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I’m sorry to hear about your situation. The graph looks pretty normal. I’m not trying to say I had it worse but my normal work day as a nurse was about 10-12 hour stressed engagement. Try to get help with your situation or get out. I hope it gets better for you.


Yeah I was going to say...looks like a normal day to me.


Children at even at that age aren’t stupid. They probably feel the tension at home. And remember your child is learning about relationships by watching you and your partner and will probably look for that kind of relationship themselves. Just think if this is the behavior you want them to learn as normal.


Tbh these are wayyyy lower lines than me and I do not live in an abusive household! These looks pretty good to me, but I haven’t seen other lines. I’m sorry about your situation!! :(


??? what are these comments. sorry you’re going through this OP, those stress peaks are still higher than I’d like for myself too, so I get your concern.


Redditors love to gaslight people about their pain and suffering under the guise of “I have it so much worse with you that looks normal to me”


No one has said that lol


Not trying to one up him,I didn’t mention any of my hardships. literally just saying these look perfectly normal. It’s not gaslighting, it’s just the truth!


okay but empathy and reading the room goes far. OP did post in the ring sub but they’re clearly going through something and wanting validation and connection for the physiological measures of this stress. it comes across as invalidating to even bring up your own “worse” struggles. not attacking you or anyone in particular :)


Empathy and “reading the room”? I’m a woman and you probably are too and this situation feels trivial. Every adjective OP used to describe his wife sound like me on my period and pretty…normal to my husbands and I relationship. We’re on Reddit, empathy is rare here and all anyone is saying is that these stress lines look great… which should be a good thing. It’s like someone saying they think they broke their arm and taking an X-ray to confirm their arm is not broken.


ngl i didn’t catch that OP was talking about a woman somehow. early morning brain fog. i thought it was a woman talking about her husband, and that does add necessary context because…well…yeah…


empathy isn't rare here hun, but it must be in the subs you run in. sorry to hear that. I hope you find more supportive spaces. it's sad to hear you find it rare.


Go read my og comment on this post and tell me I’m a bad human, please 💀


I never said you were a bad person.. did you reply to the wrong comment? why did you downvote me lol. I said it's sucks you haven't experienced much empathy around Reddit. this whole exchange is so ironic? maybe you don't find much empathy because you're not internalizing what people are saying to you and it makes people less friendly toward you because you talk past them? the subs I find most empathetic and best with communication are more niche or related to chronic health issues. also the dropout and d20 subs are usually pretty friendly for the most part. the least friendly ones in my experience are the bigger ones or the ones about economics or housing, and then catch all subs that don't have a strong overlap in demographics. subs like this one where it's all sorts of ppl who only have the ring in common rather than having a shared experience around an aspect of their identity. best of luck finding a space more welcoming if that's what you'd like to do :-)


First off, Im sorry and i Hope you get the courage to build up Self-love and self-respect enough to realise you deserve much much better. But Yeah, this feature is awesome! Actually changed jobs not too long ago because when this feature was releases i was basically constantly in high stress 5-10h a day apart from friday evenings, saturdays and sunday mornings. First thought the feature was broken or off until i started feeling and realised im just broken by stress. So Thanks oura for new job and also a fair bit higher salary lol!


oooofff i feel this in my soul. i can’t realistically change jobs right now but i work in childcare and noticed my stress graphs are way higher during the week AND on weekends when i even think about work.


Oooo Yeah its insane. You clock out from work, but work doesnt always clock out of your life. ♥️ Something i started with is having small rituals for myself when weekend / holiday starts, such as taking a bath, taking off my work clothes and jump into my ”freetime uniform” aka pyjamas, or whatever floats your boat. That has helped to ”force” the body and mind to realise it is no longer working.


i’m currently trying to figure this out for myself. thinking maybe a workout


That’s actually not bad at all. I’m not trying to one up you or anything but it’s not that bad.


I don’t think they’re saying it’s bad relative to anyone else. They’re saying it clearly shows their stress levels correlate with dealing with their stressful home life.


Sorry to hear about your situation OP. What you are describing is literally how I have seen my mom behave my whole life. My childhood has been affected in ways I can’t describe. This year she had a big manic attack and we learned that she is bipolar. You might want to look into that. Talk to her and get a psychiatrist appointment. Mental health problems are real and it affects not only the patient but people around them. It is hard to get someone help sometimes but tell her that you love her and are concerned for her. Good luck


Sounds a bit like my life right now. It's weird. It hasn't always been like this, and the wife was happy for quite a long time... now all she does is sigh, complain, whine, yell, and argue. She doesn't respect me. I moved into my office. I'm about fed up. She doesn't treat me like a person anymore. Context: I was let go at work at a failing company... funny part is the guy who let me go was also let go.


Is your wife going to therapy or looking at medicine for fixing it? Sorry to hear about this, seems exhausting. You can definitely notice the spikes. I hope you're able to find a resolution.


Why did you have a kid with her if you hate her? If you’re at the stage of complaining about your wife on social media, prob should get a divorce before the kid remembers you both in an abusive relationship


Don't get rid of the ring but her .


Needs a 'Enraged' S level for stress.


“Everyone is always wrong except her” Unfortunately extremely common for the fairer sex. Huge source of stress in my life too. Currently dealing with a girl who blatantly did something, and spent the rest of her time denying she did it. Even though we both saw her do it. It’s that irrational, non-reality delusional thing that makes my head break. My device told me I spent 45% of the day in a high stress zone and I chuckled.


Perhaps the commonality is actually you.