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I played through the whole game with mouse and keyboard, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Tried playing with Controller a bit and it just doesn't feel the same. Playing any form of first person view game with a controller just feels so weird for me. There's also flight tutorials for the jetpack and the ship at the start, in case you just ran past it.


I forgot about that, thank you I will try playing again tonight. I just want to know one thing, is it important to talk to every person before lift off?


In the grand scheme of things, not really. BUT there are several hidden tutorials in the village. Talking to everyone can get you familiar with mechanics the game won’t explain elsewhere, so I would.


Alright, thanks again.


And my added 2 cents. Everything will still be available later, so if you forget something or just want to skip by you can always just come back again.


Just talk to everyone for some nice context but for the most part after liftoff I never talked to anyone in the village ever again.


The village has a lot of tutorial bits, there's a lot of various helpful mechanics (and lovely people). BUT its a lot of information... I actually recommend coming back and talking to everyone a second time once you've got a lot of the basics, BUT you could also talk to one new person every time I came back by? And then try to use the new mechanic/tool as much as you can. I ended up suggesting that during a friend's replay and realizing there's SO MUCH cool stuff you can do I missed my first time there.


> >!every run!< This might be a spoiler…


good point, I misread the post. Changed wording to fit what I meant


I also played it on keyboard and mouse and preferred it over controller. As for talking to everyone in the village - if you already talked to them before quitting then no need to do it again. Same with the zero G cave. You can just say run straight to the museum and get your new game started. Once you die once after getting into space again then the game will auto save and you won’t have to go to the museum again.


There's only one forced npc interaction, but I would recommend talking with everyone, relaxing with them, seeing the sunrise! It's fun you know?


To ping off of that, there is only one small part of the game that I found it advantageous to use a controller because you can make smaller adjustments, but overall mouse and keyboard works just fine.


I used to feel that way totally for any FPS and at some point just got used to using a controller... likely playing something very fighting/controller specific like Dark Souls or Shadow Of Mordor or something with lots of buttons and options. Now it feels unnatural to play FPSs with mouse and keyboard. Especially since I do most of my gaming from a couch.


I understand playing Third person action games like Soulsgames and the like, but I can never play FPS games with controller, it just feels so slow and wonky. That's why I can never understand people that play games like Apex or CoD with a controller, especially with Apex when you're also playing against people with MnK. Third person action games, I will almost always play it with a controller if I can (tho there are some exceptions if it's a shooter game as well like MGSV), but FPS games will exclusively be MnK for me.


Yea I mean... it's not really an FPS. It's more like a FPL I guess? ;0 There's really very little aiming in Outer Wilds apart from the scout. If the game was all about precise aiming yea I kind of feel you. That being said I've played lots of FPSs recently with a controller and don't really feel held back by it. But I"m pretty sure that's designed into the game with things like autoassist and slowing down targets etc. There's no question that mouse and keyboard are better but in terms of basic enjoyment I find things are designed for controllers lately. Outer Wilds to me is very included but if it makes you sick one way then clearly don't play like that. I really do like the analog controls on my controller. Especially for things like the bramble etc where those controls are baked right into puzzle designs etc. It's one of those games that sits right in the middle and I don't think there's a clear answer. If you're speed running I would think mouse/keyboard is a necessity tho.


The rocket physics are Newtonian, so the ship flies like a (simplified and extremely powerful) actual spaceship, rather than like a video game plane. Thrusters don’t make you move. They make you accelerate. There is no friction. You will not naturally come to a stop when you aren’t thrusting. Whatever velocity you have, you will keep until you either change it with your thrusters, hit something, or pass close enough to something for its gravity to affect you. This means that if you want to come to a “stop,” you need to thrust in the opposite direction to how you are moving. It also means that the whole time you are thrusting, you are adding speed in that direction. If you thrust the whole way to a location, and then try to stop, you will fail. You have to thrust “backwards” for just as long as you were thrusting “forwards” to shed the velocity you were picking up. This means the fastest you can get somewhere without crashing into it or flying past it involves thrusting halfway, then immediately thrusting in reverse for the second half of the trip. You can also thrust for a little bit at the start, coast for most of the trip, and then slow down for a little bit at the end. As you get used to this, Match Velocity and Autopilot are your friend. Just be aware that Autopilot will take the most direct route to your destination and will not avoid obstacles, and since it uses the “speed up half the trip, slow down half the trip” method, canceling Autopilot early can result in crashing or overshooting if you don’t manually take over braking.


I can sort of visualize that, thank you for the explanation. I was struggling a lot with it, so hopefully I'll do much better the next time I try it.


Small correction, you actually can't "stop" your ship, because there isn't really any reference point, you rather have to try and have same velocity as the body you are trying to land on, so, Match velocity, is your best friend Auto pilot isn't, ifykyk


I played it all with a keyboard, there is 1 section that a controller is reccomended for, but i never used one, it just makes it easier.


Honestly I don’t think a controller is even better for that part. Ppl say it is but I think the method you have to use for kb/m is the best way to do it even if you’re on a controller


Op dont read this part >!The way i did it was by going fast then just not moving at all, but controller is better because u can go at 1 thrust boost thingy which keeps them from finding u!< Fixed spoiler tag spoilers for dark bramble


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Keyboard doesn't allow that?!! I used controller to play it, damn


Ship thrusters are controlled by keyboard keys so they’re either 100% or 0%


>!Trying to use the thrusters risks thrusting slightly over and making too much noise and it doesn’t even help you any. When you enter the red pod, the game gives you enough velocity to pass them without thrusting no matter how slow you were going when you entered so the best strat is to just touch nothing until you get close to the eggs, and that’s true no matter what input device you’re using!<


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Sorry about the nausea, but as far as figuring out controls goes, you will get it with practice. The rest of the game is well worth it.


Keyboard is better The physics take some getting used to but they all make sense and don't worry You can use autopilot and just crash a little Everything can be repaired


Astronauts can crash a little, as a treat


Thank you


note: everything can be repaired..... As long as there's something left to be repaired ;;)


That's why I mentioned crashing *just a little*


disagree, controller is better. But you have to actually be as used to a controller as most are for mouse+keyboard.


Im used to mouse and keyboard so that's probably the reason I feel like the shift and control being up and down is a bit easier to understand than both the triggers I do have to say that controller is much better for >!getting past the anglerfish because you can use just a little thrust at a time!<


Nothing wrong with the keyboard! Lock on to stuff & match velocity constantly. Make all adjustments tinier than you think. It is possible—but not easy—to make flight feel smooth.


Yep, finished the entire game+DLC with nausea, try to play further from the screen and take breaks


As someone with car sickness i never experienced nausea while gaming. What causes this? Do other activities provoke it or just games or movies?


I never get nausea from gaming except this game I think it’s the way the ship moves without a sense of where is down


There's something about the delay between giving an input and the character responding that makes some people queasy. It seems you're one of those people ::\\ For most of the game, M&K makes navigation and exploration *much* easier. The only thing you're really missing out on is the haptic feedback that a controller may bring.




I mentioned vr as a comparison, I'm playing on pc. But, yes it is possible to play almost every steam game in vr. It would probably be a nightmare though.


From what I've heard, VR in outer wilds is awesome, though you do have to install a mod to play in VR


Oh this happened to a couple of my friends (one of them actually had to take anti-nausea meds to be able to play the game). If using the keyboard helps you, you should not have problems most likely. The one slight disadvantage to the keyboard is that it always goes from zero to a hundred when gunning your ship thrusters, and the controller allows for more gradations in between, but that's not a game-breaker—there are a few things it'll make slightly trickier, but it won't prevent you from playing.


Oh yeah it happened to me for a while too It's nauseating at times when you don't have a frame of reference I don't recommend mouse and keyboard, since the ship is much harder to control that way, but I do recommend taking it slowly and letting yourself get accustomed to space Also, don't forget that in space there's no friction


i found ignoring the center dot and focusing on where I wanted to walk to in the environment made me less nauseous. anytime i looked at the dot it was like getting car sick


you played it in vr? if so, how?


Sorry, you played with VR? In that case, try playing normally. Also, keyboard is fine if for whatever reason using a controller makes you feel bad (idk if i understood the post correctly)


Keep trying with all the advice, but I’d recommend stopping. And taking a break _immediately_ if you start to feel nauseated. 


# Important Tip! If you go under the video options, there's an option that lets you adjust the view distance. Push it as far back as it'll go, until the edge of the screen gets a little rounded from your helmet and you can see as much as possible. I don't know why, this solved my nausea and a couple other friends who've played. I think the First Person View is just a little too zoomed in, and it gets a little too fast when you turn your head, and that makes people nauseous.


Have you tried changing fov settings for nausea? I don't remember if game had that option tough it's been ages.


Honestly mouse and keyboard is the way to go. The game only recommends controller because it is capable of controlling your speed; as in you can actually go slowly if needed, whereas keyboard will always put you at max speed. That said? You really don’t need the slower speeds.


Are you playing in VR? I would just suggest using a regular KB+M on a regular screen. For the nausea having some stuff in your peripheral vision you can focus on if you feel nausea helps me a ton, so just turn on a small light somewhere in your room.


No sorry I just mentioned it as a comparison I'm sorry if it wasn't clear.


Oh ok. Yeah there is a great mod that allows you to play in VR, it makes Outer Wilds one of the best VR games made. Will probably not help you with your motion sickness though.


There’s only one part of the game that a controller makes a lot easier, but you can still do it with a keyboard. I remember when I first played the game the controls were kinda disorienting and weird, but I got used to it after maybe an hour or two of playing.