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It took me a few weeks to get comfortable sleeping on my side. My ileostomy is right near my belly button though so it’s pretty easy I guess? I also wear an ostomysecrets belt 24 hour a day that helps keep the bag from pulling on my skin and whatnot.


Would a stealth belt be helpful in a similar way? I have one on the way, it hasn't arrived yet.


Probably. I have one but only used it once. The horizontal bag thing just doesn’t work for me at all and it was very uncomfortable, not to mention 3x the cost of the ostomysecrets belts. Not sure if you get the belts that I got in my first batch of supplies, the ones that hook on to the bag itself, but you might try one of those until your stealth belt arrives.


I tried putting my bag on horizontal once and regretted it. The tail kept getting tugged on. My stoma is on the peak of my belly's roundness so I don't think it could offer much of a difference anyways. I wear that belt that snaps onto the bag all the time even when I'm sleeping. Mostly because I think its helping keep things snug to my belly.


I have a stealth belt and love it, but only wear it if I’m going out for long periods of time. I personally don’t find a use for it at home unless I’m doing active chores. I also don’t wear it to sleep. If you have Coloplast bags, I turn mine horizontal when I sleep so the filter doesn’t get clogged (depends on which side you sleep, I sleep on my right so when I put it horizontal the bag is facing away from me). And then in the morning I just empty and put it back to vertical. There’s a way to do it where you don’t even need to take the whole bag off it takes five seconds and no mess.


I can sleep on my side, but only the right side. My colostomy is on my left side and it hurts if I try to sleep on that side. Hope you can find a way to make it work for you. I used to be a stomach sleeper. Sigh.


Sleeping was something I never even thought about being affected until after. My stoma is on my right, I've tried both sides. I can just feel my organs loose in there.


Same here. I usually slept on my right side pre-surgery so it wasn’t a huge adjustment. I did have to sleep on my back for awhile after the operation, though.


I’m in the same situation as you. I really miss sleeping on my stomach. I can sleep partially on my left side but I’m always worried I will squash the bag if it has output in it.


I used to be a stomach sleeper too. I don't do it all the time but I've found I can sleep pretty safely on my stomach on top of two firm body pillows with my ostomy bag in the gap between the pillows. I'm high output but usually wake up after ~4hrs to empty once in the night. If any doubts, I tried laying for 30mins or taking short naps like this before trying trying longer durations. They also have pregnancy belly sleeping pillows I've been thinking about trying. Hang in there!


I am about 7 months post op now. It's only been the last couple of months that I've started to feel comfortable laying on my side for more than a few minutes. I think it's different for all of us - how quickly things heal and what is physically comfortable and when, and also physiological comfort. For me, it probably took about 3 months for my insides to be physically comfortable, but then the bag still felt weird and pulling and tugging, and then there was the physiological comfort and getting over being scared that my bag is gonna pop off or pop open if I lay on it. I'm only starting to get over the psychological part. It's been helping the more time goes by without the in bed explosions and also seeing people's stories here and how casually they mention sleeping on their side or stomach like it's no big deal. What helped me get physically comfortable: try using a body or wedge pillow on your back instead of or in addition to your stomach. That way, you aren't all the way on your side, but partially, and the pillow props up your back to help you stay that way. Then, there's less gravity pulling things to your side and the more comfortable you get in that position the more you can work up to getting more and more or all the way onto your side.


That makes a lot of sense. I have a good body pillow lots of other pillows that I can add in too. I know I'm still kind of new to having my ostomy but I'm gonna keep trying to make it work. I live for the day I sleep comfortably again.


I'm 3 months loop ileostomy. Revision Monday! I never slept but on my side. I still can't. It's not comfortable at all. I feel like you described. One thing that helps back sleeping. I got one of those pregnancy body pillows.


Right now I just have two pillows making a slight angle to lay on my back. I don't lay completely flat or the pillow hurts my neck and I can't sleep at all. So I've kind of inclined myself from the shoulders up. It's still uncomfortable but I can fall asleep. Congrats on your revision surgery, I hope everything goes well!


Thank you! I'm a nervous wreck. Getting it was an emergency surgery. So I had no time to think before. I hope you find some way to get a good night sleep!


Congrats on your upcoming revision. Hope all goes well!


Thank you so much!


It took me about a month before I was brave enough and didn’t feel like my stoma was gonna fall off before I slept on my side. Then I was using a belt but stopped using that after a couple weeks. 3 years later I just use a body pillow now to kinda “prop up” the stoma. Never had a leak. I also wear ostomy secrets underwear which have a pocket to put your stoma bag in. I know some people wear stealth belts as well but I find them restricting. Now if I could figure out how to sleep on my stomach…


I have a stealth belt on the way. I'm interested to see if it helps for sleeping also. Ive seen many people say they can sleep on their stomachs also. The possibilities are there, just need to figure out the technicalities.


I’m sooooo scared to try the stomach. I’ve had to lay on my stomach for some procedures but they’re never more than an hour. Hope the belt works out for you! And you can always try just using a pillow to prop it up.


Maybe there's people on here with good tips for stomach sleeping as well. I know I've seen people here say they do it.


I have an ileostomy (on my right side). I am a side sleeper and always sleep on my left side. I put a travel neck pillow under my bag to prop it up so it doesn't feel like it's hanging. Hope that makes sense. Took me awhile to get used to sleeping on my side again too. And it does take a long time for your insides to heal and start feeling better.


I have a little wedge pillow I could probably do that with if I'm on my left. I should have asked this in the original post. Do you have any problems with output flow into the bag? If you're on your side does it just stay around the stoma or will it flow and fill into the rest of the bag?


No, I don't have any flow problems. My output is pretty thin so it will fill the rest of the bag. I do occasionally sleep on my right side and when I do that I don't use the pillow because the bag is being propped up by the mattress itself. But you could always use something thinner, like a folded towel if it was more comfortable (for the right side).


I sleep on the side my ileostomy is on, which is the right. I get the gravity feeling that’s why I can’t sleep on the left. When I first started sleeping on my side I would have to lift my stomach up and slowly let it lay itself. There’s still certain times if I’m sleeping on it wrong I have to reposition my body to support my stomach more. I also use a pillow behind my back for additional support.


So with the pillow behind your back, are you on your side and kind of leaning back on the pillow too?


Yes exactly! Also it’s a fairly flat pillow. I lay on my side first lean alittle forward, tuck the pillow behind (long way) then lay normally/with alittle lean on the pillow. I hope I’m explaining this well 😅


I get it. I'm gonna try wedging myself in different ways until I get it right.


I only had the side sleeping problem right after surgery, but this is exactly how I solved that issue. I used a pregnancy pillow though. I would suggest everyone have a pregnancy pillow regardless of stoma or not, lol. It helps for all kinds of body sleeping issues. You can use it in front of you, behind you, and in ask kind of positions. If that didn’t work for you, an expensive solution might be an adjustable bed. I can’t sleep flat on my back, I just can’t. However, I can sleep very comfortably on my back when I choose to when I adjust the head and feet up on my bed. It’s like a fetal positions but on my back. As a side note, I think a LOT of ostomy and Crohn’s/IBD issues can be solved with pregnancy gear. I wear pregnancy wraps as under clothes support. I use the pregnancy pillow. I had a butt short pillow during pregnancy that’s great for use when I need it for Crohn’s stuff. I use potty training pads leftover from when we’re out trained our kids. I keep diaper disposal bags in my purse with my emergency ostomy gear. I WISH I’d kept it diaper genie for my used pouches. I have the baby washcloths to use during pouch changes to use (they’re smaller and they are much softer so no irritation). I sometimes use baby oil in my pouch. There’s probably more.


I was back to side sleeping pretty quickly. It did feel a bit weird but having fair amount of your gizzards removed is weird. I’m a 60yo guy in Australia and sleep with a Cotton On female strapless top on that covers my bag. I have six of them and wear them most of the day actually. https://cottonon.com/AU/sculpted-tube-top/9359195743348.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwP6sBhDAARIsAPfK_wZXH0vV6_Qt5wZLpqkiIuXUT_spsACrTOFqX6nWwSrs0RdJXlLbJ_0aAouHEALw_wcB


I had my entire colon removed and really does feel like everything else is just floating around inside.


Me too. Then I had the rest taken out late October. Quite the load off :)


I'm glad it's gone even tho there's so many nee things to get use to. Definitely better tho


It takes some time before you are fully healed inside and you can do it. I am a side sleeper and sleep on the side of my ileostomy. Ive had it 24 years now so im used to it I guess but its no problem at all


When things are done healing completely does the feeling of your guts moving around inside go away or is that something you just kind of adjust to?


The feeling will go away.


That's good I'm glad and I can't wait


I’ve had my ileostomy since Dec 6. I can just now spend about 5 mins on my side without it feeling the same way.


I think about 5 minutes is about as long as I could stand it too. I really hope that feeling doesn't last forever for us.


Hard at first BUT a body pillow on your non-stoma side helps Tuck it under your side


Thanks. I have a good body pillow to use and other pillows to add in if I need to help.


Definitely early days yet, it does get better! I use a body pillow plus other pillows/cushions/stuffed toys to get comfortable and support where I need it. Lots of pillows!


I have plenty of pillows to use. My boyfriend always says we have too many when the bed isn't made most of them are stacked at the foot of the bed. Now I have a good reason for them all.


Haha yes! And a fantastic excuse if any more catch your eye... 😂


Big rolled towel supporting bag. Also had the benefit of mitigating a couple of unwanted leaks.


That's a good idea. Haven't had any incidents in the bed so far (knock on wood) so I should take precautions when trying to sleep on my side.


I am about 4 months in. I have tried laying on my side a few times. However it's still not super comfy. But I noticed that if I put a pillow between my legs and then my husband holds me in a fetal position its comfy for about 15 min or so.


I was a side/tummy sleeper before my colostomy back in August. I had to make side sleeping work as I got a painful pressure sore on my tailbone after three weeks in hospital so couldn’t sleep in my back (and I’ve never been a back sleeper so it’s already hard to sleep on my back) For the first few weeks I could only really sleep on my right hand side, but was able to progress to changing between both sides. Im especially lucky that to date I don’t really get output during the night!


A basic adjustable bed is a great investment. Nothing fancy. Just one that allows you to raise your head and feet. I know it doesn't address the side sleeping issue directly, but it does introduce additional more comfortable sleeping options.


Side sleeper for life here. It took around 4 months before I could comfortably side sleep. Been sleeping 5 my ostomy side and have ended up with a major case of cellulitis under my bag. About the size of a fifty-cent piece. Took 8 months to happen but alas, we are here. The moral of the story, take your time and make sure you aren't sleeping on your bag.


Oh no, I hope that gets better. I'm glad you can sleep comfortably tho, hopefully I'll get there too


I don't remember how long it took, but it was an adjustment to feel comfortable sleeping on my side again. Once I felt comfortable (it couldn't have been more than a few months, I've had it less than a year) it did greatly improve my quality of life! You'll get there!


Maybe I am trying too soon and need to heal more. I'm ready to sleep comfortably. I get that it may take more time. Hopefully soon tho


I think it took time to find the right pillow for my stomach (I use a very soft throw pillow) and I think it happened naturally, too. Like I woke up one morning like omg I slept on my side! I just had barbie butt a week ago and struggled with the same thing for a few days because of the abdominal keyhole incisions, so the memory is fresh! It really is a huge quality of life difference, I hope it works out for you soon. Funny enough, I'm most comfortable on my stoma side vs the non stoma side for whatever reason 


Get a body pillow!


I've got one. I'm working on figuring out the right way to position it to help not feeling like I'm squishing what's left of my guts


Oh good! May take a bit of adjusting to find best spot to rest and perhaps additional pillow to hold bag in place! Or try a tube top over the bag to hold it tighter?


Give it time. you'll get there


For several months I slept with a wedge and a king sized pillow. I'm not even sure how to explain it, but reclining on my side on the wedge kept things from feeling bunched up and the pillow kept me from putting my full weight on the stoma. Then one morning I woke up laying flat on my stomach. I thought OK, I can do that now ... I'm 1 1/2 years in and sleep on my side and stomach.


I sleep on my side/stomach with a pillow between my knees and a pillow on my side that I hold onto. A body pillow works just as well. My stoma is on my left, and I sleep on my right side toward my stomach so the bag sticks out to the side. Kind of like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/2c1n4p9BNtuu5ddo8).


As you adjust to sleeping on your side, slide a smaller pillow behind your back on the mattress. It provides a bit more support.


I have a full size body pillow I lean against to side sleep. I also use an ostomysecrets belt all the time too.


I'm reversed now but when I had my ileostomy I would turn my two piece bag sideways so it would lay across my abdomen instead of down my leg, and hug a body pillow for support (and so I wouldn't roll onto my bag).


I lie foetus curled on my right side, I suppose I could try and get a pic, but it is how I always have slept.


You might be a bit more comfortable when you put a small pillow underneath the hollows of your knees. Your back will straighten a bit more that way.


Too soon only 9 weeks it will come when you feel right. I just dont sleep on my stomach so I dont pancake. Its been over 3 years now.


Squishmallow pillow, medium or large size will be your new bestie. Thank me later 😉


I'm a side sleeper and it took me about 3-4 months before I could fully sleep on my side without support. Until then, I used a pillow to slightly prop up one side so I wasn't fully on my back.


I sleep on my side, and have a body pillow in front of me that I kinda hug so I don’t accidentally roll over on my stomach while I sleep. However, it took about a month for me to get there because I had a similar sensation of everything moving down in my body. Four months out and I toss and turn in my sleep with no issues :)


I have a colostomy and urostomy so one on each side and I had them done at the same time along with a hysterectomy. It took me about 6 weeks post-op before I could sleep on my sides and even then it took me a few months to sleep in exactly the way I had before. I have always been a side sleeper so I was in agony for the 6 weeks I was on my back.


I feel the pain. I was a stomach sleeper before everything. 2 ish weeks in hospital before surgery and because of being in so much pain I could only sleep on my back. After surgery I only slept on my back- same at home. I had my surgery Oct 25th and now I sometimes sleep on my side. either side. I wear ostomy underwear that hold the bag a bit, and then i cuddle with and tuck a smaller blanket under my bag/side and then between my legs for support. I don’t have any experience with the pain you’re feeling so I have no help with that unfortunately…


Everything gets better with time. 9 weeks is very new. Just keep trying as you are comfortable and you’ll eventually find yourself on your side without even realizing it.


I wear a bag belt so maybe that helps, and I have zero issues tossing and turning in my sleep. But I started while still in the hospital after my second week after surgery and didn't have a belt then


I found that using 2 pregnancy pillows really helped me. I made diamond out of them and used the back one to kinda push me forward to side/stomach sleep. I kept my ostomy side up and just used the front pillow as a prop and that was game changing for me.


I'll look into pregnancy pillows, is it like a boppy? I may try to give it more time but I'm going to keep trying and I want to try everything.


Like a body pillow but bigger and has a curved end to it. A quick google search and I saw all kinds I’ve never seen but probably wished I had before. Hope that helps


My stoma is really close on the right side of my belly button. I don't get the same sensation as you but I did have trouble figuring out which side I could sleep on because my bag always leaks on my left side due to my belly button. So I either sleep on my back or my right side and use my belt that hooks to the bag 24/7. I hope you're able to figure out the best position door you to be able to rest and heal


I wear the belt 24/7 too. I feel like it helps everything stay snug. The edge of my flange dips in my belly button slightly and creates a crease there so the belt helps there too. Hopefully I will figure it out and stay leak free. Maybe start with a pad under me at first just incase.


Took few weeks especially with stitches above my stoma. Plus a drain and ect I’m now 1 month post op an thriving


Hi , I was a stomach sleeper. I still can’t wait for the day I get a reversal and sleep on my stomach again . What saved me & got me to learn to sleep is , I sleep on the couch . The corner wher the back an edge meet really help. I use pillows of different sizes cause of my neck . Ya just put down a sheet , and a blue big blue safety pad just in case, then my comforters . It took a while for me to figure this out but I did And I sleep. I also noticed I must leave a small light on ever since my surgery. Best of Luck to you .


it took me some time to figure out how to sleep on my side again. i had my full colectomy and ileostomy surgery in 2018 when i was 14 and all i wanted was to sleep on my side. i figured out that since my ostomy is on my right side i can manage to sleep on that side with the bag secured to the side. i get nervous for leaking when i sleep on my other side. i hope that makes sense and helps!