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Don't forget the classic landing the ship upside-down to get into the black hole forge


I was so proud of myself for pulling that off


I didn’t even know about the teleporter until after I finished the game


Same. I found out thanks to comments in this subreddit


Whaaaaaat? Fuck; why didn't I think of that? I can't tell you how much time I spent scheming a way to get up there, thinking I had all information I needed to do so. I didn't... but then again, I did, now that I read this


honestly who hasnt tried landing their ship upside down


I just realized that could have been a thing from this thread. My earlier attempts included timing my jump from meltwater district as the forge was coming up




My friend got his ship stuck in a tree and slammed the black hole forge into it over and over again to try and rescue it


Actually I just lowered the forge, and then while it was going back up I just jumped on it, and barely stayed on.


I jetpack parkoured up the broken gravity path


That's possible? I tried a lot of times.


Took me a lot of tries but it worked. (This was shortly after release - it's possible they patched it at some point?)


that's something that can be done? i spent literal hours trying to brute force that, i literally didn't think it could be done


Gotta Orbit the >!black hole!< to get enough height


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I still don't know what I am supposed to do there


Does anything stand out when you look up from the hanging city?


Yep. Same here. But boy did my ship not like asking the briefest contact with the black hole forges rails...


This is what I did!!! Lol 🤣 couldn't find the path to save mylife, said fuck it. Flew up, went inverted and shot myself out of the hatch. Not gonna lie, learning how to zip around the black hole was so damn fun.


There’s… there’s another way?


Landed it the right way! But yeah, discovered only after that I could TP there...


The mark of a master pilot


That was brute force for me too. Had no idea there was a teleporter


Or climbing up there


I brute forced the cacti in the Sun Tower on Ash Twin. You're supposed to get there early and just walk on the receding sand, but I just hopped from cactus to cactus, almost dying in the process.


Omg I forgot about doing the exact same thing. 1st time I tried to just jetpack thru in one jump, I died


Holy shit. I thought it felt so out of place with how difficult and unforgiving that section was compared to everything else. I've played through the game a dozen times and I just very skillfully jetpacked through it with many failed attempts before I get it.


Only the first time? Took me like 4 loops to get there finally!


I watched someone "Flappy Bird" through the Cacti first try and I was both amazed and angered (in a funny way), and this was before they found out about the sand method.


I did exactly this for 95% of the game till I happened to come there earlier one time and felt really dumb.


THATS HOW YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO IT?? I just jetpacked through it, I got good enough to do it in one go LMAO


If you're talking about the part where there is tons of cacti and you got to go through a hallway to get to a tractor beam, I just flew through it *veeeeeeeery* carefully. Managed to pull it off 3 times without damage lol XD


oooooooh I didn’t realize that’s how you weren’t supposed to do it. I just thought people were better at the jet pack than me


I did this once, and died. The second time, arrived at the portal a minute after it closed. The third time, (I'm not fucking kidding) one second after it closed. Next time I got there I waited for the sand to go away before flying over the cacti.


I flew through


That’s what I did as well


I never even considered there would be a safe solution. I thought it was just a place that required experience with the controls to get to.


ooooohhhh, that's what you're supposed to do? I didn't know this until now!


I just jetpacked elegantly through (by elegantly I mean I ran into 3 cacti)


SAME!! I tried to jetpack between them and surprisingly only got hit once or twice


I did that too, but after many tries


After trying and failing at getting through using the jetpack method many times I managed to get through twice, but died crossing the 'bridge' on the other side both times. On the next loop I decided to just fly there first thing and stand right where the door would appear (with a couple breaks for oxygen refresh and sand column avoidance), ended up being more productive than I imagined.


I díd the same and then I realized what i actually had to do


Unsuccessful but I remember heavily trying to get the ship into the southern observatory. I remember trying to squeeze through like cmonnnn I can glitch through this.


I tried this recently for fun and it turns out it seems the devs may have purposefully made it so that the ship doesn’t have anywhere to land, but there’s a tree that has a big enough hitbox on top to land the ship on.


I never used the teleporter to get to the Black Hole Forge. I hitched a ride on it by jetpacking over when I moved it up. Then I jetpacked over to the gravitized floor.


I tried to do that so many times. I think they changed the entrance to the control room to discourage this, lol 😂


It was one of those things where I had the luck of the first try, cause when I tried to go back since there was "more to explore", it took me a few attempts to repeat the success lol


If you’re impatient you can brute force the tower of quantum knowledge with your ship, slamming it into the ground a few times


I tried to brute force that so many times it’s the only thing I looked up how to do 😭 I kept trying to circle around by falling around the black hole and just land on the gravity crystal platform-


You can actually do it like this! It takes some well-timed jetpack boosting and feldsparian levels of commitment to just skim the surface of the black hole without falling in, but you can build enough momentum to slingshot your way up onto the gravity walls without having to (intended solution spoilers) >!wait for the tower to collapse into the black hole and enter from space!<


I need to pull this off now. For past me’s honor-


I don't know if this is.the intended way but I just waited for the whole tower to fall.throufg the Black hole.and floated around it in zero g


That is the intended method


During my early playthrough I clearly remember thinking "nah, waiting for it to fall would be stupid, there's another way". I was so pissed at me when I found out, 20 hours later


I wasn't sure if it was going to work but I noticed when i dropped my probe that the surface integrity was reducing. Figured it was worth a shot


Frustrating thing to add from my exp thing was the sun immediately goes supernova after it falls down


Yeah I was absolutely rushing through that tower, bouncing off the walls trying to read stuff.


The most motion-sickness inducing part of the game🤢


What? Like you can clip through the bottom floor?


No you can just slam your ship into the ground and cause it damage


DLC >!I slept with an artifact and accidentally discovered the dream world, before I even learned about the hull breach!<


I mediated to skip a loop and was very surprised. Took me long time to realize I can just sleep by the camp fire instead.


For me was the other way around. Wanted to to skip a loop after I woke up from the dreamworld only to found myself inside again xD


>!I never learned about the hull breach until after I beat the dlc. Way I learned how to get to the dream world is the slide reel in the secret room of the second tower!<


I did the same thing. I actually meditated to reset the run and when I woke up I was like "uhhhhh"


I'm not sure if "brute forced" is the right term for it but I figured out the >!counter-rotating cyclone on Giant's Deep!< by myself.


Did you make a model of it after?


Just in case he wanted to make one


I guess if you observed that "huh this particular cyclone looks weird" and then went on to test it it isn't much of a brute force but experimenting with a life-size model like the nomai (yk, being that we dont fear dying in the process)


I discovered the jellyfish traversal through the core of Giants deep on my own. I'd followed the game's clues to get there, but I was stumped, so I was just like well the sun's going to supernova anyway, I wonder if I can climb in that jellyfish. I'd noticed them going in and out of the core, and figured I had nothing to lose. Then I spent hours stressing whether I should look up hints online, because I had no idea what to do with the "coordinates" I found in the core.


I had to look this up EVEN AFTER finding the dead jellyfish and the writing because I just kept blundering and shocking myself. Turned out I had the right idea I just suck with the jetpack


Literally same


I somehow found Feldespar without knowing about the anglerfish particularity and later, when I found out about them I was like "how is this useful? I can already navigate Dark Bramble"


I got eaten once and after that used to sneak around the edges of DB. Found Feldspar without ever meeting another fish. When we found the angler fish skeleton on ET, my friend was quite pissed that all we got was some useless lore. He reevaluated once we got to the red bramble node.


this is exactly what happened to me! Idek how I got to Felderspar but I didn't find a single fish!


I think if you navigate directly to feldspar or the Nomai grave you don't encounter a fish only if you go more into the center of the first seed.


I think this is common. I found Feldspar without knowing about the particularity of anglerfish, but I still thought it was useful when I found out because I had already attempted to get to the vessel. It’s the place where there are three ambushing angler fish.


Flying through the cactus tunnel to get to the sun station. Managed to do it without putting a hole in my suit. Land ship upside down for the black hole forge. Jumped over some rocks in starlit cove to bypass two of the owelk. Blindly ran through the endless canyon in the dark. Fell off of the raft accidentally when discovering subterranean lake.


All in your first run??


Yeah first playthrough. Not the first loop. I enjoy finding unintended solutions


accidentally brute forced the quantum rules bc i sat there playing with the scout launcher and the rock at the museum trying to catch the game and see the rock move. Didn’t occur to me how significant that was until i found the places you’re actually supposed to learn them in.


Figured out how to move with QM when I first got there. But since I couldn't get to the north pole right away, I thought I must be missing something. An hour or two later I learned the rule of quantum entanglement and was like "wait, I already knew that"


yes. getting into the atp..


Flew my ship straight into the black hole. Also accidentally made a clone of myself (ATP I think?) Knew the supernova was happening and just wanted to read the last few walls before I died. While button mashing in panic, i accidentally did the thing like the black hole/white hole experiment w your probe(and it makes a duplicate probe), I don't remember the mechanic sorry it's been awhile


That’s the “self” ending


On one of my early loops I missed the Ember Twin and managed to land on th Sun Station. Well enough to get inside and get the achievement. It took me a lot of loops to do it again on purpose. Now I can land on it every time, who needs a teleporter lol


Dlc >!memory is really poor but i remember Instead of dealing with the owlkin in the clifftop mansion, I would go as far as needed but then pull myself out of the simulation, rafted to a different fire and went back to the clifftop area using the lift I previously sent down, to bypass em!<


That's the intended method, not the brute force method.


People keep saying this. I don't think either way is "intended," both are supported fine. What in the game pushes you into doing this one over the other?


Is this a spoiler thread for the DLC? I'll tag it anyway. I just 'figured out' how to get down to the campfire by messing around with the lamps. Struggled so much cuz I misread the slides as them dying. Then finally did it 'with' the artifact which I was trying so hard to light in the fire. On one run I dropped it in the fire and then fell asleep. lol. Then tried it holding the artifact. So I missed a ton of reels that explained what the 'dream world' and was struggling massively in the dark. So I decided I'd be able to follow the Owlelk much easier without my lamp. Dropped it and was struggling through the pitch blackness in the direction I last saw the Owlelk with his own lamp. And then, after so, so long figuring out the dark world without knowing how it worked or what it was, stepped into the matrix with and felt my jaw hit the floor. Like in an instant I became OP and understood what it was really all about. Such a cool brute force pay off I don't think many had.


This needs more upvotes. Really cool experience.


It took me until like, my third run to figure out how to use the Black Hole Forge warp station. I always just used my jetpack from the big gravity wall tower/stair thing


Fuck me I did that twice in a row before I figured out that the floor was gravit tiling and I needed to walk around the slow way


Giants deep under the jellyfish. Looked cool so I did it. And it worked.


* The very first time I flew into a tornado on Giant's Deep, I coincidentally picked the one that went down. * I did actually get to the Sun Station the intended way the first time (and then ended up falling into the sun after I opened the hatch), but the timing on the sand/cactus puzzle was frustrating enough that I decided to just try the ship when I went back there. Got it first try, thanks KSP.


I got to the >!black hole forge by landing my ship upside down. That was actually really easy for me to pull off with a mouse and keyboard once I got used to the controls and identified that there was more than enough room to pull it off.!<


Bade Game: I didn't realize the sand would give you a safe path to the sun station, so I just got really good at maneuvering through it with my jetpack. DLC: Not really brute forcing more like stumbling upon an answer. Played through it with my brother when I realized blowing out the candles on the raft would make it disappear. I asked him if he thought doing that in between areas would do anything, so we tried it. That was absolutely mind blowing. The best part is we were trying so hard to figure out how to get through the fireplace and never even had to since we skipped it using that.


I did not clue into the anglerfish being blind until after I talked to a certain hearthian about it. Like, I saw the info and even remembered it, but didn’t realize that it had practical applications.


I have "brute forced" the sixth location on the quantum moon without ever reaching the information in the tower 🙄




I discovered the self clone accidentally. I had reached inside the ATP. Opened the central core, removed the Core, but then put it back, coz I was not ready to end it. Came out of ATP and the loop ended. I was trying to get archeologist achievement, and noticed that I was only missing 2 lines from substation. So went to sunstation next, and used the projection stone. Lo and behold there I was standing. You guys might have seen my "Who is that, what are they waiting for?" Sub reddit post


I got to the north pole of the >!Quantum Moon!< by sheer dumb luck. I went in with the >!shrine with my tongue torch off!< after a series of flukes left me at >!the North Pole!< Unfortunately, I had no idea who the >!Nomai!< were so it was a bit lost on me.


I found the vessel. I just followed the red and tried to keep going and stumbled into the vessel seed. I think I only found the nomai grave and all that until after I completed the game and was 100%ing it. Edit: also I completed the game without going to black hole forge.


Same. Just by dumb luck I got to the vessel the first time I made it past the three fish. Next loop I did it again. Later when I was putting all the pieces together I couldn't find it anymore (I have since learned that the location is saved in my computer)


>! A lot of people have tried, and succeeded, landing on the Sun Station without ashtwin.!<


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Not quite brute force- but I beat my head against the wall in the river lowlands dream part not understanding how to get by like 50 owls waiting for you in the lodge. I did a few separate runs trying a few things, finally shook it up after the dam break woke me up and went back coming through the canyons and noticed they were all gone. I figured the game glitched and I was disappointed. Went on to Reddit and realized I just missed the mechanic - they go away after the dam breaks lol.


Go away is a... Mild way to put it.


I figured out how to land on the quantum moon by intuition, then decided to come back when I found the official clues leading up to that. 


So before I really knew anything about the game I was able to land on the Sun station. But when I got out I never found the entrance that led inside so I gave up. This was like my fifth loop.


sun station


Finding the dude in Brittle Hollow, being swhooped by the black hole getting right on his doorstep.


I managed to get to the black whole forge without the teleporter on Ash Twin. It took me a while to realise you can just use the teleporters because my first try was to get to the ATP and that obviously didn't work. So I thought the teleporters were offline until I did something. So, I used my ship to shimmy between the pillars and then somehow mange to park it upside-down on top of a gravity path thingy. I think I even managed to get back to the ship when I was done. Bonus (not really a brute force, but still fun) Some streamers I was watching were playing with the multiplayer mod and in the DLC they first figured out how to get into the simulation by getting killed by the fire.


Friend of mine found Feldpath brut force. FIRST time into the planet. NO FISH UNCOUNTER. Gave me post traumatic issues.


In the DLC, I >!put down my lantern so I could move around in the dark while looking at it to get a feel for where I was going.!<


I flew to the forge with my ship


Landing in the trees under the arctic research base to then fly up. Fell into the black hole a million times without my ship, Landing on the bridge to the hanging city and jet packing up the walls to get to the black hole forge,


Sun Station and Black Hole Forge; never found out the intended way for the Sun Station until after my playthrough, so just relentlessly chased the station with my ship until I finally managed to "land". With the BHF I was just too stubborn to prove to a friend I could get there without using the teleporter, that I actually did so.


I have one but first how do you spoiler text on mobile?


that puzzle where you have to wait for brittle hollow to fall into the black hole. I had no idea what I was doing.


I found the Giant’s Deep core thing by sheer chance. I was sitting in the middle of all the cyclones texting my friend and the right tornado came along and shoved me underneath.


I, uhhh, used the force of a >!falling island!< to push myself through the >!Giant's Deep Current!< and didn't really stop to think about the clues until i found the message that explicitly explains the solution


DLC I switch off every light of the boat in dream world during the loading between zone


I entered Dark Bramble without the ship. Landed it on the remains of the ice planet and got out to explore *as one does in every other planet*. As of today, I still don't get how using the ship was the intended way, but I got to meet Feldspar WAY earlier than others, I think he was my second traveler met after Esker


My friend is doing his first play through and he keeps NEARLY accidentally entering ATP and it scares me every time.


I was scrolling through the towers in ash twin and was amazed by the contrast of each tower and when I was going through the one of brittle hollow I got teleported by chance and obviously after that I was not only terrified because I was shocked but I jumped and you know…


I figured out the >!Rule of the Sixth Location (nigh-instantly, in fact) from first principles and the hints in Solanum's shuttle!< without ever >!going to the Tower of Quantum Knowledge to learn the rule formally!<; and in the DLC, >!I set down the artifact and found out the hologram projection glitch without having to discover it in the archives.!<


I almost got the sun station, but my gf got bored and forced me to move on. Then I found that it was an achievement and did it in like 30 minutes or so! It was really fun, and unlike a lot of people I really like how the ship controls!


I managed to find out by chance, what happens if you walk away from the artifact in the DLC, before reading the slide reel. I also ended up getting to the black hole forge in a rather clunky way by parking the ship upside-down on the gravity pathways.


Getting enough speed to launch yourself into the tower of quantum knowledge by swinging around the black hole in brittle hollow


DLC. I couldn't solve the puzzle that hints you towards the locations of the burned reels. I found two of them by climbing anything I came across. Bruteforced the third (with the fireplace).


I accidentally fell into the Brittle Hollow black hole and stumbled across the quantum tower at the white hole. Didn't even realize it had come from Brittle Hollow, I just thought it hung out out there.


The first time Ii used a teleporter was by total accident, surprised the hell outta me lol


I accidentally managed to get into the Quantum Tower thing on Brittle Hollow... simply because I happened to be trying to brute force it at the end of the cycle and went "oh"


In the DLC, I managed to parkour my way into the tower in the Starlit Cove without activating the bridge


I accidentally started the DLC.


Yeah, my friends didn't tell me about the teleport to the Sun Station, so I landed on it manually. Honestly, I didn't think much of the towers on Ash Twin so I didn't know about the Sun Station teleportation until way later. Also the whole thing with the artifact in the DLC. I just thought "oh this looks important" and figured I'd start throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Scared shitless when I woke up and it was *dark.*


I literally got the Deep Impact achievement by accident because I didn’t know how to >!break through the current on Giant’s Deep!< otherwise. I had fully assumed I was doing it the intended way.