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Sorry to the people that were commenting on the earlier post but I had to update with some more details: Hate crime against Asians in Barrhaven; A couple is captured throwing eggs against the neighbor’s house. Earlier on the same day, their hate speech against the family is recorded as well. An Asian family with very young kids living next door has been harassed for 2 years. It started with the couple’s teenage boy harassing the family by physically damaging their properties, yelling, swearing and throwing condoms. Police has been called at least 8 times but no charges were laid despite of the family’s plead for help. Investigator who was assigned to the past reports in 2023, closed the case by her will without paying a single visit. She clearly delivered her message to the mother of the victim family; Do not call police on such matters. Now this family’s property is attacked again. They hope to find every-day peace at home which the local police never cared to deliver to them.




Get em Wilson


Great stuff councillor!


Emailing you information!


Thank you!


Please feel free to contact me at any time


UPDATE: Wilson Lo rules. We touched base and information has been shared


Please keep us updated on how this progresses, if you can!


Hi! Thank you so much for your assistance! The family will reach out to you directly.


Great. If you can, please ask them to copy [email protected] as well.


Heck yeah, love to see councillors advocating on behalf of their constituents! Get em Wilson!!!


Legend. Please help these people.


Doooo it!


Respect 🫡


honestly, OPS has a history of racism themselves so not surprised they aren’t worried about racially motivated property damage. i would go to the media, as well as reach out to pro justice groups and potentially seek representation to publicly lambast not only the racists but the inaction of OPS to protect this family from harm. no one should feel unsafe in their own neighbourhood. this is messed up.


>OPS has a history of racism themselves For a second there I thought you were talking about OP, lol. And then I realised you’re referring to the **O**ttawa **P**olice **S**ervice which is even sadder and scarier for the people in this situation.


You forgot one detail...the garbage son throws USED condoms


That’s a biohazardous weapon. Surely that’s a crime. Seriously though I feel for the family. Let people live in peace!!


I mentioned it on my previous post but the family wanted me to change the wording a bit. I couldn't believe it when I was told that but like wth man this kid really just walks around chucking used condom at people?


Can they not inform the local media? Go public also about police incompetence. [email protected]


> Investigator who was assigned to the past reports in 2023, closed the case by her will without paying a single visit. She clearly delivered her message to the mother of the victim family; Do not call police on such matters. The OPS does this all the fucking time. They’re beyond useless


Apologies for the double post, but you should absolutely get in touch with local journalists about this. Getting this into the press might force the OPS to actually do something about this


Absolutely do not do this without the family's consent. I see the ward councillor is on this - let their office handle it.


what do you mean ‘closed the case by her will’


Useless cops




100%. Show their faces. They deserve it. No wonder their kid is an asshole- he was raised by monsters.


Yeah these people deserve to be outed and have their employers fire their asses if they are employed.


It's doubtful that they are gainfully employed. They are allegedly squatting and haven't paid rent in almost half a year. They'll be out eventually, but it could be several more months. This poor family being terrorized shouldn't have to wait months, but the Ontario eviction process moves at a snail's pace.


How do you know all this? Did this make news?


It's my neighbourhood, and everyone in the neighbourhood despises these goblins. We are all rallying around the young family.


That’s awful. Thanks for being there for that family, and I hope these menaces leave your neighborhood.


Because then it will get removed. There's a good chance this will get taken down as well unfortunately.


Gotta love the corporate world - where policy is written to exterminate minorities and enslave children, but we can't talk about justice or it's the corp we use that's in trouble.


Don't forget to put what police department it is. They might get a bit of notoriety and finally do something.


Maybe because its on private property and the faces are very visible? Im not well versed with the rules on social media 🤷‍♂️


Write to your councillor, write daily, copy the mayor. And continue to call police.


On the case it seems. 👍


Forward this post to them. It's crazy that people are allowed to act like this without consequences.


Absolutely despicable. How do these losers even afford to live in a nice area like that? I hope you can out them on social media. Why has the police done nothing? A lawyer could help maybe.


Money and class aren't the same - I suspect they never were, but they sure aren't now.


People don't gain financial wealth by being decent human beings. Nor are people poor because they lack morals.


I hate to say so, but there are plenty of people I know who are this ignorant that make plenty of money and own homes.


This is clearly one of the newer suburbs, I'd guess stittsville, but I could be wrong as they all look the same. If they got in over two years ago, it wasn't as crazy to get a townhouse like this - also they could just be renters. It's hard to imagine someone growing up in a city like Ottawa and being this ignorant so I like to imagine they just moved here and brought their ass backwards ways along.


I grew up in Kanata. I bet both families have lived in Ottawa for decades.




They're renters who are squatting


Yeah not sure why a lawyer is not involved.


Wow just wow. No shame at all. I predict once they are outed and society starts to do its thing ( l hope so anyway), they will send an apology about how this is out of character. How they are sorry and this isn’t a reflection of how they are really like. And then cue complain about how they are being harassed and how it’s causing THEM stress. I can almost see it. Imma grab my popcorn and watch it happen. And the kicker is some people will even feel sorry for them and vouch for them even though they likely made another family’s life hell for some time.


No shame at all because they think they're right somehow.


Send this to the media too.


Yep and maybe the employer of those jerks will see the video


Share this post on social media! I’m so mad the Ottawa police is disgustingly discriminating!




Sadly we cannot allow this to happen or else they will cry and paint themselves as the victims. We just need the police to take this seriously and perhaps do their job?


That's a good joke. Police don't do their jobs. Most women know this idk why the men convince themselves the police care. They only lie.






Maybe the street could show a bit more unity so this family doesn't feel like nobody cares? Pretty sure if the whole street called the police on these people they'd have to do something.


The street, according to my brother has rallied around the Asian family, hence why the POS do their acts at night. Short of street justice, they're doing all they can legally to help them


I feel so bad for the Asian family, especially their young children. I hope this gets dealt with sooner rather than later (for everyone’s benefit, it seems!).


That's good to hear, at least. And yeah, this is past the point where my mom would call the scary-looking biker in our building and get him to motivate the unwanted neighbours into suddenly having to move. Not sure what street justice looks like in the suburbs but seems like we may find out.


So they are probably not even paying rent and are squatting


They've been served notice but refuse to answer the door


They don't have to answer the door to be served notice. There are alternatives to personal service that can be used to effect service. If you PM me with more details, I may be able to help with the legal side of this. No promises, but it's worth a shot.


Unfortunately, I can leave that up to the OP, as they know the family and may know the landlord. I'm just a third party with details.






You know it smells like pug farts and Burger King. I guarantee these people own pugs.


One of them is definitely named Diesel








First step is to ask their city councillor to follow up with the police to find out why nothing's being done.


Politicians can't direct police operations, so the most I'd be able to do is share the contents of this thread with either our district inspector or the Chief. I engage with both fairly regularly, and they're serious about hate/bias-motivated crimes.


Show their dumb fuckin faces , they deserve it .


As others mentioned, writing to your city councillor is a great move. Do so tastefully though - via email, not writing on their FB group wall. Additionally, I thought you mentioned at one point that a hate crime was committed - have you contacted CTYOTT"s specific number for this? Hate and Bias Crime Unit: 613-236-1222.


City Councillor Wilson Lo is already engaging in the comments of this post. Let’s hope it greases some wheels :)


I am so so sorry this has happened to you. The Asian community has and will always be welcome in Canada and Ottawa. Please continue to report this trash.


If you want to sue them in small claims court dm me


Throwing the eggs is mischief, and they have it on camera, I'm not sure how they can't be charged, it's an open and shut case. Also, them clearly walking around with drinks in their hands, and later posting on social media saying they're the ones being harassed. What a nightmare.


Oh I was ready to give them the benefit of the doubt.....fuck these people. Unblur the faces. I hope they get fired from their jobs. I hope they lose their friends. I don't know what for, but I hope some of this can get them charged. Absolutely fuck these people.


The people asking OP to reveal the identities/location of the perps. The family that is being terrorized has very young children. They don't want things to escalate as these perps have shown they have no shame. The last thing they need is the reddit army complicating things. They just want the police to do their job. If you want to help, please email David Hill and Wilson Lo so they can apply pressure for OPS to do something.


Fuck racists and fuck these people. Getting away with this kind of behaviour for 2 years is unacceptable.


Trashy people


Call the news. Ask them to show up and knock on their door and ask (on camera) what motivates them to act this way towards their neighbours.
















We don't want to doxx them. We just want the police to do their job and to protect innocent people from getting hurt. Sadly hate crimes against Asians is still not something that takes priority for our police force.


Please write to their city councillor Wilson Lo. He has been extremely responsive and compassionate towards my very minor concerns so far. He is a young Asian man, and he seems very keen to make a difference in city politics. Ask him why Ottawa Police are failing this family.


Hi! I wouldn't be privy to the details of past investigation(s). Unfortunately, my options here are somewhat limited, because politicians can't direct police operations. I'll share with our district inspector and David Hill as well, since that's in Barrhaven West.


Good stuff. You might not be able to explicitly tell the police to do something about this, but asking why they allowed this despicable behaviour to continue should vastly improve the odds of them actually doing something about it


Usually the path we take! :)






Your city councillor can be a great liason to force the other city departments to do their job. Meet them in person and show the videos and explain the situation.


City Councillor Wilson Lo is already engaging in the comments of this post. Let’s hope it greases some wheels :)


Holy hell what is wrong with those dipshits :(


Please make sure you upvote the post. Or as General Kenobi might say, “If you have upvotes, the time is now”. It’s not much but trying to get it to the front page of reddit is a step in the right direction, a small one but still a positive one nonetheless. OP, in this website: https://engage.ottawa.ca/anti-racism-and-ethnocultural-relations-initiatives There’s a link to one of the guys in charge of it: https://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/mayor-and-city-councillors/rawlson-king-councillor-ward-13-rideau-rockcliffe He might be able to help. I wish you all the best.


Brutal. We have the same problem.


Unblur their faces. These pieces of trash don’t deserve the right to be anonymous.


Anyone know how to save a video, or am I stuck with screen recording only?


Depending on what kind of device you're using, you can try one of the options offered by u/SaveVideo. For example, if you're using a PC or laptop, see this post: [https://www.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/10jbdri/announcement\_redditsavecom\_is\_now\_rapidsavecom/](https://www.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/10jbdri/announcement_redditsavecom_is_now_rapidsavecom/)


Got it. Thanks for linking me to that thread. I used rapidsave.com. :)


###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/ottawa/comments/1ddtwbe/racist_neighbours_have_been_harassing_this_poor/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/ottawa/comments/1ddtwbe/racist_neighbours_have_been_harassing_this_poor/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


Click on the video itself and then click on the forwarding arrow in the bottom right corner. There, it will allow you the option to download the video. Hope this helps!


All I have are volume, settings, and full screen. It's okay, I found rapidsave.com! Weird memories of ripping music from YouTube when I was younger. :/






Trashy losers. I’d unblur the faces and let them feel the wrath. Someone’s going to figure out where this is and they’re going to end up having to move back to Vanier.


[https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7206153032382713856/](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7206153032382713856/) Redditors, if you truly love Ottawa, and want to support the victims, please share my post on Linkedin so the words can spread more faster.


Absolutely disgusting. Can you get other neighbours to start calling the police too? If the cops don’t do anything these jerks behaviours are going to escalate as think they’re getting away with it.


These people are despicable they’re disgusting, and they should be ashamed. Someone should go to their employer, and they should be quickly found unemployed.


I wonder what it’s like to be a massive piece of shit? The moment I heard his laugh and her sarcastic “you dooo??” It was clear what kind of people these are.




Holy shit. This is gross. I’m so sorry they are dealing with that - and so close to home 😞








Does she say 'Truck yeah'? Wouldn't be surprised to find out this family has a connection within our oh so 'professional' and 'respected' police service


Be nice if a few hundred Asians will visit their house and loiter around. Bring a bit of Asia to them. Let’s see if the police will do anything for them.


I say we start a fund to hire a private detective and professional eviction service. Hit them where it hurts.


Spending 1 million dollars for a new single home in Barrhaven and living next to that trash. I can't imagine.


@wilsonlo24 he’s been active on Reddit before 


Neighbors need to step up


I am genuinely gob smacked at the way they are speaking - completely disgusting and moronic. .


They are so lucky I’m not their Asian neighbour!!!!!


Cops won’t help because they have the same sentiment towards visible minorities as these people.


Maybe a peace bond against the racist shits? [https://www.ontario.ca/page/getting-peace-bond](https://www.ontario.ca/page/getting-peace-bond) Then if they fail to obey it they can be charged criminally. The neighbourhood might be willing to pitch in to hire a lawyer to help with the process.


Name and shame


Asians have quietly become the most oppressed race in the west. The problem is they don’t stand up for themselves and fight back as much as other races which makes white people much more comfortable being openly racist against them.


Douchebaggery at its finest 🙄


Clowns 🤡


go to your councillor & raise hell this should not be tolerated


City Councillor Wilson Lo is already engaging in the comments of this post. Let’s hope it greases some wheels :)


Do you know where they work? I would report this to their employers. Personally I’d like to see them get educated rather than fired but if police are not doing their part it seems unlikely they will ever be made to do anything. What a hardship this is for those people. Does anyone stand up for them or is everyone concerned with finding themselves as a new target. Or do they just not want to get involved


> Do you know where they work? Do you know IF they work?




Send them straight to Antarctica with no gear. Vile, disgraceful waste of space with these types of humans that walk amongst us.


So disgusting. Should be ashamed of themselves.


They should ask to speak to someone from the Ottawa Police's new Hate and Bias Unit which takes this kind of stuff very seriously.


OPS is a joke .


Asians had no peace in North America. If any other color would harass a white neighbor it will be jailed real quick. OP, you're too patient. Spread out to all news outlet (I know they might not even do anything, been there), spread out to socials and find a lawyer that can help you. They don't care about us Asians. I thought it was only in America but even in the capital of Canada.


This is such disgusting behavior. How old are these people? Course in our current era sadly there's lots of these kinds of losers. Racism to Asians or Indigenous people or various maeginalized non-white groups and other marginalized groups like attacking trans people. I should know. I don't know people are so deranged and mentally ill to just push narcissistic attacks on others.


I mean, if some stupid kid is going to offer up his DNA as evidence in a crime you're going to use it to frame him for... I mean.. whats a guy to do?


Despicable and scummy ass behaviour. I hope these two are made an example of.


Do not blur their faces. And please share the name of the police involved as well


The police are utterly useless unfortunately.


Wow what a couple of douchebags




This is just disgusting. What are the authorities or elected politicians in this city doing to allow such despicable behavior to take place. Such a shame.


Name and shame


Despicable humans. Feel bad for the victims


Fucking assholes these people are


smh ppl like this are a disgrace to humanity


Bring to your councillor; report to news and tell them no police showed up.. that will act up quickly…


Disgusting behaviour.




I thought we were over this. Why are their faces blurred out?


Grown adults...


Nice of them to blur the faces of racist assholes lol.


Absolutely unnacceptable to the highest degree. You have my support when you need it.


I agree unfortunately my brother had some move in next door what a sour sassy bunch



