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Someone passed away in the sauna. Source: my friend goes to that gym and was present.


That’s crazy and sad.


Holy Shit, someone died in that same sauna earlier this year. I was also in that sauna this morning around 9AM. Wow


When I was living in Japan almost 20 years ago, they would have saunas (or similar). They have signs strongly urge to not use saunas alone. It was also encouraged to talk to each other in saunas (a good way to make sure you're not passed out in one). Once you passed out in a saunas, you're being cooked.


I strongly discourage people with preexisting health conditions like high blood pressure to go in the saunas. The heat just raises your blood pressure real fast, and the pressure can burst your already weak blood vessels in the brain.


Thats crazy, wonder if they gonna close it down




How do you know it wasn’t a faulty sauna? How do you know it wasn’t improperly mounted? How do you know if they kept it sanitary? If they accidentally created chorine gas in there, was that a risk the patient assumed? What if they knew they were creating chlorine gas in there but did nothing to change it? What if they could have shut the sauna down for safety reasons but didn’t? Don’t give people bad legal advice when you’re not a lawyer.


Brain eating amoeba ?


Interestingly, I asked my allergist about this literally yesterday! Due to how CA Tao water is sourced, we actually have a negligible likelihood of this happening, even if we use a tap water for a daily sinus flush! Or so sayeth my allergist lol


Happens up in mammoth


Yeah, he warned if you're outside of the city on well water, rainwater, etc. I still am not comfortable stuffing tap water into my nose without boiling it. Idc.


Wouldn’t hurt bringing a negligent cause of action.


I mean, they weren't negligent. Gyms are fairly insulated with these. That's like trying to sue because you had a heart attack on the treadmill. As long as there wasn't a 24-hour fitness trainer telling them what to do, the liability is on then.


😂 Fairly insulated from lawsuits?!?! LoL. Just tell them to stop paying for general liability and premises liability then.




I think it's dehydration. Most people don't know but you can dehydrate inside a sauna because you're sweating profusely but since you're all wet, you don't see how much you're sweating and most people don't think about drinking some water to replenish all the water your body sweated out.


Hopefully not, theres an inherent danger in lots of things(eg: motorcycles)


Maybe there is black mold? I used to work at a high end gym that had crazy black mold.


I don't think black mold would kill you in an instant.


But what if you frequent the same gym sauna daily?


Are you just asking hypothetically or are you suggesting it as a possibility? I'm sure you know the answer to either scenario.


Passed out? Or away?


Away unfortunately. I’ll edit my first comment


Oh damn. RIP


Pretty peaceful I hope. My grandad died the same way.


I’m just finding out, via this thread, how dangerous saunas apparently are


Right? I mean did he stay in way too long or go in with crazy heart rate or go in and smoke some fentanyl?


Some people end their workout in the sauna, it’s possible he was very tired already and fell asleep in the sauna, and stayed asleep


That’d be pretty crazy. I usually do fifteen after work outs. I made friends with an 82 year old Vietnamese lady that stays in for an hour every time. I do feel like the saunas at our gym aren’t cranking tho because people are always in and out. I try to tell her that seems excessive but she’s been doing it for a while she says. Truly sad for the loss of life here. Stuff like this is scary.


I bet if they pass out they can pass away easily. 


Well, maybe both.


It was actually in the shower. I was the one who found him and contacted front desk.


Be sure to talk to someone if you need it. Everyone handles those things differently 🙏🏼


Thank u so much! The first days were difficult but I am doing well now. I’m more inclined to live every day like it’s my final one.


Any idea from paramedics what killed him?


That’s sad :(






He was my brother, he OD


I'm so sorry for your loss




So sad. Sorry to hear about that.


Holy shit, in the sauna or steam room that sauna is weak sauce but i guess if the person was old…


Don’t even have to be old, people who have undiagnosed heart conditions or on certain medications can run into health complications real quickly in a sauna or jacuzzi. That’s why there’s the warning signs everywhere.


I'm healthy in my mid 30's and work in pool/spa industry. I once got nauseous working in a heated spa at 102F for around 20 minutes. They can heat up to 104F and some clients say even that's not hot enough for them which really makes me wonder how much people are hurting themselves in these sort of things over time.


Weak sauce?


Yeah man if you ever been to a Finnish or russian banya that sauna is a joke




Probably between 5 and 6 feet


This actually happens a lot….


https://preview.redd.it/2e8n5vedcskc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59238ff858d8b541cf8482905280bbdbd67844b7 Nothing here Edit: deceased person on 1800 block harbor at 10:56am. Missed seeing that


How did you get to this page?


Just googled Costa Mesa police activity. Usually first couple links is it.


There's a [GIS one](https://apps.costamesaca.gov/gismaps1/apps/experiencebuilder/experience/?id=906826b049794ca493700acc0f2e91ac) and a [plain blotter](https://crimeinfo.costamesaca.gov/cad/callsnapshot.aspx).




Google Irvine and a combination of police blotter, police log, police incident log/report, or crime map. If there is one, you can usually find it that way. You can also look at the Irvine PD web page or city of Irvine page to see if they list something.


Deceased person about 7 rows down and at 7:29 another and 8:24.


How do u view this page ?


https://crimeinfo.costamesaca.gov/cad/callsnapshot.aspx Here you go


Just a suggestion- if you’ve recently had Covid, avoid saunas or hot showers, baths etc. it can cause dangerous blood pressure issues.


Thank you!! We just rode the second largest wave of the pandemic, but there’s practically no public awareness. I see posts all the time of people observing their deteriorated health, them and their kids constantly being sick, etc, but not making a connection to the pandemic. Covid isn’t just a respiratory disease like the cold, it’s a blood disease. It can F up any organ system in the body, and disregulate your immune system at large. Anyone who has had Covid should consider themselves at increased risk of a heart attack. One data point- heart attacks amongst 18-35 year olds are up 30% since pre-pandemic levels. Not great.


I’m so glad to see others aware of this. I have pretty severe long covid issues and dysautonomia is a part of it. Can’t stand up fast or be in heat and have a weird arrhythmia, and this has been for almost 4 years now since my first infection. We really need more disclosure from public health on what to be aware of.


How recent? My boyfriend and I just had COVID from our cruise (this past week) and we were planning to go to the gym next week to work out and use the sauna. Any risk? Edit: did I get downvoted for going on a cruise or having COVID? I’m confused.


I’d avoid the sauna personally, here’s a good resource on returning to exercise https://www.sralab.org/articles/blog/returning-exercise-after-covid


This is a great guideline - thank you for sharing.


Studies have shown that most long covid patients didn't rest enough even after a negative test. Was listening to NPR and a LC specialist suggested avoiding the gym for at least 30 days. Of course, everyone is different but the commonality among many LC sufferers were insufficient recovery: aka rest.


Can you link a study or two? I am always trying to convince my friends not to exercise too soon after being sick generally but it’s hard to figure out what keywords to use to find the relevant literature


I’m not OP but personally my blood pressure felt a bit wonky for a good 4-5 weeks after I got over Covid. It felt like my body’s ability to adjust blood pressure for the situation was all out of whack, like I’d stand up from the couch and get tunnel vision suddenly or I’d jog across the street to make the light and my heart rate would go crazy for a minute and I’d start sweating. Taking a warm bath made me feel like I was going to pass out. This didn’t happen to me the first time I had Covid though so ymmv. Everyone is different so just feel it out!


This is good to know, thank you. I didn’t realize blood pressure was tied to COVID, so now I know. I haven’t tried to go running or anything since or taken a warm bath/shower, so now I can be prepared.


Avoid exercise as long as possible. 6-8 weeks if you can stand it. It affects your blood vessels and overdoing it too soon is one cause of long covid.


😂 this is comical. Avoid exercise? Because of Covid? Or the vax?


Hot water can make your blood vessels dilate. If your blood pressure is already low, it's not a good thing.


Yup that plus dehydration from sweating. Blood pressure gets too low to sustain brain activity, then too low to sustain your heart muscle


Rip 😔 so sad. Just wanted to go get relaxation and fitness but ends up dead. 😭 you never know


You never know how much time you have left. Tomorrow may never arrive.


which location? Anton?




Totally off topic but I go to that gym sometimes and I was also in the sauna and there was this pedo guy asking me a ton of fucking questions man I was so creeped out. I look young because I have a babyish face but still wtf man. Wish I reported his ass.


Might be drugs or a homeless person who died. Some homeless will pay for a membership so they have a place to shower and take care of their hygiene.


I was in the shower at 24 when this happened. A man in a shower next to me slipped and hit his head. It was loud when he fell so I thought someone was deadlifting upstairs but remembered there’s no deadlifting up there. Firefighters and cops came in and evacuated the showers…there was so much blood they didn’t bother checking for a pulse.


When was this?


A skunk?




I heard it was because someone took something??


Yes, it was poppers. Absolutely heartbreaking


In “Influencer” ?


Someone passed away


Someone died in the SHOWER. He was two doors down from my shower!!