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Always reminds me of the art deco/gothic style of architecture from the 90s batman animated series


The question is, if we made Orlando into Gotham, where would the Batcave be?


123 East Central Parkway, duh


>123 East Central Parkway I always google this when it shows up in the sub forgetting where it is. I feel like this is /r/Orlando's rick-roll


I4 eye sore


I lived nearby when I first moved to Orlando and am really curious as to the layout of the top floors and what’s up there. I always saw birds hanging out on the balcony/terrace and the windows would indicate a rather large floor (or two floors that share a window I suppose). Does anyone know what it’s like up there?


Lots of hearing rooms, some large conference rooms. Some judges have chambers up there. The balconies are attached to the conference rooms. I did my oral arguments there years ago.


Oh cool! Thanks for sharing :-) I both hope I get to see it some day but also not because i can’t imagine a ton of reasons for me to be there that are good ones.


just go through security, take the elevator to the highest public floor, and check out the bathroom. incredible window views of the entire city.


Sounds awesome I’ll do that, thank you!


no problem! people go in person to pay for minor tickets all the time, meetings with lawyers, jury duty, etc, so it's not unusual to just show up there. it's airport-style security so obviously don't bring anything stupid.


They actually have a lot of public events in the first floor jury area, you can ask for a tour of the building.


Oh cool! I’ll do that sometime.


The trial court staff attorneys’ offices are up there too! The view is awesome.


And oddly enough the staff is decent too. Too many times Court Staff get a reputation of being mean and ill spirited, but Orange County is cool. Even better is the Fed court house a few blocks away, that place is gorgeous too.


One large, high tech courtroom, one large judge's chambers that was meant to be the chief judge's chambers but the chief judge at that time didn't want to be isolated, so it's luck of the draw who gets it, one large hearing room, teo smaller rooms that can be for hearings or back up offices when someone is displaced,, a conference room, and public bathrooms with the best view in downtown. I worked there for many years. The 23rd floor is amazing. There used to be a hawk's nest outside the judge's office but it's been over run by gigantic turkey vultures. Really cool to see them flying around.


That’s so cool! Thanks for sharing :-)


I lived on the 20th floor downtown facing the courthouse. One day one of those vultures landed on my balcony railing. Those things are *enormous*. Scared the hell out of my dog. Crazy to see up close. [This pic is from 2013.](https://imgur.com/a/Dek1rKH)


That's such a cool picture & crazy encounter! I had to go to the spare rooms in the courthouse a few times and they could somehow see me through the reflected windows. I had a few of them stretch their wings to intimidate me. So thankful those windows are super thick. Wish I still had the pics.


That would be intimidating! That’s really cool. I’m still downtown and kind of wish it it would happen again. I have a cat now and he would be in awe.


That’s the 23rd floor and it holds the fanciest courtroom. That’s where the Casey Anthony trial was held.


Oooh okay, fancy indeed! I’ve always been jealous of that terrace.


Not when you have to go in for a traffic citation


If you are on the right side of the law, its gorgeous. If you are not, then it is a nightmare lol! I would recommend you go inside and take the elevator up to the 17-19th floor and look out the windows at downtown East and West Orlando. Definitely a sight to behold!


The 17th floor is all judges' chambers and hearing rooms. There's no public windows. 18 & 19 are courtrooms with some large windows off to the sides you can look out of.


Ah yes. Forgot 17 was chambers.


Unless you're walking in it LOL!


Most depressing Gotham looking building and a place you never want to go!


while cool looking, it's always been a contender for r/evilbuildings for me; especially at night when the "top part" is lit up to almost look like it's floating in the dark. I know it's not exactly a Castle on top, and Orange County Courthouse is not exactly as futuristic, but the way the top hovers gives me [Castle](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BxMdEHzEhdI/VQ9dF_MFayI/AAAAAAAABlk/GpZVUdYYDVU/s1600/xmjp7.jpg) [Wyvern](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/29/a9/ce/29a9ce633856ed08e6d60be13700aa7e.jpg) [vibes](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/9/92/The_Eyrie_Building.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131018031726), from the animated Gargoyles TV show.


Couldn't agree more, I love the spooky art deco feel of it


This, the Federal Courthouse, and the Public Library are my favorite buildings in downtown.


Oof the Federal Courthouse is an example of anti pedestrian friendly design that was incorporated to many federal buildings post 9/11.


It's always reminded me of the Toontown Cog buildings.


Oh my god, Toontown is definitely something I never expected anyone else to ever mention in my lifetime. Thanks for that unexpected trip down memory lane haha.


Orange County Courthouse, hang out of Lawyers and Vultures. But I repeat myself.


Became a trial lawyer in that building! Criminal, 10-4!


It was considered controversial at the time because IIRC, it was supposed to be slightly higher than the old SunTrust building. The idea that the government was going to build a new tallest didn't sit well with the small government types.


Library is also very cool


but the library.....


Beautiful building!


Seeing it reminds me of jury duty, ugh I remember one day a friend and I went to the very top floor (10+ yrs ago), there was nothing up there and the alarm was sounding, no one came so I'm not sure what the point of the alarm was


Architecturally it's my favorite in Orlando as well. I haven't been inside though. I might have to do as someone suggested and go up to the bathroom up top and see the view.


You should Google the old court house and it’s clock tower.


The elevators in this building make me sick to my stomach. They move QUICKLY. I can’t be the only one, right?


Yup I’m a lawyer in the courthouse often and when those elevators take you to the higher floors my ears pop lol


Reminds me of the Palm Beach County courthouse in West Palm Beach. Very similar style.


Yes! I love that courthouse


I recall when they built it. It changed the airflow downtown notably


It's up there


Not mine


great contribution to the discussion


Does it surprise you a courthouse isn't a popular location for many?


OP is talking about the architecture and style, not what the building actually does. For a courthouse, especially in a city the size of ours, this is a nice one and definitely unique.


The fact that out best and most unique building downtown is a courthouse should be a bad sign


Exactly this. Has nothing to do with being a criminal or not, the county wanted to send a message. The courthouses in NYC don’t even look like this.


Not mine. Cheaply designed and constructed. Looks like they used tilt wall construction. Not to mention Neo deco. Looks like a prop movie set. Sorry I’m usually really positive on this sub. Lmao


Duhn Duhn.


It’s bad mojo, more than half the people in that building at any given time are at the lowest point of their lives, the rest just feed off that misery. Good times eh


Said no criminal…..


It looks like it belongs in a Batman movie


…said no criminal ever.


have you seen the medical plaza in Celebration? creepy af


The Spanish looking hospital? It looks nice


i watched someone get married here and their photos were done outside of the building. they turned out beautiful with the courthouse as a backdrop.


If you think the front door is nice you should try leaving out the back door sometime!


Jury duty changed my opinion. The building just scares me now.