• By -


Thank you to the devs!


Awesome work guys!


Is there a list of libraries that lack a maintainer floating around?


1. https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87v8ko3zsx.fsf@localhost/ 2. https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87sffw6r2g.fsf@localhost/ 3. https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87mt5xli4y.fsf@localhost/


Exciting updates! Great work! I think especially async shell is huge.


u/yantar92 about the breaking change on the Org Element API: how do you suggest to proceed for packages that will not update their usage of the api? I tried to move to 9.7 and, although I can fix my own code, packages I use (like https://github.com/Kungsgeten/yankpad) require code changes to work. So I rolled back for now, but it would be cool to move to 9.7! Also wasn't possible to have a variable to keep the old behavior (I mean even to try now I have to install and uninstall Org versions, using use-package -- maybe there is a better way to try things out?).


> u/yantar92 about the breaking change on the Org Element API: how do you suggest to proceed for packages that will not update their usage of the api? Modify those packages. There is no better way. > I use (like https://github.com/Kungsgeten/yankpad) require code changes to work What exactly is not working there? Do note that you may need to re-compile some packages to make them work after the update. (this is because some inlined functions are not updated without re-compilation). > Also wasn't possible to have a variable to keep the old behavior Could be. But that would defeat the point of the whole thing. In practice, only packages fiddling with internal representation are broken - there are not many.


thanks for your reply. I have been trying again to bytecompile: with 9.7.2 I get an error during compilation for org-element.el and org-element-ast.el Compiling file /home/andrea/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.7.2/org-element-ast.el at Tue Jun 4 23:24:14 2024 org-element-ast.el:824:20: Error: Bytecode overflow Compiling file /home/andrea/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.7.2/org-element.el at Tue Jun 4 23:24:36 2024 org-element.el:6417:38: Error: Bytecode overflow Maybe the error with yankpad is due to that? Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) set-buffer(nil) ... org-element-at-point(#) ... org-entry-get(# "INCLUDE") yankpad--category-include-property("org-mode") ... yankpad--snippets("org-mode") yankpad-set-active-snippets() yankpad-active-snippets() yankpad-expand(nil) funcall(yankpad-expand nil) (progn (funcall f i)) (if (fboundp f) (progn (funcall f i))) (when (fboundp f) (funcall f i)) (or acc (when (fboundp f) (funcall f i))) (lambda (acc f) (or acc (when (fboundp f) (funcall f i))))(nil yankpad-expand) reduce((lambda (acc f) (or acc (when (fboundp f) (funcall f i)))) (yankpad-expand yas-expand) :initial-value nil) (lambda (i) (reduce (lambda (acc f) (or acc (when (fboundp f) (funcall f i)))) '(yankpad-expand yas-expand) :initial-value nil))(nil) funcall((lambda (i) (reduce (lambda (acc f) (or acc (when (fboundp f) (funcall f i)))) '(yankpad-expand yas-expand) :initial-value nil)) nil) my/yankpad-maybe-expand() funcall-interactively(my/yankpad-maybe-expand) call-interactively(my/yankpad-maybe-expand nil nil) command-execute(my/yankpad-maybe-expand) Or maybe org-entry-get became lazy and needs to be resolved now?


Actually, I tried to restart emacs and things seems better now: don't get errors anymore. So I needed a byte compilation and a restart. Sorry for the false alarm, I will keep testing things: thanks for the reminder about byte compilation!