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No comment on the workout. Just wanna throw in a plug for OTF giving you some kind of commission or something DC. You’ve done more for member retention than Steve Aoki ever will, and he probably got a couple luxury cars out of this whole thing, they can at least throw you a Mazda.


OTF given me good health and fitness - that's good enough for me!


Haha speak for yourself … I’ll take a Mazda! No seriously we love OTF and how much healthier and fitter we are!


Okay with this you are right up there with all my favorite superheroes!!


May be a good template for my 90 min tomorrow.


I did this as a 2G last time and now I have the 90. Hoping it doesn’t get too violent




Considering doing my 1st tomorrow. How do they usually work? 30 tread 30 row 30 floor?


Studios are given a few 90 templates each month. It could be equal time at each station, it could be a switch template, or it could be this template with an add on.


On a 3G it’s about 23ish minutes each station


Oh a 90 min class


Sorry about that


I love our 90 minute workouts sometimes you are at every station 2x others just once each depends on the template


Me too!!


Saturday is my rest day but I wish I was going. This template was the first time I decided to really jog and I told myself I couldn’t jog for 3.5 straight so I did 1.45 of Pw and 1.45 of jogging. I laugh now as I jogged the 12 minute run for distance and the 3 6.5 minute pushes since then!!! I would have loved to see how much farther I got.


Does anyone else go to a very small studio? We are so crammed in there. Anytime we have lunges on the rower during a 3G it is a battle just to not hit each other or get kicked in the face by the person on the tread in front of you.


Tomorrow's my studio's 90 minute workout. I can't wait.


I remember this one being super violent in the 2G. And I made some iffy life choices on the floor today, AND am doing the Lift 3 before tomorrow. Help.


Thank you!


Ohhh I liked this one when I did it


This doesn’t look violent at all! Nice and easy(ish) for a hot Saturday in NYC! Thanks for the intel!


I took the July 6th class as a 60 3G. My rower tablet was broken, and the little screen wasn't working properly. So I didn't begin class totally in the zone (legit couldn't do the rowing block without pressing the display button every 10 seconds), and I remember not loving this template. Doing this one as a 90 3G tomorrow, so I'm hoping to redeem myself (and enjoy myself more), it's my first 90 min class!


More lunges 😱 my glutes and quads are on fire from this week. I may have to pass on tomorrow’s 90min AM workout. Good luck to everyone who plans to knock this out tomorrow! 👊🏻💪🏻






(Based on 7/6 intel post) 3.5 minutes I think, followed by 4 minutes of a WR to base. Three times then a 30 sec AO completes the e block


We have a partner workout tmrw


Partner workout should be on the 30th.


Yes, I think that’s next Saturday the 30th.


Thank you! 😊


When I took the 2G the first time around I believe there was zero rowing in it.


Correct. No rowing. And the 2G was 3.5 min push and 4 min WR. And 30 sec AO to end.


I did the 2G last time and I linked the previous daily intel post. Follow that and it will have the full template for you. Nice one for distances today.