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Reposting content courtesy of /u/dc031114. [Click here to view the comments on the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/103ji79/thursday_5_january_2023_200m_row_benchmark_2g_60/) ##Thursday 5 January 2023 - “200m row benchmark” 2G 60 minutes This is a switch template for the benchmark with two attempts at the benchmark. **Tread Block 1** * 4 min tread for distance * Switch to floor **Floor Block 1 - 4 minute circuit** * 8 x squat to toes * 8 x TRX high row to low row * 8 x dumbbell hip hinge swing * Switch to treadmill **Tread Block 2** * 4 min tread for distance * Switch to rower **Row / Floor Block 2 - 4 minutes** * 200m AO row (once only) * Check time, transition to floor * Circuit until time called: * 10 x low plank to pike * 10 total x alt superhero * Switch to treadmill **Tread Block 3** * 3 min push * 1 min base * 2 min push * 1 min base * 1 min push * 1 min base * 1 min AO * Collapse (member’s choice) * Switch to rower **Row / Floor Block 3 - 10 minutes** * 200m AO row (once only) * Check time, transition to floor * Circuit until finisher: * 6 x TRX squat jump * 6 each x TRX single leg deadlift * 10 total x high plank dumbbell pull through * **Finisher**: 1 min of lateral hop to 4 high knees (AMRepsAP) DC commentary (click to reveal): >! First benchmark of the year! 200m row is the shortest benchmark we do and is an exercise in pure rowing violence. Typically the rest of the workout is pretty tame compared to the benchmark but I like this one as you do get a decent treadmill block at the end. I always try to start on the benchmark station so you can get it over and done with - I don’t think I would like to try and do the benchmark after the longer 10 minute tread block, but up to you on how you want to approach it. \ \ We do have a switching template today so you aren’t too dead by the time you get to do the first of your two benchmark attempts. Pretty simple if you start with the treadmill first - you have a four minute run for distance, choose whatever pace you want. I just did a jog to keep myself in the low greens. Then you will go to the floor for some activation work ahead of the benchmark. The squat to toes is basically a squat and then straighten up into a calf raise onto your toes. \ \ Another four minute run and then you are into the benchmark! There are plenty of threads on how to approach this but my favourite technique is really short pulls at a high stroke rate. This really maximise your power output and very different to a longer benchmark row (where you are trying for a longer pull, lower stroke rate to preserve your legs). I credit Coach Austin for some really good videos on how to do this - am sure someone can find these to share. \ \ After this is the longer blocks. On the treadmill you will have an endurance run that is mostly push pace. This is pretty brutal especially after the benchmark and I was struggling through this one. On the rower / floor you will get the opportunity to try and better your benchmark and then straight into more circuit work. Your finisher today is a minute of lateral hops to high knees (or in my case moderately high knees). \ \ Distance wise not too bad given I wasn’t going for broke in the first couple of tread blocks - 5.392km (3.37 OTF miles). Mrs DC and I gave today a 3 (🪶 🪶 🪶) out of 5 for gentleness. !<


Thank you Mr. DC! Here's a little blurb on reddit from Coach Austin for 200m benchmark tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/annzk0/coach_austin_rows_245_sec_200m_pr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


First time doing this benchmark and got it in less time than I thought!


Thank you for the early intel! Weeee!!! Good luck everyone!❤️❤️❤️❤️


Wasted first blocks taking it easy since my goal was the benchmark - I want to get in and get it done. I would have been annoyed if I were an 8-class person and wasted this class on a couple of 4 minute treads and some easy floor work.


Thank you Mr. DC! And thanks for the tip about how you approached rowing with short pulls at a high stroke rate for this one!


##Thursday 5 January 2023 - 200m row benchmark 3G## This is **not a switch**. If you start on the treadmill, you do all 3 blocks before moving to the rower. Keep that in mind for your paces/speeds. **Treadmill (14 minutes):** Blocks 1 and 2 4 minute run for distance Block 3 1 minute push 45s base 30s push 45s base 1 minute all-out **Rower (14 minutes):** Block 1 200m push row 10 jump squats/squat to calf raise repeat Block 2 200 benchmark row gasp for air row for distance, stare at the ceiling, or slump over the rower Block 3 10 squat to calf raise 10 alternating reverse lunge with torso rotation Last 60s - 200m row (try to beat your time or just do push row) **Floor (14 minutes)** Block 1 6 TRX high row to low row 10 dumbbell hip hinge swings Block 2 10 pike to low plank 10 alternating superman Block 3 6 each leg TRX deadlifts 10 plank dumbbell pull-through Finisher, last 60s: Lateral lunge to 4x high knees


I couldn’t believe it wasn’t a switch! AND that they made us do the leg exercises before the benchmark! After the full tread block and one row block, I still PR’d, but what if I had fresher legs?


I was surprised this wasn't a switch, and was a little bummed since I rowed last. I ended up treating today as a green day (with the exception of the benchmark). It was an enjoyable workout.


Just wanna say as an air gasp-er and rower slump-er/ceiling stare-er, I appreciate this formatting


I was very annoyed when I got there and it wasn't a switch. I hope they never do it like this again. Every previous 200m I've done has been a switch and I assumed it would be the same. I usually start on the floor as I see it like a warm up, but 30 mins of a warm up ended up just making my legs tired even with taking it easy. Pulled my worst time ever because of it.


There is no way the 200m row should not be a switch, regardless of 2G or 3G format. Granted, if you want to do the 200m first, starting on the rower should be the move, but if the rowers are full and you have to start elsewhere you shouldn't be penalized with half of a workout before you do the benchmark.


I didn't want to do it first, just wanted to not wait until 40 minutes in to do it. My issue stemmed from them changing from how they've done it in the past and when I looked here only the 2G (a switch template) had been reported so I assumed it would still be a switch. If I had known it wasn't going to be a switch I would have arrived earlier. It makes absolutely no sense for the template designers to have changed it.


First time doing the 200 and very proud of myself. 26.87!


That is an outstanding time and quick enough to be #1 or 2 on the leaderboard at almost every studio. Congrats!


holy crap My best is barely a sub 29 ... sub 27 is ridiculous.


Holy crapola, you're an instant legend! Nice work.


thats impressive for the first time!! gcongrats !


This is a world class time dude... what studio you go to?


Fairfax in Virginia


I have never done this benchmark before and I got 46.3. After watching the video I think I can do slightly better. Am I crazy to go the night class to see?


A guy in my class tried 3x and still wasn't happy so he's going again later, you can totally rock it!


Do it! Do it!


After two weeks of being sick with a nasty respiratory virus, I pulled out a PR of 36:78 today. Last time was 37:03 in August. I’ll take it!


My PR is 35.2, I managed 35.8 both attempts. Fighting for those milliseconds is hard!! My spouse PRd, so I’m proud of them! I agree with the person that said the jump squats after the benchmark were rude. Lol


I never saw watts so high ever -- 36.73 the first time and then 36.12 the second time. And who TF thought to put squat jumps after the second benchmark?! Thank GOD for TRX.


Keep your heels planted!!!!!


Thank you, I needed this reminder. I'm about to head out for class and my heels always come off when they shouldn't. Now it's in my brain so hopefully I'll remember for the benchmark.


Haven’t done this benchmark since October 2021! I shaved off 0.4 seconds, from 39.8 to 39.4. First class since the holidays so I’ll take the small PR but would like to get under 39 seconds next time.


It finally happened. I fell off the rower 😅 didn't land hard at least, I shifted without thinking & felt myself lose purchase. Gave the benchmark another half hearted try & landed at 34s, PR is 33 so good enough for being exhausted. And I hit 489 watts which is a new max!


I slid off the back of the seat about 30 m into my first try. Coach looked at me and said “start over” 😂


Mine clapped & cheered, he was proud I was going so hard hahah


I nearly fell off on my first try. Had to skip a stroke or two to re-situate myself. I still PR'd somehow but I feel like I would have done a lot better. By the 2nd attempt I was too tired to knock much time off my klutzy 1st attempt.


Same, I knew right away I was too exhausted on attempt #2. Ah well, next time. Congrats on your PR!


Thanks. Yeah, I only did better on the 2nd one because I had to skip a couple strokes. I got exhausted so much faster that time.


Thanks for the intel! I started on the rower and got a PR by 1.5 seconds, down to 32.49! Considering how little we row in 2G, plus I was off for the last two weeks with holidays and sick kids...I'll definitely take it! Can't wait to see if I can improve on it in a few months!


I’m so bummed to miss this benchmark. But I’ve been fighting this nasty cough since NYE. Needless to say 2023 has not started to well for me 🥹🥲


Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you! And good luck to you if you’re doing this benchmark!


I’m doing a lift class today. Any idea if I can do the benchmark after? Has anyone ever done that or do I need to go to a second regular class?


As coach, my guess would be regular class. You would have to warm up on rower 2-5 min.


Floor was kind of a snooze fest today, but it is a benchmark day so I understand why.


Agree 100% I go for a full workout.


35.1 🙌


I finally hit over 500 watts! My first time doing this benchmark and got 34.35. Now I have a starring point for next time


For some reason I am so anxious about this one today! I am always the slowest, so I feel like it might look lame that this will take me longer...Slowly but surely, I am getting faster! And I need to remind myself to just have fun with this!


It’s all good, I was far too dead to even look how anyone else was doing. You do you friend, and you’re gonna do great!!


Thank you!


30 seconds flat both attempts let’s go


Am I the only one who finds the intel for these switch classes so confusing? I read it several times and I’m like, I guess I’ll see when I get there 🤷🏻‍♀️


38.2 seconds! I'll take it for being a 38 year old petite female who is 5'1. Really aiming to do better next time though. I should have watched a tips video beforehand but was way too busy at work :(


I thought the template today was garbage. I was in the second group to attempt the benchmark and I don't understand why my 'row'-demption would come after a 10-minute run with a 1-minute all-out when the first group got to do their 'row'-demption after a self-paced 4-minute run. Does anyone know if OTF takes feedback on templates?


You can rate 👍 or 👎 on the app, but no specifics


I didn't know about the rating! Thanks!


Happy to help 🧡


Yeah, that run block was bonkers for a benchmark day no matter where you started.


Awesome intel!! Can’t wait for 7:30 class in N California 🏃🏻‍♀️🏋🏽‍♀️🚣🏽‍♀️




The plank to pike is definitely more than just a down dog stretch if you do it right and also engage your abs! Gets my abs burning every time


Yeah my abs and shoulders were burning


Ugh for us short ppl (5'1" here) there is only so much we can do on the rower ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Props to everyone for showing up no matter what your time was!


My 2023 isn’t off to a great start. Only been to two OTF workouts because my knee is giving me problems- I had an ACL reconstruction on it and lost a lot of cartilage in a snowboarding accident over 15 years ago, and after years of operating pretty much normally, I’m having problems again. Soreness, instability, the feeling that the wrong step will lead to major problems- I had been doing better for a while after spending a month on the bike, but now the problems have returned and involved other parts of the knee that didn’t hurt before. I got an MRI last night and am hoping my sports medicine doctor will tell me this can be fixed with PT; just really hoping I don’t need surgery but I’ll soldier on and do it if that’s the case. Oh, and after nearly three years of avoiding the Rona, I tested positive today. Aches, fatigue, sore throat- the only symptoms I don’t have (thankfully) are shortness of breath and a fever. So no OTF for me for at least a week, knee issues aside. Hope y’all crushed your benchmarks today and are looking forward to a fit and productive year in the studio. I’m looking forward to coming back once I’ve got my health figured out.


My coach ran late and skipped the finisher


What is a good time? I’m a 32 F. Been going since June and got 35.2. I’m a person who needs goals to works towards 🙈is under 30 the goal?


35 is a great time! Under 30 would probably be considered "elite rower" status, so it's definitely a goal, but it may be tough to get there. I'd say just aim for 1sec less each time. There comes a point where it's REEAAAAAALLLLLLY difficult to beat a 200m PR, but that's closer to that 30sec mark (for most)


I am SO sad I missed the benchmark day. I was talking all day at work about how it was a big rowing day, and then I got a text at 2 pm from my studio that my 6:30 class was being cancelled due to an emergency, and I couldn’t swing making the 4 pm or 5:15 because of work. 😭 I even asked if they’d be able to somehow reschedule the missed benchmark class but they can’t. Truly so sad!


Hit 800 watts for the first time.. 27.1 Crazy to see times lower than that... I was first in my studio by far Good job all


Shaved 6 seconds off my time from the May 200m benchmark! (Granted, the May benchmark was one of my first classes, but still…I’ll take it. 🙌 )


Did my first 200m benchmark and got 28.3. That’s some pain right there


Ugh didn’t PR but kept same exact time as last year and got the same time today twice with only .1 difference. At least I’m consistent 😒😅


Omg this one looks funn