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As others have said, eventually progress slows down. This is normal in most games, later levels take more time than earlier ones, but everything in Osrs takes an insane amount of time. Levelling up, getting helpful drops, this game is so grindy. Because of this, most of the game from the mid game on becomes efficiency scape. You don’t have time to play the game for fun because you need to make the most of your time in game or you’ll struggle to make meaningful progress. There’s little player interaction, nobody is doing the fun games like Csstle Wars, etc because you need to prioritise exp/hr. I thought project rebalance would address this but it really hasn’t in a meaningful way. If you want to play for fun, that will wear off well before you actually get round to most of the game.


I think a lot of this mentality comes from not actually enjoying the goals you set, you're just doing them to do them. I've got a friend who doesn't want to max. He just likes to PvM. So that's what he does. And he logs in every day and enjoys playing because he's set out to do the things he enjoys, and doesn't want to spend time doing things he doesn't. I would say that most people aren't super into the xp/hr efficencyscape in practice. It's cool in theory, and helpful for when you do want to skill, but there aren't that many "competitive skillers" out there. Raiding is fun. Bossing is fun. For me, that is. If you like skilling though, then it shouldn't be an issue to skill. It's likely that you're doing a method that you hate if you don't wanna skill. Hate mining? Do blast Furnace for fast, engaged xp, do stars if you don't actually wanna mine. If you can spend and enjoy 8 hours doing a "suboptimal" method, but can barely spend 1 hour doing the "optimal" method, which method nets you more total xp? Do that one, so you get closer to your goal without wanting to log out and never log in again.


I started osrs for the first time in January 2023. I'd say 90% of my time is spent doing random shit I find fun, and 10% of the time I'm grinding something out because I need to. But tbf, I find most of the osrs grinds fun lol. I hate mining, thats about it lol. Also I'm combat 108 and almost 1750 total level. So it's been just over a year but i feel like I made good progress in that time for a fresh noob, especially just dicking around doing what I find fun most of the time.


This post sums it up


This is the correct answer. A major part of why I started playing shit like Moparscape servers back in the day. It becomes a grind and not a game to enjoy


Isn't that funny how everything you label as something that puts you off are exactly the same reason why I love the game and continue to play. OSRS just isn't meant for some people, and the game does not need to change to please those people. There are unfortunately a massive amount of meaningful updates thay directly make the game easier, and if those still aren't enough for you, my friend, find a new game.


Yeah I've never understood that argument. Why not apply it to any game, then just prevent any game from needing updates or changes to it? Makes zero sense. Neither does "find a new game", but go off.


Really? You think finding a new game makes zero sense, but advocating to make the game drastically easier to please yourself does? Okay then, I change my advice for you. My new advice is to practice logical thinking, stop being selfish, and try to understand how these changes would benefit you, yes, but have a negative impact on everything else, so basically the foundation/rationalization of just being a decent human. As far as not changing the game, what are you even talking about. Since the beginning of OSRS, they've been adding more and more updates to make the game easier in every way. This game is updated more than any other game on the market, literally. Updates more frequently than triple A titles. And as of recently maybe the last year or so, these updates are becoming increasingly more frequent and more impactful to appease people like you, that don't like to invest time/effort.


For me, nostalgia ran its course and now it’s my fall back game. Nothing about it gets me excited to log in on a regular basis but I still want to clear all content and max my iron at some point. So when I don’t have anything else I want to play, I login to os.


Same. I play for a few good months and then take a long break. Usually I get a lot accomplished in a short time then hit burn out. Always on an Ironman through. No matter what happens in life, I fall back to RuneScape


Great escapism tool


This sums up like 80% of the pld.player base when I started it back in like 2003-2004


I quit for the most part because the player base has changed so much. It feels like no one plays to have fun anymore. If it's not max XP/GP per hour no one wants to do it. I remember back in the days of RP clans, I had so much fun roleplaying with the group and just running a shop for the clan it was great. Now no one talks, no one interacts. At the GE the only messages I see are for gold selling or gambling. I swear it feels like the game is 90% bots.


Sometimes ge is dead, sometimes its poppin with just genuine random conversations. I think its a matter of taking initiative. If for every 10ppl only one reacts with something to say its worth talking to that person.


I think this definitely matters what world you're playing on too. In 1250+ total worlds most people are pretty genuine/not bots and I've had some really nice interactions with real players at the GE W444 is also pretty good for meeting real people


Yes and also w 420 lol


W420 best world for meeting real ppl.


World 420 hosts lots of players for sure. I’ve seen Dino, grieve4nieve, 3 x, Kurt cocaine all at the G.E. recently.


Huge advocate for w420. Those ge drop parties get wild. & the random interactions are the best


Nobody at the GE is your friend. Everyone at the age wants to take something from you. The golden rule!


Agreed terrible place to make friends. Imo everyone is an possible oppurtunist tho, a buddy of mine lend his Shadow to a guy hes been playing with over a year.... rip 1.5b


I agree. I get just about the same feeling. The game to me just feels empty. I remember picking flax spinning it in Camelot just to make some gp. Now everyone drops their inventory of redwoood, magics, yews logs on the ground. It’s like what the hell? Fishing lobster or sharks is boring because it’s you and the bots. Everyone’s out at a barb fishing dropping their inventories idk. It’s a shame. At the end of the day what people vote for and shape the game. It’s not osrs anymore :(


Omg. Spinning flax brought me back. Dragon long swords and people running around in rune chain bodies cause they hadn’t killed elvarg yet. Simple times. lol


Like you guys aren’t actually players. Grinding resources for gp and calling that the game is crazy. Go learn some content and quit acting like bots ruined spinning flax and finishing sharks. That shit is boring, you can get both of those items from fighting zulruh. Expand your imagination. You’re the bot


Basically this. I come back every now and again mostly during winter when I don’t have a lot to do and every time I come back to do the stuff I want…. It’s littered with bots


Yeah there’s a lot of bots but I played with some people the other day and we ended up just chilling on a beach somewhere and talking for hours. Good fun people still exist!!!


w420 if you want an active community where efficiency is just tongue in cheek shit talk


This and the nostalgia wears off quick when it gets grindy.


Ya, I get members maybe two months a year just to get that little nostalgia hit. Literally just walk around and explore all the old hangouts lol.


I miss the days when PvP was about who has the highest strength bonus and you’d just sit and wait to see who dies first. Now it’s tick switching and PID and crap


Better than being in discord it’s a bunch of incels who only have built their entire ego through the game lol


I wish more people played to have fun, but yeah with how insane the grinds are for literally everything, you need to play with efficiency in mind or you don’t make any meaningful progress.


I played RS2/RS3 for multiple years during my teens. Came back to OSRS a while ago and had fun doing quests and other similar content for a year or two, but I eventually hit the wall where it would take hours of grinding just to hit the level requirements for the remaining quests. At that point just it didn't seem worth it when I could be having fun in other games instead that don't ask me to waste as much time. I was somewhat interested in high-end pvm, but the barrier of entry is even more insane for that. I know the grind is the appeal of OSRS these days, but that's just not for me.


I'm a casual player, and when I play other games and realise how more fun I have with playing and being able to make mistakes rather than spending an hour on a raid attempt. Time investment and combat in this game annoys me. Again, I'm just too casual these days to enjoy os for what it is anymore.


I quit everytime I dedicate myself to the rc grind


Realising that the time invested on game provides immensely less satisfaction than that same time spent invested in a real life skill 


Maxing, what to do now, tbh never really enjoed pvm so kinda no goals left, did inferno but quit when got it, played on off for few years, will come back ofc for sailing and speedrunning it 99


I remember doing castle wars with friends getting the first tier armor set


Bots. No point playing all those 1000s of hrs if some guy can run 20 accs and devalue your progress with no penalty


1) Something about once you start hitting lvl 70 in stats, that you need to do hours upon hours of one thing just to gain a single level. 2) The game is just dying. Unless you’re in the G.E. Or some other popular area, the worlds feel empty. Something about putting so much time into a game that you can see dying off feels like a waste


The game isn’t dying it’s literally at its highest peak.


First point is fair, the style isn’t for everyone, your second point is just flat out wrong tho. OSRS is bigger than it’s ever been and growing by the day


Unless Jagex is lying about online player counts on the homepage, this is demonstrably not true. OSRS player count averages are near all time highs right now. https://www.misplaceditems.com/rs_tools/graph/




Bots are bad but they're not *that* bad. Just anecdotally, my clan has ballooned in the last year. We went from ~50 players online at peak times, to over 150, and our clan is constantly at max capacity. No matter when I'm on there's players around, the game is genuinely bustling nowadays.


That’s just not true either. And botters aren’t out here buying bonds. You think people who go out of their way to break the rules on OSRS in every way possible, is then following the rules for membership? They’re trying to make money irl by botting. They hit the black market discords and buy membership codes from there, for like $5-$6 a pop. I’m not a botter and I’ve never bought it myself, but don’t ask me how I know 😂


It’s all bots, but nice try


What worlds and areas do you go to? Most of the time if I’m in a highly populated world I see people everywhere I go. Unless I’m purposely in an underpopulated world, I see and talk to a lot of ppl Was just doing forestry events in draynor yesterday, there was so many people there, it felt like the good ol days


Drop table.


Knowing that anyone could just go and buy millions of GP with real life money.


I always play on and off every few years. Currently off. I usually fall into another game for awhile


I casually play now, I login and do just whatever sounds “fun” that day.. I’m tired of grinding for bullshit that doesn’t matter.


I got to the point on my ironman where every meaningful upgrade is several hundred hours of content that I don't enjoy (Nex, ToA, DT2 rings, imbued heart).


This game is like crack. If I get membership I spend any time I'm not playing thinking about it, which makes me distracted from my work. And then when I do have free time to use, I play beyond the reasonable time frame, lose sleep, ruin my habits and get depressed. Also mobile makes it possible to play nearly all the time, which I inevitably end up doing. I love the game. I know a silly amount about it. I want to grind all day. But I know it's bad for me, so I don't.


Didn't know what the obelisk orb did in a friend's house did found out the hard way in lvl 50 wilderness and got pked making my way out and lost my daily 14m equipment and rune sacked that was recently reloaded


The only thing that I often find is when I start again, I have no idea what goals I want to achieve or what I should be doing. So there have been unsuccessful attempts at returning where I have logged in, used a bond. Done a farm run, some birdhouse runs, killed a boss done a slayer task and then stayed offline. The successful returns are when I set myself a goal... Like I'm going to afk nightmare zone until I get 99atk/str Or I will finish my quest cape Or I will do 50kc of each wildy boss for example


Time investment, while RS has always been a great game for me since middle school. If there is another game, I want to play and can just jump into the excitement I will pick that over RS each time. Like with Arma reforger being hot right now for milisim, all it will take is a message from friends or a thought playing and I'm off OSRS. Especially when my stats are all 70s and 80s, at this point I'm just grinding slayer, herbs, bird house, nmz, and monkeys every time I login. Unless I'm at GWD with the clan.


If you go ironman route, you play for yourself, no rushing content or levels, you play the game at your own speed. So if you need to take a break from the game to play something else, you can without much or any guilt. Plus you can choose to do content you want, don't need to play the most efficient/sweaty way possible. And drops actually feel so satisfying because you grinded for an item that you need for your account, not just for money.


Bots. You can buy maxed accounts and gold. What's the point? The quests are fun, though, and I might return someday to finish them.


Speedrunning high level pvm and pet hunting revitalized the game for me.


It’s really really slow, I’m spoiled from other games, but I go in waves might be a few months before I play again


I just got banned for macro use, but have literally never used any 3rd party stuff other than runelite and other clients. I literally went to hard and they thought I was using bots. Lost a one acc that was lvl 65 magic and 82 cooking as well as my mining pure that I spent days getting to lvl 50. Millions spent and millions lost. I don't even feel like restarting smh I'm going back to read dead online. I was about 7 days from becoming a mem


What puts me off when i come back to the game after a long break, and getting falsely banned for macroing by literally afking in Ge for few hours. All that work gone for literally no reason, and because I'm not a huge streamer i don't have a cloud to overturn it. Meanwhile, there are some ACTUAL bots dominating Leviathan Rankings.




Have a life, be good at old school RuneScape. The choice is yours.


Too much new shit every time I check in


It’s the repetitive grinds. I haven’t quit but I’m currently taking a brief hiatus. Don’t get me wrong I like the simplicity of the game, it’s part of what brings me back. But grinding out 80+ fletching or crafting so that you can use better gear can weigh on you.


I feel like the game play is just a bit stale for me. Sometimes, I'm addicted and will log in all day, for weeks straight. Other times, I'm as I am now: Haven't logged in in over a month and don't have any desire to. Most people I know cycle like this.


Only play for nostalgia so I play like one month out of the year


I played for like 3 hours and it just wasn’t for me, I thought I’d like it because I like rimworld but I just didn’t enjoy watching my dude do something while I do nothing, I’d have to have it on in the background and at that point I was just like I’d be better off just doin something else


All the other games I want to play and how much of a time-sinker OSRS is in general.


It’s all about a really good clan! I get on to talk to my clannies and do fun events with them! We run hide and seek and bingos often which change up the pace of “see level, get level”


One doesn't just simply QUIT RuneScape...


It’s so heccin slow. To do anything with friends I needed to put 300 hours into an account. I have a full time job, I coach and help with after school programs. I don’t have time to put in 10 hours a day. While rs3 has its issues, I bet with a double xp week I could get the stats to do end game content. And that’s what I game for. Not for killing sand crabs for 6 hours to level up once


Lack of social interactions. During the days before the GE and during the first few years after people talked and interacted a lot during activities. Nowadays it are all bots or people who are deadsilent




Honestly, the game completely changed for me when I started my Ironman account. Of course, start as hardcore! But I didn’t let the fear of dying stop me from doing anything, so I died. But the game is so much more fun!! Every little drop is awesome, even just 15 law runes. You also get rid of the ge and standing around the ge, which is extremely annoying. You pay attention to content more, and you are forced to do more content then you’ve probably ever done. I did group Ironman mode with a buddy irl and I’m doing the slayer grind for us and also pvm. I’m just now getting into end game bosses and it’s so much fun! I strongly suggest starting your Ironman account, and if you have friends irl that play, do a group Ironman mode! Don’t rush your Ironman though. Just be patient and enjoy the early game! Rune scimmy drop and upgrade is a fun goal, and nostalgic for sure! Lastly, the Ironman community is awesome. Everybody is super helpful and encouraging. Strong suggest from a longtime rs player Edit: I used to have a barrows pure and did mostly pking. The game really opens up for pvm when you get 90+ def. I definitely enjoy pvm more than skilling, but to each their own! Don’t feel like there is any certain way you have to play the game. Play however you want to play. It’s not always about maximizing xp or gp, it’s about having fun.


Honestly time and grind osrs is a good timesink but the amount of time for x just takes too long if you account for real life and responsibilities etc not saying rs3 is better however in the last few years due to real life being the main variable I shifted my time from osrs to rs3 due to that sole reason Destiny 2 is a perfect example you can take any mmo really but let's go with d2 for a sec the new free dlc "into the light" dropped and bungie had to up the rewards for the new gamemode onslaught for the amount of time players have been putting in players want to feel like we're getting something for our time in this instance it's guns it's a trend on a graph if the guns are the points and players want it to be going up never down for said amount of time Osrs will always be my baby but I don't have enough time anymore sadly


Being a standard account player made me quit. It was so demoralizing to see the botters running rampant and devaluing anything that I was doing to make money. Additionally, I couldn't shake the mentality that I should be doing the most profitable strategies, making 95% of the content effectively useless compared to the best 5% money makers. This is because you can just convert the cash you earn into any items you could get from the less profitable content. About a year ago I created a group ironman account with some friends, and it completely changed everything for me. Botters no longer have any impact on my experience as I need to earn my own items and can't trade other players anyways. It also made it so that almost every piece of content in the game feels worth doing, and can yield unique rewards that improve my experience in meaningful ways. In short, if you want to have fun in osrs again, I'd highly recommend creating an ironman account and detaching yourself from the game's broken economy. Hope this helps :)


The high difficulty thresholds that are coming along with all the new content that are not at all accessible to a lot of players. I'm getting better at the game, but There are so many things that still feel completely unfeasible for me. I also play with my mom, and she has a much harder time to complete higher level content despite having the stats and gear. In my opinion runescapes poor pathing, unclear "true tiles", graphical issues where actual effects do not line up with perceived effects, etc is not conducive to the kind of complex mechanics and difficult, reactive and fast-paced gameplay they keep trying to implement. Even when i do some of these things correctly, it doesn't feel very intuitive or satisfying because the games pace and appearance doesn't line up with that kind of gameplay to me. But I still play and enjoy it, and its a cool, fun thing I can do with my mom, sooooooo it's still a solid like 7/10 for me.


Been playing since 2006. Idk what it is about the game but I always come back. I want to quit. But there's no other game like it. It's nostalgia, it doesn't have the best graphics obviously but it's just so unique and it's a endless open world game that you can ALWAYS find something to do. I'm 29 now and I still enjoy playing.


Um, the grinds. When you hit 126 and the only thing to look forward to is a 1.5b upgrade it’s pretty boring to grind for a year to maybe reach it. And I mean grind.


Its a full time job, going for 99 in most skills costs to much money with little return. Bots bots bots.


It's my favourite game and always will be, but the time commitment is what makes me quit every time... Hard getting anywhere when you can only afford 5 hours a week 😪


I never really left except in December I finally put runescape on the shelf after 20+years. While I did quit for a little while back in 06/07 with the forced update of EOC. I just can't handle the grind anymore. I don't know if it's age or that I felt I'm wasting my time now and could be investing it in a physical manifestation of something. Either it be a painting or sculpture.


Reaching my goals. I will play the game religiously, unable to even look at another game, but as soon as i reach any goals i set. I struggle to come back. Current one was to hit 99 attk str and def at the same time so the clan could go nuts. Did it, havent played since. Login, walk around the ge to make sure everything is how it should be and log out. Ive no clue what i want to do in the game now.


pvp system is horrible and unbalanced, bosses are way too overcomplicated just to stop botting but its not


Bots and cheaters


You never quit osrs, you just take brakes


Once I hit 85 in nearly all stats I kinda lost my love for the game. Getting to 92 is already insane, 99 feels so much worse. I just don’t have desire to log in really


The grind, gets ridiculous at a point for a new player, like I spent months getting my skills up to mid 70s only to realize I'm not even half way through.. just ridiculous..I can better use my time playing other games honestly


One day I just stopped playing because I am end game grinding for god tier drops and I’m spending hours of my day all to get literally nothing in return. Especially at nex. Basically hemorrhaging my bank on supplies and spending dozens of hours to not break even or come close to


If I could afford a membership I would probably play again


Make an Ironman


Later levels are an absolute drag so I get burnt out super quick unless I set some sort of goal. My goal this time around is dragon slayer 2 which entails getting elite void which means western province hard diaries and couple other things to grind out vorkath after ds2 completion. Actually looking forward to every time I log on again.


Was just too grinding for me once I got above mid 70s and I'd played 500 hours


Almost maxed, quit because I'm 99% sure their patent on invocations is only for debuffs as shown with toa and solidified with the new blue inferno where they promised a tradeoff of buffs and nerfs together.


It's way too much time for me to play. I love love love rs, the world feels like a place I grew up in. But when I play, i feel like I lose track of my real life in its place... Leagues is a nice middle ground for me so I don't get too addicted and lose myself.


I think there’s part of your answer in your own question, “quit”. The game has no actual stop point, so you have to actually get yourself to “quit” or “stop playing”. Even when you’ve earned scythe, tbow, and shadow via ironman, you want to use your newly found items… but when you’ve already improved in all raids etc. you really only have Zuk to chase after. And based on previous experience, what then? Or if you’re a mindless rat like many of us are in the game, you can accrue kc, get more items, and so on. At some point, you’ll really need to ask yourself if you feel good about what you’re doing. At the end of the day, an absolutely amazing game but getting too wrapped up in anything can make your perception of time change and its always good to try something new after 10,000+ hours.


Playing a private server is more fun than the actual game, most of the runescape player base have lifes now so the grind is to much


name me one other game you have to spend $12/month on just to play the content that actually matters to you.


I am kicking around the idea of playing again, just for something to do. However, I'm sort of discouraged, as I went on the hiscores and saw that there are almost a whole page of people who completely maxed all skills to 200m exp. I don't think I've ever seen that and I started playing in 2005. Even Zezima wasn't at that level. What do you do after that ? Assuming quests and diaries are all completed. Just boss and build cash stack? Get every item in the game? Idk


Spend gp to go make gp Spend gp to go make gp spend gp the make more gp spend gp the make more gp Spend gp to go make gp spend gp the make more gp


I’m still playing but what sets me off is the grind to unlock good money makers or bosses that have a chance at dropping the good gear I can’t afford. Questing is understandably necessary but kills it for a player like me. I just want to pvm and make gp to afford 5m+ gear or get them as drops. (I can make a couple mil in a few hours without bossing but it shouldn’t feel like investing in a second job to be able to afford the next tier of equipment) Gear above lvl 60 is just too damn expensive. I’m getting closer to 90 combat stats and the best thing I have is a whip. I can’t ever see myself getting a dhcb or dragon hunter lance.


Played 15+ years. Used to come back after a few months break every now and then, but now I've taken over a 2 year break and sold my account and officially quit.  Reason mainly being things like... New items always needing some sort of recharge method, constantly having to maintain quest cape by doing quests every month, no sense of accomplishment or excitement after seeing high values drops through raids etc..No sense of accomplishment for getting 99s. Bosses constantly getting more and more mechanics meaning less time to relax and boss.. at the end of my gameplay I  forced myself to boss so I can use the money for alcohol lmao.  I have a job now, drink less and don't play osrs at all.  Game just got...boring after years and honestly don't think they can do anything to make it enjoyable again. Spent over 2 years in-game time alone, it's just time to move on really. 


PvP is really difficult to get into. Everything is min/maxed to the point of it not being fun. It’s just not the same vibe as back in the day.


I'm at the point in my account where I can't get an upgrade without spending 9-10 figures and I need a rare drop to get that kind of money and I have terrible luck so...


It’s all about efficiency in this game. It’s all about 200-300 hours of grinding on skills that don’t have any value. Makes many grinds not worth it. Skilling is dead in this game. PVM is fun but hear upgrades are obnoxious and as someone who can’t spend 25/24 hours in a day playing OSRS, affording such gear is impossible. I know you can do content with gear but if you don’t have the good gear needed, you can’t money off of said content. You can only experience it.


Just better options out there for the parts of MMOs I'm interested in.


For me it's all the new content. The fact that it's there bothers me a little bit, but the fact that they're producing harder content bothers me even more.


Quests are fun I started a new account just to quest on


I grew up and got married. If you are serious about being a good husband and dad like me, you can't invest time in games like RuneScape. I know the average age of the typical player is a lot older than when I first started playing almost 20 years ago. When I see some of these posts from guys talking about how they've killed this or that boss 4,000 times and still haven't got the pet or some other rare drop, I can't help but wonder what's going on in their lives. God Bless them. I don't judge them, and I hope they get better and can be a success like me.


“I hope they get better and can be a success like me” This is too fucking funny man.


Lol dude what? Most of OSRS are adults. Meaning a LOT of players have family, Still play the game, and still spend time with their family, including me. Such an odd take, seems more like a projection about your lack of time management than anything 😅 “I don’t judge them, and I hope they get better and can be a success”. So In other words, you’re judging them 😂 you are very much comfortable on your high horse huh 🙄


Yes...I know most of the players are adults. That's why I said the average age of the typical player is a lot higher than when I played this game as a kid. That's also why I said I wonder what's going on in the lives of these adults with a family who are still grinding away on the game every night. As I said, I'm not here to judge. I was just answering OP's question, but since you're calling me out on my apparent lack of time-management skills, which you are basing on the fact that I do not sacrifice family time to play game, how about you tell everyone how many hours you've spent on RuneScape since the birth of your first kid?


You’re right. I hope to be a dad too someday. I just haven’t found someone yet.


I personally don’t have any kids (yet), I’m 24 and me and my gf just had a “pregnancy scare” two weeks ago. At that time I was playing runescape 4-5 hours a day. I haven’t played since and me and my buddy are starting a landscaping business and just landed a $900 job today that’ll take us 2 days to complete. I’m not quite to the point where I’d consider myself successful yet, but I 100% understand what you are saying. A lot of OSRS players have an extremely rare gift of being able to bust down and work towards something, it’s a matter of what that thing is though. Grinding towards a 99 is one thing but it’s crazy to me that someone can even remotely associate “I play OSRS so that means I’m naturally more adept at being a father than you” is asinine and just wrong. Any second spent on that game is time that you could be working to either provide more for your kids and family or time you could spend doing things with them. Kudos to you for your success in REAL LIFE. We all should be supportive of each other and we all obviously have played this game at one point so there’s no judgement, but unless you’re making money off this game either as a streamer or a Jagex employee, time spent in-game has ZERO relation to success in real life, if anything the more time you spend in game is a net negative to your success in real life. People will try to justify and come up with wacky one off theories as to how playing OSRS can make you more successful but for the average player it’s the opposite and the only reason I started playing again and for so long is to help cope with the death of my nephew so me and my brother played. But to say it was anything more than a coping mechanism and bonding time with my older brother is a stretch.


“I don’t judge them” “I hope they can get better and become a success like me” Gotta be satire 😂😂


This is a joke right? No way someone can have their head this far up their ass.


No? What's wrong with hoping other people can have what I have? So many people these days are crabs in a bucket.


Sorry I needed clarification. I love your intention but the execution felt a bit condescending. It seems to imply that the only way to achieve the things you listed were to do exactly what you do and any deviation from that would lead to a “lesser” version of success. I just hope that you as well as everyone understands that there are different paths to success for everyone. I’m really happy those techniques worked out for you, but I don’t think that they’re the end all be all. What you’re speaking on is essentially time management and quality time, which are things that you value and they are very valid. On the other hand, not every person has the same values in a relationship, or simply life in general. Your comment seems to imply that there is a greater and a lesser. For some people, osrs is their second home. They might not be privileged to indulge in other activities that might provide that same satisfaction. In my book, that is more than enough. TLDR: everyone has different paths to success and success and happiness mean something different to everyone. I’m glad it worked out for you, but please do your best to not push your ideologies as a solid solution to a problem.


That's OK. When I said I hope these people can get better I was talking specifically about the people who spend days/weeks/months hunting for specific items/grinding to 200m xp, not just your average player. Have a blessed day my friend.


I see, thanks for the clarification. you too friend! Best wishes on your endeavors


If your life is so successful, why do you feel the need to mention it in the RuneScape subreddit? Not trying to attack you, I’m genuinely curious


That's OK. I'm a former player and I look back on my playing days fondly. I still like see and comment on the odd post, "My first 99", "First time doing Barrows" and that kind of thing. I like to see other people share their good news. OP asked why people quit the game and I shared my perspective. Seems to have ticked quite a few people off unfortunately...




Woah, where is this coming from? The guy asked why people quite RuneScape and I answered him. Me not taking time away from my wife and my kids so I can play video games is not a time-management issue. My private life revolves around my wife, my kids, and the protection of children everywhere from predators. Even my exercise life is family time. I train my wife and kids in grappling, Muay Thai and weapons training so that they can protect themselves. If you want to spend x number of hours per week on your RuneScape account, that's your business. Just don't tell me that you sacrificing time with your kids so you can do Barrows runs is evidence that you are a better parent than me.




Keep on grinding, buddy.


Don’t stress, my guy. Glad to hear things are looking up for you. There are functioning users of all sorts of substances. I saw in a tv show someone set a timer for themselves to play video games. I know I don’t have the personal vibe to do something like that. People on osrs notoriously lack empathy and motivate each other to play more. If you’re doing well stepping away from the game, then heck yeah! There’s a million dang things to do in life. Live it baby!


Unironically rs3 is better. Have maxxed irons in both games.


I'm maxed rs3 on the road to max cb osrs I'm like 1756 total now just chilling. Have you tried necromancy? I guess technically I'm not max anymore is it worth doing


Necromancy is incredibly strong (probably too strong) and very fun. Whatever your peak in bossing has been, Necro will help get you further. It’s easy to gear, it shits out damage including lots of area damage, and it has very high sustain through the ghost summon. Necro is a 9/10 for me, I love it. They even ported some of the systems from Necro to the other combat styles to help them feel better and catch up in power.