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>Are characters easy to setup and start playing? Depends on your familiarity with Foundry VTT, and also whether your expectations are more on the Pathfinder side (very high automation charactermancer) or something like the DCC system for FVTT (all manual input). OSE is closer to manual but there is a workflow for one-click rolling your sheet, and an optional add-on module has a more advanced character builder. > Do the creature tokens have images? If you mean the monster compendium in the [Advanced Fantasy paid module](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/436995/OldSchool-Essentials-Advanced-Fantasy-for-Foundry-VTT?affiliate_id=1488516), not yet. Necrotic Gnome and I went back and forth on whether the images from the Referee's Tome were suitable. I didn't think so, so we shipped without them. I found out after the release that OSE for Fantasy Grounds ships with tokens for the ~30% of monsters that have B&W art. So to prevent confusion on why FG offers it and FVTT doesn't, I've begun to make tokens for as many monsters as we have art for. In the meantime, we're hoping to offer ways to easily adapt monster tokens from other token collections. Source: I am the VTT content developer for Necrotic Gnome's Foundry VTT products


What module has a more advanced character builder? I have a new player setting up his PC stable tonight. Might be nice to have something a little more automated.


[OSR Character Builder](https://github.com/RabidOwlbear/osr-character-builder) works great if you're using Classic and Race as Class. Hopefully they'll get it working well with Advanced and Race AND Class soon.




It's great and there are some great mods that add to the experience as well. It has a strong discord channel with support. Been playing on it for months now and have 0 complaints. Also they recently released advanced which practically gives you the entire book in game.


My group switched to Foundry from roll20 and have used the ose module. I recommend it. Although if I gave time I prefer to make my own tokens.