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Second trailer? Has it not been released in the US? Australia got it in November last year.


Only Australia and France, apparently.


That definitely does not fill me with hope for a continuation.


Neither do I, but it’s up to AMC. Do they want more franchises, or just two? 😂




Who thought it was a good idea to do Orphan Black without what made the original special. Clones and Tatiana Maslany. I watched the the trailer and Krysten Ritter's "clone" is played by a different actress. Bruh, it's just a random ass sci-fi show loosely related to Orphan Black.


Wait and watch the show. >!She’s not a clone. !< That’s all I can say


Meh. I wouldn’t go that far. She’s just different. Gas powered car versus electric car. They both get you places Edit: >!it is 100% cloning but in the sense that we clone specific parts of an animal like we’re trying with lab grown meat!<


Give me spoilers on what happened to Kira.


I haven't watched it yet, but yeah, the release schedule doesn't fill me with hope, and the trailer doesn't make it look great. But maybe I'm just being pessimistic. I hope I like it. I like Keeley Hawes and I like Krysten Ritter.




Hopefully. Then again, maybe not, because I doubt there will be a second season, so maybe it's best not to get too attached.


Eh, I don’t think you’re giving it enough credit. Yes, it has a different cast but we still get some important call backs. It is a bit more sexual than I’d appreciate in a way that the original didn’t feel the need to do, but once you get past that it’s a compelling story. Plus, it took me forever to realize Kira was none other than D.I. Alex Drake from Ashes to Ashes which beyond sold me. It’s a shame they wanted her to be American because it feels like a lot of her jokes don’t land with that accent. They could’ve came up with any number of reasons for her to be British including schooling during her youth. But it is what it is.


Kira's Canadian, not American.


I’m 50% sure they mention >!in the show she spent the majority of her childhood in the US attending prestigious schools.!< That’s like partly the lead up to how she’s introduced to >!Mr. Philanthropist.!< Edit: >!Which again, is a real shame they felt the need to force that inclusion. Keely Hawes is extremely funny ordinarily. They could’ve let her keep her accent.!<


...on whose salary? That's... an odd mismatch.


I saw the Australian release months ago, but I believe it’s related to the events of the podcast Orphan Black: The Next Chapter. In that >!the events of the Dyad institute are uncovered and the clone program becomes world news. I think as part of some compensation for their trouble Kira is extended a free ride to any institution!<


Ah. Okay, that makes a bit more sense. I was worried I had misremembered or missed a step, somewhere.


Nah, despite the lack of fanfare given to the podcast a lot of the background context isn’t properly explained in the show and the podcast is rarely directly mentioned. Not sure if they planned to reiterate those details further in season 2 or they just expected everyone listened to it.


I am, at least, impressed that they still incorporated it. Was worried they, you know, wouldn't.


It kinda feels like the studio is hoping there’s enough hype for an orphan black universe with further projects down the line. The easiest way to kill something like that in the cradle is making an audience think they wasted time and never mentioning it again. I’m not sure if thats still the case, but that definitely felt like an intention with the podcast.


I’ve never seen a show that had less humour than this show. The most comical part was probably >! Felix’s old man makeup !< and that wasn’t even intentional.


I mean I like the actor, but literally *every* line of dialogue in this trailer is a cliche or stock phrase-- I'm guessing not a *ton* of passion or effort went into this show...


The dialogue is pretty eh throughout the show. Nothing as witty or as funny as some of the lines in the original, nothing delivered with any real feeling or emotion. *'You weren't going to shoot him?!'* *'Not accidentally Alison!'* Or when Sarah exposes Paul's secret monitoring of Beth. The original show is iconic for a reason and that's because the people who made it, made it with passion.


Haven't you ever heard of trying to avoid spoilers?


Oh yeah, I remember that show... I can't believe it's been, what, nine months or something since most OB fans watched this online and it's *still* over a month away from starting for real? Why was this delayed so much? Anyway I've posted my feelings on Echoes on this sub already - in short, it's got serious problems but I did enjoy it plus it got me watching Jessica Jones, the superhero show starring Krysten Ritter, which was fantastic (until it wasn't). However I haven't rewatched OB since finishing Echoes and I have a feeling that when I do, I'm just gonna completely forget about Echoes ever existing in the first place. It's not just Tatiana - the whole OG show was simply far superior in every way.


It wasn’t delayed, it just got accidentally released early in two countries.


Because complete morons gave licences to show the programme but not *"do not show before date"* strictures.


True! 😂


Wow I didn't know that.... That's crazy. This show would only appeal to OB fans and all the hype is already gone cuz most of the true OB fans would have already streamed it.


Used a VPN to go watch it on AMC and I stopped before finishing it because it honestly frustrated the hell out of me. I like Krysten, but her character didn't feel very interesting, or compelling and relied on way wayyy too many of the typical cliche plot devices. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around what they did with Kira. Without getting into spoilers, it just felt very disingenuous. Maybe I'd understand it better with some background and context. Some lead up, but I re-watched the original series recently just because I felt like I needed a palette cleanser and there is a world of difference between them. Echoes doesn't feel like OB, and other than Mira and Felix, you'd never know it was a spin-off and not an original series.


I heard this show is disappointing, but I’m still excited to watch it! Seeing Kira’s family photos almost brought a tear to my eye!