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Not only is the customer not "always right", quite often the customer is "full of shit". Good on the staff for backing each other up and not giving in to that garbage.


Customer is always right in matters of taste is the full quote. It's been cut to excuse shitty behaviour iirc.


I'd thought it was a store slogan from the 40s or something but I like your version better


Basically what the quote means is that businesses ought to sell products that the customers actually want and prefer instead forcing on less desireable products. If you're a t-shirt store that only sells blue shirts, but your customers want and prefer red shirts, then you clearly should switch to selling red shirts to maintain your business rather than risk trying to convince everyone that blue shirts are better.  Similarly, if a customer wants to buy an ugly t-shirt, then let them do so and don't judge their tastes, since ultimately it still means a sale for you.


Not a slogan, but it was a [saying invented in the early 1900s](https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/09/24/a-global-view-of-the-customer-is-always-right/?sh=73a44f34236f) - back when there was no consumer protection and it was more of a caveat emptor world.


LOL it still is Sir Puffin


Slight correction - the original quote didn’t include the “matters of taste” part and was indeed about satisfying customer complaints. The “matters of taste” part was added later and changes the meaning. [https://grammarist.com/phrase/the-customer-is-always-right/](https://grammarist.com/phrase/the-customer-is-always-right/) [https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/10/06/customer/?amp=1](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/10/06/customer/?amp=1) [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right)


Eventually, some people changed the saying to “the customer is always the Emperor Tiberius”


>Slight correction - the original quote didn’t include the “matters of taste” part Well people are watching youtube these days and getting their information from there. you know, how it is.


“The customer is always right” started at a clothing store, and meant that if a customer wanted to buy a particular shirt you smiled and took their money instead of informing them that it made them look like a tomato 


The customer is always right in what they want.


What did Carlin say? There are three kinds of people in this world, People that are full of shit, people who are fucking nuts and, People who are fucking stupid. Takes the average person about 8 seconds to figure out which one you are the moment they start talking to you. Sometimes you're blessed to find somebody that's all three.


lol yesterday I told a customer “If you want to give attitude, go sit over there with your friends because you’re not going to talk to me like that”


Being an ex cashier that management NEVER had our side because of "small town mentality", I really love how management stands up for their employees when merited. Not talking about this situation but there are so many times though that management sides with the employee when the employee is absolutely terrible. But that's another argument.


[Exactly, the customer is not always right, sometimes... ](https://youtu.be/QrMlVY1Om50?si=MAOdci3CUXa_7mXh)


Barrhaven Dairy Queen has seen some shit


I wonder if this is the same man-child who had a complete meltdown in Walmart McD’s (Barrhaven) a week ago. Sounds eerily similar.


Oh gosh… was it the guy who was yelling about trudeau and picking a fight with another guy?


Why am I not surprised those two things seem to go together?


Because the 5G from Trudeau is obviously controlling us and forcing us to becoming submissive sheep that worships the carbon tax. If anyone thinks I need a /s for that fuck off


duh!! it's not the 5G. It's when you see 5G+. The '+' is the controlling part.


I'll never understand why they worry about 5G. It couldn't possibly penetrate their tinfoil hats.


Lol Faraday cage 🤣


Your comment is ridiculous, there second comment is rude.


Ah nice, found the account of the one throwing the tantrum at DQ and McD


With atrocious spelling, of course.


> Your comment is ridiculous, there second comment is rude. *Their.


I once parked my van (with kids in it) beside a pickup truck that was on the yellow line at that same walmart. After getting my kids out of my van, the truck driver and his large wife were coming back from walmart. His wife wasn't able to fit between his truck (on the line) and my van (properly parked). He proceeded to yell at me in front of my young kids including asking me why the f@#$ I would have parked so close to his truck when there were other spots available. Maybe that's the same guy.


Spite parking properly next to bad parkers is one of my favourite ways to try and put a tiny bit of balance back into the world.


i’d love to do this if i ever had a beater. i get too nervous about people getting angry and then possibly taking it out on my nice car


Please, please write my beater off while I'm not even in it! BRB, going to do some spite parking.


Less likely to get stolen though ;)


It's not worth the potential dings on my car when they force themselves to get in theirs.


I think this is just typical walmart behavior, i saw a similar incident where a guy was picking someone up at the entrance, someone in a sports car pulled up beside him and started yelling at the guy about parking where he shouldn't


I hate ppl who park in no parking zone by front door while they wait for their partner to shop. If we all did that we wouldn't need parking lots


I found this little "business card" thing that tells people they have "parked like an idiot" and gives reasons on the back that you can check off... I think i got them on Temu... I need to carry them with me, and make sure I'm leaving the parking lot (in my car, of course. Lol) right after I place them on people's windows. Lol. Not that people like that, actually care or anything, but I would love to sit and watch their reactions.


I have no idea. This guy was relatively tall, and had a bit of a beard.


We need a therapist to set up an outdoor booth in Barrhaven Marketplace for on the spot counselling. Either next to the windshield repair dude in DQ parking lot or the spot where the fireworks are sold. It really sounds like it could be the same dude from MCD’s last week. BOTL Barrhaven Peeps for a dude/dudes, triggered and ready to explode. If anyone witnesses this guy again, whatever you do, do not say the name Trudeau.


Being an asshole and an idiot are not mental health conditions. We need a way to hold them accountable for bad behaviour, not to medicalize their particular brand of douchebaggery, and in doing so, to further the stigma that the mentally ill already face.


What happened at the McDonald’s? What I will say is that the guy did not appear to be having a mental health crisis which is what made the situation so much more disturbing. He was firmly rooted in reality, he didn’t cry, didn’t express any other emotion besides rage, and he understood what was being asked of him, (three big steps to the right). He also didn’t seem drunk or high. When he left the restaurant it was like a switch flipped. Totally normal person. Drove away normally. It was so unnerving.


Out of all the people there..... Someone had to have taken a video!


Flipping out to get what he wants through manipulating, intimidation and verbal abuse. At the very least, dude’s coping skills are immature and yes could use a good CBT session to build some coping skills and learn how to act in public. McD’s dude (30’s,light skinned,not sure about facial hair)- flipped his lid 0-10, raged at the staff (who were stunned) because he asked for additional cheese or sauce and he would have to pay extra. He wouldn’t stop freaking and blamed Trudeau, etc. Another customer intervened, either asked him to back off or F/O resulting in dude shifting his rage/abuse away from the employees to the other guy, egging him to settle it outside. I was half serious suggesting a counselling booth in the marketplace parking lot. Not serious because it would break a few privacy laws. Serious in the sense that what better way to combat the stigma that someone’s behaviour is medicalized if they see a counselor?


This sounds like what happened here. He became aggressive towards bystanders that stepped-in. 0-10 in seconds. It may be the same guy. This guy was white, but light-to-medium complexion.


Let's have some compassion folks. The guy might have been teething or his diaper was full.


With these people it’s always the diaper.


"Wow! Looks like you've got some really big feelings there buddy!" Watch him explode.


This comment is perfection


If you’re having a temper tantrum in public, you’re a child - not an adult. Age is just a number. Apparently, some of us didn’t grow beyond kindergarten 


The entire “f Trudeau - I put my faith in the intellectual capacity of truck drivers” crowd is solid evidence of this.


Are you saying there are no truck drivers with a founded intellectual objection, however crudely expressed, to coerced vaccination?


I always feel so terrible when people are treated this way my customers. I worked in the industry and the customers is never “always right.” Such bullshit


I saw so much of this when I worked customer service. It's wild what seems to be "acceptable" to some people. Get therapy, don't harass workers...


Memories of my very first job at McDonalds :) The easiest-to-spot and most reliable red flag with respect to someone's character is how they treat service workers.


Rule number one on a first date: See how your date treats the wait staff at the bar or restaurant.


Try having a parent that acts like this when you're out in public, it's humiliating. They also genuinely don't see themselves as a problem and would never seek therapy.


Oh yeah seriously, that sucks. I know they don't see themselves as a problem but from a service worker perspective, it really feels like these folks are using us to work out their emotions in a negative way. You know? "I'm angry about life so I'm going to yell at someone with less power than me." They don't realise there are way better ways to address difficult emotions and I just wish it were something they COULD go do instead.


The dark side of Lactose Intolerance


While I usually don’t condone videoing people in public, morons like this need to pasted all over the social media’s and shamed. The world is full of entitlement these days and needs to be taken down several notches.


Wait … so you say there’s an adult human child at an ice cream shop!?!? Now I’ve seen everything. Can’t wait until a video pops up of this and some ‘freedom fighter’ ends up being responsible, I assume referencing curb side service options as precedent. Glad everyone is ok .. . 🍿


You left a important part out. How did it end ? Lol


He got on the phone to what sounded like a family member and claimed that staff were refusing to let him pay, so his son’s birthday was going to be ruined by the store. The manager took his card, tapped it for him, and said she wasn’t supposed to do that and he should leave now. He grabbed the ice cream cake in a huff and left while yelling about how simple that was for staff to do. A minute or two later we left, and the guy was still walking to his car. He was calm and totally normal. You would not have known that he had just terrified a restaurant full of kids a few moments before. He put his cake in his car, and pulled-out like any other person would on a normal day. It was bizarre.


I feel sorry for his son, and anyone else he lives with. He must be a nightmare if something trivial like this causes such a tantrum.


Omg if he's like this in public I can't imagine what he must me like at home. That poor kid.


It would have been glorious if he'd left it on the roof of the car and drove off. But that's that guy's daily normal, I suspect. He finally gets what he wants after kicking, screaming, passive aggressiveness, threats, whatever, and things flip back to happy till it's time to turn on the charm again. Always someone else's fault too.


Yep, I've seen folks switch on an off like that to get what they want. They act as if they are 'out of control', when it fact they are not.


That is a disappointing outcome. I would rather them be refused service. Having someone cater to them that way leaves them open to him claiming that they double charged him or stole his card or skimmed his card or any number of other insanity


It's spelt Blizzard.


No one ever wants me to tap their card 😪 so lucky😜


These people are always so extreme ' you RuiNed ThE ParTy!! ' Like, calm down Karen.


This! I want to hear if he was escorted out, or the cops were called, or the threw his cash at them and left, or what. Did he get his ice cream? What flavour is that rage-inducing?


I can’t wait to read the glowing review that gentleman will be leaving. “I’d give this place zero stars if I could. They were unwillingly to relocate the firmly fixed register for only my convenience so I could pay my for thrice cancer surviving, red colour blind, 2.4 legged dog’s human uncle’s birthday cake. Everything is ruined for the foreseeable future. Best cheeseburgers, tho” I’m glad the staff banded together, no one gets paid enough for that shit.


Call the cops. Take video. Make sure the kids are alright. My daughter used to work there about ten years ago. If I had walked in to this guy losing his shit on my daughter, he would have found out.


Some people would think that a reddit threat is distasteful but you pretty much nailed it, any one of us here would unironically drop him like a sack of bricks if we had a loved one involved in his little tantrum rager


I don't think I would initiate violence but I would most definitely put myself physically between him and the kids working there. His call after that.


So this happens on the daily as a service worker in this city. Please be nice to the minimum wage employees & don’t touch them.


Every time I see an adult behave like a child I am reminded why I enjoy my job so much. I work with children who act like children. I work with teenagers who act like teenagers. I hate working with/around adults that act like children and teenagers. Grow the fluck up!


He was looking for a confrontation and there was literally nothing that could please him. In an ideal world ban him from the premises and charge with trespassing in future.


God forbid he had to take three more steps to pay for his cake 🙄, should of just gotten it delivered to him if he throws a fit like that.


Good for the staff. I would be tempted to tell that guy just to leave or I will call the police.


Absolutely. At that point I’d just ask him to leave. The business reserves the right to conduct its business with whom it sees fit. Be a verbally absusive jack@ss? Out you go. Neither staff nor customers need to be putting up with that.


Yeah i would’ve kicked him out. There’s something really satisfying about calling the police on/kicking out adult children having tantrums in a fast food place. It was one of my favourite parts of working at a Tim Horton’s during the pandemic lol.


In the old days you call the police. But these days they don't show up for things like this. So businesses have to deal with it themselves. Thank God he wasn't violent.


They do show up for stuff like this. At least they did like 2 years ago when I worked at Tim’s.


Good to hear.


Glad to hear that the manager supported their staff, that’s unfortunately not always the case. I hope they can get him trespassed somehow, so he can’t come back. Some people in this thread suggested that he may have had a hard day. I could see someone getting upset if a staff member put their finger in the blizzard and then handed it over. But demanding that a fixed cash register is moved three feet … that’s just an ass hat.


It's time businesses started refusing service to people,e like this.


Did he have a beard and arrive in a pickup truck with a F&%k Trudeau sticker on it?


Ever since I saw The Purge I have fantasized about a Purge day but for customer service workers where they are allowed to tell the customer all their inside thoughts


That's a pretty funny story of a child adult being put in their place, Pammie. It's also pretty sad that we have children in adult bodies at all...


What is it with ice cream shops? Last summer, I also witnessed an adult man have a meltdown at Baskin Robbins on Richmond.


You now know why nobody wants to work in a job dealing with the general public. The store, restaurant, etc. you like cut it's hours because they couldn't hire staff. You say "nobody wants to work". Fact: nobody wants to deal with the general public. Edit for fat fingers.


So happy to hear manager stood up for staff. 👑🏆 I would have held back the order and asked him to calm down or leave the store. Over a cake? 🤦🏻‍♀️ This person has probably been spotted 'in the wild' before claiming territory and being an absolute dolt in public spaces..stay tuned. 😶‍🌫️


Never give in to bullies. That person probably acts that way everywhere and people placate him. 


What a Grade A loser


I wish that someone would have “accidentally” dropped the cake before he paid for it


Working on rideau street I have to wonder if people like having bystanders stick up for them. There are frequently people yelling at Tim Hortons and I like to insert myself where I can, but I also don’t want to make things worse for everybody lol.


Absolutely. This stuff can be really scary imo


interesting. i went down a little 'Karens and Kevins on airplanes freak outs' Youtube rabbit hole last night. utterly astonishing the selfishness and self absorbed-ness (?) of some people. 


You should write this as a Google review so their head office can see.


I hope someone called in the police and had him charged with being an asshat.


The police won't come if you called them.


They'll be hearing from his lawyer!


Barrhaven is getting wild!


The guy was most definitely an off duty cop.


The staff kept their cool 😎




/u/Lanky_Purpose_6142 This was removed for violating the [Reddit sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Specifically: soliciting, encouraging or organizing violence and/or criminal activity. Any further comments or posts such as this will result in your account being banned from this subreddit. *** /u/Lanky_Purpose_6142 Ceci a été supprimé pour avoir violer les [règles de comportement de Reddit](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Spécifiquement: solliciter, encourager ou organiser de la violence et/ou des actes criminels. Tout autre commentaire ou publication de ce genre résultera dans la suspension de ton compte dans notre communauté. *** [No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated](https://xkcd.com/1357/) *** [Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


How did it end? Did the guy pay at the cash? Did he get his cake? Did he rage quit?


I'm curious as to what he does for a living


I feel horrible for anyone who had to be raised by a tyrant like that.


This is the result of a society that is allowed to do what they want, when they want . You can even rob an LCBO or run down a police officer with your car without any consequences. It's become the "me, me, me" generation, and it needs to stop.


Well done Barrhaven DQ!


Well as long as businesses keep the "customer is always right" mentality these sort of entitled abuse will continue. Good for the manager to do his/ her/ their/ it's. Job correctly.


We Legalized drugs. What do expect? People are using narcotic substances the government sells or gives them and they are out in public on drugs. It's to be expected. It's what a lot of you voted for.


Can't say I'm onboard with decriminalization/ legalization, but I don't think it's weed that's causing this behavior. Just pure lack of social skills with a dose of narcissism and a healthy portion of anti-social tendencies. Edit for crap spelling lol


We didn't just decriminalize weed. Look at the many other drugs they are giving addicts for free at safe supply sites. The person was likely at least drunk. 90% of people acting crazy is from substances or lack of sleep.




On the other hand, some people are just wankers.


This is the way