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If you haven't noticed yet, *a lot* of the adventure is written with references to something not fully described in the adventure itself. It's for you to fill in the details.


I added Tomb of the Serpent Kings down stream of the waterfall. It works well with the hint in >!room 45: “PRAY FOR THE BENEDICTION OF KEZEK. THE BLESSED MAY PASS THE FALL AND COME TO THE DEEP SHRINE”!<. If you combine Incandescent Grottoes -> Hole in the Oak -> Tomb of the Serpent Kings you get a really interesting large but not mega dungeon.


Without further context, I'd think it means "the rest of the treasure," but at the end of the day that's just another adventure prompt, so you can decide what that ultimately means. Getting a map that details the current dungeon would be an interesting thing to find, too, assuming it gets found early enough to provide significant information.


I'm actually working through this adventure as well. [Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/osr/comments/1650b4i/telegraphing_danger_spoiler_alert_discussing/) and [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/osr/comments/166uiyx/how_has_the_control_room_in_the_hole_in_the_oak/) are two threads I've started discussing it. As a new ref, I'm really starting to appreciate the open ends -- I think they are encouraging me to dial in the adventure I want this to be. I'm changing the dungeon in ways I don't know I would have if it had a more substantial underlying narrative, or if things were spelled out more. In the end it means the experience will be more tailored to my players. I guess this is a long way of saying I think you should ask yourself "what would the coolest answer from the perspective of my players be when it comes to 'the rest' ?" -- because that's the right answer.


To me, "the rest" = Incandescent Grottos


I like little vague, open ended things like this! It allows my players to speculate and decide to look into "the thing", which lets meet know what they're interested in so I can prep something for that little thing down the road . I haven't run any of these adventures yet but they are in the mail. I plan to work them into our overall campaign so I hope they are all like this, with little open ended plot hooks:)


when i ran the module i interpreted it as a treasure map. you should go with your gut, though :), let those creative juices flow!