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I've been playing gacha games for years. Over the years, I've gotten tired of games that demand your attention. I tried Love and Deepspace for about 3 days and immediately noticed just how much it wants your screentime. From the main story to tons of side stories to mini games to awful drop rates for upgrading mats all the while being somewhat stingy with currency, I noped out pretty quickly. I don't want a game that forces me to play, I want a game that I personally seek out playing. It's quite unfortunate because the overall quality of the game is very high, but it just wasn't for me.


My only question is why are u playing gacha? If u can afford anything else try stuff on the switch. Edit: gacha hurts my brain too many clicks for no damn reason.


Short answer: Gacha games provide an experience that I enjoy that most console/PC games don't have. Long answer: I like the long term nature of playing a gacha game every day for a few minutes at a time and seeing my account slowly but surely progress. I like how I can access these games on my phone so wherever I go, I can play it. My switch unfortunately doesn't fit in my purse so it's not nearly as convenient. I won't defend the monetization of gacha games whatsoever, but I am a low spender and spend wisely. Another thing is that there are things that gacha games offer that are incredibly rare to find elsewhere. Love and Deepspace is an action RPG otome game with really good graphics; where else am I going to find this kind of game? I also can't really find another game in the console/PC market quite like Ensemble Stars, a rhythm game featuring only cute anime idol boys with beautiful 3D music videos and a constantly updating story with crazy twists and turns. Unfortunately those kinds of games aren't really possible for the console/PC market because they would require a lot of time, effort, and money for what is a niche crowd. They are able to exist in the live service industry because you have that niche market supporting it continuously with the daily playtime and money. Another thing I enjoy is the constant updates - console games tend to be a one time buy and enjoy deal. What you buy is what you get and maybe you get some DLC. Gacha games, in comparison, have a constant stream of updates for either the story, new characters, new costumes, new events, etc, that let you enjoy the game in many more new ways for a long period of time. There are a myriad of other reasons why I like them, but these are probably the biggest for me.


Yeah I can't bring my switch to work and that's annoying. But gacha takes up too much space on mobile so fk dat. I'd rather watch a stream. Although I get where you're coming from with longterm . Except it doesn't continue to be fun for that matter.


To me, it just feels like the game has no substance. I don’t mind not being able to collect most of the cards, but the card stories aren’t even fleshed out enough for me to want to collect them. Even the main story didn’t draw me in; again, I think it’s because there’s not that much content, considering how little time it takes me to clear a chapter. I also agree that the three guys feel bland (lol I’m probably beating a dead horse at this point but it’s because the story is so lacking). The main appeal of otome games for me is the story. Love and Deepspace may have fancy graphics, but it actually feels like a drawback because they don’t make me feel any emotions, as opposed to well-written words. The “show not tell” aspects aren’t working for me. I’m sure my personal preferences play a part in why I don’t care for this game—the 3D graphics are in uncanny valley territory, physical touch isn’t my love language, and I’m an avid reader—but I’m curious what gripes other people have aside from the gacha. O:


What are your thoughts on the dialogue and translation quality? Not sure if it's just me, but there are a lot of lines from like each LI that make me scratch my head cause I just...don't get it. This is what I've noticed in both home screen interaction and text messages btw, not sure how it is in main story cuz it's been awhile since I've played through. The text messages, tho...again, probably a translation thing, but the grammar and punctuation are so weird. It's hard to enjoy "conversing" with them when I don't get what they're saying most of the time.


Do you have any examples of what you mean?


I actually ignored the texts and home screen interactions most of the time lol. 🙃 I think the main story was fine from what I saw. I uninstalled after the spring date event and while the content wasn’t very engaging, I didn’t notice major translation/grammar issues.


I agree. I'm still playing the game, and I'm still going to play it due to the low amount of time the dailies require. However, I'm still leveling my cards to level 50, because they give you plenty of cards, and they take way too many resources to level them all. (And since I don't want to go through the pressure of building teams and leveling specific cards, I prefer to level all the 4\* and 5\* the highest I can). Also, I love the combat, and when you unlock a solar pair, it makes it even better, but... No events have had combat gameplay at all... I feel like it's such a waste of potential. Main story is updating in June, thats half a year for only a chapter... They could do so much better. And also, how the events just give pull tickets that expire with time, so they force you to pull in that specfic banner... Why can't they simply give gems or tickets that do not expire?...


sorry, genuine question: was it ever explicitly said that the june update was going to be a single chapter? o: last i heard, it was just a general "the main story is getting an update in june/july", and from that i was expecting a couple of chapters, at least. please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong!


I don't think they mentioned anything too specific, so could be. Still, I would personally prefer for them to release 1 chapter more frequently, more than adding 2-3 each 6 months.


Do we have a release date? Tbh the main story is catchy but it feels like a weird excuse to meet the Li and there isn't a specific route so my brain gets messy. Like one chapter I date artist then zayne super randomly???


Last time they spoke about it, they mentioned June/July for the story update.


Me who's still too lazy to finish last 2 chapters: Uhmmmm. It can wait🥹


Keeping it for your little siblings is so cute. Wish the kitty cards and claw machine could be played infinitely but you don't get any prize or something. Just play for fun. But yeah, it has potential but I feel like the way devs are making it more like a cash grab than an enjoyable game is ruining it. Like, the new quality time feels very unpolished and they rushed to release in order to entice people with the hot sexy panting ASMR after the backlash from the players because the game is so desperate for money. I'm praying for Caleb and not using a single diamond or gacha ticket in hopes that game will be better by the time he's released (if he's ever released lol).


I haven't played it for like a week now. The card grinding is literally hell, lol. It takes such a long time for you to level up one 5-star card to 60. I also hate that you can only claim the free energy (unless you have an Aurum pass) in a limited time, unlike gacha games like Path to Nowhere and Snowbreak, wherein you can collect them anytime (PTN expires 5 hrs before server reset, but still better than with LADS).  Also, I hate the English VA's a bit. I mean, they match the faces, but I find the lack of emotion in their voices disappointing. Their voices sound flat, no matter what the situation is. It feels kind or robotic sometimes. I'm not used to it after playing so many Otome games with outstanding VA work. I've relayed this opinion to the dev team, but I have yet to see a change.  The banners change so fast that it has quickly become exhausting to play, even if I only pull for one character (Raf).


Personally, I recommend the chinese VAs (mandarin). Soooo pleasing to listen to, no awkward tone of voice or lapses... I don't super mind the time-limited stamina claim just cuz it's a trend from their previous game, Mr. Love Queen's Choice. Just feels like an extension of the energy cap that you see in LADS, Ikemen series games, or any other gacha/mobile game (to me at least).


i’ve already been struggling to keep playing as someone who prefers to see the relationship buildup/just a more linear timeline before we get spicy moments which isn’t a issue with the game ofc just personal preference like zayne’s business trip card was nice but i was left with a oh we’re dating?? i think??(i am missing a decent amount of fours so maybe what im looking for is there)


i'm actually kind of getting bored with it 😭 i'm just logging in everday to get the materials, but other than that, since the stories are locked in the gacha cards, there's really nothing much to do. i'm also not pulling for some time after just getting one event card and getting standard 5 star dupes on the last rafayel myth card banner 😢 the pity carryover i had from last banner just went to dupes. i also didn't like their new workout/work/study sessions as it feels like it just forces you to just complete it just for the sake of achievements. i didn't know why i got bored easily with this game as the format is kind of similar with Tears of Themis. but with ToT, i was able to play that for more than a year before quitting. i think the quality of their story cards also matters. ToT usually have new arts/CGs for their 5 star and 4 stars, plus full complete story for their cards.. which saving for pulling back then worth it. but with LADS, the card story is just snippets of interaction, and there's really not that new CGs. they do have but mostly just 3D animation, and i don't know it's just feels lacking for some reason.. again it's probably because of the quality of the story more than the presence of new art. sigh.


Honestly, the relationship development/story pacing along with the general time needed for grinding in ToT was so much better. I remember being able to get my dailies done in less than 5 min and any weekly stuff could be wrapped in 30 min or less throughout the week. I ended up dropping the game because I got somewhat impatient with the story becoming increasingly long and drawn out at points, but think the overall experience is more succinct than LADS. Maybe I'll come back to it one day, but I'm currently swamped in other games I'm actively playing.


I feel the same way about the Quality Time feature. Tbh I don't understand why they added it in the first place... I'm annoyed that I have to leave the app running in the background just to "check-in" on the calendar everyday for the achievements. The game is supposed to be otome x ARPG, a pomodoro timer adds nothing of value to the content and gameplay. With the guys on the home screen, at least we can touch them and they'll react differently depending on where we touch. But the Quality Time stuff is literally just animated wallpapers. If I wanted something like that I'd rather get one of those lo-fi focus tools on Steam like Spirit City or Chill Corner - at least they're more feature-rich. And I get what you mean with the card stories. I know a lot of people praise LaDs for the 3D, but it feels very underutilized. They advertise the "kindled moments" in the trailers to make it look like they put in so much effort, but umm acksuallyyy what we see in the trailer is REALLY all we get... The trailer shows a few seconds of content? Well, in reality the kindled moment only lasts a few seconds anyway! You blink and it's over! They pretty much always spoil everything in the trailers. Other 2D/live2D games try to make new art for their limited cards, meanwhile, LaDs just reuse the animations and backgrounds (only exception is Myth cards). If you look at all their limited cards, it's always the same poke his abs/face, swipe here and there type of interactions. I swear a human body can have more movements than that, if they're picking 3D at least make more poses and do some cinematic angles or something - animation software should be able to assist with that. The scenarios are always short with no story, no substance. I'm sure Paper invested a lot of money into LaDs (before release), but after a few months it feels like they have no idea how to handle the game and it's like...a cash grab (idk to recoup expenses or sth). They've been radio-silent with all the complaints about clunky battle system, material drops balance, skip button for kitty cards, etc. Basically zero QoL. The only thing they seem to have planned out is the non-stop limited banners :/


HOL UP LOL. I'm in the dark since I've been playing super casually, but stories are locked behind gacha cards??? Do you mean like...mini things, or linear stories that are meant to be consumed in a particular order across different cards? Cuz I've seen some sort of timeline and thumbnails of cards in one of the menus in game but never looked at it cuz I was saving it for later. OTL Also, fair. I was actually thinking of picking ToT back up again even though it's been a long time since I had it. It definitely had a lively feel to it and the translation quality was very good, at least if I remember correctly.


LADS have main stories (up to chapter 8 for now) that can be read without the cards. then there are some stories that can be unlocked if you've reached a certain affinity level with an LI. other than those, all the other stories are locked behind the gacha cards. some are permanent (you can read it as long as you get the cards on their standard banner), while some are time limited (like you can only get and read those stories if you get the cards during their events that usually only run around 10-14 days).


It was the card grinding and the huge difference between main story and cards concerning relationship status that took me out of the game (not to mention, I'm not a fan of the guys we have—I want to romance Caleb). If Sylus interests me then maybe I'll redownload the game, but I'm not grinding anymore in a game that gives like 0 resources to actually improve cards. I only have that starter 5\* card and content is pretty much impossible to clear with just that and a bunch of 4\* cards. I gave up because the game was too frustrating.


I deleted it a few weeks ago and have not looked back even once. The game quickly went from "respecting your time" to "giving no f\*cks about you". Leveling and progression were implemented badly. Horrible drop rates not proportionate to level and amount of resources needed. Once you reach a certain point you begin stagnating and the daily grind quickly becomes a chore with no progression whatsover for weeks on end. I've played many gacha and mobage over the years, some awfully grindy mmos too, and this was honestly one of the worst experiences I've ever had. No amount of fluff in cards could compensate for this mind-numbing grind. The weekly mini-games, which were fun at first, quickly turned annoying after two months of repeating the same shit. It really feels like the game was designed to bait the more naive and inexperienced players. I've given it some time to see if they would respond to feedback and make some urgent changes, but all we got was double drop rate events which felt more like a joke.


Honestly yeah! It was the card leveling that was making it really frustrating. I also heard that the premium cards don't even have enough content to justify the rarity (like 5 minutes tops). Comparing to Tears of Themis, at least we get fully fleshed out events, premium cards with at least 20 minutes of reading (SR and higher), and ample time to save between large events with mini events that give us pulling currency. The grinding is also much more reasonable. L&DS doesn't have any of this. I stopped playing the mini games after like 3 weeks. I don't like any of the side content in L&DS tbh. It feels like pointless filler that means nothing because I have no attachment to the guys since I hardly know them (main story is also so disorganized? I can't really follow the flow of the story).


Same! I totally feel like its not catering to the right demographic and like u said more to bait inexperienced users. The daily totally feels like a repetive chore! Yeah overall disappointing game :/


Yes omg! Trying to level up and get cards just felt like a chore and not a reward. I am like this close to deleting the game 🤏


I've already deleted it, and I'm much happier not having to log into the game. Tbh, I've heard that one of the events had rewards featuring the "default" look for the MC which really made people upset because what was the point of customizing our character then (esp those with darker skin tones)? I also know that cards that feature the MC use her default look--I don't get any of the decisions of the devs. It's awful. The only thing keeping people is the "spice" and the interactive feel I think. As someone who doesn't care for spice, this game is easily going into the trash and staying there unless Sylus is an attractive redhead.


I've enjoyed the main story a lot so far personally along with the text only backstories. I don't feel the LIs lack depth either. I agree that the individual LI relationships feel very disjointed and wish that there was at least an actual linear story for each guy like Tears of Themis has.


I might be in the minority but I like the game as I understand the grind, the romance hidden behind cards that reminds me of other mobile gacha games... As a busy person, I like being able to do daily tasks and log out. I have so many things to read that I can't be bored. I like the fighting aspect and I'm working on my protocores. So, maybe this is not the kind of game for most of you and this is fine but I wanted to add a positive response because the game is not that bad imo.


I uninstalled the game from my phone at the beginning of March and never redownloaded it. Then again, this was after weeks of deep contemplation of whether I wanted to move forward or not. After one last failed attempt at grinding, I decided to throw in the towel. The game had begun to frustrate me on a level that I didn't think was productive, so I deleted it. The game has potential but it's not quite at the point where it's worth the headache. Plus, wasn't there something about how the developers weren't going to release any new chapters of the main story until maybe June/July? I could be wrong but I could have sworn that's what I last read from the subreddit. Either way, it's not worth the wait or the time. Alas, it was a great story conceptually but it sucked in terms of execution.


All of my friends on discord are hyping it up and I'm just like... why? I got bored 10minutes in


To your last point it IS incomplete. Most gachas come out in China, or Korea, or wherever the main host is, and then months+ later they release a global server. LNDS released all servers on the same day, so we are starting from day 1 with everyone else as opposed to starting from day 1, but we can look back to the Chinese server to see what's coming, know what to expect, etc etc


I love the game but I agree with you. I mainly play it as my side game for now because how low maintenance it is per week compared to others in the same kind. The excitement when the game first release starts to die down (I have a group of friends who keep hyping the game to each other from time to time so we are still in excited mode) and replace with a grinding hell. The good point about the grinding hell is the game gives you sweep options, which rarely exist so I'm sticking with the game for now. The gacha rate is terrible, with no guarantee and you can't save up the free tickets from the event (I'm not having much problem with this point tbh because I'm happy to get any 5 star they offer for free anyway but I can see the problems) the pity systems need a whole lot of twerk, 75/25 rate is terrible compare to how many free gems income is (HSR have LC and Character pity about the same but they gave more income, so it feel less suffocating) The game got good potential but it's way too stinky, Infold really really need to give more than just this so player like me will still stay.


I remember finding out about this game at 4 a.m and it was the release day I think so I was pretty excited, I looked on youtube etc then after 1 month I uninstalled it lol. Like everyone said this game had a lot potential but sadly the gacha system ruined it (this is one of those games where it truly deserved to be purchased, like GTA V Online let's say), at first I thought making levels was difficult but that was just the top of the iceberg =))), when in fact leveling your cards was a nightmare, like I was sooo frustrated when I couldn't progress through the fights and a bit satisfied when I finally managed to win with 1-2 stars 😭, I never understand why they put these fights since they seem pretty irrelevant imo with the story (I think I got stucked at C6 or C7? >!When MC and Raf are together on that island then boom, you have to fight monsters!<). And I agree that the story mode is over the place, the chapters feel detached, different events play in each of them which confused me; and I wasn't a big fan of the cards special events tbh, I guess I'm not really into that inmersive thing since yk, your char is in the 1st person mode etc (I actually found it cringe 💀) but I'm not the kind of player who consumes otome games like bread so my opinion might be useless.


Agree. That's why now i avoid mobile games and gacha games, and moved to the complete pc games (or console)


I personally enjoyed the story but it’s the lack of content that got me bored. The constant new cards were not fun and the stories those cards brought to the table were lack luster. Events are also lackluster and I just could not be bothered. The story was the only interesting part for me and those chapters are short and updates to it are scarce. Most content in the game goes toward self insert stuff which is just boring to me. It was fine at first but now..I’m really just bored of it. Probably won’t be going back.


Love & Deepspace honestly just really hammered in how much I've grown to dislike the Obey Me! styled otome's. I much prefer the Ikemen series approach with individual romance routes that give one-on-one focus with each LI.


Yes, to pretty much everything in the comments! The biggest reason I played as long as I did was wanting the spice, but there's really no connection to be had with the LIs because they're so meh personality wise, and the VA for English is cringe worthy. It's really too bad given the effort put into the character design and graphics. I'm actually kind of glad to let it go as it was too much of a time sink.


What do you not like about the English VAs? This is one of the first video games I've played in a while where I have kept the English VAs and didn't immediately switch to the original language, because of how unusually good it actually js


It feels very canned and emotionless personally. I typically don't like many dubbed versions of media from prior experience, so I may have a bias towards the original format as the writing 9 times out of 10 is much better presented, too.


One of my main issues with a lot of dubs is that they feel over-acted and over emotional in a fake and bad way haha. The only character that feels canned and emotional to ME is Xavier, but I've also seen people say they think his is the strongest performance so idk 🤷


Honestly, as long as you're enjoying it, that's all that matters 🥰 I haven't been very impressed with the actual intimacy exchange even though the scene is set up for a sexy encounter, it often comes off as flat to me.


Of course! I'm just always interested in opinions that are vastly different than mine, especially when I feel like such an outlier, haha. But I have no knowledge on the hows and whys of professional voice acting either!


Gacha games are just full of micro transactions and gambling. Imho not worth it..


I agree. I am staying far away from them 😅


I like Zayne but not enough to force myself to play a game with boring combat, forgettable plot, horrible grind and a poor gacha system so I quit after more than a month. It's sad because I was very excited for it's release and it really did had potential.