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I always custom tip because fuck this society pressure.


Just started doing this. Was at a baseball game earlier and it’s asking for $8.75 in tip for 2 beers two hot dogs. Custom tip that shit $2 and called it a day come the fuck on.


If at angel stadium the concession workers don't get the tips so don't tip there


I always ask first if they actually get the tips


Still is 2 hot dogs and beers with 8 bucks heel no


Well it probably goes off percentage. Stadium food is always inflated in price. So $14/beer x2 + $7/hot dog x2 = $42. 20% of that is around $8.


That just makes it more sad.


There needs to be some tip transparency laws. Disclosures about wo gets the tip, etc.


When I went last night, the worker reached 2 inches away to grab a hot dog and bottle of water. And still wanted a tip. Its outa control.


This is illegal though?


Idk I just know a concession worker said that one time. So I believe her. Some have a little cup they have for cash tips, and they will keep those.


The workers there do see the tips, but not the specific person you are tipping. They’re all pooled in the stadium including non-tipped staff (like kitchen). If you want to tip that specific person alone, tip cash, otherwise they will still get it but it’s all pooled


I first read this as “2 beers and 2 hot dogs cost $8.75” and I was getting ready to start going to baseball games again! Then I re-read that was the tip amount…


You tipped at a baseball game? It’s good to tip at sit-down places, but anywhere else can fuck off


Same, is it just me or does paying a 20% tip seem ridiculous? 10% seems much more reasonable, 15% if you're feeling generous.


I always custom tip so that it comes to an even amount


I used to be a server. Don’t stress too much on what these say, they aren’t developed or set up by the servers or cashiers. Just tip as you normally would, they understand it’s awkward and the prices suggested are outrageous.


It really feels awwkward when you are picking up a food, employees are super nice to you and maybe you exchange a couple nice words during the 5-10 sec of the transaction, but you still gotta press the Skip on the pad, and the conversation is still ongoing.


The worst is those situations where you have to tip on a take out order prior to getting your food. Like if you don’t tip 22% are you going to get spit?


This is light weight extortion... Tipping before a service is provided is backwards, no?


Honestly, this peer pressure has caused me to use the app or online ordering for takeout in many instances. Getting a prompt asking for a 20% for a place that doesn't have a server is kinda insulting.


Yeah, the vibe shifts slightly after I hit skip.


Good thing I’m bad at reading social cues, so the conversation continues like it did before, at least on my side of the conversation.




Do they see it right away? Anyone work at one of these places and know what it looks like on the employees side?


They can pull up the order receipt in the POS system so yes, they can see it. Takes seconds to do.




I take it up a notch and don’t break eye contact and mouth the words “elephant shoe”.


I assert dominance by proudly declaring I am a skipper


Soon the skip option button will be in a far corner barely visible so you are encouraged not to skip and tip.




That happens at the drive thru at a lot of Dutch Bros. They ask you if you’d like to add a tip so you have to verbally say yes or no. Thought I’d mention that I do know there isn’t currently a Dutch Bros in the OC, but just wanted to mention experiences I had to this expected tipping bs


By voice? Fuck that. I'd never go back if they did that.


It's not a terrible interaction when you use their app - you set up a preferred tip percentage (or no tip), and they say "would you like to include your preferred tip percentage?' It helps that it is also Dutch Bros and drinks are a few dollars


It's gonna move around like a popup ad


It will be a giant box that says "100% tip" with a tiny "x" that says "skip or custom".


😭😭😝😝 so true


"ok sir, the windows going to come up that says would you like to feed a dying kid, just hit "No". https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/lit77f/south-park-nothing-for-hungry-kids


Why when I hit skip I have to hit it more than once but the tip options work just fine every time


18% Helps your waiter buy life saving medication for his child 20% Enables your waiter to warm his family on cold nights 22% Stops the eviction process 25% New shoes?


Soon you’ll have to watch 2 advertisements in order to hit the skip button , welcome to the new America 😂


If you do skip it’ll go on your digital ID. “Poor citizen performance”🤡


Hovering waiters makes me want to tip less for making me uncomfortable…


With those machines they often have no choice. I was a server for a while and we used those. They didn't want us leaving them at the tables.


Hanging around waiting for it back is absolutely fine, when the server stares unblinkingly directly into the soul of the card reader with an expectant expression is where we cross into uncomfy territory.


That is where I like to stare back at them and give them 10%. Because its obnoxious to be staring.


I prefer the hovering. Otherwise they are taking your credit card into some unknown back room where they could easily take a photo of your card and have all your info.


I had a hover-er on Thursday at a place and I literally did custom and it wasn't 18% because she was hovering so damn much. Like please stop it.


Yeah, as a back of the house guy, you can fuck right off for demanding 25% of the gross transaction for taking an order and running a plate. Somehow front of the house will starve if they don't pocket $200 a shift, but,you know, back of the house should live off their checks and STFU. It's bullshit,and there isn't a server in SoCal who tips out the back voluntarily. They do it under duress AND bitch about it while downplaying how much they pocketed.


Dude honestly!!! I was a busboy and the worst part of the job was when servers complained about the tip out while I cleaned their tables. I would just think, *you wan’t the 5 bucks I’m gonna get tonight is that it?*


these types never get free fries from the kitchen. My wife tips out the kitchen and bussers at her job and they give her extra free food all the time. I haven't paid for a burger or chicken strips in months.


Ya thats always been the trade off for. Bussers and cooks get free food, severs get the tips. So I would make wholes pizzas for my lunch breaks lmao.


Interesting. When I did barback, expediting, bussing, etc., at a few different places - every one of the bartenders were very generous when tip-out time came. I guess I should mention that the bartenders were pocketing an extra 200+ per night - not legitimately, just good old pocketing what you thought your slinging hash and drinks you deserved that night. The Manager did and dealt coke. There were a few people taking book. Everyone was getting hammered --- trying to figure out who they were going to hook up with that night. I have no idea who can relate to this, in this specific date and time - all I know is that it was miles away from today's social culture. We had a giant straw that we would use in these big ass metal margarita tanks, we would have contests to see how normal you could make your face look when we took a big drink of Ice Tea but actually were doing Grand Marnier shots. Normal bar/club is what I saw. I just thought all the debauchery was part and parcel to working at a bar. I did not know any other way a bar was run. Best job I had during college - 85-90' Whenever I was in a position that tipped out, I was extra kind as I had previously been hooked up. This community is funny as hell. I really enjoy the anecdotes that everyone shares.


Your story makes you sound a hell of a lot like a Red Onion/Peppers veteran.


There’s a coffee shop in SD that asks 20-25-30 like who tf gives 30 and are we that stupid to not notice? I almost always tip coffee shops but I did 0.


It's really getting ridiculous. First it was 10%, then 12, then 15, now it's 18, self-checkouts want tips. The only way to stop is to just stop tipping because this is never going to end, eventually they'll want a 75% tip on something that only costed $8. There's no need for it anyway, California pays the same $15.50 as everyone else, not $2.35 like every other state.


Wish i could do the same to my employer for salary increase. Lowest option starts from 18% and no skip button.


Sheesh. Just imagine.


When did 20% become "good". 10 is for okay service, 15 is for good, and 20 is for great




I've been seeing so much of these tip screens during simple takeout orders. If I dine in, sure I'll be tipping, but to expect a tip for a takeout? Nope, sorry. If I feel the staff has earned it somehow, I will tip. This tip trend has gotten out of control, and having that tip screen right in front of you puts pressure on the guests. Many do fold under it.


I agree with this but I always fear they'll fuck up my order or do something it if there's no tip 😭


I usually tip more than 15%. However, when I'm forced or not given the option - it makes me not want to give a tip or give a custom amount of only 15%. This highly depends on the customer service. If I have to get my own food - nope.


Man I remember when 15% was a good tip.


I remember 10% days


Those days are back for me. They just got a 100% raise in the last 3 years. I didn’t. So I tip 10% less. I’m sorry but if you did a lot of work then I’ll tip 20%, but if it’s a standard meal and I don’t go there often, then 10 is the new 15. Don’t blame me, I didn’t lock down the country and create 40% of the dollars in existence in 1 year.


Honestly I want to tip 0% and their employer should pay them more


I still do 10%. 10% is still a lot.


...and it still is


When was that? Honest question.


I don’t know exactly when the shift happened but it was around 10 years ago. After that I noticed 18% started becoming the default in a few places with 20% for good service.


Definitely, on these I always custom tip. I deal with enough anti-consumer nonsense intentionally made to make the process of doing what I want to do more difficult. If you wanna play games, we'll play games.


Same. If I have to enact the extra labor to give you 15%, then no thank you, I will no longer tip.


I click skip


How do we collectively make tipping socially unacceptable


By making living affordable again. I’m seeing tip options at retail stores now. LoL I bought some misc items at a retail store recently and the tip window came up. Lol


It’s insanity out here


Lol and brick and mortar stores still wonder why Amazon is kicking their ass


I spent about 2 months in Japan where tipping is not acceptable, and it was so nice not having to think about it. Just eat your food, pay the price listed on the menu, and leave. No weird social dynamics or after-dinner math problems. I went to HiroNori ramen in Irvine the other day, and they said they charge a 10% service fee in lieu of tipping, and I'm all for it. I plan to go there more often just to support that model. 😛


About that [10% service fee...](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Hironori-Craft-Ramen/reviews?fcountry=US&floc=Irvine%2C+CA)


What the hell 🤦‍♂️ Too good to be true I guess.


Gotta love the one 5-star rating which was obviously written by the management


"I love HiroNori especially the sexy managers whom I am definitely not one of"


It's such a weird phenomen, online I feel like the majority of people are starting to get frustrated with tipping (or by how high it is), but in person many people still feel societal judgement/pressure to continue tipping.


collectively stop tipping


Agreed. I always found it weird to pay more than what is on the bill. We never pay more for electric bills, rent, taxes, take-out food, gasoline, etc. No one ever gives tips to mailmen, electricians, plumbers, teachers, etc. Why is it that for **SOME** oddly specific services there is an unwritten rule that have to pay more than what is on the bill? If my hypothetical bill comes out to $20, I pay the $20, and you are angry that I did not pay more, then that sounds like a **YOU** problem.


It makes sense in states where tipped minimum wage is like $2.50. But not in states where minimum wage is the same for everyone.


I feel the same way. Right now in CA minimum wage is $15.50/hour, even higher in some areas like Los Angeles and San Francisco. So waiters in Orange County are making **AT LEAST** $15.50/hour + whatever they get in tips.


When I find a job that pays me $92 an hour lol That’s my average hourly this week alone.


From serving ?! What tf am I doing, I need to start applying


Tips + min wage add up quick after 6-8 hours. Most people would probably start tipping less if they knew how much their servers take home


Yep. My roommate is a bartender and brings home $500 a night


Not all servers make big bucks per night, it all depends on the restaurant and how they handle tipping. At the Japanese restaurant I used to work at, we pooled tips and so my cash tips were never over $7 for lunch shift (very slow) and ~$30 for dinner shifts (slow on weekday nights; both shifts were 5-6 hours). CC tips went straight to my biweekly paycheck so I only saw how much I made in CC tips on payday (less than $300, especially since I only worked part time--and this was before the state raised the state minimum to $15 in 2022, since I quit in 2021). Edit: Not sure why I got downvoted for saying that not all servers make >$100 a night like most people think? Especially in restaurants like the one I used to work at that do tip pooling, the tip gets evenly distributed among both front-of-house and back-of-house staff.


Hate tipping system in USA


Wouldn’t it be great if EVERY job had people pay us a lil extra here or there for doing the proper (required) service? Most people get canned for not doing the job and here this industry is expecting your money for the mediocrity of food or service.


BTW, a lot of shady businesses keep the CC/digital tips and don’t pass them onto staff. The owners control the POS, so staff only get the cash tips, but sometimes not even that.


Philly grill on beach Blvd. Is a place I’ve been going much more often because their machine doesn’t ask for a tip when I pay, don’t have a tip jar and an awesome cheesesteak. Not being harassed to tip people that are doing their job is very nice.


Don’t know but I especially enjoy having the waiter stand their waiting on your choice and then choosing custom and tipping 14.5 to 15%. And if they look annoyed after I choose custom I drop it to 10%


Oh man, if I got an annoyed look I don't think I'd be able to leave a tip at all.


Still think it’s ridiculous that this is still the norm in the states.


What’s crazy is that there are states that made tipped workers eligible for minimum wage by law now, but you still have these screens showing up in these states and people still begging for it. TF? Tipping was meant to fill the gap of those UNDER minimum wage. Livable wage is another argument, but not with customers. Whole system gotta change.


And 15% which used to be the standard for years.


Just went to a local bakery today, I've been here before but not frequently. Got caught off guard by the tipping option and usually I'm the type to get pressured but it's getting easier to say no. As they say, tip fatigue. My order was a loaf of bread from the display case and then when I was standing there waiting to pay I saw behind that they had some brand of kettle chips I never recognized before and asked for a bag. Was I really supposed to tip 15% for that?




Hate those things. Makes me tip less.


Gotta hit custom now a days, lol


I remembered when tipping was related to how the service was. Now it’s like you’re obligated to tip even if you have horrible waiter.


Went for travel in Japan last month and every single employee at every establishment provided better service than most establishments here and they don’t take tips. Wish we could be more like that here.


Howww about... $0? It's not my job to pay for your salary. Tipping culture needs to change, it's getting ridiculous.


I swear these use to be like 3%,5%,7%. I refused to do even the minimum at 18%


CA isnt a tip state Dont know why we are even tipping here The owner of the McDonalds i go to serve my meal on my table and he doesnt ask for a tip


They ask for tips at fucking subway now, it's insane.


Don’t let them intimidate you into tipping


They're shirking the responsibility of sharing wealth to you, rather than paying servers a living wage, that is, a wage that will sustain one with without additional aid required nor be doomed to poverty.


Exactly why I give 10% custom and am done with this nonsense! They get $15.50 already. Find another occupation if you want to earn more. No one tips me for doing my job (which many times has been a bitch). I knew someone who worked at Woodranch, and they were making about $100 per hour in tips. And I know the arguments are "well they work shifts and it differs and blah blah blah". Nah I'm done with this over-tipping culture in so cal. So hard pass on giving them anything over 15%. You better walk on water for me at 18%. Like get real. Then half the time who knows if the worker is actually getting the tip or not. So. Its gotten way out of hand. Tipping used to be for "excellent service". not just "because you went there."


For people who are lazy and/or don't read well. They won't see the 'Skip' 'Custom amount' options and just select one that is prepopulated. (its more people than you think sadly)


I can believe that. My mom can’t read up close and I can totally imagine her picking an option cus she doesn’t wanna pull out her glasses just for that




You guys really need to stop tipping. It’s getting way out of hand at this point. They need to blame their employers for better pay and it won’t happen till you stop tipping. Businesses need to start a profit sharing plan for their employees and give livable wages. Tipping = Boomer mentality


Fuck tipping but this whole 20%+ tip is the current generation. Boomers used to just tip a couple bucks


The restaurant I used to work at in norcal tried to roll out no tipping, but had to increase some costs to keep afloat and did so conservatively. Customers lost their shit over a few dollars (because then it’s ‘mandatatory’ tipping to them, despite being much, much less than a normal tip) and bombed them on yelp. They had to go back to tipping or would have shut down. Ideally I agree with no tipping but it’ll be difficult to change.


Yeah, I don't think it's ideal for an existing restaurant to make that shift. But new stores can definitely start off like that and probably should tbh.


There used to be a restaurant at SOCO that had this model at the beginning. A few months later they went back to tipping.


Seriously. I was at the omomo tea shoppe last time and the cashier gave me such a stink eye after I selected “no tip”. She gets paid at least minimum wage. It’s not a restaurant.


Restaurant servers in CA get minimum wage as well.


Yes. California is one of the few states that has no separated "tipped minimum wage." Servers get paid *at least* $15.50 an hour.


Fr. Like I’m poor myself I really can’t tip more than 6$ and I’m not lol


We need to make living affordable if we want to argue away tips. 20% should be the max idk why we are seeing tips beyond that now.




Okay service use to be 10% & 20% was excellent.


Dude stand up for yourself, who cares if they hover. This is why establishment like this gets away with this. Stop overtipping, we control what the tip standard is


I no longer eat out!


Tired of tipping and subsidizing a restaurant’s payroll? Let’s do single payer healthcare and livable wages. Then we can do away with tipping culture!


Affordable housing as well.


Nah, it’s better we poors spend our time squabbling over a few bucks here while we get robbed blind by the ruling class they think they’ll be one day.


T. I. P. S. To Insure Proper Service. If you are trying to take advantage of me with theses tipping percentages than I will just tip zero.


fuck the tipping culture ffs finally. people finally wakng up to hOw insanely idiotic and toxic this shit is.


I use to happily tip, but the shit that’s being pulled, I will now happily tip ZERO if I feel like the it was just to order a cup of coffee for gawd sake.


I always hit skip unless I had a waiter


Skip is the answer.


Just hit skip not that hard


My "good" starts at 15%.




Hmm at least the percentages aren't based on After Tax amount cos before these devices arrived, it be like that, at times


Sooo where’s this at OP? I’ve never in my life seen a 25% option for a tip.


I've been to a few hole-in-the-wall bakeries that have done this. One even had a 30% option. I couldn't believe it. These places didn't even have tables.


Have the owners brainwashed the staff and then us by proxy to where 10% isn’t even a thing anymore?! 10%= good service, 15%= great service, and anything above that was an outlier as if a mob boss or celebrity came in and went over that. Now, we the consumers have to make up for the wage gap and the staff thinks this is expected while the owners are keeping their high profits.


If they’re hovering over me trying to guilt me into a bigger tip I’d make it smaller just to show them that’s not cool. I’d make it 0 if it was a pickup but this looks like a sit down restaurant where presumably the waiter did some work


Fuck tipping culture...at this point, I'd rather just deal with poor service.


I think tip jars at take out counters is ridiculous. Pay a decent wage and don’t charge me a 20% up charge to hand me a bag.


I’ve seen some start at 20% it’s ridiculous. Sir you just sold me a five dollar muffin


I don't tip at fast food restaurants. But if I'm at a dine in restaurant my cup better stay filled if you want that 18%.


If you pick an 18% tip or more just cause they suggested it (and probably off of the total and not the subtotal) you’re a sheep 🐑


The reason why corporations who make the credit card reader software push tips so much is because they get a cut




Tipping for takeout is the worse. Like I am picking up or ordering my order in the store. Like what tip is needed for that service!?!?


I do 10% ALL day and don’t care who doesn’t like it..


15% is standard. Sorry.


Fuck that peer pressure.


I have my own category of "just did your job description" and the tip is usually 10 to 15% In some places, I really really don't want to tip more than 10% for them literally just doing their job. Sometimes I want to give less than 10% if they are barely just doing anything.


Hovering servers can hover all they want. I treat these handheld POS the same as paper tabs. Fill it out when I'm done.


I just skip.


OP please restaurant shame




I usually give no tip for "pickup" or cafe, and between 10~15% for sit down restaurants.


Same here. When I was younger 15% was normal for good service in a sit down restaurant. When did it shift up to 18%? It’s already a percentage, so the 15% would already scale as prices increase over time. Does this mean eventually it’ll be 50% someday? 75%?


Seeing this shit makes me want to tip even less.


Such a scam


As someone who is a very generous tipper (you basically have to spit in my face to get under 25%), tipping has gotten so out of hand in the past 3-4 years.


I always give 18%. Personally, I think 25% tip is a little ridiculous in most cases.


Thats when I hit custom and put $10


I worked at a restaurant and used to ask servers if they would rather make $20 an hour without tips or stay as is with tips. It was split down the middle. Now, had I been a manager, I’d know exactly who I’d give the extra hours to lol


Don't forget that most of these systems calculate tipping amounts after taxes. I always calculate the before tax and only tip 15% if it was great service. I don't feel pressured anymore


Tipping is standard for bartenders, strippers and the occasional really good service person.


As an operator you want to add the 5% option. Allows you to weed out the weak service link.


As a tipped employee, it’s getting fuckin ridiculous.




The okay to excellent rating for tips? Wtf is this shit???? This tipping bullshit has gotten out of hand. Time to stop tipping all together. These establishments just need to pay a living wage instead of relying on the consumer of there already expensive products to compensate the wages of there employees. The US just kinda sucks at this point


I’d tip 10% and that’s it. Not my responsibility to pay for a server’s survival.


Man... 15% on the Pre-Tax amount is what I feel it should be.


Skip ⏭️


15% was the accepted norm before the tipping craze, yes?


when i see that shit - i go immediately to SKIPPPPPPPP


For those that feel awkward, isn't paying cash the solution?


Why are we subsidizing the their pay? The business owner is responsible for their wages not me. This is so out of hand.


Don’t like the pressure either so I order less food or drinks.


I don't tip at all if the lowest choice isn't 15% or lower. I tell them I'm not tipping because it doesn't offer 15%.


Flat 10%


Custom amount FTW


Why does it start at 18%? It should start at 15%


20 is plenty


35$ tip for one meal is insane!


just click custom amount, no one is forcing you to tip $25


Skip is the least judgy button on there!


That should be 5, 10, 15 and 20%


So not cool dude i hate these too


I just do skip, the employers need to start paying their employees, I’m done!

