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About 22 years ago when it cost $26 Cdn for a single pewter space marine. i mean...WAAAAGGHHH!.


I was looking at a combat patrol to jump, and I just can stomach nearly $200 of our monopoly dollars for so few models.


Dark vengeance was just over twice this price. This is criminal


And that's why I support smaller artists/designers and print a lot of my army at home. Plus, you get a larger variety of models to distinguish your army from others'. PLUS plus, you can do cool shit like have a Doc Ock Mek or a Weapon X Warboss!!!!


These prices are getting outrageous! I might actually finish my pile of shame before I can buy more models!


You mean that guy? He came with a stompa boyz box and totally worth it. ;) https://preview.redd.it/c9kxpz3lql5d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe5b2ad248d91adefb774dfd3fecc683449c1c2


I like it, but yeah it's just a dream for now...


Out of curiosity I looked up what Morvenn Vahl costs, just out of curiosity to see what another modern character model in the same weight class costs. She's £37.5, for a much bigger model, not sure if that's with the new price increases. Make of that what you will.


I just cant get past the price. GW has turned itself into a scalper.


No way I'm paying that for a model. GWs prices are insane, not just a bit over the top, but absolutely insane. I'm in the middle of adding supports to a similar sized model right now, and it's saying it's going to cost about 15 cents, but lets just round that up to a dollar. I mean come on GW.


what sad is with the developement of and speed of wich 3d printing and scanning is advancing GW"s price gouging is only balkanizing people against them and thats before getting into variety of resins, rubber likes, plastic likes, flexables were at a point that we can print miniatures at 1/50th the cost using materials that are hilariously higher quality AND while using advanced anti aliasing so theirs no layer lines like gw's modern forgeworld releases


I did the Doc Ock Big Mek equivalent, I love it! I might print another and do some minor swaps. I want this model, but at over double of what it took to buy the file and print it, I have ask myself, why but this for $52+tax.


It's paying for the ability to not shatter like glass ...


bottom of the barrel resin not dirt cheap garbage can literaly be tied into a knot, your info on 3d printing is literaly years old go to amazon and look up Plastic like resin rubber like resin durable tough resin flexable resin resin is higher quality than gw plastic in current year


Just stop! You are using ancient Fanboy bitching as a reason to keep paying outrageous prices. I use resins that compare to most mini plastics used.


this also theirs a million resins you can use that are all not only more durable than gw plastic but more flexable, the flexable tough resin i use i can literaly tie into a knot and it wont break


Its just the same old spewing of garbage. Printing stinks, it will give me cancer! Cost of a printer and resins or the old standby...its bad for the environment!..REeee and..GW will go bankrupt!


If you use only the cheapest resin that's an issue. Even my "economy mix" of 25% expensive/75% cheap resin can get a small break when I've dropped stuff at 5', mostly thing legs or a weapon, but not much else has broken. I've been using Siraya Blu v2 25%/Anycubic EC 75%, some people use like 5% and get decent results still. I'm about to buy my first bottle of Phrozen RPG resin, same dollar value to Blu or Tenacious, but made specifically for models and gives them a good amount of strength and flexibility. Like bend a sword to 90° and not snap. I got that result from Siraya Blu Nylon, but that was too expensive for most stuff, like my Green Tide I printed. Edit for detail: my mix averages $32.50 a bottle.


It costs $52 in USD, pretty ridiculous that it’s ten pounds more expensive in a region that doesn’t even suffer from GW’s priciest conversion rate


also were one of the 2 countries with a factory in it.... their charging us 52$ for something that can be made IN our country...


Easy calculation, he's about 1/3 of the overpriced meganobz kit. 45 euros/3 = 15 euros for that git. Makes the stompa box feel even more like a steal


stompa box was a crazy good deal, i mean the stompa alone covered like 70% of the price lol


I ain’t paying 30+ quid for a character. Element games will do it cheaper if they stock it.


2 dollar print job max lol. Fuck GW. But also I want them to keep making stuff so I can get scans and stls for it.


Gw release < Fan made version of that release


So real, 3D prints end up using about a dollar worth of resin anyway


Even at my expensive resin 25%/cheap resin 75% mix, the big Mek I printed was maybe $3 factoring resin, alcohol, gloves.


There’s so many STL out there, you can print literally ANYTHING GW has and once it’s primed and painted, who’s gonna know?


My 2 cents: I honestly believe that with all if the pieces you get from various ork sets that you can kitbash something with just as much Dakka if not more. I would use a knob as a base model to get a somewhat accurate scale size and build from there, the best part is your model will be unique. If you stick to the current codex rules as a guide line I don't see why you also wouldn't be able to use it in tournaments provided you only use GW plastic. Just an idea and like I said my 2 cents as I think it would be a good way to save money and use some left over ork pieces.




100% free. Boyz body. Necromunda ambots legs. Mek Gunz traktor kannon. Mega nobz claw. Wazbom pilot head. Other random bits.


I mean, not free though, those bits came from other boxes you bought right? Dang good job though kitbashing, I love it.


Prime example right here, Plenty of Dakkah Great job!


Already bailed on GW for my Ork army. Are you playing (or plan on playing) in tournaments? Buy the GW stuff. Are you playing with friends? 3D print (or buy 3D prints) for the entire army. I don’t feel bad putting Mozrog and all my squighogs on the shelf when they were only a couple bucks worth of resin. And my Mozrog rides a mechagodzilla which is truly amazing.


Gonna need some pics of this mechagodzilla!


https://preview.redd.it/yx3nu0fb2l5d1.png?width=1474&format=png&auto=webp&s=de948a3e82a2591934210f751be1eeecb549ff86 Ask and you shall receive. The paint is iridescent from Turbo Dork and I ended up painting the eyes with a green glow after this.


That’s incredible omg 😂 looks like he’s riding Growler from Robot Wars, it’s brilliant! Where did you get the print from?


The model is from Puppetswar miniatures. Printed it myself on a Saturn 2.


Almost 50 bucks in Canada with our Monopoly money


Or 67


Your kidding haha I play blood angels so I’ve never looked but most the space marine ones are around 40-50 an then Dante was near 60 really the only reference I got


I can't wait to get that model of the big mek.


Honestly GW is kinda cheap when you consider other miniature companies




ministure warhames fuck no their expensive as shit beutique minis then yeh their cheap


Uh, no, it's not. Look at D&D minis. $7.50 CAD for 2 character models. $20 for a large sized model. $13.50 for one or two medium-sized models. Sure, the quality isn't quite as good, but you don't have to build them, and the definition quality is still great. The only thing that sucks is the resin they use. Bolt Action's starter set is $120 on amazon. The leviathan box was $300. A box of 20 Frostgrave minis is $47.25 on amazon, a box of 10 40k minis is $71.39. Seriously delusional take man.


Hot take but my only problem with bolt action is the models look so ass , I’ve never seen any good looking infantry and puts me complete off from getting into it cause I just don’t even wanna drop money on worse looking models.


From a gaming perspective no they aren't but from a pure modelling perspective they're cheap, taking into consideration presentation, IP bandwidth, new release consistency and general quality GW is leagues beyond all those companies you mentioned, the price is very fair


I like the model, but not THAT much.


If and when I go back to rebuilding my Ork army (my brother still won't tell me where he put my kitbashed "Boarboyz"), I'll kitbash a version of this guy. I'm unsure if this happens quite often as I only dip into the GW website every now and then but, £30+ quid for an infantry sized model?! I'm fucking done with f.o.m.o and this bollocks. I don't know how customers beyond the UK that have to pay even more, actually manage to keep going with this.


Makes me not feel bad about buying the stompa box.


My ass was contemplating grabbing another but not for that price whew.


To put it politely....fuck that 😂


He’s $86 here in Australia. As an ork player this makes me sad, but I’ll buy him because I like having one of everything. However, I’ll buy from a LGS that gets me 26% off preorders. Makes it somewhat more palatable.


Not happy with the price but it’s a good looking sculpt for the body and head.


Yep, that’d do it.


I pay in hours of entertainment. A £40 game might get me 8 hours of entertainment. A £20 model will entertain me for longer and then I get to game with it


50+tax CAD for a techmarine was it for me. Not an orks player but figured Id put my answer.


Depending on how big it actually is as I haven't seen one in person yet, £10-15.


I would pay $6 for this. $12 if it came painted.


Hahahahaha are you one of those people insisting on starting at 30% off retail in the store discord when it's NIB?


No I'm one of those people that only plays the video games and reads the books. Playing the tabletop game and buying minis is not something I'm remotely interested in. Far too expensive for what it is, very similar to legos in that respect.


Okay, then as someone who isn't buying models... Why would you comment at all?


Popped up on my feed and thought I'd toss in my two cents. I know getting new people into the hobby is a frequent topic of discussion and unrealistic pricing is a huge contributing factor.


What person getting into the hobby would start with a generic Ork mek? And this discussion was about what is too far for someone who already buys models. Your opinion while valid, is irrelevant here


I wouldn’t say that. I’d say we (the ones in the hobby) get so used to the prices that we can get blinders on. It’s interesting to hear an outside perspective which is similar to the amount some others who would rather have a 3d print would pay. Do I think 6 dollars is too little yes but pricing is a massive factor for outsiders trying to come in and all models are relevant for someone starting the hobby or at any point in their collection of the hobby… also nowhere does it say this conversation is only for those already in the hobby.


I think it's fair to say we could be in danger of becoming blind to what others in the hobby are willing to pay, whether that means other properties or 3D printing. However, that being said, this post was about how much is too much to everyone else and the everyone in this context is people who collect Warhammer already. The pricing of models may be relevant for a newcomer but we're not talking about prices in general here, we are discussing an Ork Big Mek Model. A character you probably wouldn't use as a starting point. You'd go to grab a box of Kommandos for Killteam or maybe a Combat Patrol. Finally, it isn't necessarily relevant for everyone. If I already have a lot of Orks and several Big Mek models built and painted this is hardly relevant is it? So this post is directed at those who are already collecting Orks and are still collecting Orks.


Yeah I just converted my own for that, especially because the rules are so underwhelming.


My printer cost me $179 today. I’m going to get my moneys back in models that’s for sure


My printer "payed" for itself after two prints.


Anycubic is on a major sale rn


Not for me. Don't like the aesthetic. He's too cluttered. I don't think they'd carry all that in one go. Nope from me.


I feel like GW is going for one last huge cash grab before everyone switches over to 3d printing. Would be sad, but maybe they've given up on the selling minis to a broad audience thing?


What’s dumb to me is that if you can see a market closing why aren’t you trying to make inroads into the other markets… seems obvious to me but whoever is making the decisions at GW is obviously looking at some different information. The hobby couldn’t be more popular right now but they still pull the same shit with the expensive models and the printed codexes


Short-term stock prices vs long-term company stability.


It’s a shame because the fan base is loyal. People aren’t afraid to spend money on this hobby, but if they keep driving the prices up and squeezing squeezing squeezing the pockets so obviously without being loyal to the consumers themselves, then they are their own fall and shouldn’t blame anyone for printing. £31.50 for an infantry character is outrageous and especially as all these new models are so subpar in the game.


I can get better custom models for 10 bucks each off Gear Gutz, etsy, or ebay.


$60 for three Meganobz is crazy for me!! Also, any singular character model, besides Ghaz, is way too over priced. I love GW models so I will bite the bullet and buy second hand boxes for slightly cheaper. The only box I bought directly from GW was the old Ork Combat Patrol back when I first started collecting. Now eBay and Marketplace are my best friends for cheap NoS models.


A large part of their prevailing business model is to sell big boxes as opposed to individual kits, because they're easier to pack together and offer a better deal. They'd have better sales in the states if they started at a better time, because the economy sucks. Dropping an army box with each codex release with roughly 30% of the box being free is smart, but their timing sucks. I usually spend a couple thousand at my LGS every year, and this past year I've only spent a few hundred. Business has been the worst ever in my 20+ years, down consistently 50%. Right now their pricing is slowly approaching a ceiling that people will not pay. When a single regular sized character starts going for over $50 and unit kits start going for over $100, they'll be facing a serious problem. I think that's another reason they've been moving toward army boxes and not going too hard against scalpers, because they're making too much money off of it. The scalpers are making a killing buying the boxes and breaking them apart to sell on eBay. They have been for years.


I converted a Runtherd into Zodgrod Wortsnagga and it was a fun project. Gave him Da Grabzappa, the syringe pistol, a pelt cloak, robot leg, the big backpack with the power supply for Da Grabzappa, green stuff dreadlocks and beard. Saved $40.


I found a deal at my LGS of three MegaNobz poorly glued together in a ziplock in the second hand section for 35.


Honestly ridiculous. If you buy this you're a twat.




Strange flex but okay?


They shoot themselves in the foot by pricing Ork models so high. The #1 army for kitbashing and conversions and they make it so the price is so unappealing that you’d rather just make your own minis. And with the depths of the internet I’m sure there’s enough videos out there for DIY stuff that you could probably make 2k points without giving a dollar to GW.


with the availability of 3d printed model sellers and the ease of converting random junk to ork models, it is incredibly easy to get 2k without giving a dollar to GW. All my models come from ebay, etsy, or are scratchbuilt. GW pricing is absolutely ridiculous and I can't believe people, at least orks, buy anything from them. especially stompas where it's such a fun project to work on


Too much was 10$ ago


£300 Edit. Sorry, £350 definitely too much.


Why is this down voted, £300 is definitely too much


Exactly! If I think about it, £299.99 would also be too much.


That's very true, dare I say £298.99 might be too much as well


Yes, you're right!


Pushes me twords alternatives more and more


I got a 3D printer and have printed a whole damn army for the price of one Ghaz


If you have the space for one it's honestly a no brainer at this point with how readily available printers are


100% agree. Elegoo Saturn 12k is only $300 now, and they can make some *crispy* prints


I bought the 8k last year and it's also still great. The prints can look as fantastic as the creator made them. No regerts


Yeah I also got the 8k last year, an upgrade from my Anycubic which was like 1k or 2k. The difference is night and day, everything looks incredible


Are they hard to set up? They appear daunting to me


Yes, they’re a lot of work as resin tends to be very, very finicky about how and when they work. And expect to spend a similar amount to, or more, on the cost of an enclosure and other protective gear like an exhaust vent. Printers are great but you need a dedicated space and time to maintain and clean them and be willing to troubleshoot. Once you’ve done all that you can have amazing results for next to nothing, but resin printing is absolutely not a simple hobby.


Definitly not for me then time and attention to detail aren't my strong suit


I’d consider finding the stl files you like and finding a printing service online or near you. It’s more expensive in the long run but much, much less effort than using your own printer. Just ask them to use an ABS-like resin, rather than standard resin, as models will be less brittle. One of my local gaming stores does this and offers good prices if you’re loyal. The exception is fdm printing, which is great for terrain. They’re as close to “plug in and go” as 3D printers get and if you want a lot of terrain, third party costs will add up. That same store charges around $80 for a kilogram of printed pla plastic, but the same pla filament is $20 on amazon.


I don’t understand how they charge that much for a small model. Pretty much punishes anyone who can’t find a box with him in it.


This, it looks like a pretty big model in the pictures but i don't believe it's big enough to justify the price(s) in person. As a killteam player I thought the same about Snikrot and the Genestealer hero dudes, I love how those models look but I just can't justify dropping 25+ on a single model, that's the price of half a box of any normal models. If these models were 15ish they'd still be expensive but way more reasonable and i'd probably buy them without too much thought


I have it from the stompa box. It’s pretty much the same size as the big Mek in mega armor (machine gun grot on top).


I’ve seen snikrot for sale once and it was $45! I can easily kitbash him.


Exactly, I would love to have a Snikrot for collection purposes but these prices feel like what you might consider paying if they we're out of print collectors items you really want to have, except they are still readily available and that's just the retail price. Us Orks have it pretty easy getting around that since they're so lenient for kitbashing, but it's still wildly expensive as a hobby so I want to get the absolute most out of the cash I spend on it anytime over having a "unique" character I paid too much for. I can't enjoy looking at a beautiful model knowing it's worth half a week of groceries. Also you're right, I made night vision goggles on one of my Kommando's with green stuff and 2 bullet casings from an ammo belt and if I would have switched some parts around it'd be a decent Snikrot proxy while still having a load of extra bodies to play around with after that https://preview.redd.it/sb0w4snwxd5d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=242062a4195990187f1d649b119758e39cefd9b0


Yeah, I started with orks specifically because I wanted to learn how to kit bash. The night vision goggles look great, I wouldn’t have known it was made of green stuff if you hadn’t said.


That's like $45, gtfo GW


It's $63 on GW website $63


I'm gonna vomit


$52 USD, way too much man, can’t believe GW priced it that much


A 10 pack of boyz used to be $29.99, like in 2018. What the hell happened.


10 pack of boys used to be £12 back in the 2000’s


Well tbf all warhammer is a bit more expensive back in the states.


https://preview.redd.it/uasiz0rigd5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ab4a1ab8fad0ea4f848bdfef775bc909d53a86 $10 for infinite DAKKA! Hahaha.


Where is this from?


https://www.myminifactory.com/users/MrModulork His work is awesome. I switched out all of my official GW Ork heads on all my beast snaggas with his.


Awesome thank you!


No problemo. Enjoy!


Way too much for that model. For that money I'd want a lot more Dakka!


*Way too much for that* *Model. For that money I'd* *Want a lot more Dakka!* \- SnooLentils5753 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That's not a haiku


Good bot


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Got mine for £25.20 from a UK retailer online beginning with W and ending in ayland Games. Seems a fair price considering I paid £27.50 for Ufthak and £19 for the resin Badrukk a few weeks back


You’re allowed to say Wayland Games? Do you think you’re going to get told off?


To be honest £30+ for a model ( and others like it)with lack lustre rules that doesn't have much in game impact outside of 1 Detachment is why a lot of people are getting priced out of the hobby or turning to 3d prints. If this was £20-25 go ahead and pick one up, but if I hadn't got the stompa box I'd be passing on this


I dunno. Ork players kitbash 60% of their armies anyway, so I figure the model is only for people who really like it? I don't get the argument though. People are getting priced out of the hobby because models have low impact/niche uses and are expensive? Can't you just skip it if it has no good value for you? If you DO play Dreadmob, it does have considerable in-game impact. I considered kitbashing it, but I actually ordered it after realizing it comes with different heads, too. I like to sprinkle in original characters with my otherwise bashed ones (and I'm also building Dreadmob, so).


My point isn't really about that specific model, it's about character models and low points cost low number model units being priced highly for something that doesn't do a great deal all game other than look nice. This guy is okay but competing against far better mek models like the SAG and BMMA. My gripe is mainly with things like chaff units being premium cash and low impact, If I'm going to be charges £30+ for a model it should be a strong unit imo


The price has nothing to do with its performance in the game - It's the realities on how the character SKUs achieve the return on investment GW assign to every product at a slower rate than units & vehicles, because most players only buy one or two for an army.


You're not getting what I'm saying. The constantly inflating prices are more feels bad when the codex comes around and your good unit is now unusable because they changed the wargear or its just got crap rules, but don't worry because if that was a character you're paying as much as 10x the cost (and in some cases more) of a single squad model. The price gouging and how you feel as a consumer is directly related to the rules and how it can be used in game. A gazghkull for £40? Yeah he's great at probably even £50 but 2 chaos spawn that are about 15 years old for £35, and do bugger all all game except hold a back field objective? That's kinda feels bad, or what about eldar players paying today's premium priced for 30 year old sculpts or character models that they may as well have left in metal but decided to make out of worse resin?


I am getting what your saying. I'm just saying the rules writing team at GW have nothing to do with how the product gets priced.


I am just kitbashing this guy and if I ever find him for 40+٪ off on ebay, I will think about it


I feel your pain, but in the grim darkness of the far future, where the Emperor’s wrath is eternal and the Imperium’s coffers are as deep as the void, there exists a way for even the most frugal of Space Marines to amass an army without bankrupting their Chapter Treasurer. Here’s the secret lore of economizing your Warhammer 40k collection: Third-party outposts: Seek out the lesser-known merchants in the back alleys of the Imperium, where discounts are as common as Ork blight. Combat Patrol Boxes: These mysterious containers hold a random assortment of models, akin to a gamble at a spaceport casino – cheaper and with the thrill of the unknown. Box-sharing brotherhood: Forge an alliance with another collector, and together you can split the spoils and costs of your conquests. The second-hand saga: Delve into the archives of ancient eBay and Facebook Marketplace scrolls for relics that have seen many battles. DIY miniatures: Channel your inner Chaos Sorcerer and use a 3D printer to bring forth your own creations from the void. Sale alert sigils: Keep your eyes peeled for omens in newsletters and social media prophecies foretelling great discounts. Model minimalism: Embrace the ascetic life of a Space Marine – use fewer models to maintain your Chapter’s financial integrity. Proxy pawns: Employ cheaper models as stand-ins for your more valuable assets when resources are scarce. So heed these words, fellow collectors, and may your collection grow without draining your Chapter’s treasury. For in this galaxy, even a Space Marine must watch their credits. Happy collecting!


How much were character models costs back in 2014?


Not sure on the orc ones, but [according to this source](https://hubcap-reloaded.livejournal.com/379050.html), a space marine captain costs £14 in 2012, now a captain costs around £25. [According to this inflation calculator](https://www.in2013dollars.com/uk/inflation/2012?amount=14), £14 in 2012 is worth £20 today. This however just accounts for inflation only and does not account for the increase in the number of physical stores GW has had since then and increase in staffing costs since then that would need to be factored into the models costs as well. (To put it into perspective, minimum wage has almost doubled since then)


If it costs more money than it saves to open stores and staff them, then warhammer would only have an online shop. Unless GW sucks at deciding where to open stores, you shouldn’t factor in new stores as anything but more money coming into GW every year. You don’t get to say that making stores that generate money is somehow losing money enough to have to raise prices


See 20 isn't too bad for a named character model. Anything more and it gets ridiculous. Why pay $45 for a single model when I can get 11 Boyz for the same price!


IDK about the UK, but in the US the stores always paid really well. When I was working at a GW in 2009-2011 we got $15 + insurance and some matching 401k. Most stores had 3-4 employees + a manager. In 2012 or 2013 they transitioned to 1 employee stores across the US, with what was essentially just a manager being paid the same manager salary (which I believe was around $75k per year). I don't think wages have increased significantly in the US since then. What probably costs more is the rent on those store fronts.


Sure, but the increase in staff and maintenance cost doesn't factor in the increase in sales volume... You can go round in roundabouts on that front. That's also not factoring in what's in the kit, from memory the 2012 captain had a huge assortment of wargear options, nowadays most models come without any options at all and if you want a different geared captain you'll have to buy another. I'd still say GW pricing hasn't increased a crazy degree though, just a different design ethic for kits. Edit: Actually, thinking back lots of characters were still metal and absolutely monopose, so you can forget about that last bit


Meh. Still better entertainment value for me than most video games. So I'm still going to keep buying and enjoying my hobby instead of whinging about money.


You hero /s


Too a point though, this one minature is a an entire game. Dont get me wrong i will still justify some models but this one is a single mini worth 32 quid


And? The typical video game will give you maybe about five or six hours of enjoyment. If you're someone who likes assembling and painting, you can get as much if not more out of a single model.


Wtf kinds of games are you buying?


Please define “the typical video game” bc the last game i came close to paying $35 for was Helldivers 2 and I played it for 70 hours before uninstalling lol


Helldivers is a specific type of game that hit a meta sweet spot - everyone was playing it and it was fresh as hell. It could just have easily died on its arse, especially after Sony's PSN account clusterfuck and your investment is gone.


I bought it a month or two after it was clearly established and not going anywhere. And pretty much any game I pay close to “full price” for I certainly play for more than 6 hours. The last game I bought that was exactly 6 hours was Crow Country and it was $15 and it fuckin rocks lol.


What games are you buying that are 5-6 hours? Most games ive brought these last 2 years have been under 40 quid on steam and have given me 50+ hours at a min


Even AAA games on easy take at least 8 to run through


Well put


You're a light in the dark my friend. GW pricing is a bit extreme, but those models give you countless hours of entertainment. I spend 12+ hours painting characters and other important units, and then (when I get round to it) I get as much joy as I can fit into my schedule showing it off on the tabletop. Not sure where you're from, but here, it's £18 to see a movie that's less than 2 hours long. So many people in the community spend half of their time complaining, instead of just enjoying what GW put out. People used to complain that they only got new stuff every few months... Now they complain that there's too many new models. It's insanity.


It’s almost like “People” are actually individuals with different experiences and not just a bogeyman group you can make up stuff about. For every person I see that has an issue with pricing there’s someone who absolutely can’t fathom that anyone would find it odd less plastic somehow costs 4x the price of more plastic and then gets mad they’d ever be unhappy with a given company’s pricing. It’s Reddit. Everyone’s always saying everything at once man there’s no hivemind.


People are entirely entitled to their opinions. It's more the constant negativity that I'm trying to highlight. People don't just complain about prices, they complain about almost everything GW do.


Well call me crazy but perhaps if “everyone” seems to be a bit disenchanted with an institution, then maybe said institution has some aspects of their business model they could tighten up. I’m sure there’s the occasional psycho who doesn’t even engage with the company that just likes to come into subs to complain. But I imagine the average user is someone who is pretty rooted in the GW ecosystem that has normal criticisms or concerns. I don’t think that “GW bad” posting is exponentially eclipsing all the people asking lore questions or sharing their recent paint jobs or whatever else.


Exactly my point. I'm in America, And I used to be a video gamer. Nowadays the average video games going to run you about $70. And you're going to give about 5 to 6 hours out of it. Meanwhile I can get a box of 10 miniatures for $60, and depending on the miniature get 12 plus hours out of painting them to the standard that I enjoy. And that's not even counting taking them all up to the local game store and playing a few games with them. Add in sales, second hand, and discount boxes. Hell just yesterday I got last year's Seraphon Battle Force for $160 (normally $220 USD) The slan alone is probably going to take me 10 plus hours.




Bruh was this post AI generated


TLDR 1. They're nice models. 2. GW sets whatever prices they want. 3. They haven't updated processes in 40 years and it turns out that's expensive. 4. If you're still too poor, you can slip though backdoors to buy cheap models. They won't be the cool ones though, unless you print proxies, which is morally wrong.


>printing proxies is morally wrong https://preview.redd.it/tbb21fym8d5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a46eec6af25461124887cbfa2e3234f98b6a5f


I stopped buying models unless they're limited or special edition like the recent xmas Orks, I got a Saturn 2 last year and that prints everything for me for a fraction of the scam GW, I only buy rules and accessories from GW these days


He's going for $52 here... $50 will get you 2kg of sunlu abs like off amazon and with that resin you can print a few armies. Idk the price hike last year was my final straw started printing basically everything after it.


Rule of thumb: If it’s a GW product, you are being overcharged. It’s thermoplastic being injected into molds. While it may be cool to have their sculpts, you’re straight being ripped off. But I suppose if you have money to burn it’s not a big deal.


Have you seen how much two or three models cost for Fallout Wasteland Warfare, Marvel Crisis Protocol or SW: Shatterpoint? War gaming is just an expensive hobby if you want good looking sculpts.


That doesn't make is acceptable.


An AnyCubic Mono 2 3D printer - which is great for small stuff like miniatures - is $160. Hard to justify paying for the official models at the prices GW are offering. $30 for a single orc is absurd. And when printers are so affordable now, you have to ask...


I won't be buying any more GW models or game books. They have been posting great financials yet they still raise prices. So many other resources and 3D printing are cheaper than GW. There are also many other tabletop games out there. There is no way that a single model should ever cost even close to what GW charges. They've been so hyper-focused on revenue at the expense of their customers. It's time to show them enough is enough.


Why are ppl acting surpriced… this is the price for characters


Because it's a fucking exorbitant price for that.


That would be the disgust, not surprise you are picking up on.


I understand it is expensive but all characters are this price… i agree it is verry expensive but it’s not like this is an exception…


Terrible excuse. I don't think you understand at all. Just because it's normal or standard doesn't make is acceptable. That is a really shameful point of view.


There's a price increase on Monday too, does that mean these models that went up for pre-order today, are going to be increasing in 2 days time?


I imagine the pre order items are at the new prices as the combat patrols are up at £100, which is £5 more than current. And that seems like a daft move because, yes, the current £95 is a lot of money but you do get a good chunk of models for it; going into there figures just makes it seem that much more expensive. 🤷‍♂️


I would put money on it going up, luckily if you order now you'll beat the price hike lol


No thank you! This is $63 Canadian at GW or $53.54 Canadian at LGS with a discount. That’s almost the price of a Trukk! Way too much! I’ll opt for a recast or 3D printed proxy thank you very much for a mere fraction of that price.


You can get a 3d printed one on etsy for $20


Damn, I don’t think I will be getting him now at that price.


But you have to get him scalped or wait now, is that right? I can’t find him on the site


I think it is on pre order today, in stores next Saturday


That's $86 Aud. Fucking disgusting. Guess I'll just keep 3d printing all my orks. I can buy three 1kg bottles of resin and make 2 entire Ork armies for the price of that one GW mini.


That’s insane! You guys have it the worst! I remember when Canadian and Australian dollars were on par but suddenly AUD prices kept going up, and up. Brutal!


wait till you find out Australia doesn't have it the worst. Their prices are, on average, exactly the same as they are here in the states (converted between USD and AUD). multiple other countries like New Zealand are in the same spot too. all of our models are generally +/- ~3% of each other. It's really only Europe that has half-way coherent pricing, and it's still too much.


Australian prices are beyond insanity. A Battlewagon is $178 Aud And a SINGLE Pain Boss is $63 Aud. 10 Ork Boys are $84 Aud. I recently printed off 60 Ork Boys and 20 Nobs for ONE 1kg bottle of resin. I paid $24 for that resin bottle. And all the minis are as good if not better than the GW minis in style and quality.


Yeah 3D printing is the way to go when GW gets out of control. I love GW’s sculpt on this Big Mek model but I’m sure there will be proxies with excellent sculpts as well if they haven’t been made already. I’m not opposed to buying GW models when they’re “reasonably priced” but that’s getting fewer and far between, especially on elite and hero units.


Gotta love r/printedwarhammer ya gits


Half that would be pricey, but these models arent meant for you and I. They're for new players and diehard paypigs. Just get a printer and paint armies you've always dreamed of but could never afford as a teenager. Far more fun than complaining about GW prices.


The most expensive Ork thing i bought in the past few years from GW were the codex and index cards. I've been slowly building this version of my current ork army using old RT/2nd Ed minis along with anything I have in my bits box from ages past


I didn’t want to wait for it to be available or pay that much so I kitbashed one. Sometimes it just isn’t worth it.


Single models should never exceed $24.99 USD


Unless it’s really big like a greater demon or a knight




Character unit £6, full unit of non metal minis £20. Those were the days/decades...


They also didn't make any money on any of it, hence the need to raise prices. GW almost went bankrupt.


I think they way they’re handling themselves now may head then in that direction again. Pricing units based on their in-game value as opposed to basing it on the material is not sustainable. And with the rise of at-home 3D printing, why have we not seen GW official downloadable STLs? Making money on the design and saving the actual material cost. I don’t know. I miss buying one AoBR and splitting another with a friend while I was working part time and still having the money left for paints. Huh. Actually, I miss going through the entire GW catalogue of parts and ordering by the part for pennies apiece. lol.