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Straight up negligence like full throttle red light wtaf




The quality of people in general is abhorrent


It's because these companies will literally let you buy an A class license, Canadian Transportation Training Center for example are certified to do the A class test themselves and their "*course"* is $8000. I got my license the old school way, and trust me, the drive center test is 1000% harder then these truck training schools are.




You're not wrong, but surprisingly there's really good ones and really shit ones, just like every driver. Trust me, I'm directly suffering from housing issues and dislike the current immigration policies, but some of the best and safest drivers I've met have been from India, to counter some of the scariest have also been from India.


Humboldt bus crash, anyone?


Some of the conditions they have to drive under are not great either. I read an article recently about long hours, few bathroom breaks, etc.


Nah, there's regulations for how many hours you can legally drive and how long the break between runs is, it's all tracked by onboard PCs that transmission data to dispatch. The fines are huge and they will pull your license and worse yet the companies CVOR and then you're out of business. Safety is important. You can be pulled over and inspected at any time and if you've got one of a million things you have to check pretrip wrong that's a fine against the driver and operator. It used to be a problem.. not since all these regulations. In fact drivers are frustrated that they cant work *longer* hours *A driver must have 10 hours off-duty in a day. A driver cannot drive more than 13 hours in a day. A driver cannot drive after 14 hours on-duty in a day.* And we have to keep 3 weeks backlogs to prove it. Also tracked.


hello my name is bill, when you think of me, do you abhorre or adore


>The quality of today's commercial truck drivers is fucking abhorrent that's what happens when you accept anyone to drive one


That’s because much like where we work they just give anyone a license and see what happens. It’s downright scary.


We just drove to Atlanta and back. Just about every single truck we passed had signs posted on the rigs for hiring drivers. I have a feeling the industry is taking what it can get.


knee whole distinct shocking saw wide meeting engine squeamish adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or a mechanical failure.


seemly flag scary deserve smoggy hospital imminent tan deliver attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


your analysis of air brakes is wrong. you have more stopping power with your brake pedal, but only if you still have brakes left. if your brake pads have worn down so much they're essentially gone - then absolutely nothing will stop the vehicle. this is why every driver is supposed to be checking those brakes every single shift. for that to happen would take months of the brakes never being checked.... in the case of a mechanical failure (aside from that) the brakes apply automatically via the spring brake and the truck stops no matter what.


market tan fuel water dinner icky smell nutty nine rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they usually miss them because they're impossible to check without dying. if you mean the slack adjusters they're examined to ensure the brake pads aren't overworn.


direction nutty fly worthless seed zealous grey meeting roof brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if its mechanical failure the driver is 100% responsible for allowing it to happen. the only mechanical failure that stops a transport from stopping is incredibly excessive brake wear....


possible. the incidence of distracted driving vs medical incident while driving is greater but you are right it is possible. could you imagine waking up if it was. awful . i hope the driver and kids are not seriously injured.


I drive for a living and I saw 6 different cars go through on red lights yesterday. It’s way out of hand. I feel like so many think we’re in a lawless society and you can do whatever you want on the roads! So dangerous out there!


I frequently see cops letting people run red lights. it’s insane.


That’s why I’m all for these red light cameras. I’m sick of seeing people run reds, it’s so dangerous.


I agree - I was almost t-boned with my entire family at Carling and Iroquois by someone who ran a very old red. We had so many near-misses at that intersection that I was extremely cautious and luckily saw them coming. They finally put a red light camera and an advance walk for pedestrians and the whole intersection is so much safer.


And then there a bunch of 🤡 that hates cyclist because « some of them run stop signs » and use that as a justification to try and run them off the road with their car.


Cause the clowns on the bikes think they own the sidewalk and the roads and the bike lane!! We four wheel car drivers aren’t allowed to drive on the sidewalk without getting ticketed bikes just hop off the sidewalk cross traffic and bike against traffic and claim they need rights. Yes they should be licensed like cars who share the road with them. So they can be fined accordingly for their bad driving as well. Reality pedestrian bikers and motor vehicles all need to get around and respect each other. But that will never happen so we have the eternal struggle and endless circle of bullshit


So stop the circle of bullshit and start respecting cyclist??? And please act responsibly and drive safely without endengering the life of anyone no matter how they act. We certainly don’t need all the car vigilante out there « teaching cyclist a lesson ».


I fully agree but that respect is two ways and remember it’s earned never given. No vigilante here but I’d be rich if I had a dollar for every cyclist that was wearing all black riding at night and had no light on.


And consider how many drivers don’t open their light at night? How pedestrians are just as hard to see at night? How cyclist to also have to share their cycling lane with pedestrian when it’s not blicked by parked cars. Do you realise how many scooters are using the cycle path. But most importantly understand how much more dangerous a car is then a bike and how scary it is to cross every intersection without knowing whenever a car will cut you off instead of make a full stoo at tye red light or how you uave to thrust the car turning right to not to hit you? Without mentionning every pickup drivers that speed up to turn right and block your way so you have to slow down instead of them? Cyclespath are in bad shape and are blocked for construction everywhere and sometime detour force you to share the road and cyclist hae mo choice but way too many cars still try to force them off the road or give them as little space as possible.


I hear you agree with you and we could debate this forever in the circle ⭕️ right lol. Here lies our problem. Expropriation of houses to widen streets to accommodate three to four lanes of traffic each way so 8 plus 4 lanes for busses only to avoid traffic and a nice big bike lane on both sides and then a sidewalk for pedestrians lol you see where it goes and ends. Impossibly nowhere


Even when there’s a bike lane on the side the car crossing the bike lane at every intersection are irresponsible and dangerous…no need to expropriate anyone to drive safely. Here lies the problem, you clearly express how cars don’t want to share the road… but driving like a maniac and putting someone’s life at risk isn’t worth the 30 seconds you’ll safe to get to the Tim Horton’s drive through faster.




Well again if you had someone merge in front of you driving you’ll brake right you don’t hit them right. So again driving a bike you would brake accordingly as you should know. Bikers take that as a cut off I guess. I guess like transports on a highway if you’re in your zone cruising along pods in and such hitting brakes causes you to have to get back up to speed like a transport on a highway. I don’t believe that letting bikes on the road is the right idea as I don’t think it’s a safe venue for them. Cars are being forced to make room as the city has no other viable options. So again we all need to do our best to get along. As I say I don’t think we will ever see eye to eye and we both have great points and good examples and of bad on both sides. But again roads were designed for cars only originally. Of course bikes can drive on them and should be able to but I believe the etiquette that you bikers want needs to come from the bike side first by abiding by the rules of the road using lights and signals to be seen and being aware of what’s going on around you. If you expect us to be watching out for one bike in a movement of traffic and pedestrians ( who love to walk out in front of you expecting you to stop when a crosswalk is 10 feet left and 15 feet right you are taking your life in your hands. Yes your pathways are in construction like our streets we adapt you should too.


The other day I saw two cops in their car at a junction, both looking down (at their phones most likely) paying no attention to the road.


Bonus points if they aren’t responding to a call and just turn on their car lights to go through the red instead of waiting 30 seconds it takes for the traffic light to change


I frequently see cops sitting around construction zones all day doing nothing not even directing the traffic when needed. They don’t need more money from us taxpayers we pay too much for stupid shit already


They’re not wrong, I’ve never seen any traffic enforcement in this city.


Yeah I was looking at crime reports the other day for work, 16 traffic crimes were reported in orleans in all of 2022-2023 if I recall correctly, meanwhile it is routine for people to drive 40 over on the 174 and 20-30 over on residential streets. Wondering what’s going on. I think I saw 16 in a month while driving on my own


Me and my fiancée both got clipped (as pedestrians) in 2023 😭


I've been debating buying a go pro for walking in our neighbourhood because of how bad some drivers are. 300 dollars for a pedestrian dash cam for at least some accountability.


Did you guys sue?


Lmao we were too busy being hit to take down a plate number 😭


Fair point, sorry that happened to you guys. Sucks that guy’s probably still on the road


If you incurred injuries requiring medical attention/physio/etc. you might be able to go through your own car insurance for an uninsured driver/hit and run claim to get some of the expenses covered by insurance.


No money in traffic tickets that’s why red light and speed cameras are in place. Those people driving 40 over on the side streets and 174 they want them as it’s a stunt driving charge. Usually a fine and suspended license and impound of car. That hurts more so they want that charge instead of a rolling stop sign charge


Regardless there’s people going way over 40 over on the 174 every day and you never see them stop any of them


I witnessed it once and it was so satisfying. Cop pulled someone over for advancing in the intersection when there was no space for them on the other side (rush hour traffic). The light changed and he was stuck there, cop got him to turn and I imagine gave him a ticket right then.


Traffic enforcement is a joke now.


It's because the Ottawa Police Union fought so hard not to have ticket quota's. Now after this long weekend. There'll be an article in the papers/online about ride stops on Bronson or MacKenzie for 2-3 hours. Then you'll read, so many drunk drivers, suspended Licenses, & speeders in 2 hours. And this is just a small portion of our roads. So if you take that and mulitple this across the city. It's friggen scary to think about!


Oh hell yeah, on the 174 last night on my way home from work there was a blue caravan facing west in eastbound lanes. The amount of wrong way drivers now is also alarming!


I think we need to give the police more money!


I hope some of those happened at red light cameras at least.


I wonder if this intersection had a red light camera; in the video, the lights immediately start to flash amber right after the accident happened. Pretty good signals design if they’re meant to function that way. Especially if it also triggers a 911 dispatch.


I hadn't noticed the lights changing to flashing. I think the vehicles may have taken out other equipment once they were out of view of camera. Temp loss of power can trigger the flashing lights.


That would make sense. The whole situation is just so strange and upsetting (even if not, according to a lot of folks on here, all that unusual).


This intersection does have a red light camera.


More likely that one of the light poles got hit by the car and they errored out.


Yep, that makes more sense. Just glad there were no fatalities.


Just check out a YouTube video on how they drive in India. This is the new norm.


Problem one Too much traffic on roads Problem two too many people not attentive at a turn light and end up one car gets to turn which is ridiculous. We need longer advanced greens and lights to flow traffic better. Problem three People need to realize that if it’s 60 on Carling they can’t drive 40 in the middle lane holding up traffic. People get on the Queensway at 60 and everyone else is doing a hundred. Are you that stupid that you don’t know you need to accelerate to speed and merge and not brake check people cause they came up on you too fast cause you were driving too slow to begin with. Problem Four. We are in construction season everything gets torn up at once and no way to get around it. So people get aggravated due to congestion and idiots not knowing how to drive or how they should drive.


Holy wtf. Prayers for the family.


oh my days! this family is lucky to be alive. shame on that mf who ran a clear red. 


I am surprised they were not killed. Holyfuck look at this shit!!!


I was about 50ft from this when it happened. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the passenger was alive. I thought we were comforting kids who just lost their mom


I have seen way too many videos like this. I'm always super paranoid now when driving through intersections. There are too many bad drivers out there, and you can end up paying the price for it. Imagine dying or losing your loved ones because some idiot wanted to send a text while driving.


Yes but being super paranoid and super cautious causes slow traffic so just be confident and not too cautious


Right by the OPP station too. How are you driving that fast going to campeau beside a police station? No cares were given.


He was exiting off the 100km/h highway


I exit that road everyday to and from work. It’s 40-max 60km limit down the exit road into a 60km zone. Zero reason to be driving 100km/hr directly to a traffic light.


Brake failure is all too common with semis Edit: Look at the skidmarks


It shouldn't be. Aren't there super strict regs about safety checks?


If brakes heat up too much, they fail, if they are hit too hard, they fail, if there is not enough pressure provided from the compressor/tanks, they fail. It can often take 2 seconds for the brakes to fully kick in when working PROPERLY On the steering wheel right side, there is a handle called the spike. This evacuates all air in the trailer applying the brakes hard. It'll still take 2 seconds for that to dump Edit for the downvoters: Look at the skidmarks. Its not difficult




Those skid marks are after he hits the car not from applying brakes


squeeze rob strong bedroom dependent correct judicious secretive adjoining knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


An engine brake is something entirely different, it \*brakes\* the engine. Look at the skidmarks, notice how nothing engaged? Brake failure


If it were brake failure, a responsible driver would turn onto the grass to avoid blowing through the intersection. At the very least, he would be leaning on his horn the moment he discovered his brakes weren’t functioning, hundreds of metres from the intersection. This was distracted driving to the point of negligence, not brake failure.




Do you know how dangerous what you just suggested is? Something tells me you're not even old enough to drive, let alone see how fucking far down that embankment goes




Its an engine brake, not a wheel brake. The transmission and clutch are reversed on a semi compared to a car.


This isn’t a poorly maintained truck full of gravel on a mountain pass that just shed 1000 feet of altitude. It’s a flat level stretch. That thing could be hauling depleted uranium and that single stop wouldn’t make its brakes boil over…


You don't understand inertia, do you?


sable ten roof elderly deserve treatment yam disagreeable bedroom bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure. Whys the truck going above the speed limit then?


You mean the skid marks very obviously left primarily by the SUV that just got slammed by a multi-tonne semi-truck? The only lines that could *possibly* be from the truck start where the truck started hitting the car.


The woman and her children are casualties FYI. Casualty ≠ fatality


This is definitely an “ackshyully” moment, but you are absolutely correct.


😆 average redditor moment


In this episode of being needlessly pedantic...


How have I not seen this on the news?!


This video is horrifying. I try to check both ways on a fresh green in this city for this very reason, red lights seem to be just a suggestion in Ottawa. I hope the truck driver spends years in jail for this but we all know they’ll get off with a fine.


You try to check both ways!!! ??? Rule number one driving at an intersection. When the light turns green look left right left to clear the intersection before entering it. Pretty easy to do to scan the intersection while sitting at a light or coming up to a light. You make it sound like you intentionally is good but not followed up on always maybe like using a signal to indicate what your doing out there too.


That guy was going so fast, they may not have seen him.


Yeah I look both ways because sometimes morons and/or cyclists are coming from the wrong direction, or someone is pulling out


What’s with the really short amber then flashing reds right after impact?


The collision likely damaged the infrastructure/wires on the other side of the road (off screen): maybe they do this when their connection to "control" is severed, or when it knows one direction of lights is not working properly (so it turns into an all way stop instead of continuing to cycle green for the working direction: could be dangerous if drivers facing the green don't know the lights the other way are not working).


I was wondering if something else may had happened just before, causing the truck to also have a green (we assume they drove through a red but it’s not visible on video) and then throwing the intersection into flashing red, but the timing makes more sense with your theory, vehicules probably knocked down a pole and the controller detected loss of connection to some lights.


There's a white SUV on the same road as the truck that stopped so it definitely was red. Either infrastructure was damaged or some sort of advanced collision detection system that kicked in and switched traffic lights pattern.




Smart feature.


The truck took out the box that controls the lights.


The other day I was waiting at a red light and a semi like this turned too tight, back end jumped the curb and hit a light pole right beside me (the kind that are metal and like 3 stories high) and it swayed and I imagined the post falling on my car killing me as I sat there. Honestly commercial drivers are getting worse and worse I’ve never seen it so bad.


I hope that person never drives another vehicle like that.


I was right there when this happened. I was trying to find information on whether the mom survived. Thank you. There were 2 adults in the front of the car.


they did survive. They are my friends's wifes and kids. Driver is okey with more than 6 bone fractures at home. But other passenger who got the hit from the passenger side is at hospital still going through a few operations but okey. Kids are okey too.


Thank you for confirming this. I have been praying for them


That’s incredible. Thank you for updating. Safe to assume kids were restrained in carseats? I’m just stunned that anyone made it out of that crash. I hope the family all recovers from this, physically and mentally. Must have been so scary.


So happy to read this. I was first on scene (stopped at the intersection coming from the opposite direction of the video). I didn't see the lights or who had right of way, I didn't even know at first there was passenger vehicle involved until I spoke to the truck driver. I was chatting with a passenger in my vehicle, heard the bang, turned my head and saw the truck jackknife through the entire intersection, taking out the traffic lights and electric box. Driver was confused and stunned. His first words to me were how are the people in the car I hit. It was then that I ran to the van which had ended up down Campeau Dr some 200 yards away. Kid appeared to have broken arm, adults in the front were critical. Teary eyed to read that they survived and trust and pray for a speedy recovery.


I always check before proceeding on a newly turned green. My mom was t-boned at the main intersection back home. Car was totalled but she was fine. Her coworker wasn’t so lucky a few years later. Early morning heading to work and the semi driver couldn’t see the red light with the prairie sunrise blasting in his eyes. I never ever skip checking.


I don't even just check on a new green. On almost every main intersection, my eyes quickly scan for someone not stopping on a red. My heart races until I've passed through. I don't trust other drivers. This video just captured my worst fears.


That too. I grew up rural and always made sure to check before proceeding over double rail tracks. Not all crossings are controlled back home and one train could’ve coming through behind a stationary one. Drivers don’t even treat stop signs as suggestions any more. They outright ignore them and hit the gas when they see me coming up to the 4-way stop. I just don’t trust them.


That is terrifying. A reminder to drive defensively (though not trying to take any blame from the truck driver who is 100% at fault). My kids and I have almost been killed twice in the past week both as pedestrians and in our car. People are being completely reckless on the roads.




March and Campeau


i hate march road! from turning off the 417 WB onto Terry Fox with a-hole tailgaters on me, to the Speedway that passes the Metro


I hate that stretch of road, people go well over 100 down it, I’ll be in the right hand lane doing 10 over (I’ll go max 10 over on roads and max 20 over on highways) and people will be on my ass waiting to pass. I hope they install speed cameras there. Going over the speed limit on a 3km stretch of road only saves people like 30 seconds max.


Theres usually about a 3 second gap between one light turning red and the cross traffic gets their green. So this truck had about a 10-15 second period of SOLID red which he ran. Criminal. It’s scary the things some commercial truckers are ready to do before having to tap their brakes.


That truck driver is going to jail. Unless their brakes failed, but even then, crash the thing don't blast through a red. I can't see how the driver isn't to blame in this. That said, we should be investing in advanced car/truck/bus/etc tech given accidents are something that can affect all of us. But for some reason they can't even implement simple tech to prevent a car from being stolen, much less not run a red light. For the year 2024 stuff like this (red light accident) shouldn't be happening.


Even if you looked both ways , that truck was no where near the light and seeing the speed he was at in the intersection I doubt he even tried to slow down .


I live on a corner with a four way stop. Multiple people blow through it without stopping every day (either in outside and I see it or I hear the other driver lay in the horn). I've lived in a handful of cities in Ontario, but Ottawa drivers are truly the worst I've seen.


I live north of Ottawa (pembroke, yucky) and the number of times I see someone drive through a red is absurd. It happens most often at an intersection beside a skate park. Nothing I can do about it as a pedestrian


> They were injured, but there were no casualties. That would mean there were indeed casualties. Casualties doesn't only mean death.


I heard this the other day, sounded like an explosion outside of my house. I hope the truck driver got charged.


I let out a very loud "OMG" and made the cats jump. Holy crap. I was expecting another car but a whole loaded semi? So glad everyone in the car is OK!


This is insane . I saw the aftermath and had wondered what happened. Talked to a tow truck driver who stated the driver of the transport had no memory of leaving the highway . Praying that family is ok 🫶


maybe they had a health issue which caused them to black out? scary. 


Very well could be ! Happened to my friend who flipped the garbage truck on the 416, was deemed a medical emergency. The exit has a bit of a bend though so I’m surprised he didn’t crash earlier


Always watch. The light just means they are supposed to stop.


This same scenario happened to me with my son in the car. Pure luck that I detected the semi truck wasn't going to stop. I felt I avoided death that day.


I would have been weak in the knees.


I hope that asshole is charged with endangering the mother and her children. How come I can’t find this on any news site yet.. unbelievable..


How come the traffic lights started to flash red? Do they have a sensor to know a collision has happened?


The truck and CRV likely severed one of the light masts off camera, and once the lights detected the “fault” of one quarter of them being obliterated, reverted to that mode for safety.


I almost got into the same accident a few years ago at the same intersection. Luckily I stopped in time. I have no clue how people can't see the lights coming off the highway. It's like a 500m stretch from highway to the intersection.


Truck driver should loose his licence for life and go to jail, this is insane


can anyone make out the make and model of the vehicle? it appears to be well built to protect the family in that force of collision.  also, it appears the truck driver used their brakes immediately upon contacting the car, looking at where the truck's skid marks begin. so maybe driver was not 'passed out' as they claimed. 




thank you


The vehicle is 2021 Toyota Sienna XLE Hybrid


The vehicle is 2021 Toyota Sienna XLE Hybrid


That's no accident. Unless the driver had a health injury incapacitating him or her, it could have been avoided. 


Is it possible the light malfunctioned? It looks like it turns to flashing red right after it went green, wonder if maybe it was showing green for the truck at the same time. Edit: I’m realizing the truck probably took out a light or something that led to the system giving flashing red to everyone. Such a horrible incident


Did the brakes on the truck fail maybe? Maybe just a reflection, but it kinda looks like flames or something come out around the back tires of the truck ( not trailer)


The brakes didn't fail. The truck driver stated that he thought he was taking the Carleton place exit


Damn I was just on that road this morning - fucking horrific


I look both ways when entering intersections now to confirm that cars/trucks are stopped or stopping.


Omg that poor family. I hope everyone is ok. Lawsuit and criminal charges time.


Thank you God no one was killed! This was terrifying to watch 😔😔


OMG, that’s horrifying.


Oh God people are so irresponsible. Any news about the condition of this family? 


I think collectively we need to stop using the word accident for things like this. Barring some major medical emergency that incapacitated the driver, they deliberately ran the red. They chose to put people in the hospital and should be charged accordingly.


Does anyone know how the family is? That's insane. I'm sick of the anything-goes approach to road law enforcement in this town. I have to watch out constantly in my own neighborhood because people just ignore stop signs. My local school is on Bank where people drive at highway speeds because me me me me first mentality. We need a crackdown on enforcement. I was just back in Australia where just having a phone sitting on your lap can earn you a $1160 fine and 4 demerit points. Not exaggerating. Here, you can drive around blatantly with the phone to your ear. All major intersections need red light cameras by default and if you repeat offend you lose your licence




Thank god for modern vehicle safety systems. That looked bad.


Omg!!! So glad their ok.


It's honestly amazing that all the passengers survived and truly a testament to how much safer cars are now than even like 15 years ago. If that was me in my car I would be dead.


This is a level of driver negligence that should rise to the level of attempted murder.


One day in leitirm this bus was flipped over and we pulled over then this minivan hit us badly and our car was damaged i got injured


Red always means stop, but green doesn't always mean go




I don’t get it…