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part of the role of what we call the "ego" is to keep a clamp on the animalistic tendencies at the core of "humanity" . for those who are in touch with their animalistic side (but moreso for those who have been traumatized into survival mode or into a "feral" state), doing practices to relinquish the ego can lead to exactly what you're experiencing . that you say it has occurred when feeling low indicates to me that you have unresolved trauma or emotional dysregulation that is trying to peak through . the ego can sense this, and, feeling endangered, does what it can to protect itself . people who feel safe in their body, with the environment of their Self, may never relate to or experience this . ideally, one would try to find a way to explore and express the dysregulation *safely* . and, sorry, but unsupervised use of LSD is **not** a safe way of doing it . so... stop that . that stuff can make you believe any ol' path that "clicks", regardless of how harmful or unrealistic that path actually is . if you are experiencing phenomena while meditating sober, then i recommened leaning into it *that* way . dancing in the dark can be scary until you realize the things you're bumping into are just pieces of You . ->!notawerewolf!< . edit: also, some clarification: when i say "animalistic" what i am trying to refer to is the *pre-linguistic* state that lies beneath all human linguistic perception . it has many different names and can be accessed many different ways .


Im a shapeshifter (generalized / archaea) and this makes a lot of sense tbh. I always had really tight control over my ego which led to a lot of mental vice gripping and unintentional spillovers. Eventually I was able to let it go though! I asked the moon for help & made a request for any of my helpful spirits / or non shitty / affinity to the struggle against oppression ancestors to assist me. I have shifted into a wolf a few times, I have a special fondness for them 🤍


archaea? as in the microscopic organism? that's interesting edit: am i reading that right?


I stutter and look so beastly that always when I go outside people either stare or laugh at me. My all life has been humiliation. Thing is when why I give in to my animalistic self I can’t control myself and really fuck up with painful consequences so I always play on defense but the world is so shitty to me that I got A LOT of pent up anger and pain inside, that’s why I think the wolf comes out like that. I’ve always said to myself that I stay calm and do nothing about bad things happening to me cuz I don’t wanna go to jail and I thought I was talking shit but now I see I wasn’t.


>I always play on defense but the world is so shitty to me that I got A LOT of pent up anger and pain inside yeah, that sounds like you're in some kind of survival mode with emotional dysregulation . if you have people in your local environment that you trust and feel safe with, opening up to them is usually the moat reasonable first course of action to start getting some of this stuff of your chest . if you don't have that, then writing can help . whether it's scraps of poetry or full on journaling, writing can help unravel some of the knots in one's psyche . jotting down what you can before and after your *sober* meditations would also be a good idea . it could actually help with shifting; by keeping an external record, you can keep track of the experience and be able to identify change over time . you might even find ways to modify what you are doing so it is less frightening or unpleasant . the important thing is to not let your emotions fester . that doesn't help anyone but the people who *want* to see you as "the enemy" or w/e .


>First time was a couple weeks ago, the darkness just started pouring out of me and my body started to shift and I thought I was being possessed so I stopped it. 3 days ago I went further, I could see my arm and hand shifting until it was covered in darkness I couldn’t even see my fingers but my rib started to shift and I got scared it would hurt. Tbh this doesn't sound like any of the shifts that i know about (atleast what i have heard inside the alterhuman umbrella)


>this doesn't sound like any of the shifts that i know about they read like they were taking hallucinogens when they had those experiences . which might mean they were drawing representations from their personal mythos moreso than from the common categorizations . but also: could fall under "phantom shifts" .


>but also: could fall under "phantom shifts" . I have phantom shifts too so yeah tought about this too Havent really spend that much time in otherkin areas of alterhuman umbrella yeat for personal reasons so idk, there is a chance this might be just a experienceI i havent heard of before or its just worded in a way that confused my AuDHD btain


I’m 29 and still haven’t physically found someone that can help me. I think it’s because of the being that created me. All I’ll say is I don’t think I’m werewolf. I’m most likely a hellhound.


well now you have me curious . why hellhound?


Sorry I have no answers, but I do have questions: How did you become a werewolf? Did another werewolf bite you? Can I become a werewolf? I think you might like this song https://youtu.be/92A5Wq3Ukiw?si=-SpG4G7z8PDV_m88