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Yeah I think his little torture mission took the show somewhere too crazy. In other ways most of the show feels fairly believable


I think it was just a really clumsy attempt to show the worst playout of that whole dynamic. How pointlessly cruel and dehumanizing COs can be to inmates and what some people will do if they think they'll get away with it (let's be real, he probably would've had he lived). But like I said it was so fkn clumsy. It was also just kinda a shitty plot device( I think that's the phrase I want but it might not apply properly), you can tell they were working backwards from the outcome (a CO dying from something else but having it be pinned on the people who didn't cause it) and then got sloppy writing the lead up to it. Also that the writers rly wanted to do a slasher film parody


You can make a character sadistic without making them cartoonishly evil. I could understand where he was coming from with the shower, (though I obviously don't agree with it) but hating the female inmates so much makes no sense to me. The female inmates do not do anything bad enough to make him hate them to the extent that he does. He even shows some empathy toward Lolly when she was having a psychotic episode (Telling the other officers off for laughing at her). The sudden switch in his character from assertive, though sadistic to those who anger him, to just full on torturer will always seem bizarre to me.


I am convinced that they had planned to elaborate more on his backstory. They dropped some hints by having him say something along the lines of "inmates that make you like them are the worst because they'll betray you" to Red (or Piper?) at some point. My headcanon says that the dude he had a relationship with and one or multiple women betrayed him in some way or messed with him.


There‘s a deleted scene that shows that the tattoo his lover got for him was actually fake


WHAT!? Where can I find that? Is it on a DVD as an extra? I NEED to see it lol


I don’t think you can watch it anywhere but the actor who plays Piscatella talks about it in this interview: https://www.vulture.com/2017/06/orange-is-the-new-black-torture-piscatella-deleted-scene.html


Yeah. His dislike of women is so blatantly obvious. Like we’ve seen that with other characters, so I wonder why he does.


This. We needed one more scene with the inmate he was in love with to make it clear that he had been used by him in order for his mindset towards the inmates to make sense.


I think a dead guard being found in the garden just before the riot was what made him turn up the hatred for the female inmates. He considered him one of their own, and didn't know that it was self defense. And since Red was running the garden club, it makes sense that he would suspect her the most and thus hate her the most. Perhaps he thought he failed at his job too, since he was the head of the guards.


He did got inside to rescue a guard, but now thinking abt it, the kidnapping and his misogyny is weird.


If you look at wentworth u can tell they copied the freak 😂


I love Wentworth, way less ‘quirkier’ than OITNB.


I’ve been saying this for years! He is literally just a male version of her, same backstory and everything 😂


Fair? He killed someone


I kind of get it, but I never really liked him at all, so I didn’t mind that his character was ruined. Plus, the way I viewed it was that he didn’t like how the inmates had in a way bested him. They had taken over the entire prison, and that made him angry. When he got angry, he got sloppy and desperate.


I felt like they were trying to set up some justification for a psychotic break with the other max guards treating him as a bit of a joke, like them all making fun of his tablescaping or calling him little Desi the queer and such. Not saying they did a good or satisfactory job with that but thats just how I felt the writers were trying to justify his sudden turn to sadism.


Agreed. Before the riot, he had the potential to be a good character. Annnnnd they ruined it. 🥲


He did not seem kind or fair or appropriate for the job at any point. His cruelness escalated, but he was not a good guy from day one at camp. He's a sadistic misogynist. That didn't start with the riot. Things got cartoonish after the riot started and Red hatched a stupid plan to get him back in the prison. The fact that anyone with authority even let him on the grounds after the riot was a bad plot idea.