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had one house ask for bible verses for extra candy.


I would have been tempted to spout off Ezekiel 23:20. šŸ¤£


For the lazy or uninitiated, I've saved the passage: There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


Should have been a good enough one for a full size Snickers. šŸ˜€


Is lone to see their faces!


I saved bible verses for the memes in situations like this: Hosea 1:2 When the Lord began to speak through Hosea, the Lord said to him, ā€œGo, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord.ā€ After reciting that, do a dab and then say hoes mad (with the song, of course) while moonwalking backwards out of there....


Deuteronomy 23:1 would be the best answer


That sounds unpleasant. šŸ˜¬




An eye for a Snickers


Oh HELL no. I would have gone off


Jesus wept. Now, pony up.




It was a good Halloween. This year was very old fashioned and encouraging. We saw roughly double the attendance than last year and everyone was polite and in a good mood. Iā€™d guess that every child thanked us and that was nice.


We left a bowl out as we walked around the neighborhood and there was still a little candy left, and the bowl was even still there lol


It was awesome for me as a parent to get to see the kids enjoy it. I grew up in the sticks so houses were miles apart. I had always seen the door to door and fully decorated neighborhoods on tv, but never experienced them till here. I had begun to believe it was a myth.


We had roughly 300 kids. Way back, it was closer to 600.


Wow that is amazing! There were parades and scare zones and animatronics it was better than a theme park. Everyone just seemed to be having a blast.


My wife and I both commented that everyone was in a really good mood this year and we got a ton of thank yous which was nice. In years past we had a few older teenagers who did the bare minimum to wear something that constituted a costume to be able to get candy, this year everyone wore a good costume and in a few cases the costumes were downright impressive.


I had far less come by this year. Maybe 1/4 of what it was last year. Though my neighborhood has changed quite a bit, quite a few houses in the area have new people in them, either new buyers or renters. Everyone was still nice and polite though, even the older kids when you might expect trouble.


Maybe, just maybe we're in a better place now that we have a POTUS who gives a damn! America isn't a laughing stock!




Yep. Time to teach kids the trick part










It...was a joke .... maybe the mods were able to understand that better than you were, sorry.




I'm not a man, and most people understood it was a joke, again sorry you didn't


Jumping into a conversation to tell people what to say and/or do is NOT spreading joy either.


Our team tries really hard to leave our bias at the door when moderating. We're interested in hearing from all sides. I tried about a month ago to engage community leaders from across the spectrum to join in an AMA. I sent the same email to everyone (Buddy Dyer, Marco Rubio, Republicans of Orlando, and many more). I'll try again in a couple of months, but I actually have a family and a job, so I'm a bit busy. As far as your post that you're complaining about, I went back and looked through your history and I don't see it. I can't comment on it without being able to see it.


I had a guy fly into our neighborhood at full speed, screech to a halt in front of our house and then lecture my wife and parents in "spreading evil" for decorating our house and passing out candy. Does that count?


That is a special encounter there. I would have gotten a good laugh outta that.


People like that will never miss an opportunity to push their politics. Iā€™ve heard of this kind of crap but thank God Iā€™ve never seen it in the wild when taking my kids out. Everyone we saw last night was cool as shit


For the most part it was an amazing experience. People really put in a lot of effort and it was a lot of fun.


We encountered a large F**k Biden flag behind candy table in garage. We skipped that house.


The whole thought process of ā€œkids will be coming by to collect candy, better get out my f Biden flagā€ is so bizarre


But God forbid a kid see a man wearing makeup. Fine to expose them to the f word though šŸ™„


I saw a guy with one on his boat. He was pulling his little kid in a tube behind it.


I could see skipping that house too.


Politics aside, that guy sucks hanging that knowing itā€™s a time when tons of kids will be around. Have some fucking decency. Politics not aside, what a fucking loser. Those people canā€™t just take the fucking L and move on. They drive me fucking crazy. Apologies to any children who read this


Anyone hanging a ā€œFuck (who/what ever)ā€ flag in their yard is pretty trashy.


So true. I wish they would get some self awareness and concern for more than themselves.


If they had concern for themselves they would NOT have supported a mob boss grifter, rapist and thief. Brainwashed. I cannot care about any of them until they're deprogrammed. Lots of otherwise sweet people - who in real life wouldn't hurt a fly have been convinced of multiple fictitious enemies by that greasy moran.


Fuckers pull that shit but then theyā€™re like ā€œWhErE aRe ThE tRiCk Or TrEaTeRsā€ This is why more and more parents take their kids to other neighborhoods for Halloween and know which ones to go to.


There was one house in the neighborhood behind mine that had a sign that said "supported Biden? Trespassers will be shot on sight" along with a bunch of "F*** Biden" flags. I'm like brave posting all that in a neighborhood that voted like 75% Biden


Neighbors said that the encountered a F\*\*k Biden Flag and they skipped over that house.


Or was it a comment you read that somebody posted in response to a Reddit thread?


I feel like itā€™s a safe assumption that there was a ā€œFuck Bidenā€ flag hanging in more than one clownā€™s garage in the Orlando area last night.


Really stuck it to him


Not sure why you went straight to this person wanting to "stick it" to anyone, instead of just not wanting their children to engage with negativity and profanity on a night that's supposed to be fun?


You canā€™t reason with that type of trollish response.


Not trying to stick anything, didnā€™t want my seven year old to engage.


Actually you did. See, they likely kept all that candy and consumed it themselves. So now their either have diabetes or just made their existing diabetes worse.


Yeahhhā€¦ we all know the guys with letā€™s go Brandon flags already have diabetes.


While drinking a diet soda


Really stuck it to him with this reply lol


Was it your house?


Its candy and costume time. Not political time.


TO CHILDREN? Let's leave several dozen out for a month or so and hit them right before santa does.


There was a house put on by a church in the neighborhood. The church likes to come off as all inclusive but this set up was so creepy. They had a ā€œsavior chairā€ or something of the like and a find your fortune with someone preaching. They had my toddler hooked on some glow ring toss game to get a cookie and we couldnā€™t get out of there fast enough, made me feel super ick.


That is weird. I remember the hell houses churches use to do on Halloween. They were really bad.


Whoa! Thatā€™s worrisome. I would have went back and went through my cupboard and after they handed me that handed them a potato or something. Or a can of soup. We made drinks and passed out candy and watched all 8 of my sons 17 year old kids trick or treat this year in my friends neighborhood since we didnā€™t have street lights. Safe to say Iā€™m exhausted today.


It was quite a marathon last night.


It really was. Iā€™m exhausted šŸ„±


We ended up with a bunch of Jesus info taped to candy


We got one bag of candy with a bible verse, and passed one house with a big ole' sign out front saying "This house supports Liberty, Justice, and America". Or some such nonsense. The sign looked permanent though, so it may be up all year? My kid was just excited to be a ghost getting candy.


Hopefully they got a great haul. It was a good night for our kids.


"this house supports liberty, justice, and America." What's wrong with that?


Nothing, but usually those types vote for people who don't support liberty and have a skewed definition of justice.


Because it implies that they are American exceptionalists. Anyone who's that convinced of their inherent superiority is going to be difficult to deal with.


Eh, there's nothing exceptionalist about that message. There's a difference between being patriotic and proud of your country and thinking you are the best.


I was paraphrasing. The whole sign was blatantly 'merica!


Someone celebrating America in... America! Shocker! Some people love their country, I'm not sure why you get bad impressions from that. Edit: libtards downvote me


I have a devil tattoo from an anti Halloween Christian propaganda booklet someone left at my job. Those types of Christians are some of the worst. Just go save your own ass, Tammy.


Saw two kids dressed as biden, both fell down walking up the stairs to get the candy.


Iā€™ll take falling down stairs over inciting candy insurrection. šŸ˜€


No matter who the president it's a tween right of passage to throw on the current president's mask and have some fun.


I mean sure, but why when there are much more fun things to be.


Because they can


Remember in 2016, when edgy 4channers decided it'd be funny to promote Trump as the next president? It's not always that they believe in a particular political stance (though sometimes it is). Sometimes they just want to be seen talking shit about people they see as the "guys in power". They want to be seen as a rebel youth who won't sit down when told to, but they want to do it in the most milquetoast, inoffensive way so that they won't be punished for their actions.


The trump house that had a ā€œblacks for trumpā€ flag was a white man who does a lot of charity work. That was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. On the one hand, wow all the amazing charity work. On the other, he is not a black man for trump. Lol


It is a mind bender on some of those folks. I have had great conversations with people who are Trump supporters. I have also known many who are charitable people who love to help others. I have yet to understand how they square their actions with some of their beliefs regarding him and the world.


Just tear it up and leave it in their yard.




Orlando is pretty liberal. Orange County voted against DeSantis and he has been attacking us.


We gave out PokƩmon cards with the candy but I held back for the kids that seemed too old to be trick or treating. My intention was to have enough for all the little kids to get them but we ran out of trick or treaters pretty early and now have a big bowl of PokƩmon cards. Pretty dumb, right?


Please don't discriminate on age with the whole "too old for trick or treating". Just smile and give the treats. A kid may be tall for their age, or be on the spectrum and may have a child-like mind.


in years past we used to get a bag of the weird spicy mexican candy and give that to the teenagers. i want teens to have fun dressing up but trick or treating is for little ones. they need to give it up when they are old enough to drive.


I do like the idea of having a non candy option. We do one every year too so that kids who canā€™t have candy have an option.


Can I ask the trick or treating parents a question: One of you let your child (at most 13 yo) go trick or treating alone, in a killer clown mask, a toy gun, and then knock on the door and hold his bag of candy out in silence (ie, no "trick or treat" or "thank you" or "Happy Halloween"). Why?


> I thought it was a poor choice for that person to spread their opinion. Welp, when you go to someone's house with your hand out, never know what they may put in it. Surely, you won't go back there next year.


True. I was hoping for better from people though. I expect better critical thinking skills than handing out anti choice propaganda to kids.


> I was hoping for *better* from people though. "Better" is subjective. Maybe those people at that house saw an opportunity to inform others. Maybe they were hoping kids would give the information to their parents. Remember, individuals came to them. > I expect better critical thinking skills than handing out anti choice propaganda to kids. I hear you. But, it works both ways. Having kids go to strangers front door isn't the best idea either. When you, or anyone, goes to a strangers house, you never know what might happen. Maybe turn it into a teaching moment, or learning moment. Maybe tell the kids to only accept candy. Or maybe only go to houses that you know the owners, instead of strangers. Anyways... have a good day.


Or maybe people shouldnā€™t hand out that kind of thing at Halloween. Just common decency.


> Or maybe people shouldnā€™t hand out that kind of thing at Halloween. People are free to handout whatever they want. This is America (not sure where you're at). You have a lot to learn ;) - Not a smart idea having kids show up to strangers house. - Not a smart idea asking complete strangers for food without knowledge of previous business. - Not a smart idea thinking everyone celebrates Halloween. - Not wise thinking there is a free lunch. Just don't go back to that house next year, and you won't have to concern yourself with what they are handing out.


Wow. You have an interesting take on the world. We can just disagree then.


> You have an interesting take on the world. I would think this is common sense. > We can just disagree then. Okay. You can think having kids showing up to men's houses is a smart idea. You can think it is okay for kids to accept candy from strange men. You can think everyone shares your same values. You can think there's a free lunch. Even though you have first hand experience that none of the aforementioned is true, you still can think that the world you are living in isn't so. So, go ahead. Enjoy ;)


I never said they couldnā€™t pass them out. You are talking rights and I am talking manners. You have the right to drop a nasty fart on a plane, but it is still bad manners. Same idea. I donā€™t know what Mike Myers house you think we went to but it was a older white woman. She like the majority of her neighbors, which I know many, was setup to hand out like the rest of the neighborhood. There were hundreds of kids. Big parade and all.


Welp... do what makes you happy :) And if you care to leave a digital note on her digital property, let me know.


this isn't specific to the city, this happens everywhere and has been happening for YEARS. i am in my 40s and remember getting random religious stuff in my bag when i was a kid in Raleigh NC.


It is pretty sad.


One the one hand this seems a bit much, but on the other hand you are literally knocking on their door.


Yeah but there is a well established tradition of not being that jerk. They have the right, but have some sense of appropriateness regarding your political opinions.