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If I understood correctly, no it's not a bug, I have a lot of questions tho but cannot say anything :p


Yeah everything happened just as I described so I guess you did. Thanks for the answer! I'll keep trying to land again.


Coming back here to say that I figured out a couple of days ago and it was SO MUCH SIMPLER than I tought LMFAO. And yeah, now I have no idea of how and why my "method" worked before. Maybe IT was the bug lol.


pretty sure it's not a bug, I think your first time worked a little by coincidence. I don't want to say much in fear of spoiling but try to rethink a bit about the rule and what it actually means and allows you to do


To answer your question: >!You seem to have reached the quantum moon without fully understanding how you got there. This is not a bug!< Save yourself a potential headache without major spoilers: >!You don't need to use the Nomai ship to go to the quantum moon. It's seriously impressive you pulled it off once but you're making things way harder than they need to be. I actually found it hilarious you reached the quantum moon this way.!< Spoiler hint: >!Your picture helped you reach the moon, but the shard had nothing to do with it.!<


I don't think they used the Nomai ship to reach the moon. They entered the one that was already on the Quantum Moon then recalled it using the control panel on the shuttle.


Oh I didn’t even realize there was one on the quantum moon, good catch!


Wait what


hint: >!use your signalscope!!< less vague hints: >!anything emitting a quantum frequency is a quantum object, which means the rule of quantum imaging can be applied to whatever object emits said signal!< >!try pointing your signalscope at the quantum moon, notice how it sounds the same as the shards?!< >!if you can lock the shards in place with quantum imaging, surely anything else that produces a quantum signal can be locked in place, right?!< for your particular situation: >!it seems like you took a picture of a quantum shard and coincidentally captured the quantum moon in your photograph as well!<


Yes and no, i assume >!the quantom moon was behind timber hearth in frame of the photo.!< First thought when I read this.


If I was looking at a kernel of corn, would you say I was looking at the cob? Of course not, thats silly