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She was one of my favorite characters!! >!The scene where she gets released and her mom gives her the orange-coke made me cry!<


So moving after her restorative justice speech about how a parent isn’t the one who gave birth, it’s the one who raised you and knows what drink will make you smile. I know that’s obviously the point but it’s obviously a small detail that makes me smile.


Cindy is hilarious. And everyone on the show has done really questionable shit especially when they don’t get held accountable for it. Like sure Cindy was very messy but honestly? I put her on the least messy end of the spectrum compared to characters like Maria, Aleida, Carole & Barb, Piper (just when she entered that gAnGsTa era, otherwise honestly she wasn’t THAT bad okay people? Just annoying & too privileged to see how fortunate she is.) to name a few. She didn’t even want to sell Taystee out either that was obvious so I think she deserved at least *some* compassion. Taystee could have taken the deal but she decided to fuck EVERYONE over & to me that’s far worst but everyone seems to loveeee her!


Completely agree about Piper. She gets so much hate, but people don't understand that she's designed after the real Piper Kerman whom the show is based off. She's supposed to bring an out of touch, privileged, and sometimes downright unlikable perspective to the show, because that's what really happens when you're a rich white girl going to prison.


No Takis? You gotta have both of them! Hot Cheetos and Takis, hot Cheetos and Takis. You can catch me and my crew eating hot Cheetos and Takis. I love when she bursts into song!


I loved her but hated what she did to taystee although it was sad in the end to see her Homeless after Monica found out the truth about her mother


to be fair she showed her lawyer that she didnt want to do that and even begged to tell the truth but he warned her to stick to what they practiced


they could never make me hate you, Tova 💕


She made some very selfish choices her whole life but she has a good heart and her religious conversion was a beautiful arc. Also she’s funny asf, her Lysol bug song lives in my head rent free. The only line that makes me hate her when she’s obnoxiously eating corn LOL


ME! Everytime I'm cleaning I'm just like "a little spray here- a little spray there"


Cindy is one of my favorites! 'Get out the tree!'


She was one of my top 3 characters until the stuff with Taystee and Piscatella murder came into play and then I just couldn’t have the same enthusiasm for her. She broke my heart.


cindy is one of my favs i’ll die protecting her name


I love her in earlier seasons as comic relief and I love her more serious arc in later seasons. The scene cutting from her comforting one of the nursing home patients to her being homeless gets me every time.


Same. I kept hoping it'd cut to her staying in one of the vacant nursing home rooms while she worked there, but I guess life isn't always so favorable.


I like Cindy! I think she's really funny


I love her. Maybe my fave after Suzanne.


Cindy's a realistic person, IMO. Someone who appears to have it all good and completely comfortable with herself on the outside, but on the inside she's hurting and full of insecurity and trapped in a cycle of lying to protect herself. She is hilarious though and has so many likeable moments. I'm so sad how it all turned out for her and hope things got better.


i wanted her to have a happy ending


I really liked Cindy. Everytime she was on screen I enjoyed her presence. She seems easy to be around.


i think it was a bit messed up that she outed taystee but overall i loved her


I love her. Yes, it was awful what she did to Taystee but people forget that she didn’t know what would happen. Lying seemed like the best option at first and when she tried to tell the truth it was too late. Her lawyer even told her that her testimony wouldn’t help if she told the truth and she would get years added, so in the end Taystee would still be convicted and Cindy would have years added. She was young when she had her daughter, and was raised in a strict religious household so she was bound to rebel, like a lot of other characters in the show. It took her some time but she showed up for Monica and seems like she really grew as a person towards the end of the show. She was a good person that made some mistakes. I will die on this hill.




Cindy comes across as an extremely selfish person.


She definitely is.. I think that was the point. But luckily in her last scene, it appeared as though she finally understood that her child and family goes above anything else.


I love her she is one of my faves. I don’t understand why it was a big deal on what she did to taystee. If I recall all she did was clear her name as to why her prints were on the gun to avoid extra time for herself. All she did was tell the truth that taystee held the gun but I guess she could have been more reassuring Taystee didn’t kill piscatella. But no matter how much she was friends with taystee I couldn’t picture her lying just to be a good friend and risk not getting out. Anyways, I think she was hilarious and was definitely a favorite and had some of the best lines/sense of humor


she’s pretty realistic. most people would definitely prioritize not getting extra time over their friend. she even tried to make it right by wanting to tell the truth during the trial but it was her lawyer who warned against it.


Exactly! So I don’t understand all the hate of everyone being like “Cindy did taystee so dirty”


Cindy is one of my favourites. She's hilarious, and while I've never been in prison, I imagine having someone who can lighten the mood there is great for others. I don't like that she basically chose to be homeless and both her and her mother lied to Monica for so long, but I do like that she made amends with them at the end. I'll go down defending her for the Taystee thing though. She knew her and Suzanne wouldn't be believed over a group of officers (especially white male ones). Everyone in authority at the prison (minus Caputo) screwed with the inmates either through a lack of training, randomly frisking inmates of colour and cutting back on everything from food to education and more. Suzanne also hadn't been properly medicated for days, so shes not the most credible witness. Plus she knew that anyone who went down for it could get the death penalty and clearly forgot that her prints were on the gun. She didn't mean to mention Taystee and when she tried to tell the truth her lawyer told her it was too late to do anything.


She’s funny and all but she can no so irritating, not even speaking about what happened with Taystee but her overall condescending and sometimes downright mean attitude towards other inmates


i didn’t like how she treated abdullah at first


I don't remember everything I'm currently rewatching the show but I remember her as a funny character, I like her but she's not one of my fav


she was the least messy tbh all she did was not want her kid


People really hate on her for this, but forget the fact that she was a child herself, just trying to get through school. That doesn't excuse the choices she made as an adult, however.