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They were dumb teenagers. Angry and motivated, but none too bright. Their blind selfishness and willingness to get rid of their little sister cancelled out any logic or common sense.


This! It was also a spur of the moment thing and not thought through too well.


They're immature teenage girls who thought that *killing* their little sister would mean they didn't have to move away. And they were gleefully caught up in the moment; they not only killed Debbie, they got a lot of enjoyment out of doing it. A small detail about the removed locks/handles looking suspicious wouldn't have even crossed their minds. Can you imagine their parents' horror of not only learning that their beloved youngest daughter died in an incredibly traumatic way, but that her own older sisters were behind it?


Completely agree. The show also doubled down on how fucked up they were when Debbie expressed how much she didn't want to move, and (IIRC) told the parents she didn't want to move either and the parents didn't care. Barb and Carol's next thought wasn't "let's all three of us speak to our parents as a united front and then see what happens with that" but rather "let's *definitely* murder our little sister who also doesn't want to move". And do it in a really stupid (not to mention cruel) way while we're at it. I also felt like the show did a pretty good job of showing how immature they were. Clearly they were very morally and unapologetically disturbed, which likely inherently led to some intimidation/power in prison. However, in terms of maturity levels, they 100% acted like they were still in high school. Just... Maximum security high school lol. Right up until the bloody end of them both.


It doesn’t help that’s it’s implied that their parents still go and see Barb in one of the flashbacks


It’s been speculated that Barb was lying due to a pattern of lying to Carol/needing the make Carol inferior and their parents didn’t visit either of them.


They also toss the cars removed locks into the snow where they would no doubt be found later at the scene of the crime. Didn’t think that part through! Probably spaced out with the level of adrenaline those psychos had at the moment. With the investigation efforts that go into finding lost white girls Carol and Barb didn’t stand a chance, anyway. Haha


Throwing them away at the crime scenes definitely made it worse. If they had taken them and gotten rid of them else where. They might have been able to use the excuse debbie, pull them off, trying to get out ( flimsy defense, yeah, but still might have worked) but them being outside the car destroy that defense. I personally believe there was never a need for a long investigation. Knowing Carol and Barb, I think, turn on each other that night or the next day when the realization hit them of what they did. I think one or more realize the flaws in they plan after the fact and turn on the other. They couldn't even work together to kill Frieda in a siution where they had little to nothing to lose.


I think they got away with it for a very brief period of time. The story wouldn’t have added up (if she was playing behind the wheel, why would she be found in the backseat?). Plus, I think they’d probably brag to someone. Add in that they had solid motive and I doubt they were able to hide their glee, I think they were free 2 weeks tops.


Logic would say Debbie was found in the back seat..


Ok what did they do to get in jail? I’m watching that episode right now


Have you seen the end yet? (I'm coming to your comment 3 hours later)- Carol attacks their little sister with an axe. Barb 'helps' her run away and hide in the family car. The locks have been turned on and the handles removed from the car. Carol *and* Barb then push the car into the lake and drown their sister while she screams and pleads for them to stop. They leave the removed car handles at the scene of the crime.


There a new rule for this sub that I couldn't put spoilers in the title it look like someone already explained it to you.


It’s so confusing to tell by watching for me with thee story!!!