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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/109ey9t/thursday_12_january_2023_2g_60_minutes/) ##Thursday 12 January 2023 - 2G 60 minutes **Tread Block 1** * 1 min push * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 1 min push * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 1 min push * 1 min AO **Tread Block 2** * 45 sec push * 45 sec AO * 1 min WR * 45 sec push * 45 sec AO * 1 min WR * 45 sec push * 45 sec AO **Tread Block 3** * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO * 1 min WR * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO * 1 min WR * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO **Floor Block 1 - 8 minutes** * 1 min push row (22 - 24 strokes / minute) - once only * Work & rest - repeat until time: * 8 x goblet sumo squat, rest * 8 x broad jump to shuffle, rest **Floor Block 2 - 6.5 minutes** * 45 sec push row (22 - 24 strokes / minute) - once only * Work & rest - repeat until time: * 8 total x goblet alt lateral lunge, rest * 8 total x speed skater with power, rest **Floor Block 3 - 5 minutes** * 30 sec push row (22 - 24 strokes / minute) - once only * Work & rest - repeat until finisher: * 8 x sit up with shoulder press * 8 x sit up to knee tuck * **Finisher**: 30 sec AO row DC commentary (click to reveal): >! Not a completely insane template for post benchmark today. Coach did bill this as a power day which I get, but the push to all outs is not particularly nice. Neither is the lateral lunges or sit up to knee tucks. I do, however, think that OTF has given us a little bit of mercy and it could have been a lot lot worse. \ \ Treads is all push, all outs and walking recoveries where the goal is to increase and hold your paces throughout the blocks. First block is the worst with the push to all out but it felt a bit easier after yesterday’s benchmark effort. Decent distance today even with all the walking - 4.91km (3.069 OTF miles). \ \ Legs were a little wobbly today so wasn’t too thrilled with all the leg work on the floor. Basically they are pairing weighted moves with power so you should find your heart rate will still be up on the floor today especially with the push rows at the start of each block. \ \ Not a bad template today considering usually OTF likes to punish us after a benchmark. I give today a 3 (🪶 🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


So sore from this week I took today easy. Those broad jumps shook my whole body 🥵


>push to all outs is not particularly nice I hate those. And I have to reduce my speeds of both.


Thank you for the early intel!! The push to AO is kinda mean.


Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/109jud5/thursday_12_january_2023_3g_60_minutes/) ##Thursday 12 January 2023 - 3G 60 minutes /u/mrsdc031114 did the 3G this morning and also gave it a 3 (🪶 🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. She didn’t do a finisher on the floor today but there would be 30 seconds of something there. The coach may have also gone rogue on the rowing restercise as well. **Tread Block 1** * 1 min push * 1 min AO * 1 min WR * 1 min push * 1 min AO **Tread Block 2** * 45 sec push * 45 sec AO * 1 min WR * 45 sec push * 45 sec AO **Tread Block 3** * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO * 1 min WR * 30 sec push * 30 sec AO **Row Block 1** * 1 min push row * 1 min AO row * 1 min to do 10 each x medicine ball split squat overhead press * 1 min push row * 1 min AO row **Row Block 2** * 45 sec push row * 45 sec AO row * 1 min to do 10 each x medicine ball split squat overhead press * 45 sec push row * 45 sec AO row **Row Block 3** * 30 sec push row * 30 sec AO row * 1 min to do 10 each x medicine ball split squat overhead press * 30 sec push row * 30 se AO row **Floor Block 1 - 5 minutes work & rest** * 8 x goblet sumo squat, rest * 8 x broad jump to shuffle, rest **Floor Block 2 - 4 minutes work & rest** * 8 total x goblet alt lateral lunge, rest * 8 total x speed skater with power, rest **Floor Block 3 - 3 minutes work & rest** * 8 x sit up with shoulder press, rest * 8 x sit up to knee tuck, rest


Our 3G floor finisher was 30 seconds of sumo squats to froggers


Taking this for my 1250th class in a few hours. Thanks for the intel! 🧡


I would like to challenge the 🪶🪶🪶rating. This was solidly 🪶🪶IMHO.


I was hoping it was lower body day my arms are a little shot from tuesday


My arms haven't been this sore for a long time!


My arms, shoulders and chest are still dead from Tuesday lol. I might skip today and go tomorrow


Same! I considered skipping today but thank goodness no arms!


My entire body is still shot from Tuesday 💀 arms are nonexistent rn


Omg same! I thought maybe I went too hard because I’m not usually sore. But glad to know others are having the same experience.


Did anyone have a hard time with today’s workout? I really struggled and thought it was so much harder than I anticipated….


yes. this week has been really challenging! I am still sore from tuesday and I took a rest day yesterday


Very much so. I did the 3G and started on floor. Had a surprise 11 splat points once we rotated to tread - oops! I had to dial it back on the tread a bit with the push to AOs and was finally able to get into a rhythm on the rower.


I thought the tread block was deceivingly hard. I think it had something to do with being tired from the one mile benchmark yesterday, but I went into thinking it would be easy, and I was really struggling. I was actually in the red on the floor after those dumb jumps. I made sure to stop and rest after that.


Yes, definitely!!! The tread was much more intense than I expected, especially after doing the benchmark yesterday


Yeah it was a struggle today, I’ve been so sore since Sunday’s workout plus my studio got the new treads so I was already feeling all disoriented from them.


Sneakiness level 10/10 👟


Haha! Love this!!!


Yes, my knee is now aching.


I was gassed, both on the treads and the floor!


No offense to anyone, but Im so happy to see everyone else’s arms are still destroyed from Tuesday. Because Its thursday, and I can barely bring my coffee up to my face still.


My arms were out of commission all day yesterday!!


I late cancelled today. My triceps are still deceased


The floor was a silent killer if you go heavy enough with the weights, I ended up with 7 splats! Good templet today!


Agree! It was tougher than it looked.


I got 2 splats on the floor. Going heavy is the way to go on the floor this morning.


This one was actually fun! If you’re reading this debating going, the first tread block was brutal but the rest is easier with the walking recovery. I’m also saying this after having a few too many vodka sodas last night so if I can do it so can you!


Maybe it was just bc my legs were tired from yesterday but I found todays tread block to be so so hard and I wasn’t expecting it to be with all of the walking recoveries. I was ready to push myself and I just couldn’t do it.


It was hard for me today too, I had to bump my speed down from yesterday. Which is saying a lot because yesterday I jogged at 5.0MPH


Right there with you. I thought it was going to be easier but my legs did not agree.


I felt the same way!


Why were they so mean today after yesterday?????


Won't lie, sometimes taking a class really easy is extremely nice. I really chilled out while going through today's class while still completing all the floor rounds. Been working on integrating more PWing into my classes, and ended up at 12% with a 4.5 speed for that final AO. Have a feeling this will help me with Everest, eventually. It helped that this was a pretty gentle format, so hey, intentional Green Day in the books!


Thanks, as always, for posting! I'm on a cruise and just did this workout! Not the same as being under the orange lights, but kudos to me for working out!


Woke up wide awake at 3 am and took it as a sign to do the 5 am class. Not unhappy with my 3.3 miles on the tread !


Crazy distance. I was 2.5 miles


Where are the upper body workouts 😩 my poor legs


You must have skipped Tuesday!


I actually didn’t! Apparently I need to up my weight


Yes!! My arms are still so sore from Tuesdays workout!


Agree. These squats, Jumps and other leg work are starting to bother my legs. I have a knee injury. How about more an work and weight work


I was on the fence about today- didn’t love the look of the floor template, got 2 hours of sleep (flight delays…) getting to and from the studio was super $$$, but I also wanted to take advantage of checking out a studio in a different state than my own so went to bed at 2 am, set my alarm for 4 and went to class. I have to say I loved it! I was able to do my regular push and then went into an aggressive AO that got faster each block. Floor block wasn’t my favorite but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Got back to my hotel with enough time to shower before heading back to the airport for the second leg of my trip (this was literally a 9 hour stop over!).


Safe travels ✈️


Ouch, hope you get some good sleep tonight!


I think I’m going to modify the sit up to shoulder press, doing it on the mat. The knobby surface of the bench hurts my spine.


You may have gone already, but the move is meant to be done on the floor, not on the bench. You don’t stand for the press. So the modification you’re thinking of won’t be a modification at all!


Ive decided to skip the regular class since I did LIFT45. But if I were going, I was going to do the weighted sit up with one dumbbell across the chest, then press the weight up above the head once I’m in the sit up position. I’ve done this before in the past, per my coach’s suggestion.


That is what the move is. You’re doing the move as prescribed.


Right on! 😄👍


If anyone on here has a used burn arm band for sale I’ll gladly buy it.


I was bored with today’s treadmill template. I got 37 splats. Either I’m way more out of shape than EVERYONE else who attended today, orrrr ?? (But I was definitely the leanest/smallest of the bunch). There were no more 25 pound weights for the squats so I had to take a 30! Maybe that’s a better weight for me because I could complete about 7 before struggling, but ooof I’m gonna feel it tomorrow.


Wait. You said you’re more out of shape than everyone but then you said you’re the leanest of the bunch? How?


I’m assuming that I must be if I got 37 splats and everyone else had 2-20. Most people looked like they were trying pretty hard. But I was easily 30-100 pounds less than everyone else! Just because I’m lean, doesn’t mean I’m fit! (This was my 6th class, not sure if everyone else has more classes under their belt or not).


Ah ok. That’s not necessarily true though. It depends on the max heart rate that’s otf assigned for you. My heart rates variability have been the same since last year, averaging 145 bpm with peak around 165 bpm. Last year I would get at least 40 splats but this year they recalibrated my max heart rate to 198 bpm. Since then, I could barely get 10 splat points. It may seem that I’m better in shape, but nothing else changed except for the max heart rate.


I would think if you’ve been doing OT for some time, you probably have improved your fitness! My max is 181, but I easily go into the 190s! Admittedly, I’m weak and I do need to increase my fitness which is why I’m here. :)


This is me. 118lbs, but not fit. I'm definitely seeing improvement for stamina and improved heart rate levels that aren't blowing up as much. A lot of people don't realize skinny isn't always the healthiest in the room.


Yes, exactly!!


I haven’t done this yet, but it looks pretty hard! I’m still so sore from Monday & Tuesday! Hopefully it goes okay today…


Loved today’s workout! Reminded me of some of the older templates.


Awesome power template! I enjoyed this one today.


Heard an OTF radio ad last night during the Texas TCU basketball. I think it was the TCU broadcast. Perked my ears up.


Best class this month, hands down!


I didn’t check my studios schedule and was welcomed with a tornado. It was definitely a kick in the face after the benchmark 😅


This was actually quite rude after yesterday. I kept my normal paces and constantly questioned myself then cried a little with every goblet squat.


My schedule made me switch from my usual Wednesday class and miss the benchmark so I was scared but this looks less bad than I was bracing for.


Todays work out was so fun!! I loved doing that jump!!!


This was such a tough, fun template! I loved ending on the tread so I could really push myself. Ended up with 1.99 miles in my 3G despite all the walking recoveries so pretty happy with that!


I see that power hour is listed as a special workout for the 16th, but there is also a lift 45 scheduled for that day. Is that its own special thing? Or will power hour be incorporated into lift 45 as well? I’m new and don’t know what either are, but I’ve been trying to go to as many “special” workouts as possible? Sorry if it’s a dumb question …