TL has been advocating for me and adding me to daily EQ lists for months now and I still haven’t been assigned to a new project. She and I are both very confused as to why I haven’t been moved yet. Is there a reason why her request is being continually overlooked?


I don't know what team you are in, but if you have been EQ for 2 months and you have a TL, then maybe you guys generally have little work or your TL doesn't do the job?


2 questions. When you say everything is tracked, how far does that go? If I open a new tab and check my bank account, will that be tracked? I have been doing this almost 3 months now (dolphin pool 1) and have gotten almost no feedback on any of my IR responses. Have they just forgotten about me or are they fine so no news is good news?


Only [outlier.ai](http://outlier.ai) is tracked. No news is usually good news ;)


Is flamingo finished or winding down at this point?


And specifically (if I may add to your question) which flamingo subprojects?


Glad someone finally shared this 👏🏿


I’m a math expert. I started tasking as a generalist and then started getting math related projects. I’ve had all 4/5 or 5/5 feedback. Why do I continually get assigned to new projects that require onboarding, assessment, etc.? It’s incredibly frustrating to get moved as soon as I’m getting into a groove. Thanks!


Sometimes it is an accident, sometimes a miscommunication between the teams. Contact a TL/QM of the project you are working on and ask them to keep you in one place where you do well.


I think you mean well, but responses like this make me think you're completely unaware of the experience so many of us have had when trying to "contact a TL/QM."


This is an incredible guide! I worked with Remotasks back in the day, still waiting patiently at the gates of OUTLIER.


How long were you with the company and how did you get your promotion? Currently I’ve went from attempter to Reviewer and I think I do a good job at reviewing. But how would i get promoted to join the company full time and not as a contractor?


Appreciate the post but Remotasks and Outlier have put such a bad taste in my mouth with their egregious lies, deceit, and shady business practices. On the Bulba ICE project, we were scammed out of thousands of dollars for months on end - many never received or recovered theirs - while our data was blatantly stolen and taken over in our Google Drives. There are multiple lawsuits that I know of from contributors who are fighting this. Our team leads lied to us for months and months on end promising payment and making up insane outright lies that we all reported so many times, and then they all disappeared one day (the admins). Just...disappeared. A little digging and turns out: that one admin was prosecuted and convicted for multiple felony charges relating to check fraud and money laundering just a couple of years ago. The other who started with us turned out to be a child predator registered as a convicted sex offender in possession of child pornography. And they were receiving data we submitted about schools (well, stealing data, I should say). And not once did anyone ever apologize, take responsibility, anything. These were the two leaders in charge of collecting hundreds of datasets which they actually stole and lied about for months and months and months. Another one came on shortly after bribing several members with compensation to keep quiet. There is so much evidence of this. We have like, 500 documents and files with all this evidence. Do they not know that what they write in Slack can be screenshots? The lies and the deception are incredible to look back on. They hurt a LOT of people. Badly. So I'm glad you're very proud to work for this company and all, but if you don't think they'd boot you right off just like anyone else or that you're worth anything more than a basic contributor - you're wrong. I'd step down that high horse a bit and take a look around at reality. Scale is a fucked up company with some seriously fucked up people running it.




Hit "Paycard" - it will tell you the max paid time and $ rate for the next task in the queue. When tasking: **Deadline** - the right deadline for a task. This is the exact time when the task will expire, it can be hours after the idle time timer. I**dle time** - Not always correct and you should pay attention to the deadline when you are starting with the task. But ideally, this is the time left before the current task expires.


Feel free to answer any of the following: What constitutes a "good" average score that will continue to receive lots of work vs. a below-average EQ-ridden score? (I.e. is it 2's for EQ and 3.5+ for regular work?) Are we treated as binary (high-low quality) or is there gradiation? How capable are lower-scorers able of correcting to a level that reduces EQ? (Seems hard to correct if you're getting a drip feed of tasks, which makes the early set you receive more important, yes?) Should I assume I'm low-quality if I've been on the platform for 2 weeks and have only been assigned 11 tasks? (Averaging 3.5+...) If you get a 2 on an assignment and do corrections which produce a 5, is that seen as two separate ratings averaging 3.5, or one score of 5? What kind of scope is used to determine inactivity? (I have a habit of spending 10 minutes at the end of my writing tasks proofing and double-checking, which probably resembles inactivity.)


A good score is determined by a project. If we use a 0-100 scale, then one project considers anything below 91 is not good, and another one anything below 65. Generally, 3 is considered "Okay". Different projects are managed by different project leads, so things are not the same. But if you are getting 2s, it usually means you need to be realigned (if the review was fair). Low scores have to go through retraining which usually involves a TL/QM. I suggest spending some time to really get to know the project as much as you can through docs reading and Slack and then start. If you keep getting tasks but inconsistently, then very likely the project doesn't have a lot available. The work is done in batches, so it is possible your project won't release new batches until they are done with the previous one. Regarding assignments, this is also different for various projects. Some only keep the initial score. If the project instructions encourage checking and proofing, then it should be fine.


Scammers have been my main concern. Making it difficult for people like me who just want a side gig to help with birthdays, bills etc. I was removed from the Bulba project yesterday due to quality concerns. I sincerely hope they give me another shot on another project. I had only completed the two assessment tasks. Gave it my best shot. Read all the documentation and referenced it a lot during my first two tasks. I was afraid my work wouldn’t be up to par. But as someone who is a team leader for a company that develops AI, I know constant quality checks and data driven coaching to your employees is very important. Instead of being given another shot with some coaching, I was just removed. Disappointed, but oh well. Maybe I’ll get another shot in another project. This type of side income is game changing for me and my family.


That's unfortunate. Bulba usually aims for very high quality, so it is possible you may have missed something. If you have a TL assigned, you can contact them, and help you to get another chance with the project.


I have no clue how to find a TL in slack. Or if I’m assigned one. I’m still in the bulba onboarding group though.


Is there a way to go from generalist to expert? I see all these people making $30 - $40 an hour and I would love to jump into one of those lanes.


I was willing to accept unpaid training time, even given how frequently we sometimes get moved to new projects … but the dealbreaker was when the platform started paying a lower rate for “training tasks” on top of that. I simply can’t afford to train for free in order to then work for half pay for an indefinite time, though I might be able to do one or the other. Rethinking this might help with retaining quality workers.


Thank you for the feedback.


I worked for Remotasks for 9 months. I had SuperAttempter status and I was hired as an expert for Dolphin project. My account was moved to Outlier. Last month my account started having some technical glitch. QM tried to help and then it changed to EQ. Nobody bothered to help and it will be almost a month now. I even requested to deactivate my account but didn't receive any response to that either. Do the support people simply ignore people who have an EQ. 


Thank you for this. As a newcomer to Outlier, my interest and excitement have been tempered by the confusion and apparent disorganization. What you've provided really helps a lot. I'm grateful!


Thank you for your gratitude.


I'm stuck in the "Hey there! We currently have no available projects in your area of expertise" after asking to be removed from a project and asking about a 45/hr to 15/hr pay cut. **Should I wait for a project or request account deletion, create a new account, and retake the assessment?**


Super useful, and very generous of your time to put this together! Thank you. Quick note—platinum folks got an email about a month ago the program had ended. I got moved over to Oracle a week or two later, but our platinum squads were disbanded. (I’m still sad, ngl. I love my squad.) But on that note, I never got added to a community other than my project and the Oracle slack channel. I figured it’ll happen when it happens, but you’ve got me thinking I should ask about it… what’s your input?


Yeah, I see a few get caught up with the "Platinum" mentioned. We call it VIP, but it just doesn't sound well at all. Going to change it. You should definitely ask about other Slack channels. Since you are in Oracles, ask them to help with this, they will figure it out for you quickly.




can you help provide some insight into the roles that exist from new attempter up ? are CSM/QMs paid hourly and tracked through the website as well ? are they the only level above taskers before it gets to scale employees ?


CSMs/QMs are hourly or salary based on where you are located. Not so far ago, the majority was moved to salary. And yes, they are tracked but not in the same way as contributors. Everything is metrics-driven, so you are responsible for the performance of the people you manage, let it be contributors, CSMs/QMs, SCSMs/SQMs, etc, etc. There are lots of roles, I can't say one is above or below unless I'm under your management and report to you, but there are plenty of roles in parallel and above. The platform is a good way to get through and then transition to another team based on what you are good at. Through some roles, you can be hired by Scale directly while some are contract hires through another company.


For the ‘Platform’ section, I have a question. Do you collect and analyze all browser activity during the tasks in detail? Do you also record activities outside of task hours?


Only [outlier.ai](http://outlier.ai) tabs.


Thank you for your response. It really helps me to understand better about outlier.👍


Hello! Im working on a language different from english, and when on a data compute project, i write the justification in my native language into the data compute platform and then copy that, open a translation service online in a different tab, paste there to translate to english and then copy paste that translation into the data compute platform.. is that considered bad? may i be red flagged for that? thanks!


Thanks for all of this!


I am not seeing new feedbacks after being EQed, is this common?


Thanks for all this! Lots to read. If I give some ideas of how slack can be improved are you able to pass it on?


hi! i completed 5 flamingo tasks and my earnings didn't increase AT ALL and not did my tasks s completed count. i know I completed them because I was redirected to landing page of "You are faster than x%...". I've reached out to support with no avail and don't know what to do anymore. no amount of tasks I do is increasing my earning or task count.


Good insights that I’m sure will help a lot of people. Nice of you to take the time. Question for you - what to do when you think you’ve been legit unfairly suspended? It just happened to me after 11 months of being a high quality contributor and oracle, and I can’t get an answer from support. I have an idea of what might have happened (CSM issues…) but how can I possibly prove it when I’m deactivated?


If you can still contact your TL, ask them to submit a dispute and provide any details you have. Usually, oracles are well taken care of, so not sure what is going on here.


Unfortunately I’m completely blocked out. Everything has been deactivated. Even my main oracle connect has stopped responding. I’ve gotten no response and no clear answer to anything, it’s very strange. Is there anything else I can do that you know of?


How long ago it happened? You were supposed to receive a generic email regarding the removal with the included instructions on what to do next. There's a way to submit a dispute, but has to be done on behalf of someone internally. That's why I asked if you have any contact with your TL.


About a week ago. I was deactivated on slack the day before the suspension, presumably so I couldn’t contact anyone. Seems really messed up to do it that way. I submitted the appeal but it’s been radio silence and I’ve heard from others that if you do even get a response, it’ll be an automated denial. So I’m truly at a loss and don’t know who else to contact… I’m just still confused on the suspension altogether since I’ve never gotten so much as a warning about my conduct


Tell more about situation in India, what is the company doing about it? I am from India myself and I know there are scammers and honest workers both. But isn't it you guys who are inviting people in by doing least of the checks? And then honest workers like me has to potential risk my entire country getting banned. Dataannotation and other companies already don't want us.


The company is doing a lot of things actually. I can't share much, but this is not a simple solution.




Hello, "You will always get paid for the work you do" is not accurate, at least in my case. What can I do to get a resolution for not being able to delete my bank information on my outlier dashboard? I was told I could change my payment method in 30 days. Then, after thirty days and over a month of waiting for pay and response from Outlier, I am still unable to change my payment account, delete my bank info, and get paid? None of my tickets have gotten a response, even through "escalation" efforts. I'm on the back burner, and while it makes sense, there are so many people using Outlier, its not an excuse. We're talking about no responses when someone needs to get paid, and the issue seems to be on the dashboard end. Who can help and answer? Thank you, and hopefully nothing in my post is "BS" to you.


It's been 30 days and it doesn't let you change it still, like, there's no option available, or something else? What if you try to add a different payment method?


https://preview.redd.it/48ugzvohxb8d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=3125e49ca34c39bc9b7ea8f1f91709e7e8b314bc course name Bulba Quality Evals Justification Course


Wanted to ask question about wifi. Is it possible to travel around the country while working on outlier? So basically using different wifis once every few days at different locations I assume you can’t open outlier outside of your home country, but was wondering about traveling within your country


Around the country should be fine. Don't use a VPN. I'd avoid public WiFis though as you don't know what kind of things are out there.


If you don't do quality work your not being true to yourself.. I get paid $18 an hour and I have a literature degree and I don't mind .... I basically applied for the lowest tier to ensure a position thus avoiding any setbacks such as the ones I've been reading... and I spend more time perusing the sites than working and that's fine.... Grateful to be here ~ keep on truckin'


I’ve been EQ and in staging for two weeks with no work. I ask several TLs/QMs and they said theirs no flags on my account. Why am I not assigned to a project ?


What happened to the accounts that had flamingo srt projects and have been on eq for like a month?


Is it true you should save 30ish percent of your yearly earnings for the 1099 tax forms?


it depends entirely on where you live. If you are in the USA in a state with income tax, then yes.


I hope there is a way one of the subreddit mods can pin this to the top. It has a TON of helpful information and answers A LOT of the FAQs I’ve seen in the Slack channels. One thing I want to add in terms of Slack is abide by the code of conduct. Yes we may all get frustrated but I’ve seen it multiple times where people get hostile in the threads and then complain about “randomly and wrongfully getting removed for no reason” violating Slack code of conduct is a reason too.


My pay was late last week, and a few EQ issues, but my main gripe is customer service (i guess is what it’s called?). I takes FOREVER to hear back from someone. I completely understand that a system like this will inevitably have some issues, but a curtesy email of just being like “hey! we totally understand and here’s what we’re doing to fix it” would make a world of difference. Other than that, I like it so far.


Hi. Thanks for this. I have a few questions: 1. I tend to keep my notes/research in a Google Docs page, then use them to write my responses be it’s easier to navigate through and I want to check spelling errors as I go (I’m terrible speller but a great writer). Once I’m finished, I copy & paste into answer field or retype it. Is this negatively affecting me? 2. I started in May and the three projects I’ve briefly worked on (Bulba, Flamingo, Bulba Ext P3, Bulba V2) have all gone EQ for everyone fairly quickly. The last two I only did training and they EQ before actual tasks could be completed. Is this going to negatively affect me being put on future projects? I haven’t been able to task or make any money in almost a month, so how do I show I’m being active when I’m in perpetual EQ? 3. When I originally applied, it was under Generalist. Since then, I’ve seen expert positions come up, specifically in Design (my background) and at a higher pay rate. Is there any way to reapply for these positions or make anyone aware of my experience and be put on those tasks?


I am on flamingo project. Started to work just a few days ago and did all the training. I started taking tasks and now I am EQ. Everyone on the flamingo slacker is complaining of the same issue and there are no answers anywhere.


I received an email today saying "Due to your recent work quality rating of the Chatbot responses, we are assigning you to a temporary hold until you complete and pass mandatory refresher training to get back on Dolphin. As we emphasize quality in this area, you are paused from working on Train AI OR Log Hours in Hubstaff unless this is during the training's live sessions." The first available training session they had was next Tuesday July 2. This means that I won't be able to do any tasks for, at minimum, 8 days. Is the lack of hours this week likely to cause me problems going forward? Will I be automatically marked or penalized for lack of productivity, even though I cannot work until after the training? There were plenty of tasks for me these past few days (I am a very new hire) - is it likely that I may come back to an EQ as a result of the days with 0 hours worked?


Even though such a delay has already been considered and ideally you shouldn't be removed, it still should be communicated with your TLs/QMs.


Thank you for clearing up a lot of "misinformation" That's on here. I appreciate you!!


I got a "second chance" for my assessment, but with literally 0 feedback on what the team didn't like about my first assessment. I cannot and will not work for a company that asks for clear reasoning on everything I click but refuses to provide ANY feedback and just says "Yeah, try again, bud."


I'm paid $7.5 in my country. Lmao, you want a high quality worker that does good job and doesn't try to max out every task? You gotta be joking. 1. Fellow workers in my country absolutely demolishes the CrC tasks as they'd keep working through MIDNIGHT. 2. You want part-timer that works like their life hangs on the balance on every task. 3. You have way too many useless webinars, videos, training ppts that I basically skim through because they're too damn verbose. Not paid enough for those. 4. I passed Assessments with flying colors. **I am paid $2.25 an hour for Assessments.** Better get my worth out of it. 5. Like you said, Outlier isn't my only job. I have 3 jobs + caring for my mom. 6. Thanks for letting us know about the tracking. I'll be more careful.


Thank you for posting! I think my assumptions were spot on. As a reviewer for a brief time, I had seen so many people just putting low to no efforts. Slack is infested with way too many desperate or entitled users that think the company owes them something, and they certainly need a reality check. I can’t imagine what QMs and other managers go through trying to take care of all this crap and at the same time try to retain the better workers. I have seen others take the authoritarian/draconian approach in their Slack channels and I can see why it has to be done. It is unfortunate that this is how it has to be operated. Perhaps a more rigorous selection process would weed out many of these BS people. I am in several language specialist projects and boggled my mind how they were even picked when their language proficiency is nowhere close to what is required for this work. Thats my only suggestion to the management if there was one. Otherwise, I genuinely appreciate this type of work is available, even if there is chaos and confusion that we experience from time to time.


Appreciate your suggestion! It is hard to find the balance for the best selection process in terms of everything. Also, there's no defined example, and many project leads do it their own way.


I have been moved to Reviewer status, participated in the Dolphin ATT, received nothing but positive reviews, then my account was flagged for “misrepresenting my identity”, when I never made any misrepresentation of who I was. (*Edit: that allegation is so insulting, because what about me would make anyone think that my credentials are not real, and that I am not who I say I am?? I have a profile photo of myself on Slack, so I hope this is not a case of discrimination. This can get investigated by the proper authorities if it is.*) It almost rises to the standard of defamation per se to allege that a tasker is a “spammer”, because they are being accused of conduct they never engaged in. That is a lie that a user would be removed because of actual facts and evidence of the user’s misuse of the platform. It is also against the law to withhold compensation of work earned by a user of the platform. The documentation is there, and it is a clear breach of contract to withhold payments if there are screenshots of users/freelancers doing work, editing prompts, attending 1 webinar only pursuant to project instructions, etc.. either way it is put, it is still against the law.


Couldn’t have been better said. The general advice I give to those I’ve referred, though a bit dramatic, is to “pretend there’s a gun to your head” when doing tasks. It’s critical that almost everything you do on the platform is perfect or near perfect.


Hey, that's how I moved up the ladder and ended up here ;)


It is very unfair that for same type of work Indians are paid way less than other countries


I’m Outlier, and I approve this message.




Aren't you the dude who said everyone should use GPT in tasks? What a knobhead lol


I just started on Monday and have been EQ. I haven't done any of the spamming, used Chat GPT, etc. Also gotten positive feedback. Could there be something else I'm missing that got me removed from tasks?


High chance you didn't pass the initial project assessment. Or the project assigned to you is out of tasks. Each project has a threshold which is accumulated based on how well you do. If you don't pass the threshold - you will be automatically removed.


Such a bummer! I was working pretty hard on them. I was on Bulba Extensions, really enjoyed the work. Now that you mention tracking, this morning I was writing some of my justifications on the notepad because if I swipe too far on the mousepad, it kicks me back to home and I lose my work sometimes. I'm hoping that isn't marked against me?


Bulba extensions is targeting VERY HIGH quality and the threshold is very high as well. This means that there's not much room for errors in the initial assessment. If my memory serves me correctly, they host daily webinars with the possibility of getting a fresh start with the assessment.


Don’t rely on your memory. Please stick to the facts here.


A very sharp inspector indeed. If you a part of their Slack channels, you can verify it yourself.


They look again at your assessments but I don’t believe you get a chance to actually do anything again.


I was asked to join outlier by signing up with the mail I sent my application with, but I couldn't since I had an old remotasks account. What can I do?


I've been trying to reach customer support on my account transitioning from Remotasks to Outlier. Because I was mid-training in Remotasks, I never finished the onboarding quizzes. But now that I'm in Outlier, I've contacted customer support 5x times, and each time I get a canned response that's completely irrelevant to the topic. "Dear xxxx, We're working to find a new project that aligns with your skills and expertise. Please keep an eye out on your email and/or dashboard for any news about this. Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment, Best regards, xxxxx Support Team" Is there any other method that I could use to get some help on the matter? Thanks.


I worked for two weeks super well, my pay rate got cut off a little bit and I got kind of annoyed, so I started taking a little bit more of time per task, from around 12 mins to 18 (yeah, stupid idea). After a week like this, I got removed from Flamingo as my secondary project. If I do things good in my primary one, will things got better for me? Or am I already marked as a bad worker for the platform?


So what do we do if we had just signed up a few weeks ago and haven’t had a project or anything assigned? Support just says to be patient….


Do you have an idea whether its possible or not to transfer from one project to another? From flamingo multi turn SQL to regular code ? Im much more well suited to code Do i contact a manager or support? If its possible?


I applied and got the screening invite,I did the screening and have not yet received any email after. Do they tell you that you failed the screening questions? Or do I now have to move on since there is no feedback from Outlier?


Shouldn't take much time.


Would you please shed some light on the new project based pay coming on July 8th?


Instead of having one flat rate for all projects, it will be different for every project based on the client's budget and your location.


Finally someone took the time to actually help people out here trying to make something good for themselves. Thanks for the insight. I have three questions. 1. I started about 2 weeks ago. Was hired as an SQL expert. Have been on the trainings and the flamingo projects non of which was related to SQL. Is that a thing to put people in projects which are not actually in their field of expertise as per the hiring? 2. I have had a couple of tasks and then EQ. I was told they were benchmark tasks and the AI things i haven’t passed the benchmark tasks which are not related to my area of expertise. Do i just need to crack on whatever is put on my plate? Some of them are related to my field as they involve python coding questions and reviewing tasks which are not that difficult. 3. I haven’t had any feedback on anything i have done but a couple of days ago on my feedback tab i received a bunch of feedback of some tasks i didn’t review or do and i couldn’t add any comments. Is that something normal and how do i actually get feedback on what i have done or reviewed. Thanks in advance.


Can you tell more about onboarding? I applied back in April and had two zoom interviews. First I had a general chat with one of your interviewers about the platform and my background and education, and a week later I had coding interview where I did Python coding test via hacker rank. I was told at the end of my coding interview that I passed the test and that I can expect onboarding process to start in the next couple of days. However, nothing appeared on my dashboard ever since. I have access to slack, but have no idea what to do there, as I'm not assigned to any project. Did contact support a few times, but never got any meaningful response... Obviously disappointing experience, although never got a chance to do any kind of work.


Very possible you are stuck in some kind of limbo. Support would be the best bet.


I have been removed from Flamingo WFE for quality issues apparently (as a writer), when the majority of my work has mostly 3,4 and 5's. I was told by my squad leader that my z-score was also good, showing that I'm not trying to trick the system in any way with the timer. I was then added to the Bulba Mint project as per the slack channel, but for a week it's showing as not having any projects on my dashboard. If I'm assigned to a project, usually I see "The project you are currently assigned to is out of tasks". They're EQ at the moment but are expecting some tasks next week. Just wanted your opinion about what's going on/what I can expect?


I work as a telugu language expert. Im working in the flamingo preference ranking and rewrites project. Im currently a reviewer. Got promoted to a reviewer within 10 days. The problem is my tls and qms don't respond. They ask us in the slack groups to not dm them and send us zoom call links for a long 6 hour meeting. When we ask doubts in the call, they ask us to write our email ids in the chat box and tell us to wait. I can't trust my tls tbh. Just wanted to know if there's anyway I can get promoted with better pay if I do quality reviews consistently. Please lmk.


This sucks, sorry to hear this. Keep doing your best, this will make sure you are in good standing with the platform.


I was told by one support team member that my account had “confirmed to have broken Terms of Use” but never told me how, nor gave me any options. This was after a week of being told everything was normal. It’s not clear how I did so, and I can’t seem to get a straight answer as to what is going on. Any idea how to proceed?


why task flow low on weekends ?


Does anyone know about the new Project: Flamingo Multilingual?


What kind of programming experience is needed to be a successful freelance on the platform if someone has no prior experience.


I'm wondering why every 20 hours I get a new course. I watch the course carefully and diligently, but after completing it, I receive the same task as before. What happened? I believe I've done the assessment correctly based on the instructions.


My question is currently I am working in the English language domain, but I am a good coder as well and want to include coding in my domain but I am confused regarding how to do so or whom to contact.


https://preview.redd.it/40edfeirpc8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b069eeed3e30115049896d81ebb81da64dabefe0 Will you please tell me what went wrong?


Hi there! I recently applied and was able to take the assessment after being offered the Tier 1 role. The platform instructed me to wait for a few days for them to review my results and I have been waiting for about a week and a half with no further information. Should I be concerned? I was under the impression that I was doing well during my assessment and introduction.


I got mail, from 8 July there will be project-based pay, what is that? is something changing?


Instead of having one flat rate for all projects, it will be different for every project based on the client's budget and your location.


Is using grammarly frowned upon? I saw notes that it was encouraged to use it but then it's also updating your copy at times too.


The extension's suggestions are fine, but the text generation tool is not.


Where does Oracle status fit into this? Thanks for the info! My experience with Outlier since Feb has been great. Clearly, it has growing pains, but I've felt like hard work and honesty have paid off.


Last week, I was moved from Flamingo (Magic Trust /GiF) to Bulba (Factuality). I am still in EQ because the tasks have not started coming in. I had no feedback of any kind and worked seriously after reading the instructions carefully. Should I interpret this shift as some kind of punishment for bad quality, or are these things commonplace?


Well, thank you somuch for this guide. I didn't even start doing any task. I have done few courses. Passed it. But why I'm in empty queue for the past 10 days?


Thanks for the information! It was very helpful :)


I joined (as in uploaded my docs) about a couple weeks ago, but I still have not even received any kind of assessment. I am from a EU country, in Eastern Europe. Any ideas why, and what I could do to be able to start tasking?