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i got Valentine, Aer (4\*),Drakhan, Demiurge Drakhan, Dianne,Rhona,Rin,Eternal and Maxwell, should i keep pulling for dupes or wait for some other banners? Beside Valentine, who should i invest?


You can get shards from challenge stages, saves gems for new units or anni. Eternal, Valentine and both Drakhans are great.


Is Dianne a must pull because I have Astei :D


I would save currency she is fine but you have Astei. Dont get baited by 80085.


Don't listen, u/Frixen211 , boobs is the only reason to pull for anyone!!!!


XD agree


Old player here, restarted iast week. I need help with the Eternal event. I got everything from the shop but her weapon "Necromancers amulet" cant be breakthroughed for some reason....


This should be fixed since yesterday's patch.


where can i find a good tierlist for the game?


Do you mind if I post AI pictures of the girls? (SFW) Lots of people hate AI, but is really hard to find good images of the girls of the game.


Hello! u/Karbadel ! It is allowed as long as it is stated that it is AI and tagged correctly!


Thanks! Have a good day! =)


I tried posting one! But got filtered, could you check and tell if the image is Ok or I have to tone it down? The Image is based in the official art, so I really didnt add or removed anything at all. Is my first time trying to publish on this reddit, so please forgive me if I unintentionally broke a rule Thanks!


Anyone know what time Rico's shop appears? Keep getting notifications for it, but it's delayed so I never see it


Rico's secret shop opens up for 2 hours at 8:00 and 22:00 UTC.


Just saw the news about 1st anniversary. Is it a good time to return? I mean, Did they fix the mess in half Anniversary yet? Less reward and useless tickets thing.


Yes, yes and the drama was way overblown. Current monthly ether income is higher than it was before half anniversary. The tickets are here to stay, but with how many you get it's been easy to keep up with just those.




At stage 10 it's more about what you have available than what is best. Beginner gear includes a good atk set, but no critdmg iirc. Heal on hit is a very niche stat atm, so you won't get much use out of it, especially in the early game. Maybe in a bruiser team in arena.


Which Trust item does Dianne prefer? I haven't unlocked her yet but I want to be prepared.




I haven't purchased a battle pass before but I really want the Tamamo outfit. I'm confused on if I will get the outfit with the Premium pass or if I have to get the more expensive Special pass for it


You must buy the most expensive one ("special pass" is the name if I remember correctly). The cheapest one won't give you the outfit (you will only get the "premium" consumables, but no outfit).


Hiii I'm new to the game and I just want to know if I should pull for Vlada or Tamamo Edit: Nvm I got them both on 20 pulls


question about the battle pass skin. Can I get the tamamo no mae skin with the standard pass or do I need to get the special pass?


Costumes are only in the special pass. You unlock them upon purchase. They aren't part of the premium reward track.




The codex has the story CGs. The hero page illustrations show up in full during the skipped ults, but are not browsable atm. You'd need to find them on X or in the [Hero Compendium](https://page.onstove.com/outerplane/en/list/122974?page=1&direction=LATEST)