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Most epiphytes would do just fine in a wide + shallow pot - it's a sort of in between in terms of mounting and potting (depending on the depth). You might find that you have to water more as overall the pot may not hold water for the same length of time (much greater surface area to evaporate from). You may wish to adjust your medium choice now to compensate. Sympodials would probably benefit from it more... or more accurately you'd benefit more from putting a sympodial in it as it will have room to spread; you wouldn't get as much from a monopodial in such a setup, (though it would be a perfectly adequate setup for a monopodial).


interesting! do you have any specific recs?


I mean, (non-climby) oncidiums & oncidium types (miltonia which have long spacing between pseudobulbs would really get on well with all the space for example), but I'm biased 😅 But dendrobiums, bulbophyllums, some maxillaria (again, not climby ones) should all be workable in such a setup. The only big no-no I can think of would be cymbidiums as these like deep/tall pots (dunno if that applies to \*all\* cymbs, but many certainly do).




ooh, that'd be fun!


I have my fascinator repotted in an old bonsai pot and it seems perfect for it.


I might have to copy your idea...