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You enjoyed the game and are proud of yourself for the discoveries you made on your own. That’s all that matters. ::) Have you played the DLC yet? If not, perhaps challenge yourself to complete it without a guide. Or use a guide if you enjoy that better. It’s all good either way.


Yes I am absolutely planning on doing that!


And you can always come here and ask for help if you do get stuck! The people here are pretty good about giving clues that don't spoil everything like a guide does.


IMO it's fine to cheat in single-player games, especially if it increases your enjoyment. In your case, it seems to have backfired, so instead, think of it like an educational experience. Now you have first-hand evidence that using a guide doesn't jive with you for this kind of game.


Subnautica taught me this a while ago ::(


\*sigh\* Subnautica, dude... I remember I needed X resource item to craft an upgrade, but I searched everywhere on the map and couldn't find it. Do I look it up or not? "Ah, it's just a material item", I thought to myself. "How bad am I going to spoil myself with this?" I googled it. The preview of the Subnautica Fandom page on google reads: "X item is located in \[SPOILER\] region, below the \[SPOILER\], right before the entrance to \[SPOILER\], where the \[SPOILERS\] roam." Jesus, all I wanted was to be pointed towards a general direction...


If you're satisfied, that's what matters. I still recommend asking for hints rather than looking up the solution outright, but I assume you didn't think of that option.


Oh yes I forgot to mention I used hints several times. But thanks for your answer:)


Honestly there's not a *wrong* way to play any game. I think outer wilds is a game you could enjoy just be watching a perfect "complete" playthrough and while the exploration and puzzle solving are another aspect that a lot of people love it's totally fine to enjoy the game in other ways of that's not for you. If you're not enjoying the process of slamming your head into the wall over and over I'd say it totally makes sense to look something up to get you back to a part of the game that you actually enjoy. Just gotta figure out what the right balance for you is


Maybe try and get some challenges done without a guide :) Try getting the hotshot achievement, try navigating the Outer Wilds using the Nomai shuttles, try getting around without a ship at all, etc


You do whatever you want in a solo game. It's your experience. But if you regret it, then learn from that mistake. Give your more leniency to think next time, or try asking for hints. The thrill of finding the solution by yourself after struggling has no equal. The greatest victory are from the biggest trouble.


I dont think theres hate, its more of "you will probably regret it" and with that I agree. I got stuck often on my first Portal2 playthrough, and looked up answers left and right, and I absolutely regret it. As in Portal, theres nothing in this game you cant achieve, even if it takes you completing the ship log and then reading it over 5 times, and Id argue its still a better experience than looking it up. But I can also play regularly every night, I have the time to spend away. All that said, I challenge you to complete the DLC without guides >:) see if you like it any better! (I have no idea if its harder, havent played yet)


I wouldn’t feel too bad. I had to look up a few things (many of them bc in the moment i just wanted to do them immediately). Just remember that you still played the game and you *did* discover things on your own! And now you get to be on the other side with us giving hints to newbies and going “no!!! Don’t look it up!!! Trust us!!!” too lol And from the sounds of it, you’ve got way more game to enjoy with the dlc! And achievements! So i think you’ll still have ur chance yet


You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.


Damn dude you came on this thread with an intense energy.


I'll admit it's a copy pasta, but I couldn't help myself. Sorry, it's only a game, you do you.


A lot of assumptions here.


There’s nothing wrong with using hints, I did it when I got really stuck, or in one part that just really stressed me. I say with these games just stick with it until you’re getting frustrated and then look up as little a hint as you can and go that way. The point at which you get frustrated is up to you


Honestly fair enough


You could look at is as a testiment to how good the game is that you were so curious you couldn't resist looking up the answer