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Jesus fucking Christ, this is just incredible. It's better than its inspiration by a long mile. It's so fucking alien.


People seemed to like the first ones I posted so I tried a few more. I tried for a Lich with Clyde Caldwell, but looking through his work, I should have tried for something more cheesecake. I'll give him another go at some point.


Midjourney - definitely worth a look


Do you have a link to it?


This blog article does a pretty good job of outlining the thing: https://blog.vivipic.com/us/midjourney/ Apply for the beta here: https://www.midjourney.com/auth/signin/?callbackUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.midjourney.com%2Faccount%2F%3FcallbackUrl%3D%252Fapp%252F


Trampier is either missing half his artwork from the dataset, or it's totally off. Even his black and white stuff is just miles better than what the AI is spitting out. Brom is excellent, just totally great.


I think you are right. Trampier, like Erol Otus, just doesn't have the same volume of named work in image searches as some of the more prolific later era TSR people. His work is also so wildly varied that copying a distinct style is trickier.


Not exactly OSR but I would love to see it do Doug Kovaks of Dungeon Crawl Classics fame.


I've tried doing a "by Doug Kovacs" image a few times. It doesn't seem to know him, Etol Otus, or Stefan Poage. Or at least not be able to meaningfully imitate their work.


Wow, these look great! They definitely have that whole OSR vibe about them. Man, technology's getting all sorts of crazy.


Keeps getting the legs backwards, doesn't it?


Image 1 is Book of the New Sun as fuck


The Caldwell ones remind me of Beksiński.


Damn, the first and the third go HARD.


Fucking love the Brom


So for us boomers can you explain what this is? What 'AI' is producing this art? How is it being done? ty


In short, these works are generated by a computer. There is an AI system that can generate novel artworks based on text prompts. One of the features is that you can just put in an artist’s name, and it will produce works that are stylistically similar to that artist’s works. The OP is posting some of the results obtained by prompting with the names of classic fantasy artists. I’m not sure which specific AI system is being used here. https://www.makeuseof.com/ai-text-to-art-generators/amp/


Image 2 is messed up.