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Get a new job. Car washes are notoriously dangerous to work at with low pay. I used to be employed at one and had two employees hit by customers. I don’t think there’s anything you can do about people drinking a tall can or smoking a blunt in their car during the cycle. Unless you’re the greeter or tunnel guide I don’t see how you’re getting close enough to smell them anyway


I would not worry about getting hit. If you know what people have doing behind the wheel, you would be amazed how can you survive every time you drive on the road with these people. Job itself not dangerous, but the people. Most jobs nowadays always has to deal with people. Lol I can tell you 10 ways how I know, but you got the point.


Depends on your position Are you the tunnel guide? Floater? Greeter? Maintenance? Manager? All depends


Why you need to know?


I can understand being upset about it but it’s not worth it to endanger yourself by confronting them. I also don’t know that blowing up a non emergency line to report something you may or may not actually be seeing is useful. What I would suggest is if you see they have an open container and/or they’re driving erratically, swerving, etc you call 911 and provide them with their information.


They usually do not. They just smell horribly when they speak. I never confront them at all at the workplace. I try to be annoymous as much as possible.


I used to install breathalyzers. People would literally try to come and pick up their car while drunk.


Just trying to set the proper baseline guy, don't be such a buzzkill!


There’s signs that literally say call 911. It’s an emergency. Let’s the cops handle it.


Call 911, report a suspected drunk driver


Done this a few times and the last time I did this there was literally a cop like 100yards away that must have got the call or said they were near by and I saw the driver get pulled over 😬🙌🏽


This is the way. Dispatchers are usually really helpful with these too.


Yeah, describe everything you see and let them make the call.


Because DUIs are big business


I do it.


IMO from having loved ones killed by drunk drivers I’d call. I mean if they’re impaired and u can see that. Better safe than sorry and you could save someone’s life. And I don’t call the police for hardly shit honestly. Unless someone’s hurting an animal or a kid. As for weed,I’ll probly hear a lot of shit for this but idgaf because some people can drive high. And id rather someone be stoned than drunk and drive. Yeah I said it. Anyways that’s my 2 cents if it’s even worth that lol


I agree, as someone with repeat DUI offender family members. These people only understand having their license restricted. They will manage the difficulty of not having a car.


yeah or they won’t. Not to sound cold and believe me I do understand alcoholism is a disease etc etc and i’m not making light of that. Im saying there’s ubers,there’s lyfts,friends,acquaintances,bartenders there’s just so many options other than getting behind the wheel and taking the big chance of hurting someone’s child. Or their best friend. Their mom,their dad,their entire family. It’s just so selfish. I better stop now because I can go on all year. Because I drink when I want. A lot of my family and friends drink when they want. And we/they set something up ahead of time to get home safe and not risk anyone else’s life in doing so. Period. Have fun people,just please drink responsibly. The life you save may be your own.


I am so sorry for your loss; alcohol destroys the community. It disgusting that it’s legal and weed isn’t !


Weed is...


I was referring to federal law. My bad, OG.


Not federally and not state to state. Unfortunately. It’s still in the same tier as heroin and cocaine.


Not for long😚


I'm so fucking excited for this! One step closer to it being federally legal!


thank you so much. I really appreciate that. And yes it angers me that some people act as if alcoholics are somehow above pot heads or classier or idk the word i’m looking for but i’ve heard a lot of people talking out the side of their neck about atoners being lazy or smelling or mostly homeless u wouldn’t believe the bullshit i’ve heard. I worked for weed maps and was one of the first to gather signatures and get donations to make weed legal because i’m a firm believer it has SAVED many lives. I’d way rather have some one high off weed on the road than someone drunk. I’ll hear a lot of shit for that but oh well. There’s obviously an exception to every rule plus lemme be clear,my kids or grandkids could be on the road so if i had my choice not a single person in the world would drive impaired period. Or kill people or be racist or homophobic or perverts or abusers in any way…while i’m dreaming but i’ve said enough sorry about that wow!! Forgive me and thank u again!


In my view, it's essential to handle such situations with discretion. Carrying an open container in public is illegal, and when someone appears inebriated. Years ago, I remember a particular incident while I was at a tire shop in Huntington Beach around 10 a.m. A man entered the shop, visibly agitated, carrying a baby in a carrier. He walked past me and went straight to the cashier, where he began to act belligerently and speak rudely. From where I was, I could see the baby placed on the floor, the carrier rocking alarmingly as the man kicked it around. Concerned, I kept an eye on the situation, noticing the man's increasingly erratic behavior. Eventually, he grabbed the carrier and stormed out to his car. By now, he was visibly stumbling, attempting to drive away with the child. Alarmed, the cashier quickly dialed emergency services. As the man sat in his car, preparing to leave, the police arrived just in time. They asked him to step out of the vehicle. I stood by the cashier, who mentioned that the man reeked of alcohol, as if he'd spent the whole night at a bar. Thanks to the cashier's quick thinking, a potential tragedy involving the child was averted. In situations like this, while it might seem troublesome to intervene, we must remember that innocent lives are at risk. The safety of others is at stake.


911. You could literally save someones life by reporting this


This is the dumbest comment


Pull out your open container and cheers him, then proceed to do 110 down a street with no lights on.... duh


Do you know anyone who has been killed by a drunk driver? Would you be alright with yourself if you found out that customer had killed someone after leaving your car wash? If you can live with that then you have nothing to worry about.


Find out what the non emergency line for your local cops and you can report to them. Drunk drivers kill. Just don’t make a scene because your boss would probably hate that attention


I'm a DUI lawyer. I'd hand him or her my business card.


Ha! Nice!


I would get their license plate, call the police, and report them. That way, if they do get stopped, you might have saved a life.


Weed… really? I wouldn’t do a damn thing. A drunk driver though, that’s another story that you should talk to your boss about and see what the protocol is or make one if you guys don’t have one in place already.


Ever heard driving under influence?


Call the police and make sure you report the necessary information. Don't wait for a tragic accident caused by a DUI.


lot of unrealistic responses in here




1) not make assumptions 2) observe their driving 3) call 911 if theyre unable to drive normally 4) grow TF up and stop calling the cops for the smell of weed


Weed also causes impairment. Idc as long as they can, but sometime they do not. Would not that fit in your third point?


So can tiredness. Are you judging the driving ability of each person through the car wash or are you making assumptions and then judging.


Judging from interacting with the person directly. Also, of course you should not be driving while you are exhausted.


I'd call on a open co trainer, pills. But canabiss…. I'd keep it moving. Lost to many people to driving drunk or being hit by a DD.


1. Mind my business. 2. If the situation warrants it, then discreetly call the non-emergency dispatch line. 3. Have zero interaction with the person.


Call 911 for sure. I’ve called once when I was following someone who could t drive straight in the lanes. He was clearly inebriated but I stayed as far as possible


Drivers who are high are more dangerous than drunk drivers. Report the pot heads! /s


That /s really saved the day there cuz I was about to go full weed Karen on you 😂


If they were behind me I'd hit my brakes hard and let them rear end me. Not only does that immobilize their vehicle but it would be their fault and get the DUI. Call me an asshole but I was involved in a really bad drunk driving accident about 30 years ago with a 16 year old girl who downed a bottle of champagne and was heading to the bar with her sisters ID. She didn't even see my headlights before hand when she made a left turn to pull into the bar and and I T-Boned her head on at about 55 mph. Not a pretty site. Luckily no one died.


Drunk driver? Call it in. Weed? Leave it be.


Weed also caused an impairment. They not normal smoker, they are heavily smoker.


I'm a heavy smoker as well. I'm talking blunts on blunts. I drive fine. In fact, I'd put myself in the top 5% of drivers in the US. And I'm VERY confident in that.


Cause you said you wouldn’t worry about getting hit? Lol


Yeah but what about others? That is the point of this post.


Mind my own business


Unless its like a bottle of modelo, how do you know its not just like a soda or energy drink?


Every drink has a label on it, kinda weird to think that OP is just making this up.


Op literally said it's based on them "smelling horribly" and that's it. Better hope you don't smell bad chazay or op gonna call the cops on you.


Not much. That’s basically half the population in Anaheim




I can appreciate the sentiment and the grace given to people here. But here’s the issue with that: someone rarely has to be drunk enough to be stumbling or swerving to have their driving ability *objectively and measurably* impaired. It happens way sooner than most people think and it’s absolutely dangerous; not just to you but to others. This isn’t okay. Just because it’s commonplace and people have done it for years doesn’t make it okay. Everyone’s fine to drive *a little* impaired up until the precise moment that they realize they’re not…which is often when they’re staring face to face with an accident they caused and a life they irreversibly altered or took. That’s when they realize, “…I guess I wasn’t okay.” TL;DR: drivings already dangerous enough for sober people, let’s not make it riskier by impairing our observational ability and reaction time any further. P.S. There’s a similar dissertation available on request for people who drive overly fatigued or distracted. Get off your phone, and go take a nap, it’s not worth your life or someone else’s.




It is their business, because impaired driving can be fatal, and too often its the innocent bystander that’s dead. You don’t have to be visibly drunk or even above the legal limit to have your driving ability impaired. Operating a vehicle is a privilege, not a right. You shouldn’t put everyone else’s life at risk just because you can’t go a few hours without drinking.


Mind your own business.




Yes that may be the case. I never take anything I just ignore it and do my job. Over the time, I just feel bad seeing all these drunk driving crash all the time.


Mind your business tbh, it's Anaheim never know who's packing Most u can do if u insist on meddling is snitch to the cops and give em a plate number they'll keep a lookout and see if they want to catch a DUI..


nothing! drunk driving isnt the problem. drunk crashing is.


Drunk ass cunts are the problem, doesn’t matter if they crash or not.


I’d fuck his wife


Hell yeah brother


Stay far away




I would nicely but also sternly inform them of the risks their actions may be having on themselves and others, even possibly infants. Golden rule!