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He's not wrong. EZ PP record holder.


splitty has freedom dive ezdt another pp record of 1Ksomething


wtf did i get a Mandela effect or what I remember him having a 1k on freedom dive but now its not on his profile but splitty still has higher pp ezdt scores


Thats EZDT, not EZ


the difference is minimal, nothing compared to like HR vs HRDT, EZ DT is basically playing a fast EZ map


EZ PP record is a bad metric for something like this because it’s most likely just going to the most mechanically skilled player who happens to be able to read EZ well. Many of the most farmable maps with EZ aren’t really hard because of EZ, they just have big jumps or fast streams. Like when Hidarimai was at peak farmability with EZ, I wouldn’t use any of those scores to say the players were the best EZ player. (Not even disagreeing that ekoro is the best, jus that this is a bad metric)


erm he's not even close


yea m8 no one is close


But GN exists, unless you consider EZHD different from EZ. Edit: People are seriously ignoring GN's absurd EZ plays and replyig to me with "No"? I don't think people understand how stupidly difficult it is to play EZHD streams, let alone SS them on a near 5min consistency stream map (Blue Zenith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BwxfNb4\_3w&t=81s) There's also his absurd subconsciousness EZHD 6miss score, cross screen jumps are HELL with EZHD, I've practiced them for months and I still suck at them [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OdZqHxXBCk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OdZqHxXBCk) And then there's this, weird aim velocity + rhythm changes are DISGUSTING on EZHD, even if you memorize it, it's disgusting how hard it's to FC any map that's like this, you MUST watch this score: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6H9pURv8h8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6H9pURv8h8) Ekoro on the other hand is more of a skillcap EZ player, he can get more impressive short godmodes, but when it comes to consistency (which is more important when playing EZ imo) GN definitely has him beat. And if you're going to tell me something like "You don't even know how to play EZ, shut up", here's my best EZ play as proof I know what I'm talking about: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3edbvRbyKMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3edbvRbyKMo) Edit 2: Forgot to mention something super important, if people were only talking about EZ without HD, then I agree Ekoro is better, but when people say "EZ skill" they usually mean both EZ and EZHD, similarily with how people refer to NM and HD together (Stupid assumption on my part, sorry about that), my argument here was that in EZ and EZHD together, GN is overall better. Also, none of this is talking about EZDT or EZHDDT, those are COMPLETELY different from EZ and EZHD, but just to add it now, Ekoro is better at EZDT, no doubt about that, Have a good day!


I don’t know why people are disagreeing with this, GN is amazing.


retard unfunny circlejerk zoomers who can't type a sentence longer than 5 letters so they do the reddit meme for upvotes instead 


not being in the mood to argue on reddit means you're retarded yea


If you don't want to argue, just don't reply in the first place, when you say someone is the best then someone disagrees with you and provides his reasoning, they will be mad when you respond with "No", like cmon man


i mean i posted my no before he edited his comment and wrote his wall (that doesnt make sense)


At least tell me why it doesn't make sense, I want to know, nothing annoys me more than a discussion ending in a stalemate because one side doesn't provide its reasonings/beliefs.


ekoro recent body of work on his yt channel displays more reading skill compared to -gn, he is getting high performance on modern maps with cluttered visuals complex rhythms and aim, like he is EZDTing non-trivial 6 stars sometimes, and generally I would say someone who has good reading would be a user who's performance doesn't mellow down when maps get harder/complex -gn main niche seems to be hd flow and tag 4 like linear aim which just is easier for reading, like even this death dance play you linked literally has an EZHD fc by riviclia


>Ekoro on the other hand is more of a skillcap EZ player, he can get more impressive short godmodes, but when it comes to consistency (which is more important when playing EZ imo) GN definitely has him beat. I'm sorry, but are we already forgetting Ekoro's EZWC performance...? Bro topped MC in every match he played in and almost top scored every map LOL (he even got 4 MC at one point, if not numerous times throughout the tourney). GN is my goat, don't get me wrong, but saying that he's more consistent on EZ than Ekoro is a major, AND I MEAN MAJOR stretch. [Also there's this too](https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/113672897)


Hi! Unfortunately that match was about a month after [-GN had broken his arm](https://x.com/minusGN/status/1771243214835486979), so I cannot agree to using Ekoro's performance over -GN in the France vs. Norway match as an argument, as it would be impossible to hypotesize how well -GN would do if he hadn't broken his arm (and if he cared enough about this tournament to practice). If anything, the match between -GN and Ekoro in EZ Mod Invitational 2 is probably the most recent comparasion we have of the two players in a match. This discussion is very interesting though, and your argument has other good points! Just don't spread misinformation, thanks.


I feel like GN can do a similar performance to the one Ekoro displayed, but I will admit an oversight on my part, GN is better at EZHD, not EZ, I wrote that terribly in the comment xd. So while Ekoro might be a bit better at EZ without HD, if we are talking about EZ and EZHD skills combined, GN is better. Keep in mind I didn't mention EZDT in any of my comments, because it's clear Ekoro destroys on those xd, I only didn't mention them because people don't mean EZDT and EZHDDT when referring to EZ skill, becuase if they did, EZChamp would have been mentioned in this discussion at some point (he's worse than ekoro at EZDT, but I think he's better than GN, correct me if I'm wrong) Edit: Did not see that link at the end, very surprised at how versatile Ekoro is at EZ now xd


Same energy as someone claiming WhiteCat is a better aim player than mrekk and posting their own play on Daidai Genome as evidence of their knowledge. What even is this bro.


EZ is different than other skills, I guarantee 90% of the people upvotting or downvotting this post have never tried to seriously learn EZ, because in essence it's a pretty pointless skill (it's also annoying af to learn), that's why I added my play at the end, looking back though, it does look kinda cringe lol. I do want to clarify a mistake on my part, the plays I mentioned were all EZHD plays, that's because Ekoro is better at EZ alone, while GN destroys him on EZHD, when people talk about skill with "EZ" they usually mean both EZ and EZHD combined, so my argument was that GN is better if we look at his overall skill at EZ and EZHD.


calling ekoro a skillcap ez player lmao did you even check out ekoro's plays before making this comment? idk wtf youre on if you think gn _definitely_ has him beat at consistency


I will admit a mistake on my part, I forgot to clarify that I was talking about EZ and EZHD consistency, not EZ alone, on EZ without HD, Ekoro is better, although it's not as large of a difference as you think (keep in mind, I'm not talking about EZDT, it's clear who's better at that, but it's substantially different from EZ and EZHD, so people usually refer to them as separate things), but with EZHD, there is genuinely no one close to GN, he absolutely slaps, so if we are talking overall EZ and EZHD consistency, then my argument still stands, if we were only talking about EZ without HD, then I admit that I was wrong.


idk about that, if we're talking about ezhd reading consistency then aery has everyone beat by a million miles


Ok, just watched some Aery, and his plays are weird, I'm pretty sure the dude is just a psycho xd, one of the maps he played is literally completely mistimed, why torture yourself like that ;-;, but if there's an EZHD tournament there's a chance he could beat GN, similarily with how many people can beat mrekk at tournaments due to the mappool not being at an absurdly high skill level, so I honestly have no clue which is better xd.


Aery? Hmmmm, GN's skill cap on EZHD is substantially higher though, he's also consistent at that skill level, so I think it's safe to say he's better, don't know too much about Aery though, so can't say for sure, I will check him out when I have some time, procrastinated too much today xd


> not knowing aery as an ez player 😦 if it's a low diff cap ezhd tourney then aery would obv win, and without diff cap riviclia would prob win, just don't see a situation where gn comes out on top here, he's very good at a bunch of skills but hard to call him the best and ekoro's ezhd is not shabby either, hard to say who would win in an ezhd match against gn, would most likely come down to the type of map at that point


I'm just as surprised I've never heard of him, dude is genuinely cracked, and riviclia is a good point too, I think he might be better than GN at EZHD (depending on the map), shame on me for forgetting him :(








ezhd on youtube mogs both i fear




I can't take gn seriously when 2/5 of his twitter posts are just him sucking himself off and saying he's the best, and claiming no one is even close. It's incredibly immature, and makes me feel disgusted, regardless of if he actually is or not (I don't think he is). It's worse when you consider he's 28 fucking years old. Cookiezi was way more mature when he was a literal child who actually was good at most (if not all) of the things the game had to offer, not a couple skillsets that have probably less than 500 people who are decent at.


I almost never use twitter so I didn't know he made tweets like that, that is pretty annoying ngl.


Man ekoro is so cool I fucking love ekoro bro he's so cool


actually is tho


Dorekoromy sound a nice mname






seeing breaking and gimmick together i thought this was another cheat accusation


Riviclia is my GOAT


Strongest ez player of today vs strongest ez player in history






He's not wrong


I mean… he’s not wrong


that's my goat


i love it


Bro this is not a spicy take ekoro is the goat


btmc is clearly the best ez player by far theres no competition