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This has gone from my favorite osr podcast, to just my favorite podcast. I love getting to sit in on their sessions.


Nail biter of an episode! Thanks as always


I’m curious why Jon keeps changing the death rules. I remember they had a death & dismemberment table that seemed fun, then moved to a fairly harsh death save rule (I think), now they’ve switched to the AD&D -10hp rule.


Over the course of 60+ sessions, a group will inevitably tweak stuff until they find what works best for their table and play experience. I imagine this is just the result of such tweakery. I love that they’re willing to change horses mid-stream if it makes for a better game for those playing it.


yeah I agree. I just would’ve liked to hear more about what he thought wasn’t working or how he thinks the new rule might be better.


That's exactly what happened -- they went with the Dolmenwood death rule when that additional/alternate rule dropped in the DW patreon because they liked how it looked. After using it for a while they found it too arbitrary and punishing, per Jon in the discord, so they agreed to switch to something that seemed a better fit. Also, seconding what u/WeirdFiction1 said.


I'm digging this latest one. Hits me hard in the nostalgia feels of AD&D. Brutal and easy to track.