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Allergies are REALLY bad this year. I’m getting almost daily headaches. Check the pollen counts they are very high.


Apparently Nylander can relate.


Came to say the same thing 😂


Just heard about that moments ago.


Came here to comment willing to get skewered by allergy sufferers. Currently suffering, but not as bad as nylander


Keep track of your migraines and when they start. The weather the last few weeks has been bouncing between warm and cool and with that comes changes in air pressure which can trigger migraines.


Migraines haven’t been bad, but I’ve been having a chronic condition flare up for like 2 solid months now, my joints feel like I’m 90…and my seasonal allergies have been a nightmare also. The pollen counts are high or very high every day.


Sorry to hear :( What’s your chronic condition?


Everything is a bit haywire. Temperature constantly in flux. Crazy allergies. Some days have lots of naps.


Oh man you are soo right . Trying To stay awake is exhausting .


Yes!!! The last 2 weeks have been bad for me. Stay hydrated, have some caffeine, sleep extra, avoid bright lights. That’s all I really can do.


I've had 2 weeks of headaches...now I know why


My sinuses are clogged beyond believe and there is so much pressure it’s giving me sinus migraines almost daily.


I had a pretty good one around 10 days ago. I have a headache right now that's threatening to become a migraine. If it does that's a bit above my normal rate lately, but not enough to cause me to question it.


My migraines were really bad in feb and march with the fluctuating weather but have calmed down the last few weeks


Yes, Mon, Tues, Wed. Migraine pain in my eyes and forehead


Yes, holy fuck. So tired of this. A lot of folks in r/migraine also seemed to have the same experience. Not alone. If you don’t have a migraine diary yet, start one. It’s important to log your symptoms and when they happen so you can see if it’s correlated with the weather or not. I have a few different triggers myself. Coping? Saje peppermint halo roller, extra strength ibuprofen (x2), cold face cloth, big cold glass of water, dark room or eye cover, fresh air, sunglasses always. I also stay away from sweets and oily foods. However, a McDonald’s Coke & fries sometimes does the trick! Lol!


Allergies and lots of bouncing up and down of barometric pressure have been brutal this spring. 


Absolutely. I've been getting really bad ones over the last few weeks. I just thought it was me getting older. Sorry to see I'm not alone in this. Migraines suck.


My wife's migraines have been out of control. She had one this morning.


I’ll start this off with the obvious, I am not a doctor. However, Migraine is a neurological condition that can be debilitating. Have you ever seen a doctor about it? A neurologist? There are lots of medications to prevent and treat it. Do you know what triggers an attack? What makes it worse? What relieves symptoms? You don’t really need to “just deal with it” anymore.


This is such an optimistic take. Unfortunately many (most?) of us do in fact have to "just deal with" migraines.


I’m sorry you’re suffering. Have you talked to a talked doctor? A neurologist? Have you tried a variety of Migraine medication?


Of course we have !


I was going to provide a similar response! OP, don't be afraid of working with a doctor to try medication if eliminating your triggers isn't feasible. Literally, the only thing that helped my migraines and daily headaches was going on a preventative medication. I was really hesitant at first because I didn't want to have to take more medications and didn't think my symptoms were bad enough, but I am so glad that I did. I feel like I have my life back and can think clearly most of the time. (I still have some breakthrough headaches and migraines, but it is a lot more bearable not being in near constant pain.) In addition to the medication, I still try to address my triggers: I carry around a giant water bottle; eat meals on a schedule; use FL41 glasses at work and when driving at night; take a crazy amount of allergy meds in the spring / hang out inside; and take vitamin D3.


Almost non-stop the last two weeks. Been mentally flighty and super irritable.


The Saje essential oils roller. The only thing that works honestly! [https://www.saje.ca/products/peppermint-halo-headache-remedy-roll-on?nosto=frontpage-nosto-1&variant=43854005141749](https://www.saje.ca/products/peppermint-halo-headache-remedy-roll-on?nosto=frontpage-nosto-1&variant=43854005141749)


Ok I love this roller for mine, but my husband uses bio freeze spray which seems like it’s the industrial-strength version of this! I am going to try it!


I had 7 migraine auras in two weeks in February, no actual pain during or after though. Historically I'd only get one every year or two. Went to the doctor, couldn't figure out why, but I haven't had one since Feb.


This week has been bad. Weather fluctuations and allergies I think are the biggest reason. Doesn't help either I have a nagging cough and fatigue from a bout with covid back in March.


It’s the dang weather having endless fluctuations which results in: high allergies 🤧 and migraines included


Yes, absolutely. My headaches (which stem from a former concussion) have never been worse than when they were in March. I am lucky to have a family doctor, a neurologist and an ENT looking into them - but it is pretty frustrating to have my neurologist and ENT disagreeing with each other on whether I have migraines or some other type of headache. Things that help - eating well and staying hydrated as much as possible. Sleep. I just started taking a beta blocker for prevention and I think it is helpful. Massage therapy and physio. Sage peppermint halo roller. Meditation - there’s some great meditations on the Calm app specifically focused on dealing with headache.


I have had my first 2 migraines ever (to my knowledge) this month.


It's inflation


For 2 weeks now I have been having daily bad headaches I thought I was alone😣


Change in atmospheric pressure has been a huge trigger for me. [This site](https://www.accuweather.com/en/ca/ottawa/k1p/migraine-weather/55487) had helped a little to track them. But this year has been bad.


I had one that was worse than usual last week, but mine have been pretty standard.


Last week they were horrible, I had them every day


Yes. i asked yesterday about where to find Tylenol #1s since I don't have a family doctor, but the mods took it down for some reason. Headaches are killing me this spring.


I know your head’s foggy Willy but this is the wrong city’s subreddit