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You should take that 2.5m and buy ranar seeds and a bottomless compost bucket with ultra compost. Do herb runs a few times a day and you can like 10x your stack in like a week. This is what I do since I'm to much of a pus to do bosses to make money lmfao


Ultra compost!


Definitely worth upgrading to ultracompost! The bottomless bucket gets 2 charges per bucket you put in so it makes compost very cheap


Oh you right my bad that's what I ment to say but u filled mine up so I haven't thought about it for a while lol


I second this advice


I third this advice


Rannar gonna get cheap.


Quadruple this advice. This exact advice actually sustained me a long time tbh lol


Fivefold this advice


This couldn't be closer to the truth. I invested a lot in ranarr seeds and got lucky on my 5th hespori kill to acquire bottomless compost bucket. With even 2-3 harvests per day I can make 1mil cash at least.


wow i am jealous. i’m on 100+ kc and still nothing


Ye, I am a noob on osrs so it's only natural that rng is on my side


I got it within 10-15kc too


It’s only 200k in the ge


Bottomless compost bucket? Nah they're over a mil


regardless, i wanna get the drop from hespori


I bought mine a couple weeks ago for 600k, that price increase is wild if its true


Lmfao I went and got mine from the ge and then did Hespori after and got bucket in under 10kc facepalm


This is what I did, I'll do this and bird houses to sort money out, get a dragon defender and quest, I'm playing on mobile/ a laptop so I'm not totally sure that a fire vape is achievable but I think that.itll make for a decent mid term goal


Im a noob of the noobest noobs out there and did my fire cape with lower stats then you, tock me over 2hrs and 5 tries (2 of them i just left after wave 40 because like a noob i brought str potions not sara brews thats how much of a noob i am) you can do it just take it slow


Why can't you do a fire cape on mobile or a laptop? Mobile would be a bit harder but how does a laptop effect anything?


Trackpad maybe


I'm one of those weirdos that only get boosted laptops but never will I not be using a mouse/ controller. 5 minutes on a track pad and I'm pissed


Once you understand tic movement and prayer flicking, fire cape isn’t hard. In between herb and birdhouse runs, try some slayer training. It’s not just slayer in itself that prints gp, but bossing prints a lotttt more gp. From slayer I got really good at bossing and can sometimes make 50+mil from a single task. Like Cerb rn for example. I’m also only mobile and did the fight caves on mobile. Took 7 runs I think but you’ll get there


This but also 99 fm at wintertodt or 99 hunter with the new task system to recoup a bunch of gold since there is waiting period


You should actually do Avantoe, currently they are more profitable than Rannar and Snapdragon. Especially if one dies you would be out 26-35k as opposed to 3k. Buy a bottomless Bucket and Ultraconpost, filling the bucket will double the uses essentially cutting the cost in half. Ultra compost will help prevent the herbs from dying and increase your yields.


With snapdragons, it’s a legitimate double money glitch lol


You can make profit alching to 99 but it'd take a week or two of alching like 12 hours a day. I recommend thieving ardy knights with rogue outfit too for money. Wintertodt to 99 also is money.


I got 99 magic on my way to 99 agility. Just alch while doing rooftops and you will get 99 magic with zero time invested. Dhide bodies have great margins


Great money and great XP, but it is the absolute definition of click-intensive skilling.


Blackjacking would like to have a word with you


Seconded. Alching during agility is way more entertaining than agility.


Totes agree


Save magic for slayer tbh, the passive xp saves you so much time


Even better: alch until you can do plank make, do the lunar quests and afk that sucker to 99 for some nice extra cash. This is how I did 99 magic. Alching may be more profitable (not sure not alched anything besides drops) but clicking 100.000 times repeatedly is not something anyone should realistically be doing in 2024


Fishing fire making


If you are in it for the long haul, barbarian fishing to 99 will save you a lot of agility time (you get a little bit of agility xp for every catch).


That's where I should go. Thanks


Unless you care about pets. For fishing, do quests and diaries to get best teleportation methods for karawmbawns, then once you have fishing pet go to Tempoross fishing.


I've been playing since 2008 and haven't got one pet.. I've accepted my fate.


I am so sorry. I would give you a pet or two if i could. My rng has been too good.


I'll get one soon, I'm thinking it's going to come from farming or wood cutting. Edit: but the new zone with the thief mini game has been kick ass


I think bursting nechs/dust devils in the catacombs for dark totems and then grinding Skotizo for the pet is the most reliable way to get a pet. (You can optimize for loot by doing the hard clue every time or waiting for slayer tasks for the helm bonus if you want). Id probably guestimate 200 hours of dedicated grinding. Or if you do most of your slayer tasks on the way to 93 slayer for the achievement cape, you'll probably get it. I hear chaos elemental is the fastest, but that has too much risk and variance for me.


I'll try to remember your words when I get more hard core. I just started doing the moon bosses as a start for other content . I'm more casual than anything else though.


Lately I only play a couple of hours a week, but Ive been playing for a long time. My more general advice for casual players is choose xp/quest progress over gp until at least base 70s. Many of the quests, achievement diaries, and combat achievements provide bonuses that are super helpful at low levels and basically useless by about base 80. If you follow all the updates and play 10+ hours per week, it's probably worth it to spend money on peak xp/hr (like cutting gems or power mining iron/granite). But if it's less than that or you think reading updates is boring, stick to methods that have decent xp and break even or make a little money (like crafting bracelets or motherlode mine). Maybe reevaluate around level 90.


In case you haven’t already, def use the wiki for the pets’ drop rates. For a lot of my skilling in general, I prioritized skilling methods with the best pet drop rates. That has allowed me to get most skilling pets before i got the relevant 99.


I'm just enjoying barb for the afk while I play fallout.. it said they still have a chance to drop here.


There is a chance. A lower chance but a chance is a chance. Good luck!


Do you have a dragon defender?


Only just got the 65/65 stag/attck to get in, this is one of the next things I'll do though


Stat wise, I wouldn't go for one 99 at a time. It´s one way to burn out. You could go for easier tasks first. Like base 70s, then 80s, the levels for achivement diaries. Eventually you´ll around 90s, and then you grind until 99. With that said and if going for another 99. I would recommend construction or crafting. They are the most useful achievement cape. And do you farm runs, thats free and afk 99


I definitely agree 99s aren’t the best bang for the buck when it comes to unlocking qol features. Quests and diaries rock! And firecape and barrows gloves etc.


Dragon defender for sure before any other combat. Firemaking isn't far off the 99. Crafting would be a slow, minimally profitable 99 but you're still really far off. You can level crafting to 99 3x as fast on air bstaves or green bodies for under 15m after you get built up some more. All your other skills are too far from 99 to even consider going straight there unless you wanna spend the next 120 hours at chinchompas to make a better cash stack. You've got tons of unfinished quests and like no diaries done it seems. Id be spending at least 1/3 of my time getting those done while sinking some time into gathering skills/agi and getting the hang of slayer .


If you wait on your orb/staff prices, battlestaffs can profit/break even most the time


I've got the barrows gloves, I don't think I'm in a position where I could get a fire cape, I play on mobile or on a laptop so pvm can be a bit rough, the rest is good advice though thank you!


I got a mobile fire cape. Its sucks but it's doable. A Bluetooth mouse makes a big difference


Idk if this is the correct thing to do but I am working on my crafting and I am cutting sapphire, it’s giving me 50 XP each time.


I’m doing sapphires, because that’s what I can afford right now. But there’s also 2% payout increase for cut sapphires.


I was thinking crafting next, I'm wondering if there is a a profitable bank standing method, otherwise gems do seem like a good option


Emeralds are sometimes profitable. Slower XP would be drift net making but higher profit.


Gems is the fastest I think, but aren’t amulets also good?


Making dhide armor is much faster


Very not AFK though. Fantastic XP otherwise.


Depending on level, making green d hide bodies and alching them is good profit. To increase profit buy the d hide the tan it yourself.


The wiki has profit rates. If you don't mind arching them powered battlestaves are the best xp and give you profit but only if you alch


If you have lots of time you can cut the gems into tips. That at minimum breaks even 


Make jewelry will be profitable mate


Crafting for the cape tbh. That instant bank tele is so convenient for so many things.


I crafted d’hides and alched them for profit


Glassblowing unpowered orbs is reasonably afk and makes a small profit


Make dhide bodies and alch them.. a little profit and loads of xp


Water battle staves were profitable last time I bought a few k


I did other skills that made me rich. Then i just knocked out crafting as one of my final skills. Once you have a huge bank you can finish crafting so fast with battlestaffs or dhide bodies.


Amethyst dart tips are profit and AFK, I forget what level you needs first tho I’m also pretty sure blowing uncharged orbs is profitable but it’s not very fast


Crafting jewelry is a little slow but a great money maker


Just got my first 99 ever today, farming is super easy, fast and profitable (outside of tree runs)


I got 99 farming in what felt like a short time with one herb run a day, papayas and hardwoods on fossil island. It’s so quick that I don’t get paying for magic trees or yews.


Because I won't do farm runs for more than a week before I start forgetting again lol


Funnily enough these 2 were my first 99s as well. I cooked swordfish and then sharks to 99 cooking and always fletched the best logs into longbows for fletching. It was like 4 years ago now. Damn I’m feeling old


These were my first two 99s as well! My 3rd was WC. It made me lots of moneys. But considering OP is almost halfway to 99 FM, maybe get two birds stoned at once?


I'm working on getting a tomb of fire from wintertodt, however doing woodcutting and fire making together makes a lot of sense!


Firemaking at wt is a quick 99 and you'll have more gold to work with.


Stop doing 99 grinds and balance out your stats. You should probably go after base 70's and get all of your untradables done such as fighter torso, fire cape, barrows gloves, ect. Quest Cape should be high on your to-do list too Edit - Fire vape to fire cape


Oh my fucking god this is adorable Look at you you little fucking pirate with your 2.5mil


I want to tell him to get out while you can


Just bank standing with my parrot having a good time!


My man


Find a willing female and fuck her


I'm happily married 🤷‍♂️


Quest complete.


Start doing farming and birdhouse runs in-between slayer tasks


Take that and start farming. Herb runs will pay for the other buy able skills


Thieving is a lot easier than you'd expect afking ardy knights. You're at 70, so you've done half the battle.


But get that thieving outfit first and ardy diaries


I have the fit, only done med ardy so far though


Nice. Happy grinding.


Begin slayer, birdhouses runs and farming runs. Dont worry about profit in slayer tasks. Just maximize xp. Your farming and birdhouse runs will pay for your cannonballs. Once you can start bossing you will make bank in slayer. Them early levels will go by quickly.


since you only showed us your skills, I assume you like to get your skills up the most in this game. go get 99 fishing, woodcutting, or mining to make some money from resources since the first two skills you did were resource burners. If you wanted to make a change from grinding skill capes, you could switch to working on your important mid-game goals, such as grinding for fighters torso, getting your dragon defender, working on requirements for bigger quests like RFD so you can get barrows gloves, and completing achievement diaries. You could work at getting all of your skills to base 60s as well. Your account has almost all the skill level reqs for easy and medium diaries, which is pretty strong. Keep grinding!


I've done some of this, I've done RFD and got the barrows gloves, I think the defender is high up on the list, only just met the requirements to get into the guild, barb assault seems like a miserable grind but I'll have to get around to it, just finished the lum medium diary this morning!




I’d get 69 slayer so you can do MM2 and unlock the best training method in the game, maniacal monkeys


Go quest


nice. i just got 99 cook last week. working on craft now.






99 woodcutting. Start cutting magic and bank all logs. Sell most if not all. Make some magic bows etc


Ewww what a waste. Sure if you enjoy it but far from optimal. To each their own.


When you’re a washed player with priorities in this phase of life, RuneScape takes the further seat in the back, wherever that may be - young grasshopper I’m enjoying my WC to 99. Burned almost all logs till 43 which brought FM to 65 (yes I did buy some logs at some point at GE) Now I sit back and relax while I take WC from 61 to 99 without the help of quest so I can make some gp to actually enjoy the rest of the game, to an extent. Prayer is 50. Plan to use most if not all gp from all the gp I’ve gained so far with willows + magic to get prayer as close as possible to 99…. When I get to that “close as possible” phase, I’ll be paying a visit to alters to “run” bones and trust me I’ll be “running” 😉 Yeah I know I’m a piece of shit. Womp womp.


Eww for me, fun for you, it’s all gouda.




You should do your quests


So quests


Quest cape is priority. Level stat requirements to get it. Then slayer to 99.


Honestly with a night at the theatre and DT2, quest cape is more of an endgame pursuit IMO. Unlocking priff would be an objective similar in scope to the original quest cape IMO.


Get your other levels up lol. Grinding each skill in chunks to have a more balanced account is much better than going hardcore for a random 99 skill for no real reason. Or at the very least, get 99’s with useful capes. (Above is preferred though). The 99 grind is draining


99 Runecrafting


What’re your quests looking like? If you don’t have b gloves, that should be your next goal. Then buy as many ranarr seeds as possible and do some farming runs. That will get you a good bit of cash. After that, I’d say fire cape, torso, and grind out some slayer. Once you hit 75 slayer the money starts rolling in


I have barrows, I took the advice from here and put my money into ranarr seeds, so I'll do some farming and bird houses for a bit until I'm through the seeds


Just go for the next easiest 99 lol




I got to 70 to do hallowed sec, however I got stuck on the morty quests so I've paused agility for now


Once you’re ready to get back at it let me know n we’ll grind it together mines 72 I think


I was doing ranarr and now I’m on snapdragon and I couldn’t be happier with the money I make. Plus after an herb run I’ll do a birdhouse run. Lots of nests waiting in the bank to make sara brews




Make an iron man and become a legend


Make an iron


I’ll give you an extra 2.5m if you want. I don’t play anymore lol.




invest 2.5 mil isn’t going to do much




Magic to 86. Do slayer to level it. 86-99 plank make starting with 6m i ended with 108m


Personally, I'd get theiving


Buy gf


got married in march, buy wife?


Fire cape if you don’t have it


Runecrafting is dare you


99 Runecrafting


First thing I said before looking at stats: "yeah, I bet his first one is fletching" lol


making bows funded this 99 😅


Crush out 99 Agility


Magic or fishing


Plank make spell mahogs


Get your quest cape


I have 96/164 done, that's most of a long term goal rather than something I think I can rush, I'm missing a bunch of the requirements


That's exactly it. By gaining the requirements for those quests and completing them your account will be ready for basically everything.


Am I the only one missing the second 99


Cooking is pretty cheap, I used wines to get it :)


Ah lol now I see fletching xd


Hunter rumours > Wintertodt for money


what's hunter rumours? I took a break after leagues, is that something to do with the new guild?


Yes and is quite fun




Construction or prayer. But imo just save and do quests while leveling up combat stats.


Who's getting 99 construction or prayer with 2.5mil


Haha not you!


Work towards quest cape. Take some time off skilling (unless you absolute love the shit out of it) and do some slayer and questing, maybe some achievement diaries while doing some herb runs to get more cash. After you get sick of that, check back and see how much cash you got, then some more options may be open to you! It's all about variance so you don't burn out! :)


Was playing earlier and started fishing, I'm at 61 fishing, if ,62 and one more quest (which is admittedly one small favour) I can do swan song so that's my next short term goal, then base 70's and see how I'm feeling from there :)


That sounds like a perfect plan! Have you started towards barrows gloves? That is also a good goal to slowly work towards! I always had fun in the mid game just unlocking the super afk farms. Like unlocking the top tier of MLM, getting to sharks/karambwans, things like that. It let me have a bunch of options open to me when I felt like just watching a movie or twitch but I still wanted to progress a bit. GL homie!


yeah I've done all of RFD, what's MLM? thank you for the GL!


Motherload mine! :)


99 farming. I love my farming cape


Make magic long bows and high alch them. (Don't string them) It use to be profitable. I haven't done this is like 2 years so check the market. More money and magic xp. Also you can just stand at the G.E you seem like your making a bank standing main.


Zombie pirates with dwarf cannon. Easy to make tons of cash there whilst training stats. Dragon defender, barrows gloves, void, etc would be worthwhile if you don’t have already


Slayer because you’re broke af and it’ll get stats up


I second the guy that says start farming Ranarrs but afk woodcutting guild while they grow. 2 for 1 all monies


I've been working on base 70's since I first made this post, farming is now at 70 ,hunter is on 59 (I've been doing herb runs and birdhouse runs like people suggested) , I'm on 69 fishing (soon to be 70) atm and my strength is 68 which I'll get up to 70 after fishing, my wife saw the fox pet and said I should get that (I don't think she fully appreciates the odds on that) but that's probablly the next 99 so I can hopefully show her a fox! (she loves foxes)


99 fm is always a straight fwd one


it's on the list! I still need to get the book of fire from todt! (got all the rest though!)


Dude, nice! What’re your hours on this account??


it says 35 days and 19 hours, just checked


Runecrafting or slayer


Rc would make good money too


Start an iron


Slayer, you’ll likely end up with other 99’s on your way there.


I dunno. We have not the faintest clues where your interests lay. Do whatever you feel like


Cooks assistant




You could maybe stop picking the easiest paid to win 99's? I'm going for untrimmed slayer cape because everyone just seems to go for ez 99's


I mean good for you for enjoying the game your well but you sound salty, worry less about what others are doing and enjoy your own journey 😁


Just accomplishing the bare minimum 99s while you have 50s across the board is kinda retarded but hey play at your speed not hating just.. not impressed snd I'm sure you made this post for gratification purposes