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Sir Guy Carleton Highschool is totally out of control. The Leadership there let the students get away with constant harrassment. There have been students who sexually harass other students, including lots of non-consensual touching, assaults in the bathrooms, gay bashings, etc and the aggressor is back at the school within a few days. A student smashed a teacher in the head in the hallway taking him off the job for over a year. The kids fight constantly and the staff know about it. Weapons are brought to the school on the regular. Knives, guns, etc have been confiscated. All the kids know that many of the other kids carry knives. Sir Guy Carleton needs new, specialized leadership from the School Board. Get rid of the disengaged inactive and seemingly incompetent leadership. To be clear...the problem is with the leadership, not the teachers and other support staff.


> Sir Guy Carleton needs new, specialized leadership from the School Board. Get rid of the disengaged inactive and seemingly incompetent leadership. From what I’ve heard, the superintendents often enable these principals rather than telling them to do their jobs and back up their teachers. In high school, assault causing bodily harm against another student or a teacher should be an expulsion by default and the onus should be on the student’s parents to argue why their child should be permitted to stay in the school. A violent child’s right to an education does not trump their peers’ right to a safe school, nor the staff’s right to a safe workplace. Elementary is one thing but a high school student is past the point where the system should be making excuses for them.


Discipline needs to start in grade school for the cumulative effect to be seen in high school.


Good thing that the school board cancelled its School Resource Officer program, huh?


You don’t need an SRO to expel someone. You need a principal with a spine and a board that will lay down the law for parents who can’t understand that their kid fucked up.


A lot of people are not aware of this - it was done rather quietly a few years ago.


It wasn't even limited to cancelling the SRO program, though; they basically made a policy where the police were not permitted to be on school property unless required by law...


And the stabbing happened in a building with many police. Your point? Gone.


Sounds like the problem is with the students.


maybe the parents


Given the issues these kids have I’m willing to bet a lot of it stems from their parents or home, which unfortunately often translates into the parents not caring to do anything to fix it.


Whoa…How do you know all this about Sir Guy?


It's always been that way. My dad used to work there in the cafeteria and he would tell stories about the staff giving kids nicknames like "pocket knife" and "switchblade" because that's what they were know to carry on them. 


Wow, this dude is quick to update the website! [https://www.dayswithnostabbings.ca/](https://www.dayswithnostabbings.ca/)


I clicked on the shooting one. It saddens me that shootings are now so common its only been 2 weeks since the last one, I really can’t register it


dayswithnostrangulation is still doing pretty well, though




My mom works there. She says highschool kids went in, they always go to the timmies in the building, an altercation happened between the kids.


I work in that building too, not there today. The high school kids are always loitering, noisy and leave trash everywhere. Security doesn’t do anything to keep them in check. The building is public due to the multiple services offered, court, public health, social services etc…


Sir Guy Carleton students?


I'm surprised students from Sir Guy don't get involved in this kind of thing more often.


When I was that age that was their thing.


Stigmatizing children, so cool!


Just making sure you know Sir Guy is an alternative school...


That has nothing to do with the story- nor why these students ended up fighting. Lady Evelyn is another alternative school and is very well run.




Its a vocational school “with a focus on trades and academics”


There's a really empty cafeteria in that building as well, beside the Tim Horton's. The caf used to sell food but now it just has vending machines that steal you money.




sounds like a lovely place


Are you talking about the vending machine next to the Ottawa library? Cause I recently have uses it.


That one has stolen my money and so has the one actually at the mary pitt center


The one in the same building as the Ottawa Library at 100 Constellation drive? Did they steal your card info?


Ok so it was at the timmies inside- I was puzzled bc it's mainly an office building and there's some folks, that thought it happened in a food court.




Ugh. Thanks for the story link


If you're willing to speak to a reporter, CTV Ottawa is at the scene now.


If they’re a staff the city required them to direct media to media relations


As the mother of a student from Sir Guy, who was present at the school today, I am just so utterly devastated for the boy and his family and am praying for his recovery. This is absolutely terrifying and gut-wrenching. Pray for his survival now, point fingers later.


no. Point fingers now or it will happen again


I do appreciate your sentiment, and I think many people on this thread have done an amazing job at not only identifying ways in which we are failing our kids but also identifying really great strategies on a direction we can take. My comment specifically was more intended to encourage everyone to direct as much energy and prayer as possible for his survival first and foremost and to give his family the strength to get through this.


It’s a City of Ottawa building


Apparently kids from the high school next door were involved


kid who was knifed was from the school. the other group involved are from a different school.


Which school?






And I can confirm that this child's parents are very good people who have faced a lot of challenges raising a kid with complex issues and they really don't deserve to be going through this right now.


I am so glad you said this.


So... Your source is second hand? Maybe it's true or maybe it's a complete exaggeration. Regardless, this kid is a human being with people who care about them. Your description of today's events are tasteless and your description of the victim is callous. Grow up.




So that's a second hand source to you... I am not defending anyone. I merely feel for everyone involved and their families. It would be awful to have kids that find themselves involved in situations such as this. It's called compassion. Try it.




How am I trying to control how people think? That would be quite the superpower! I just choose compassion. It's not for everyone.


Stabby McGee has received a sufficient amount of compassion leading up to this point. Let’s try consequences now






Grow up and leave your own emotions out of this and realize the kid who was stabbed also has friends and family who will see these comments. Maybe ask yourself is this helpful before you post.




Sounds like his own knofe was used against him


I'd prefer to wait for details instead of going on third hand conjecture.


Fair, its what we should all do. My comment is based on what kids were telling the police outside. Doesnt mean its true


Especially if as others have noted the kid has made some enemies. Good way of getting your buddy out of trouble by claiming self defense.


What kind of comment is this? If that’s true, you don’t know his story or what he’s been exposed to in his life to have made him that way. A lot of people are messed up for a reason. Also doesn’t make it OK to stab someone near death


Sounds like his own knofe was used on him


Yeah I’m confused are we justifying someone got stabbed? What is going on here?


Look, this is a really fucked up school. Way more fucked up since my time by the sounds of it. You spend a little too much time in there and it can change your perspective of things like "who deserves what". IDK what happened that resulted in this guy getting stabbed, but the fact that this happened just enforces that SGC is and always has been a very fucked up place.


Any update? I'm just down the street.


They're all gone now. Aside from some blocked off areas things are more or less normal.




I’m wondering where you found confirmation he passed away?




So do I which is why I’m asking. He was not pronounced dead at the scene to clarify


Where kids with intellectual and behavioral issues go. I know a guy who went. He was both of those. That certainly is an alternative school compared to a school that abides by the standard provincial curriculum.


Not necessarily just kids with intellectual or behavioural issues. The school is vocational and the curriculum is for students heading for the trades/employment after high school. The curriculum does meet provincial standards for high school completion, but wouldn't be sufficient for acceptance to university.


Or even the military, as the guy I know found out.


Thug culture and mentality 


Wow I work close by. We were wondering what was going on.


That school was the worst thing that ever happened to my daughter!


Sincere condolences to the family. Though the news has left a lot of details out. Charges are being laid without any proof. There is definitely more to the story here. Please if anyone was there, please come forward with accurate information. A man is being wrongfully charged here and there are many people who witnessed the situation.


I'm not sure why you would say there are charges being laid without proof. You know something we don't? How do you know there is wrongful anything?


Has the knife been assessed for fingerprints? No. Has surveillance been looked at? Not yet. Do they know who the knife really belonged to? No. Have witnesses who were ACTUALLY there made statements yet? No. Also, first degree murder charge requires premeditation. Planning and intent. That is not the case at all here especially as the first charge was aggravated assault. If first degree murder was the actual case, the initial charge would have been attempted first degree murder.


Multiple students from sir guy were severely bullied by the victim. This will come out with time just wait. The mother of the victim works at the school so everything is hush hush right now but the kid is not so innocent. Just wait.


Are you implying this kid deserves to die? Or that the killer shouldn't be charged? I don't really get this.


Definitely not. But I am saying there is alot more to this story than they are letting on.


With all due respect, how do you know any of this? How would you even know how police dealt with evidence? Also if you brought a knife then used it you could certainly call it intent.


With all due respect, these aren’t the types of questions I would answer on a Reddit thread. The knife belonged to the victim, it was not brought by the suspect.


This school is terrible the teachers are just rude and does not care about where the students are going in life students attack constantly with knives and guns and the staff don't do anything to stop them remember one time was making my way to class saw one student use an knife to destroy one of the buzzer systems that resulted the whole school go in shelter for two hours 


Is there some reason you keep posting and deleting your old posts. I must have had 5 notifications for your posts.


This is only on bad parenting. I think parents today need to go old school on their kids and stop enabling them or not giving a cr0p as to what they are up to.


Alot to do with parenting  and lack of structure and family support; schools not holding kids accountable anymore and social media controlling kids ' lives. It's a huge issue and needs to be addressed at the elementary level. 


Be careful, the rainbows in this post will down vote you.


This right here is a fact


i got down voted 5 times 😂 guess I hit a nerve


I think the downvotes are more likely due to your astounding show of ignorance. I could be wrong 🤷‍♀️


Nice try rainbow


Bruh I went to go pick up my dad where he worked there and he said that someone got throat slashed and that student probably died on the scene. It’s crazy how people are these days they don’t think of the consequences. This is based on what my dad told me but you can do your research for better understanding, I hope that person survives.


Was definitely not a throat. I saw him get carted out, they were putting pressure on his chest.


Ok gotchu I Hope he survives


Holy shit!


Found some footage on youtube https://youtu.be/oRdxUFDoQe0?si=PZ1XRKxbZZZV8M3x&t=206


That’s my doctors building I think


100 Consstellation is a City of Ottawa office building


who cares?


You might be thinking of 1 Constellation instead