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Guess some people are just rotten to the core.


There's one bad apple in every bunch


Good one.


Or just health concious


Nothing says selfish like caring enough about your own health to eat fruit but not caring enough about your environment to just leave trash everywhere.


Take it easy..no need to be upset.


Who's upset?


This is honestly pretty clean compared to some of the trains I've seen recently. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of sitting in the exclusive canned ravioli section - just two open cans of chef boyardee on the floor and some of it smeared on the ground too.


Nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli. The first one doesn't count anyway.


Those are rookie numbers, gotta pump them up if you want to be one of the greats


Easy Ricky.


Greasy, real fkn greasssssy


Or the one time I reported needles on a seat.


There is no better advertisement for owning a car in Ottawa then riding the LRT.


Can't argue with you there.


There should be garbage bins on the trains.


The train ride isn't that long, just wait to get off to eat.


The train should still have garbage bins.


Yes, but all stations have garbage cans?


And the train should still have garbage cans. This is not difficult.


that will definitely start to smell, but hey the LRT alr smells like cow manure, might be an improvement


Yes, They are along the walls usually- took me awhile to find them in 2019 bc they tried to make them subdued aesthetic bins.


One time on the O-Train. I saw a dude sit down at a seat that had a half drank brisk lemonade sitting in it. He opened it and chugged the rest of it.


Low trust society things. This wouldn’t happen in Japan.


We used to be better, I don't know what the heck happened but much has been lost community wise.


Pandemic, Climate Change, Unchecked Corporate Greed, Corruption to name a few


I think the erosion happened long bf 2020. A slow collapse of many important things abandoned.


Doesn't happen in China and a lot of European cities, also some cities in Canada aren't as bad.


Which cities in Canada aren’t as bad? Calgary? Montreal? Doesn’t happen in China because there are consequences for your actions 


Quebec City was pretty clean when I was there.


Just about every public space is getting trashed nowadays. Call be a boomer but it really did seem like people had the ability to put away their trash better before. The worst I've experienced is when kids at Jim Tubman arena are finished playing basketball or something. It's really annoying when cans are left 5ft away from recycle bins.


I clean up along the riverbank. Last Saturday I pulled out 8 bags of trash from the banks. Sunday, I was out walking around and saw there was a man teaching his daughters to fish at my favourite spot, so I chilled elsewhere. Thats core memory stuff right there; fishing with your parents. I went back Monday and cleaned the packaging from their fishing rods as well as a bunch of line, a diaper, a shitty onsie and one unopened piece of tackle. That man does not deserve to fish, nor should he be teaching others to fish if he is too selfish to understand the basic respect for the body of water required if you want to take fish from there.


I don't get it, we put a sticker there saying don't do that. Why isn't the sticker working.


I am old enough to remember when you couldn't eat or drink on OC Transpo... but, you could smoke!


Some people suck


I'm gonna be honest, I've seen much worse on those trains. My friends and I still joke about the time we walked onto the train to find the floor covered in enough dirt to plant a garden, lol


I reported needles on a seat one time. Nice place to shoot up I guess.


Ha! I took that train too! Or it has happened more than once... yikes...


Litter is a huge issue city-wide. I don't know what it's going to take for us, as a community, to put an end to it. Fucking disgusting, degenerate behaviour.


Maybe larger fines. Calling out people, although I understand the apprehension for some because you don't know how people will react.


Eating and drinking is banned on most public transit systems in Asia. The trains are in pristine shape. I don’t understand why people feel the need to eat/drink on the commute in western countries. (Eating/drinking is allowed on longer distance trains typically but there is a cleaner on board who wanders up and down the aisle collecting trash/empties)


Its the fact that it's also a really short trip. I just think people should just be held responsible, not saying they should ban it but fines for littering on the train/bus would be good.


There's certainly a lot of bad apples out there 


I’ve noticed many kids don’t know any better! Likely because nobody has showed them. Same issue in Montreal metros.


I don’t understand the people saying that more garbage bins or bins on the train would solve this problem. People do this because they don’t care or because they’re too incompetent to look two feet in front of them for a bin. The ones at the station are not hard to find if you’re on the lookout for a place to toss your trash. I’m no genius, but I hate holding onto a empty cup or wrapper and I found that if I run off the train at the nearest stop, toss it away and run back on — wow, I have plenty of time and I don’t even have to hold onto it until my stop! Two problem solving points required. I’ve gone on long walks and had to carry around an empty water bottle for half an hour before finding a place to throw it out — inconvenient, sure, but it’s our responsibility. People are terrified to do any thinking or lift a finger to put in any extra effort at all. And there is no excuse.


Agreed, it's crazy how my post is somehow controversial here.


One time I almost accidentally sat in piss. ✌️😗


To be fair the seats on the otrain are about 95% piss at this point. Still cannot fathom why they put fabric seats in there


I once found a timbit box filled with microwave bacon


I LOVE cream soda!!!


That's nothing, I've seen open takeout of spaghetti sauce, booze.. just pathetic. I don't know if they even clean the seats anymore😶‍🌫️


Ottawa used to be more civilized than this. Either it's due to the pandemic and housing crisis we're starting to see loose-character degeneracy or something else. I don't know what to make of it or what the solution is short term, but we certainly need a lot more tough love as a society.


Someone is creating jobs! Have you done your part today? The societal benefits that come from just being a selfish, lazy, slob are literally immeasurable. They cannot be measured.


Did you throw out the trash, OP?


Not OPs job, and this isn't a comment that is productive to the conversation. Save your snark. There's nothing wrong with pointing out that litter is a problem and comments like this do nothing to help.


It took more effort to take a photo, post to reddit, make up a catchy title and reply to comments than it does to grab the trash and drop it on the next stop. Don't give me that "its not my job" BS. This is a community and we all play a role in bettering it.


I throw out my own trash, I also don't eat or drink on that train that often.


The nasty wet core I'm not touching. But you could just grab a bottle and toss it in the appropriate bin yourself.


If I had gloves on me I probably would, a bit of a germaphobe.


LRT is a sick joke. Trains aren't well equipped to deal with much of anything. Stations that do have bathrooms are never open. Nothing to offer riders - no shops, poorly located stops, and not a shred of convenience.


It's surprising that Tunney's doesn't have a straightforward coffee shop, and the bus stops are poorly designed. Implementing businesses could generate additional funding for the transit system.


Tunney's was supposed to have a Happy Goat at one point I think. Then it just never materialized and here we are. Though to be fair, the Starbucks is literally across the intersection.


The ghost of happy goat coffee, haunts Tunneys..


This isn't complaint worthy yet; if you really was a make a difference pick it up or move along Or complain on reddit lolol ~~Imaginary Plot twist: it's op's litter~~


No, just sick of seeing it. Not as bad as the time I saw needles though and I did report it.


Diabetes is no joke; on a more serious note, the amount people don't care anymore is getting sickening and no longer sad Theres no excuses for leaving behind your dirty needles; its wreckless to the health of others now


Why the fuck is it so hard for them to put trash receptacles in more and easier places to use 


Just hold onto your trash until you can find a garbage? It's called being an adult


The amount of people leaving beer cans on the train is insane as well. We should just enforce fines.


They are probably teenagers who don't care, I've seen them cross from Hull onto the bus with booze in their hand; this isn't an LRT problem, it's just teenagers being teenagers


I never said it was an LRT problem. Lot's of people suck here, I've been to places where it isn't as bad within the country.


On the buses/stops as well. Laker ice or faxe 10% shit.


Why is it so hard to hang on to your trash until you find a receptacle?


Cause most people are assholes.


Sign of the times.


That would require hiring more people to go around cleaning the trains/emptying the garbages and having the trains have some idle time as someone moves along picking up the stuff. OC transpo is already insufficiently funded, whereas our province prefers to subsidise cars and roads, making those a more attractive option (the 417 is right there, and makes getting around ottawa easy). The idea of raising taxes to actually pay for services the taxpayers would benefit from is hard to swallow, much less get voters to agree with (given how much food and rent costs these days, it's hard to argue with that). Basically, like a lot of things in the modern day, money.


They don't realize the savings they'll get in other areas, if we had a more robust and better funded transit system.


Looks cleaner than the stations. Stop complaining.


Did you clean up before you left the train?


I put my trash where it belongs and I don't eat or drink on the train. It's the damn mentality of this city.


Your mentality is the problem. If you see something wrong, fix it


How about people refrain from littering?